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To Families & Invalids

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The following indispensable family remeilies inay Le found at the villnge drug stores, aud soon at every country store in the state. Remcmbcr aud ever get them unlcss they bavc the faosiraile signature oi' 0V4&EHjL on the wrappers, as all othera by the satnc names are base impositions and counterfeita. If the merchant ncarest you ha tb-m nof urge him to procure ihem _ .. .. t]10 iext time he visits New York, or to write for them. ÏYb family should be a xcech without these remedies. BALM OF COLUMBI A.FOR THE HAIR, vhich will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald )laces ; and on children makc it grow rapidly, or on hoso who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the hcads of children n schools, aio preventcd or killed by it at once. - MÍ the name of -$tffr0fejfatfe{ o t, or nevcr try it. Remcmbcr this always. , RHEUMATISM, and Q[ lositivcly cured, and all shrivAled musclcs and limba ire restorcd, in the old or young, by the Indian irKGETABT,E ELIXIR AND NeRVE AND Bo.E LlNIMENT )ut never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. T. ire wliolly prereirited, or governed if the attack haa :ome on, if you nse tho only truc Hays' IiraENT,from md every ihing rclicved by it thut aúmiis of au ouU vard appücation. It acts like a charm. Use it. IIORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin .VincLGalla, &.c, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and Fowndcrcd horses entirely curc by Rooíá: rouuder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. Balley's Magrical Pain Exbractor SalVÖ."mTho most cxtraoidinary emedy over inven ied for all ncw or oldand sores, and sor e Sffijf 3J5% It has duligiite thcusands. It will takc out allpain in ten minute; and no failure. It will cure the BJ LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS A better and more nice and asefu] article never wa made. All sliould wcar them regularly. LIN'S TJEÏHSEIiAiYCE BITTERS on the principie oí substituting tlie iovic in place oi the stimulant principie, which has reformed so man; drunkards. To be used with n LIN'S felTOMPl PILLS, superior to al others for cleansing ihe system and the humors affect ing the blood, and for all irrcgularitics of the bowels and the general health.ájj m , ' [Sec Dr. Lin's sig, Vkctht-%9 EfLi nature, thus :1 ■■■■- ,, _ _ HËADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick hcadache, cither from th( nTCpfflERasg or bilious. Hundrcds of families are ""'■'■ using it with great joy. ■ DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH fbr the certain prevention of j ffaRl or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in most per. fect order, the bowels regular, and a determination to the surface. TftffinMi-B ?SwB IrP ft JMimM II j pains n die bonrs, hoarsencss, and 1 01 ZxM fffcüjP nre quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. - The Frcnch Plastrr is a sure cure . " ' ■ i ir c=d iJair any shade yon wish, but will not color the skin. SÁ8SÁPARILLA. COMSTOCK'S COM. OUND EXTRACT. Therc is no other preparation of Sarsaparilla that can exceed or equal this. If you are suro to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all othera. It does not require puffing. o CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and au external ailings - all infernal irritalions brought to the surface by friction with tliis Balm ; - so in coughs, swelled orsorc throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm applied on a flanncl will relieve and euro at once.-- Fresh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. + will prevent or euro all incipient conrnimption, tajeen in time, and is a dclightful remedy. liemem. ber the name, and get Comstock's. KOLMSTOCKTVEBMIFUGE ft cradicatc all L? IOjSf kvEÜ "l children or adulta with a certainty quito astonishing. It 8clls wiih a rapidity almost incrediblc, by Comstock $ Co., New York. - TOOTfl DROPS. KLINES-cure effectually. ♦ Eiilorrdnfícordiní tlieyearl842, brComstock cV Co., ia llio Clerk'Hoflico of the Southorn District of New York. By applying to our agenta in cach town and illage, papers may bo had freo, showing tho moet r. cclable names ia the country for these facts, so thav no one can fail to believe them. ic sme you cali for onr articlcs, and not be put cif with any stories, that others are as ?oort. HAVE THESE OR NONE, shonld be onr motto- and these never can be trut and getniine cilhoul ow names to tlitm. All these articlcs to be md wholesalc and rctail only of us. {Q#%l$cfá4c Wholc8aI Drugglstó, - ft-' v 2J, Courtlnnd Slrect, near Broadwny. Wui. S. &,. J. W Maynard, Agents. Ann Arbor, Iich.


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