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1843. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. JË. M'JFJèRJEM BOÜKSELLEBÁN STATiöNEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSON AVENUK, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete nssortmem of Misccllaueous, School and Classical Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quil.'s. ink, Seaünj; Wax, Cirlory. W rapping Pupor. Printing Paper, ot all stzes; and BooU, News and Canister Ink, ot various kinds. BLANX 3Ö0XS, Fu!l .ind halt buund. of every vaneiy or liuling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in quantities. a Urge discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETV DEPdSITOR ói-if. RSortgage Salo. DEFAULT ba ving been made in the payment of a certain suin of money, secured. to be paid by iindénture of mortgage, beoring date the nmth day of May, in the year of our Lord. one thousar.d eight hunJrod and thirty nine, exceuted by MiHer B irker, of Clinton, Lenawee County. Michigan, to George W?s:hll, of Plyinouth. in the County of Wayne, Michigan, and recorded in the Register' s Oilic,1.. ot' t!ie Coumy of Washtenaw, insaid State, on the ] lth day of May, A. D. 1839. at h'i o'dock, A. M. in líber, No. S, page I lé. upon whidi luiere is cluimed to be due, at ihö due uf this notice, tlie sum of one liun tlred and twelve dollars and si.vty one cents. Notice ís therefore herehygiven. thatby virtue of a power of sale in said mörtgage contained, and (o tliestatuie insiich case made ind provided, will be sId at public auction ir vendue. at tiie C.iurt House, h the v'dlase of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, on Tuesday, the tweaty-tifth d ay of Julv next, ai ouoo'clock, in iho afternoon of that day, the premisos in snul mortgage described, as follows, to wit: All tliat certain piece or pnrcel of land. situ-ite, lymg.nnd being in the county of Washtemw, in the State atbresaki, and known an ) lescribeJ as being tiie southwest quarter of sectiou Nu. thirty-four, in townsnip No. four, sou:li of range No. f'our eist, containing; one litindred and sixty acres of land, be the same more or less: cxcepnng nnd reservingall that certain pnrt of siii tr-ict Off land, above desceibed, which was heretofore deedesi by Grovi IJirker and Persis Barker to Iaaia Carrier." Said Mortgage havins been given to secure the pnynient of the purchasti money of said prenises. GEORGE WESTFALL, Morí. H. A. Noyks, Ait'yDated, April I0;h. 1843. 51-3m TO CLOTHIEIRS WOOL CARDERS. T.IE suiiseriber would respectfully solicit tiiy attention of Clothiers and VVool Carders, to an exmiin;iti.n of his present Stock of anieles in their line, assuriug them ol'their superior quality, (whijh wil! be apparent upon ex tinr.iation) and and of the unusually low rates at which he is enabled to ?e!l them. Amijnjr a variety of articles belonging to the tradn may be enuiiieuttec1: C-irds of evc.ry descripiiin; Shuttles, Steel Reels 4-4 ó-4 wide; Clothiers Jncks; Satunett Warp: Ernery; Tenrer Hooks: VVorsted Uarness: Card Claners and p'ates; Screws; Cpper Kettlos; Shearing Machines, Parsoa'a, also. two or th-e Carding Machines, The subsenher frels himself warrnn'ed in nssnring the tra:le that his supply of Clotliiers Tool?, togpiher wiih sime !2or 15 ton of assorted DYE WOODS and ÜYE STÜFFS, for.nono of the largest and must complete stocks of the kini ever offered 'o the pu!lic of Michigan. - Owing tlierefire to the in iuce-nents he can offer to thoi.? en-ias-id in the CLOTH ÜRESSIXG anl WOOL CARDIXG business, of an extcnsive stoc'v nn 1 !ow prices. he solicüs their exi.uiaatioQ o;" ihe snnie before purcliasing or rnaking arrange:ne.its elsewliere. PÍERRE TELLER. Wholesale Druggisi, 139 JeiFerson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843. 