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Chancery Sale

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Jiosoluie. jor L,asn ana 10 tav nigiirsi uiuun ÍN the causo pending in the Court ol Chancery, fur the Seeond Ctfcütt ot' tbc State of Michi gun. wheroin James Abbott is complainnnt, and Abigail Wclch. David Eaton. George WelcJi. llenry Wefch, lian iet Wclcli, nnd Augusta Weldi, are defondaiüs, the said George, Heniy. lliiiini, m tl Augusta being Minors, uiulur the ae ot 'iwenty-one ycars, - Whcreas. by a decretal order in the above ,;uisr. made hy liis Honor Eloa Karnsworth, then Chanccllor ol' tlie Stnte of Michigan, bearing date tho fourtcenth day of July, A. D. eiglitcen hundred nnd iorty one, it was ordered nnd decreed, that the above nanied dufendauts sliould redcetn certain mortgaged gremiaes in the Complairíání's bilí contáincd'í By tbc payment of the smn of (ourlnindred and ninety-cight dollars and tv.cniy-tour cenis, and the interest to accrue thereon, fVoia the fourteenth dny o!' Jüiy, eighteen liundred and forty or.o. the date of a certain report in said doeree n)enl;yned and also the costs ofciiinpIainaiH to he taxed. on or before the fourtccnlh day of' November, in the year öighteen bundrod and toriy-onc. or tliat iidel'ault thertoi, rtie atpd mongaired premises wilb the apptutenqni i % or so niucli thereofas would bc Bufficient to pay the aaid debt and the interest which had arerued, Á mijght thercafter accrue with said costs, and which miglu be sold peparately without injury to the partios or eiilicr of thein, sliould be sold at public auction. at the Court House, in the village of Ann Albor, in the County of Washtenaw, by and lbo direction of one of the iNIastcrs of the said Court, the said Uaster fust giving six weeks previous notice of the time and place of snle in some newspaper published in said Coui-.ty. as by the said decree, réTerëncecèing thercunto had, niay inore fèlfy appéfaf, And-whcrcns, the said premisos are yet unro docnicd. and the above stated sum with interest, and costS; is yet due and unpaid, Now, tfiereforc, notico is hcreby givcn. tliat in pursuance of thcdirections of the said decree. and by virtue ofits amUorily, 1 will. on tbc sixepiitli day of Mny next. at the hour of Twelve )'c!ock, al noon. ai tbc Coult House of the County of 'ishtenaw. in the village of Ann Arbor. sf 11 to the highest bidder, at public Auction, the lands and premises in s:ud decroe nientioned. or so nitich thereof as may bc suiliciciii lo pay the afpresaid sum, interest and cosls. nnd can Ie sold separalely without injury to any of the pnttics in this causn. which raid lands and premises are k.nown nnd describcd as followp. viz: ill tliat certain (ract or parecí of land sitúate in the Öbuh'ly of Wash'tcrïow. and State of Miuhigan. known ns the East hnlf of tbc South East quarter ol" Section nunibcr tbirty-two, n Township number four, South of Flange nuniber scven East. coniaining erghty acros. The salo will be absolute - without redemption and lor cash. G. T. GRïm-EY. Mnster in Chancery. C. H. Sti-waut.-SoI. forConipl). Dated this 2tth day of March, 8 J :. The above sale is adjourncd to the Sth day of Juno ne.xt, at the timo and pla'oè above mentioned. G. T. r:Rli)LEY. Master. Ann Arbor, May lö. Jí-'4í.


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