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Bunker Hill Celebration!

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The Boston Times represents tliat arrangements are making for a most impoeing i brution on the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, the ïjïli of June. Thu President of the U. S., llo:i. A. T. Upihur, Secretary of the Návy-, Hon.Chas. A. Wicüifle, P. M. General, and Hon J. M. Porler, have accepted the invitaiion to bu jiresent. The Governors of uil the have boen invited. Mr. Webster will deliver the oration. Gen. Chandler, of Lxiiiirton, the Chief, lias been indefatigable in lus exertions to make the mosi suitable preparations ibr ihe event. Several Military corps from rovidence, u regiment from Nashua, N. IL, everul military Uornpanies from Boston, amunting in .-ill to no less than 3ü00 men vi!l e present.They Deceive JVo One. - The swaggèrer is nvuriably nn impostor; he man wlio calis loudet lor the wuiter, vvho treats Kim worst, and who findá more uiilt thün nn one else in the room, wlien llie company is mixed, wil] Jilwnys turn out to be tlie man of all others the least entiiled,either by rank orintelligence to give hiinself airs. Peoplo wlio are conscious of what is due lo liiem never display rritability or impetuosity; Ilieir manners insure civiüty - their civility msures respect; but the blockhend or the coxcomb, fully aware that somctiung more than ordinary ia necessary o produce un effect, is sure, whether in clubs or coffeerooins, to be the most fisüdious or cnptions ol' the community, the most re&tless and irritable ainongst his equals, the most cringing and subservient before his superiors.The Secretarypf War. - lt is stated by the Vlad;sonün, tliat tlie present Secratary of var and h!s two brothers were the sons of a nrmer in Montgomeiy county, Pennsylvania, who was a Revolutionary officor; that, like Sieir neighbors, tliey wcre in the habit, eome nirty-five years since. of carrying the produce f the fa.m to Philndelphia market; thnt one of ihe brotliers is Governor of Pennsylvania, another was Governor of Michigan, and the third Secrelory of War; and that all the parlies owe their elevation to the fact that their parents carefully educated them.A Slrange Visiter. - There is now lying at he wtinrf' of ívlessrs. Lawson, Howard &. Co. he queerest looking 8teain water craft that cver condescended to pay us u visit. She cume in fíom Bnffalo on Wednesday evening at the rate of ten iriilet? an hour. She s noth n"" more or less tlian an Eúe Canul boat, jropelled by n emnll but powcrful êogine, witl i paddle wheel astern, and a fmokejiipe in the centre. She is commanded by Opt. !'. HoTALiNG. wlio proceeds witli her to Green ]3y and from tlience np the Fox River, over the rapids, to Fon Wmnebugo. íálie is iniendedU) ply regul-irly between the lulter place n.nd ihe rapiijd of F'X River, (twenty miles above Ureen J5;iy ) and w.ll be adnp:ed to carrying pasengorsand towing the Durham boats lafpn with lead, which is tranr-ported up ibe Wisconsm river to witliin one titile ot' Fon Winnebago; u.d tbis one inile is uil the portaiie required beween Galena onn New Yurk, by way of the Lakes. The enterprize is a novel and a laudable one, and we have no doubt it will be crowned with entire success. - Dtt. Advertiser.JYeville B Craig Esq., - heretofbre the Liherly candidato tvï Congreso in tlie Pittsburg District, Jias bern nominal cd by tlio Antimason?. í Je is eaid to be n of the liighest worth. ilis competitors for the nbmihation were lion. Harmar Uenny, and Hou. Walter Porward, late Secrotary of tbc Treasurv, Mr. ('raig wilJ probably be eJec ipci by the Liberty taca and Antimasons. - Patnot. Collón Manufactures in Mexico.- There are in the Kepubltc of Mexico 53 cotton mnniifnctories, witli an nggiegate of 135,000 spindle.s. Tliey work up daily.on an average, 7o,62 pounds of cotton, and produce 43,7G0 póunda of tlireac, whicli when wovcn into cloth, kc. is worih $43,037. A Constantinople letter of the 15th of Mach, says - -Ou tlie 13lh a firman appeared, nbolislung the feudal system in Bosnia, and placing tlie Christiana of that province on tlie fam line as Mussulmans. bp to this period the villages of Bo. nía liad belonged to Mussulrnan owner?, who exercised over themail the rights of tnasters overserfs.''Wklland Canal is now open, and vessels are now patsing through it. Money Plenty. - We Iearn from the New York American, that at two of the largest Banks in New York, with a uniteJ copiial of three millionn,on llie last discount day, the olferings were uuder seven thuusand doilars. A new steam carriage has been invented in S weden that will travel on common roads witli all ease imaginable. It travelsabou! ten miles an hour. The theatre at Louisville was dsstroyed by tire on the evening of tlie Lüth uit. Noah