51-tf. WOOZ.ETC ripííllL subscr bers would infor u the public thni JL they iré now üianufaciuring VVOOLEN CIjOTIÍ w:h a degree of sut'Cfids equaj to their mo3t sanguine expec.ations. Witli tiie'tnnchin ery they now have, tliey are ob!c to imnufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cl'ith they have made lor the ast tlirce momhsis of the best quility. and that ni:ide in tuture will be similar. Tliey have entirely overeóme the difficulties of sianing an establishment of ihis kind in a new Their terms are 37i cents per yard for fitlléd clotlj iinislied or half the cloth the wool will make. Jf any alterauon of the terms should be dtjierm;nel on, public notice will be iven. All wool rereived before 6uch notice i givon will Lo worked on tho above terma. If &ny wish to have their wool vvorked without mixing it wiili othcr wool, it will bè done, provided ihey assrt it themselves, and turnish it in quantities of LOO póunds of one quality of wool. It is mucii betier to sew up wool in sricks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be etrong. Provisions ofall kinds will be rêccived in payment for manufacturing to the amount ruquired for the con3u:nption of the establishment. VVool eent by railroad to Scio. will be properly aitended to; the number of pouods should be markedon the sack withirtk'; a!so the wëigfit of tiie sack. - Tne wool will l)e worked in turn sit comrs in, as nearly as can be done with reierence to the different quali'iej. ILT Many Farmers hnve expressed to us their granScation in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encournsed us by their patromge during the last year. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amount of 25,0('0 pounds, and receive the benefit of the very reasonable terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment is 2i milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER. &, CO. Snio, April 30. 1843. ]-tf GRAVE STOiVÉis" MÓNÜMEÑTS, TOMB TABLES, &c. TA'rl subscriber has a hirge assort ment of M.irhx. jf the best quality, suitable for Gravb Stóse?. Moscme-its, &c. which he will sell ciieup for cash, or excíinnge for produce, at his old stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wiabing to buy will do we'l to cali, ns they wjll bo s!d much cheaper than havo ever been afFmled in this State, and ofa Quality that cannot fail to please. ' WM. E. PETERS. Dmroit, Oct. 27, 1 =4"2. 29- ly J1TIES G. BIRIEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW CITV, MTCHtGAN. JG. B. will also act as LanJ Agent in the Lind District in which this (SnanaV' County is; he will make rivestments for otherslands, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and i?ive information generally to persons ir.terested rn this part of the country, or desirousof becorniog tmrnigrants to i:.Threshing .Machín es. nnME undersigned woukl n fot ni tlie public __ that they con:inue to manufacture Housk Powers anü Tuiikshing Machinks. lyt.o nnd a hall mil es trom the viltnge of Atin Arbur. i on ilie rail-road. The llorse l'owir i.s a Ion uivenüon by S. W. Foster. and s dtcidedlj superior lo any other ever o lie red to the public, as will appear by ilie staicim-nis o'i ihvst ■ wlio have used them duriiig tlic lust year. Ji ís light in weiglu and Binall n compass, beincarried together with the Thresher, in a cumok'otl waggon box. and klrawn with ense b iwu horseö; It is as lmle liable to break. 01 oet out oí repair, as any other llorse Power, and will work as easy and (brasil as mud. vvitli four horses nttached to it as any otlier púwerwith jfie.: horses, as will nppcar from tlie recommendntions below. New patterns have been made for the cast hun, nnd adtlitional weight and strength applied wherever it had appeared to be necessary trom onc year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a numberof horse powers were so'd last year in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by the purchnsers to be thoseinveiued by S. W. Foster. and thatnost or all ol tlictn were eithcr made materinlly different, or altered belbre sold, so as to be materially different froni those made and sold by ikcsubseribers. Such alterations being deckiedly detnmenta tothe luility of the machine. Tluy have good reason to believe hat every one of those returned by the purchasers as uns-itisfac torj were of t'.iis class. They are notaware that any Power that went froin their sliop, and was put ín use, ns they made it. hns been conHumned or laid asideas a bad machine. All wh o wish t'ibuyare invltcd to examine theni and to enquire of those who have used them. Thero willbeonc.'or sxamination irt N. ÍÍ. Wiifo'S) F etter r.W'igc; in-.! cine at Martin Wili.son s stoiehovse in Dil'oit - both these gentlemen being aL-ents for the sale oí them. The price will bc $120 for n tour horsn power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; ands13í) fi.ra luirse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to me folio wing recomvnendations. S. W. FUST KR &CO. Scio. April 20. 