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"United States Clarion."

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-We haveceived the first number of a paper with this title, whicli hails from Troy, New York. Il js publifrhed by a commiltee of coloree! citizens, nnd is devoted to the advocacy of their rights. Tlie prefent nurnber displays a fine spirit. - It coniaitis a cali for a National Conventioii oe colored citizens to be held at BuSMo on the third Tuesday of August. We have wished foreome ime thut tlie culored part of our citizens could agree upon some plan of Nutional and State organizaron, by which theyiüigtit unitcdly act for ihe elevation of their race.- They might support a national paper of their ownjtUrough which a vastvariety of facts respect'ing their condition would fiiid their wny in to ihe papers generally, and do very much townrds obliteraiing the prrjndices existing acainet tliem, which are genenilly as foolish os they are wicked. We hope their Convention will ogree npon something that will be jrencral, useful, and efficiënt in its resulte- Who would be free, tkemselves must the blow!''(TT The O. S. General Assembly have on annual sermón on Popery preached to thctn. Wonld it not be well for tl.em to exrunme rato the practices of their own mengers, far wonethon thoe they allege agninst the Papists- towards their colorcd breihren in the churches? Dü they not witl.hold the Bible from them- pen them up in churches like cat. (Ie- and sell them at auction? Then talk nbout Popery- for shame!tfjr For sevcral year6 past, the friends ol Sabbilli Sclmols, Temperance, and Human Rirrtits, in Jackson County, have had a cehbration on the Fourth of July distincL from the old fasliioned Rum nnd Gunpowdcr syslem. The Editor of the Jackson Gazette, (VVhig) enters his protest against snch an amalgnination in future, because Ü has a tendency to clog the onward progresa of Tempernnce and Sabbath Schools by the opposition that a portion of the com;nunitj will manifest to the cause of Human Rights- especially when these riglits arö proposcd to be supportcd by poiitical action .Tliis is a very seasonablc caution. An addréps on the gredt principies of Liberty, aiui the necrssity of supporting thm by every proper niean?, might have b bad effect on five Imndred or a thousand Sabbath School scholars!C At the late mcutmg of the General Assembly in Philadelphio, i a disciission on ndopting some resolutionson the Sabbuth, Dr. Bkkchkr clwelt upon ilie -power of a single selj '-evident principie, held clearly and repeatedly befare the. mind. The Tempeiance reformation had been achieved on (his principie He snifl ihnt by this power- the awákening effect of simple Irvth. pressed upon the mind ond conscience of the natiori, n public sentiment my be formod, which will work out nn effeclnal reform. It was the Soriplural method llie Apostlo, though he had confidence in the knowledgeof his brelhren, yet feit himsolf authorized to slir vp their pure mmds by way of remembrance. Dr. Beecher has hit the grand principie of all reforms- the simple truth, kindly, plainly, nd peroeveringly presented to the mind. - This ia precisely wliat we are doing 'm the Anti-slavery cousp.05= At the late Anmversary of the American A. S. Socie'y, a large portion of wliich has been raVtch opposed to Libeity nomination?, the fellpwing resoluünn was pisied: "Resolved, That while we disnpproveof organizinga permanent abolition politica! party, we recommend to votirtg nbolitionists lemporary nominations for tlie concenlration of tJieir votes, so long as the candidates of the existing parties refuse to declare ihemselves in favor of the objects expressed in the foregoing resolutioná." We are gratified to find our brethren a greeing with us in the necessity of independent nominaiions, whether temporary or permanent. Let the pr nciple be carried out. 'Whatisthe difference betwoen worshiptngn Church organization and a Golden Calf?" - Libeity Standard.05a A kind of Influenzo, accompanied by cough, sore tliroaf, rheumatic pains, &c, is prevailing extensively through our villnge. Our exchanges menlion its prevalence in many places. dj5' Daniel King was elected to Congress from the Second District of Massachusetts by a fallin off of the Democratie vote. In No. S. Whittier, the Liberty candidato, received 807 votes at the fuurth trial. No choice. - The other two districts have done well. Uj3 At a large meeting of the cïtizens f Detroit, Ia6t week, to invite Air. Tyler to vi Bit lliat city, it wns voted by a large mojority that lic bc not invited,HZTA correspondent ot the New Haven Register thus describes Mr. Botts: "1 need not teil you who Mr. Botts is; lie is well known throughout this wliole country; and whether his reputación is an enviablo one, 1 will not pretend to say: but l had expected in the rcnowned and celebrated champion of Whiggery. the impeacher of the President, the hcader ol Capt. Tyler. a difTercnt man froin ihe one before me. Coald it be, that I saw in that man - bloated and slovcnly in oppearance - about forty yeart of age with a pitcher ol brandy punch in om hand. and a glass ín ihe othur, the great Mr. Botts? I rnbbed my eyes, and looked, and rub bed and looked again, and turned to this one'. nnd that; I inquireJ wheiher they were sure tha it was Mr. Botts. Yes, il is he; and oh, fancy what a cheat!" (L? Cars run through from Roston tü Portland, 112 miles, in five hours. The fare is one dollar.OWe are requested by Mr. Glover to state tiat the Literary Messenger has been suspended ör the present, on account of the extreme presure of the times, and will be resumed in the fall f circu iistanccs will permit. fJTs' The papers contain an account of a tsecond and more exlensive insurreclion of the sla ves in Cuba, by whith many planters and heir overseers and families luid lust their lives. 3ut tne lalest papers are periectly silent respectmg n.


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