Webster, L. L. D. died the 3th ultimo, in llie 85th year of his age. Graltlnda. - The Emperor oïCnina, grate - ful tbr the floggiug Queen Victoria gave him, lias presented to her some gold bed-steads and diamond ear-drops, logeiher with fuurteen large cases of costly goods, too numerous to mention. An official cali appears in the Free Press for a Locofoco Statu convenüon at Jacksou, on the 6th day of September next, to nominiite candidates for Governor opa Lieulenant Governor. - Gov.Rnbbüs. - Rnbbits rnising is Faid to be so very profiioble that a farmer in England turncd liis attention to it, and sent seven thousand to uiarket o one year. The yeople of Wisconsin are looking forward to ilie period yvhen they shall be visiled by vcsiels directly from Liverpool. The coinpletion ot' the Lnciiine Canal will enable vessuls of 300 tons to pass from Quebec to Mil waukie, the trnnsportation ot lead from that poml to China, in the same vessel, is an enier_ prise wluch a Yrnkee would not turn his back upon . The Sandwich Islnnds havsi been ceded provisionally to vhe British Government, by I the Kinp,nnder the tlirent of un immedinie att; et upon llonolulii, by Her British Majesty's Frignte Cnrysfort, Lord Paulet, corriinander. The alledged pretext for this hijfh-haiuied propeeding seems aliogetl er too slirht to (rnish even the shadow ofnn p.xr.Ufefor nnnihiliating t!ie independciict' nf a l.nnless and peaceoblo kingdem. - Emqndpontf.Englani's Debí. - Lord Broughum said that England was under recognizancea to I keep the peace n the sum of eight hundred millions sterling, the amount of lier nutional debt. Alison suys that the immense debí i der vvliich England now staggerts, is i tent wilh tlie inuintenuncc ufthe national dependence. We have been niuch pleascd with the suggestion that the slaves should not go o Canad.i, but s op in llie iruc Simes. We hope tlicy will come by ihousands nnd stay lierc. Let ihe issue come. Let ine slaves come to Maine, we have room enough, and hearts enough. Let them takc up iheir abude among our vallies and liills, and let the pursuers come too f'thev pleass. We sliould be glnd to see a posse of them. with bowie knives and pistols. niarch tlirough the state. We hope the underground railroad" will be extended to Mainn. We will have u depot in rhllowell, and prohably a brancli to Franklin, anoiher to Somerset, &c. would be agreeable. - Li'jerty Stin. durd.Emigration lo Texas. - Twenty-four princes n Germán j'i and otlier persons of liig-li rank, amona; whom are ihe Duke of Nassau and the Prince of' Linage, have uniied m the purchase of'extensive iructs of land in Texas tor Germán emigmnts. Two igents have been sent out, who have compleied a purchase and are on their way back. - Bungor Gazette. Gr ent Michigan Land Sale - A Rare Chana for a Speculatinn. - The Commitssoner ot the Michigan Land Officer has given notice Üuougb all the Locofoco papers of thi State that n sale of 56 tovvnships of lund, ituated in 14 different Courities in this Statevil 1 take place at Marshall on the first day of uly next. We announco th? fact for the enefit of those who don't happen to sce our jocofoco papers, believing that tlierc may be ome Whigd who are nut un willing to avail hemselves ot this opportunity to pinchase sonie of the most viluable lunds in this State n exchanjre for warron.s on the lnlernal Im)rovement Fund. - Mv. Locofoco Orators. - A Locofoco orator, "out West," according to the Cincinnati Gazette, gives the follow;ng reply lo a question asked by a friend, hovv he could speak so often and so lng to any purpope?"Why, when Í am ut a loss tor idets. or argumenta, or don't know whal to say to the people, I pet upon my libniy key. I 6trike tlmt always with effect; Ronu, Greece, Poland, our Revolutionaries, my boy, help out nmnzmgly. If thal faüa I set up a regular built huw! against the EngJUh - all líate thern you knpw - and 1 walk into the Whigs, a British-bought and }3ank-bougli. If thi dnu't answe, I pet at llioir prejurlices; tli R ch agaiiisl the Poor. that's my thrme; am thewayl talk about palaces, nnd nabobs, aiu uil ihttl sort of a tlung, is acantion; but I ca teil you I am sure to see the jireasy counten anees of the "Peeps" lighten up on eorneon of these pomts, and theu, my boy, I know where I aml"It'sdecided in botli branches of the Presbyterian Chnrch, that a man must not many lis deccased wife's sister. - Free Press. Connecticul. - The nssembly of the State h ve inade a new movement in the banking line - having engrafied tlie principies of individual liab'lity on a bank charter. InCornwall, Eng., there are 370,000 nnabitant?, 10,000 of whom are minera, and 70,000 fetotallefaj and o:it of all this numerous body there were but fiveprisoncs for trial at the last assizes! Tetotaüsm, tberefore diminishes crime and abates miserv: llierefore