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Selections: A Trip To N. Carolina: Extract Of A Letter

Selections: A Trip To N. Carolina: Extract Of A Letter image
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"The coloree! people would move South, if it was not for the cruel slave laws which are rooting out the nhabitants. Slavery is destroying ihe country by bad farming and bad laws. Virginia law sells all persons who have a colored skin, iflheystay in the s'ate over twelve months. They who live on the main roads leadinjj to free States, 6ee the effect of the law. Some of the inhabitants in Virginia following the example of Washington, free their slaves at their dealh. Some set them free and sand them to free State3. Some slaves buy their time and come away; some lo better, and come away without pnviug the aristocrat for the privilege of walking with their own feet. All together, it makes a enntinual rain to and across Oliio, which will turn as sen as slavery is abolished. We met sevcral companies on Salt Creek, who hadbeen sla ves; I asked how did you gei free? - "Massa set us free." Is massa living? "No mass dead." When men in tlieir right minds are laid on their death-beds--, ihey do all tliej can in t'reedom's cau;e, and too often their uills are not put in force.I saw a great mnny ciiriosities. 1 saw a nntural curiosity mde by art, in Roanoke co. Va. - a young black man gallaniing two young white vvomen, horscback - one behind liitn, the other riding close by liis side. I saw a Cuba Blood-hound, and no end to dogs - old waste fields; few barn.=, a great many tobáceo houses; slab-sided liogs, 1 passed uver land covcred wi'.h tobáceo síubs.andno fence around it. Tobacco is so strong that no animáis will eat or destroy it, except two legged ones. The negro quarters are little log huts, worce than the In. ian oabins. They have hard times at some quarters: I called in at one and see an old black woman - l asked how llicy were getting along. -O, very bad - 'they have sold all hut me; they have sold even my baby; and are yet in debt: me is old nnd wcint bring much, and they keep me to cookibr'cm." I saw more white blooded f la ves than black ones, in otlier words, the slaves I saw had more tvhile blood in thei veins than black.Several claves rnn away last faíl from Caro lina and got 'o Indktnn, and were laken up n ar Lawrenreburgh, by isome scoundiels. - Tneir mast er reached home with them a few days be ore I got llicre. They fare worse tliai tlifir mister's carryinir horses. They are or dereJ out by day light and kept out unti (lurk. Abont 9 or 10 o'c'.ok A. M. cold victnals nre brmight ont, and at 3 or 4 P. M often not cnough . They have to steal or go Iningry. The people nre sadly iroubled wit thieves. Slavery is filiing the country wjli thieves and mulattoes. On my ruturn I pass cd tne foliowing resolutioii. Resolved, That all pt-rpons wlio are no aidin" the cause of irmnedinle emancipation


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