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Welearnby the Christian Freemnn. tliat the Legislature of tbis State have once more denied the prayer of the petitioners for graniing to the colored citizensof the state, equal political privileges with the whites. The Norwich Aurora, Democrat) ïhus speaks of the resuh: "The vnrious pctitions for the benefit of persons of color wlncli have been prrsenied to the legislnture, have severnlly received the po-by. As we expected, though not as we wislied." The legislature, pro slavery Domocrats and Whigs united in perfect hnrinony in t'ie measure. have passed nn act,by which tlicy hope to get the better of the Libcny party; "According to s provisión, if no cholee of Represenntives takps place by 5 o'clock, the meeting is lo bc adjounied two weeks, we beleve,when the pereon or persons Imving n piaraHij, v le elecied. Well, tbis nnswers iispurposo for the present, butwhen Liberty men come to bc ihe plurality in a lown. ns will soon bc 'be ense in mnny, it will give tbrm a Representativo, or unite the pro-slavery divisions in one nnti-libprty plialanx. Even in however. it is only n liitle putting off their dovvnfall. Shortsighted physicinns, to treat the redical diseases of the body politie, with such pnllia tives. when, as medical men wouldsny, the most powerful re medies are indicaied. - Emavcipator. The Sipnal of Libprty having published an adverlisement of somc rnnnway negroes, purporüng lo be signpd by Mr. Clay, its attention is called to the followinff: The achertisemen refèrred t.o is undoubtedly the satwe one copiei by the Kignal. (ONtradiction. - ín reference to an adver tisrmoiu fur runaway s!av?s, laiely circulatet in the aholition papers as Mr. Clay's the Pitts j burn-li Advócale says: "We have beforo us a letter from Mr. Ciaj in relation to it. Mr. Clny saya tliat the nd veriisement to which the Gazette refers is nn bis. He has no etich slaves, and liad no snc I occasion to make any such adverlisement." - State Journal. On this we observe the followiugr thing's: 1. We have not seen the unragraph in th Pittsburijh paper, nor does it appear tliat th Journal lias. 2. Why not pnblish that part of the lette containing the dpnial? We wieh to kno what he denies. We know not what adver tisement "ie Gazetle' refèrred to. S. The advertisement we copied was firs ptiblished in the PhÜanthropisr, al Cincinnati with an editorial statement that it was for warded for insertion by Rev. James Boyle travelling book agent. 4. The mitter is investigating' in Ohio, anc if the advertisement proves to be an error o a forery, we will do Mr. Clay ampie justice 5. ín the mean time, we are happy to fine the Journal so extremely jealoiis for Mr Clay's good name, anJ so ready to repel th abominable accusation of being a Slave Catchkr! It is a mean business, isn't it? - DueWng ia in "honorable'' affair; but to star a gang of human liounds in pursuit of an innocent, trembling, fellow country man - 'tis contemptible! V hoever does it,may the black est infainy rest upon hinri


Signal of Liberty
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