abandon sirong drink at once and furever. - English Paper.Tliis is the "age of iron'' - iron sleambonts ron cofilns- iron tombstones: and now they nre actually making1 iron eradles nt Pittsburg! Tlie boys r'ocked in them will doubtless be men of "iron nerve." The Inte cefisns of Upper Cnnada gves Ihe population as 500,055, of which number the natal country of 40,654 is Eoglnnd; 78.255 ;s Ireliinti: S9,781 is Scoiland: 2-47,684 is Cnn:ida, of Bniisli oripin,13,969 is Canada, of Frcnoli orio-in; 6.6C1 iailie Continent of Europe; 32,836is the United Siate?; 7,595 are Foreigners not naturalized - Patriot.The canse of liberty is ndvnncinr west ward . A correspondnt in tíie Western Citizen, under date of ''Selrm, Henry county, Iowa. 4tii month, 27, 1843, ' j. ives notice that the Territorial Anti-slaverv Convention is to be held at Round Piairie Mee' ing House, Desmoines county.on the last day of October next. The wnter snys: "A slaveholdcr from Arkansas, has lately settled in our viüoge, wiih five slaves - one woman, and her four children - whom he lias libemted sinre he camo here. Ho gives some shockintr accounts of '.he cruelty practiced by somo of ihe slaveholders of the Souih, corroboratinr the most shockingr accounts that we have in print upon the subject, and are so often condemned us lies." The British mini eter appointed to ratify the treaty with the Argentine Republic.arrived at Montevideo on the 4th of March. The natinnal debt if Great Britain amounts to abont $u200 to each nihabilant, while that of Holland is $217!Central Rnilroad Receipls. - Receipts from the Central Railroad for the month of May, 1843: Am't received from pissengers, $5.409 02 " for frcihr, 7,995 76 on account of U. S Mail, 767 25 $14,172 03 Receipts for the corresponding montli 1842, $13,859 25 Ir. shonld be recollected, in connpction wilh the nl)ove, thnt thè lake opened last yenr on rhe 7th of March, but ibis year not ti!l the 6th of May. Statistics of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preordinar tothe minutes of 1342: Whole number of members in the United State?, 1,008,901 Nnmber of Indian members, 3.379 " of colornd do. 115,039 Tncreaee duringr hst year, 120,123 Nnmbor of tmvelünfr preachers, 4,iS4 Supprannnnted prenchers, S01 Number of Local do. 7,621 Jin JlslonisMng Idea. - Mr. O'Connell. in a rrent speech, before the Loval Nntional Repenl Assoiation, on the 15!h of May, made the follcwinfr strikinnf question: - "The history of Ireland can be traeed througn the statute book, likc th.e track of a wounded mnn through a erowd, by the blood'.'Emigrantsfir Oregon.- The Liberty Banner, published in Clay co. MisaJUri, says: ;We are inlormed tint the expcdition to Orcgon now rendezvoused at Wesport, n Jackson countVj will lake up Í19 line of March on the 2Oth of this month. The company consista of ome Cour or iive liundrcd emeyran'8. some with iheir families. They will probably have oul ohs liundred an I fiTty wagons drawn by oxen, tjge:her wi.h horses lor nearly cvery individual, and some inilch covvs. They will we suppose. take as much provisión with ihem aa they cm convenientiy cany. togeiher jvíth a few of the uecessary i;npl(menls of husbandry. There are in ihe expedition a number of citizens of inestimable valué to nny community, men of fine intelligenca and vigorous ; nd intrepid characler, admiriibly calculaied to lay the firm foundation of a future Empire."Going U. - The Bunker Hillmade the lasi trip from Chicago to Bufiulo, a distance of one tliousand miles, in four and a half doys. Algiers - The Frene h hnve achieved anotlier riciory in Algiers. After nmeh marching and counlermarcbing, und the loss of np- wards of thirty men, they have succeeded in taking the city of Tenoz. - We learn from the Pawtucket Chronic'e ihat a womán by the name of Tav lor, residing at Valley Falls,was seized in that villiase one day last week and rode on a rail. The woman, afier nsca ping from the autho-s of the üutrae. attempled to commit suicide by throwing herself in:o a ditch, but was taken Trom the water before she had accomplished her purpose.Fire in BristoL R. .-The Bristol Steam Mili as struck by llghtning about 12 o'clock last Saturday night and with most of the inachinery was enMreJy dest royed. All the cloth nost of the yarn, and raw cotton were saved. 'lie loss is estimated al $ 120,000, of which, 62,000 only, was insured in various offices in rovidence and Hartford. A compnny of 500 persons, including famiies, started from Jackson co.. Mo., for OreCfon, on the 20th uit., with 150 wagons drawn y oxen, together with horses for nearly every ndividual, and some milch cows.The nmount of specie in the vaults of the New York banks $12,000.000 - n grealer amount thnn tliev have ever possessed before.


Signal of Liberty
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