1 842. RECOmiENDATÍONS. This is to certify that wc have nsed one of S V. Foster's newly inventcd JEIórse Powers foi abinit rive rriontha, and tUresiied with it about 3')00 !us!iels, and helievc it s constructed on licitar principies thnn any other Horse Power. One of the tinriersigned has 3wnednnd usedeieht different kinds of Horse Powers. and we believe thnffoúr horses will thrash as niuch with ibis Power os. cc will with any other power with which we are acquamted. IT. CASE. S. G. IVES. Scio. January. 12, 1542. T.:is ts to inform the public that I have purchased. and have now in use. one of tbr Morse Powers recer.tly invented by S W. Foster. made by S. V. Foster, fc C., ani! beüeve it be constiucteil npon better principies, and requires less s'rcn.&t'i. of horses than any other power with which 1 am oc quainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens. Sept. 8. 141. This is to ïriform tbepuMic that T have purchased one of the floise Pnwers, recently nvented by S. W. Foster. and us %d it for a numer of months. and beüeve it is the best pnwe in use. workina witli less strensrih óf horser than any other power with which I ani aeqminted, and being smnll iri compnss. iíisilv moved from one plnce to another. J believe 4 horses will thres'n as tnirch v.'it! fhis power as ;"i will with nnv "ther power. - The plan and the worfcing of this power hav lifen universilly approvod of by fermers fo) vrhoin I have thrashed. E. S. SMÍTII. Scio. April 11. 1-M-2. BWlUT ESAÖSSIMES. Thp aiihscribera make very good SMTH MACHINES whtch they wiU sell IprSO This ninchine was invented bv one of tin ■üihscriberf!. who hns lnd many year's experience in the miliing business We invit those vh- wish to buy a íriod machine fm n fair price to buy of us. It is wortli as mir! ns most of tlu machines that cost froni Jöt to í:}00. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April ], 1843. DR. BANISTER'S CKLEimATED Fl VER AGÜE P1LLS-- Punhj leze fritU', A safe, specdy. and sure re'rnedy foj lever and aue. duin :1211e, chili féver, and ün bilious difeasi's peruliar to riew countiies. These pulsare designe"! for the :iLFocti"iis o' tbe iiver -ind ojher ituernal orgnns which at tend.the diseases of the new aad niiasmatic poitionsof our counti '. The propñetor liaving 'ried them in a errc-st variety of cases onlideruly bcüoves thai they are superior to any remt-dy that lias evei been offcied to the public for the abovc diseases. It is pnrely Vegetable and pe:fectly harircless. and enn be taken by anyperson, maieoi feumle with perfect safety. The BÏHsnre prcparc.l in two separate boxes, innrked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecom paniedwiih full directions. A great nuniber of certifi;:ates might br procured in favor of this medicine, but th(proprieter has thouuht fit notto insert them. in as much as hedcpemls upon the merils o' the snnie for its repuiaiion. The above pill is kept constrntly on by the proprieter and cun ha had at wholesale nnd rotfiil at the .store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country prompily attended to. Ann Arbor. flowe'r townj iiov2') IS!"!, f L. BECKLEY GROUND PLAST ER. PK1CB RKDUCKD TO NINE DOLLARS TER TOX THE sübscribers have now on hand .nul will continue o kfpp n inofl supplyof GROUJS'D PLASTER, in Barrels, at their Stiue in Detroit. 023. Jefierson Avenue,) and in Bulk, at their l'lasler MUL on the River Rond, half way between Ypsilanii and Ann Aibor. The abofe is (rom the Séneca F'ills and Grand Jlicer Piaster Beds. botK noted for tl c;i superiority. ELDRED-& CO. January 12. 1843 4(i-fiui. T. L 4 M B E II T. BEGS leave to infnrin the inhabitanis oí Ann Arbor, and the surroumün country, that having locatcd hiinself in the Low ar Vi'lagc, wiih the view of carrj'lng on tin iibove business in nll its bmnches, (somt of wbifh n HOUSE. STCxV. nnd ORJVJIMEXTJïr, PAÏJYTIJYG, GILDING nnd GLAZLNG. GltAINLVG. imimiion of nll U'oods, M AR BLFIZliXG. TRANSPARENCIES, BANN'ERS, &c 'espectfully solicita a shnre of public patrón ige, ns his prices shnll be low to conform to 'be times and his work done in the best man ner. T. L. ivould sny to Farmers ihnt he is par ric4ilnriy desirous to attend to their calis, a:,)rod:ice is tlie Wpst kind of pav. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, March fi. 143. 45.- Iv. ' i BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, Sec. for sale at thïs ofiice.Peters Pilis. "J'is lun (heys.