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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in thepaymer of a certain sum of money. secured. to b paid by indenture of mortgage, bearing dato tl) ninth day of May, in the of our Lord. on thousar.d eight hundred and thirty nine, executc by JMilIer Barker, of Clinton. Lenawee Countj Michigan, to George Westfaíl, of PIymouth, i the County of Wayne, Michigan, and recordé in the Register's Office, of the County of WasI tenaw, in aid State, on the ] lth day of May, A D. 1839. at lui o'clock, A. M. in libef, No. t page 118, upon which thcre is claimod to be diu at the date of this notice, t'ie sum of one liun dred and twelve dollars and sixty one cents. Notice is therefore hereby given. thatby virtu of a power of sale in said mortgage coiitained and pursuant to the statute insuch case made an provided, will be sold at public auction or ven due, at the Court House, in the villaje of Am Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and Stat of Michigan, on Tuesday. the twcnty-Iifth day c July next. at one o'clock, in tho anemoon of tha day, the premises in said mortgage describcd, a follows, to wit: All that certain piece or parce of land, sitúate, lyingand being in the county o Washtenaw, in the State aforesaid. and know; and described as being the southwcst uarter c nectioïï No. thirty-four, in township No. four south of range ?iTo. four cast, containingonehun dred and sixty acres of land, be the same more o less; oxccptmg and rescrvinsr all that certain par of said tract of land, nhove described, which wa heretofore deeded by Grove Barker and Pcrsi: Barker to iaaia Currier." Said Mortgage havin been given to secure thepayment of the purchas money of said premises. GEORGE WESTFALL. Mort H. A. Noyes, Att'y. Dated, April lOth. Jt-i:5. 51-3m TÖCÖJTHÏËas AND WOOL CARDERS. THE subseriber wonld respectfully solicit the attention of Clothiers atid Wool Carders, to nn examination of his present Stock ofarticles in their line, assuriug ihem of their superior quality, (which will be apparent upon examination) and and of the unusually low rates at which heis enabled to sell them. Among a variety of articles belonging" to the tradc may be enumerated: Cards of every descriptinn; Shuttles, Steel Reeds 4-4 5-4 wi de; Clothiers Jacks; Sattinett Warp; Emery; Tenter Hooks; Worsted Harness; Card Cieaners and plates; Screws; Copper Kettles: Shearing Machines, Parson'a, also, two or three Carding Machines. The subseriber feels himself warrnnted in assuring the trade that his supply of Clothiers Tools. togeiher with some 12or 15 tonof assorted DYE WOODS and DYE STUFFS, form one of the largest and most complete stocks of the kind ever offered to the public of Michigan. - Owing therefore to the inducements he can nfier to those engasred in the CLOTH DRESSING and WOOL CARDÍNG business, of an extensive stock and low prices, he solicits their examination of the same before purchasing or making arrangements elsowhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843; 51 -tf. WOOLEN MÜLW1JFÍLOTOR7. THE subscrlbers would inforin the public thai they are now manuiacturing WOOLEN CLOTII with a degree of success equal to their most sanguine expectations. With the machi n ery they now have, they are able to manufacture from 75 to 1U0 ponnds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last three monthsis of the best quality. and that made in future wil be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficulties of starting an establishment of this kind in a new country. Their terms are 37J cents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half the cloth the wool will make. lfany alteralion o the terms should be detennined on, public notice will be given. All wool received before such notice is given will be worked on the abovc terms. If &ny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided they a3sort it thcmselves, and turnish it in quantitie8 of 100 pounds of one quality o: wool. It is much better to scw up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be strong. - Provisions of all kinds will be receivnd in paynient for manufacturing to the amount required lor the consumption of the establishment. Wool sentby railroad to Scio, wi]l be propcrly attended to; the number of pounds should be marked on thesack withink; also the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn asit comrs in. as nearly as can be done with reíereuce to the different qualitie?. (EF Many Farmers have expressed to ns their gratification in cunsideration of our starting this branchof business., and many have encouraged us by their patronage during the last year. We now invite a!l to bring their wool, to tlie amonnt of 25,0('0 pounds, and receive the benefit of the very roasonable terms on v.-hich weoflerto manufacture it. The establishment ís 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Jluron. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf CÍRA.VE STOIVES MONÜMENTS, TOMB TABLES, Sic. nniiE suUscriber has a large assortment of A. Marhle, of the best quality, suitable for Gravx Stones, Mo.numevts, Sec. which he will solí cheap for cash, or exchange for produce, at his old stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do well to cali, as they will be sold much cheaper than have ever been afforded in this State, and of a Quality that cannot iail to picase. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- 1 y JA1IES G. BIRNEY A TT ORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which thÍ3 (Saganaw) County is; he will make investments for others Iands, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and give information generally to persons nterested in this part of the country, or desirousof becoming immigrants lo it.


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