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E. Dean's

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CELEBRATED ■ CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The most effcctxtul rancdy yct discovercd for . lilitiumalism, l'cv r b'ori's, Jf'hiie Sivelle tfcjgij Injlammation in tlte Eyes, 0 Swctled Throal in Scarlet Fcrer, (uinscy, c ij-c. Jrc, THE CHEMICAL PLASTEK. is dn important remedy lor ihoed wKo tirè alflicted wiih ' chronic and inllamii.atory complaints, by ils easn ing pnjtij counteracting inilatnniaüon, and giving n speedy relief by ils activo, slrcngtbcning, anp7" dyne, dinphoretic and counterirrltantpVópertïes - 'r an ciróclual mm. dy lorChronic rmc! JinflammntüLe ry Klieuma'iiym, Aguí in the Bicnst. Scalds, liurns. Bruiscs. Scrolula, Ulcers, Old Sores oi" rt ;ilmost every dcícnpiion, Cankeied and well il 's Throat orisingfroln ScarletFevèr, Féldrís, Wfiíté Svellings, Cliill.'iains, ifcc. Persons suflciing y frorñ Livor ComplaTntP, Pulmonary discases, ïn r flammalion of tlie Luns, wiili min in tlic sitie, j back or linihs. vi!l (ind relief by ihe use o!' ihin '" Plasicr. In all cases it may bc used with perfect J" safety. .- ■;. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER i {. put up in boxes at iiity cents and one dollar 3; each, with iull direclions nccoinpnnying cncli box. ' Manufacttired anti sold whobsalc by II. IIARe RIS & CO.. Ashtabula, Oliio. solo proprietors, " to vJiom all orders sliould bc addreeaed. Sold ;- ;dso by thcir Agente thronghout ilie country. tnir'A liberal discount made to dealers and pliy' sicians. '' For testimoniáis and certifícales from persons 3 of the hipliest rcspectibility, who have ised the '- Chemical Piaster, sec another column of this pah per. 's For sale by the followtng Agents in Michigan: n II. W. Rood, Nile?, U .7. C. Jjarrimore. " II C. Skanahan, lldwardshnrh. ' Wm. O. Áustjni White Piéóñi L Isnar; Benham. Jr.. Conatniitinc. 's Danl. L. Kiiiiberly, Schoolcrait. :; II. B. (lusten. vV F. March.jr PM Kalaniazoo. e James W. Colhren. P. M. Galcsbutgh. 'f T. L. Bolkcom. P.M. Baltic Credi s 'Ssmes M. Parsons, P. M. iVIarsÜalL Y Paul Rnymond. Drïiggist, .Inckson. Wm. Jiickson, P. M. Lconi. ;' Hale and Smith. Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvan, .7 Mülerd &■ Son, Detcr. 1' Thomas P. May. Jr. l'lymoinli, s Perin & Hall, Norlhville, 1 Mead&McCnrthy. Farmitigton, j Peter A'an JJvcry. Franklin, Julius Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Sprague, Ruchos ter, Jatncs Stcphens, Utica. E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clcmrn?, ) G. &J. G. Hill. ? n , John Qwen & Co. f Dctroit- Dr. Thos. M. Swoeny, Dearljornville. JE. Samsnn. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND, ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) 4i)-1y


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