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General Intelligence: Life At The South

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An Awful Tragcdy. - Tlic Washington (Arsansas) Telegrapn ol the 24th uit. briugs us inelligeuce oí shocking murders commiucd in Vloore Fabre, Ouacluca County. Arltnnsas. Mr. Ezra Hill, of the firni of Hill &, Uutler, was the owner of five negroea - a man and his wife and their three femóle childrcn, the eldest ibout fourteen and tlie younges; about nine yenrs jld. Mr. Hill, on the 15th uit. gave the (nother jrders to do certain work, which ehe refused, nnd being threatened witli punishmen:, she rffn und made her escape to the woods. Her husband then seized a club axe and made an attack upon Mr. Hil!. inflicting several severe blows, when his daughie , a gii 1 of 15, interposed between ihem, and received a blow intend&d for her father, and feil to thecarth tnortally wounded. Mr. Hill finally operpowercd the negro, and wrested the axe front him. HislUtle tson, a lid of l't, raí to ihe house for a gun loaded wit!) bucksliot. which he discharged into the should.r ot the negro. The fellóvv, however, did not tall, but took to his hecls. He foand his wife and childrcn npon the banks of ihe river, and having explained to thern ihe crimes wdich he had committf:d. he insistcu thai they sliould die wiih him.. ind af ter much constra'nt hesucceeded in drownng himself and his three children. IJis wife es:nped by clinging to a tree. A pariy in pursuit hscovered her in this situation and subsequenlly recovercd the four bodies of the drowned negroes, ind buried them. Mr. íJíü'b daughter btill sur.ived at the last accounts.The Richmond whig contains a letter from A. B. Tinribsrlake, sheriH'of Hanover county, Vir ginia, giving nn account of Lis atjempt to serve u writ upon liector Davis, Esq., Commonweakh's Aitorney, for the county. He lounu that funciionary ti the field, with three or four negroes ai w-om" and 'a yellow boy - said to bc ds son, sittingbefore him holding a gun." On seeing the slierirt", the lawyer took tiie gun from the boy and tlneatened to fire upou the writ-bearer, who thereupon gravely remonstrated wilh him on the fully ot'shooiing a gentleman tor the paltry su n of ;;twenty-eight dollars and tifty cents." A scufiïe took place belween the pames in which the sheriff succeeded in wresling the gun fron the nttorney, wl.o iinding himscl. in danger o being conqwcred. callcd lor assisüince upon p.i black man ítóberÍBOh, aud the yellow boy, to whom it seeins he stood in the doublo relati.m oparent und inasier. The sheriff ilius graphically (ltsjiibes the scène which t'ollowed: - 'A nero, whose name was Robertson, as I undetstood liim, ran U) wïlh ihe yellow boy George, and the ne;ro iellow seized ihe gun 1 w;,s then holding, and the yellow hoy seized me by the eg, üavis holding me by the benst of ïny coat. Tliü negro bolding the gun shoviug me. and the yeliow boy hnving hold of my leg, they sioved tne backwards sume ten or filteen paces, when I come to the gmund with Davis und lus ydloioson ouwe. As soon os I carne lo the i;round, Davis canglit tip a handful oí innd and threw in iny lace. 1 then let the gun go and turned myself under hem. and was getung up when hc c;iug!u me the hold that he propeily declare 3d very disgracel'ul, and ordercd lus negro fcl!o to sieze me dome two or ihree times, which h did by the leg, and threw me on my bick agaii faiher in the mud, wiih Daris and tte ytlloi boy botk on me. Davis the:i threw Beven hnndslul of mud in my lace, stiiking me wit his rist and goujjing my eyes - the yellow bo gcratching and chouking me. at the same time in sisting on killing me, saying tliat he had rathe kill me ihan to kill a dog." We know nol which most to admire in th ifiiiir. the temerity ol the sheriff TunberUke. i ;iresuming to ak a slaveliolder to pay h:s djbts or the filial heroism of the '-ye.low boy," wKbi lau lab!e efibris at '-scratching and choaking while his father was employed in the gentleman y and delectable opera ion of igouging." shows him to be a worthy scion of slaveholding chivalry. - Emmdpitor. to Murdcr. - Celeston, a slave of Mr. Barkley. was yesterday brougiu before Recorder Baldwin on the charge tf assiulting and wuun(Jing Henty Nichols with inientto kill It apDeared that Nichois recognized the slave as a runiway. at the new basin, on Sunday evening. and that when he aitempied to arrest him, Celeston drew a ruzor and made a ent at hi" throat. which wonndivl hun in the shoulder. He will be tried under the Black Code. and will dou')'lessbe made to forfeit bis lile lor the offence. - N. O. Couricr. Murdtr nf a Fanvhj - 4 JVeg'o Burned. We learn from the Van Buren (Arkansat-) Intel ii{.;fncer of Uir 6th, that a f'imily by tlie name of Cox, was reeen ly rnurdered near the Choctaw line, on the Poleau river. Mr. Cox, (the Intelligencer says) was a jlackstnith, nnd had been working i n the In(lian country, either umong the Creeks or Seminóles, undrlhe etnploy of the United States, and had lutely moved mío the State and setiled in Scoti county, nt the place where he and'his family were murdered. An Indian and a negrro,who were tupposed tobe themurderers, were pursued and urrested in the Indian countrj, and were brought back and deliv ered to the civil authorities of Scoit country. They confessed that they cotntnitted the crime. Itappears from their statement, that the Indian shot Mr. Cox, and at the report of the gun Airs. Cox ran to thts door, ar:d the neirro knocked her down with an nxe and killed her. and then killed a small child and ent its head off. They then roboed the house, and fonnd something like a thousand dollars. They veré placed in jai I ; but the populace became so mnch enraged that they went to the jiil and ipnk the negro out, tied him to o stake, and burned him to deatii. A duel took place nt Vicksburg, on Ihe I6th uit., between YVilHam E. L'ke, a ínember.of the bar, and ThomnsE. Robbins , formerly president of Üs Comrnencal Railroadand Banking Company. They fought with yagera - distance fil'ty paces. At the second fire,Lake was shot throiiffn the leg near the knee - Robbins escuped uninjured.Important from Haiti. - We learn from Captain Smith, of the brij Fairfipltl.arrived Jat evening From Port bh Prmce, thnt there hns been a reduction óf duties in uil the ports of the Isliind one half un the following arlicles: heef, pork, flour, rice, cod-fish, l..rd, biitter, mackerp), lierrings; in the ports of Port au Prince. (Janavie,s Cape Hn'yti, Port au Platt, Aux Cave?, and the city of St. Domingo the ri]lovinr nrticles are free; boards, plank, scant liiijr, shingles, nasls, liles, fl;iirjTinr stone, pnints and nll other articles nsed in buildirvgf iiouses. Vessels 3re permitted (o go to only one port on the Island to discharge their cnrgoes, but can go to other ports to tako in their ontward cargo. This took effect on thu lOth


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