-iy to gul well wuh idem, ALL mnnUind ihroughóut tlicir widéaftd immense eireuluiion ilinl etTtiy ihfcin con.iiiiic to buy iliem. Peters' l'iils ate purt-ly vègliiable; tlu:y work nö niiviiolcs. nar do they pioicss to cure nll d i soases, bcciiúse iluy ;ne tlic scientific cpmpuund ol'n rrguUir physician. who nis made liis prol'cssion ilic s-:mJy üi lii.s lile. Dr. iV-tcrs is r gradúate ot Yule Colli go. nlso o: Uie M.-issni huseus Medical College, umi has euiuevhai disunguished liimselt as a man ot sciuüce ind genius auiong the lauiily of the late G iv. I L'eturs: Peters' Vegetable 1 ilis ure simple intheii jrtip;!i;iiiuii. mild in tbcir nction, ijiorough in .hcir opeiation. nni! uiinvalied in iheir resulté - The town nnd country are niikc filled wiili il.ui prnise. The palace and ilie p.ior house eclio with iheir virtucs. In all cfiniaics they wilt rtiaiu thuir wondorlul powers and exen thein unalu-ied by agc or situuiion. and ihis the voic-e ol a laieiul comtmiiiiiy procJuin.;ed. - Petors" Pillé preveni - Keep tff disenses il tirrn iy uscd, ; nd have no rival in ciiriug billious fever, I tuvei and aguelspepsia, live r coin]il.inis.giou'. sick hendachc. jriiindice, iis'.lima.dioi'iy. rhé'uiua lisni. enlarggment of tlio épkén, piles, coliu, ieniale obstruciion. heart hum. Cuncd longue, nausea. disieiKion ol the sioinach ahd bowels'. incii'i ent diarrhern, ïlaiulence. hhbiViml cónstiv'eTiees loss of nppetitc, bloched. or BaHpW ccrhpIcjiiwVi and in all cases of torpor of tliè bowels, whir n cüiliariic or apericnr is indicated.. producin heither uausoa, grïpi'ng nor debilita ; nnd ivc rt peat all ho buy them continue to try tlieni. The i)!O3i tiiumplun; succes? hns ever niien ded üièir üse and enoiigji is nlrèndy known o ikejni to immoitali'.e and hand them down to po? terity Mith the impiovemenis of the nsre in n c ical sclfcnee. Dr. Petéis was bred to thé l,ca incnrt, nnd in order to supply dem inds, he hn ontmated nnd cnllfd to his nid the only gteai dr ven machinery in the world for pill woikir.;' 'Tis perfec', and its process impnrts to the pi i'sseniiül virtue. because by bcing perkcl wronsihr. all the pills' hidden virtue is revea led wlien calle'.l into action.andhere also it is Peta exct'lsall (hc world and tnkes nll the premiums modals and diplomas. So clear the trnct for th i-ngine - Petcis' Pilis nre coming - a million o witnessescan now he hord for ihem - resisilcs -do you hear thnt! whiJe n host enn tes!if ilnt they believo they owe their sahaiion Iroii disease r.nd death to Peters' Pil?, nnd lf calóme nndknivesarc getting partially into disuse we ire only mistaktn. Ckutiticates. - This paper could be filled wit] ihcni by residenia of .Michiaan. by your fiiei.,! Tnd neighbors - ask ourager.ts. ]t is now we! knfva thnt the propio wijl have Petcis' Pil's ind to hinder would letostop the rushing wind Prioe 25 or 5Ö cents per box. Tl)G rosisiless forcé oí these tnulis - their uni vcrsnl ïeccpii-m ndded to tho tcsiimony of rnill ions. "kei'p ii bei'ore the pople1' must and mi! !;e heoTii Lfixoughqui ihis vale of tenis. Their happy inf!uence on ounii 1 uües wlnli juflering un er the usual clin uses of li!e as di ecled by the laws of nature, ihey impait n buoymcy of henn, f(cling and aetion. an elnsn'r step. velvet cheek, lillyaríd cainntion complexión bv their aetion on the cliylo. &c. and ladies in deícntCíituaiions aiwavs adniit iheir power and inloocnce, nnd take thsm twn or thrce at a lini' 'vithoii'. in ilm sliglitest degree inemring th.e ha?, inl of an abortion: which facis are of ihe titmoi nportance. Pimples: n youní lady sent hei "oveto Dr. Peters, and saysshe fccls more grateu'tohim for tho restormion of her beauty thai f he had saved heriife. 'Tis fnn tn eet wol vith Peters Pills. for ihey cause the blood tocoursi ïaljmpid and gentlft üirmigh tho veins ns -i mounïin rivulet; ? nv 4 is n ciimmon dose. hen cö tin ii'ient is nrt compelled to rnhk'e n irreal. TROUBLE IN PLUTO"S CAMP. iuite nstonished Öiïl Phito c-rneto New Y.ik Hearing Peters liad got bis Pili Kngine at woik. To resign his commission, his hoiir glass an: scyihe: [ have come to deliver thein nllnp to yon - ■ir. mv calüng is over - my business isthroiigh [ h.ive heen for threeyeais in a terrible siew. Vnd Jie.'illy don't know what on earth J'am t do: - Vot of your n-ighiy sire do I come to ctffnptqin 5ut a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS b; name; - "he discases my nids. in this war of mnnkind. .re sulidued by this Peters, whnt help can find? [ woulc! yii-ld !iim N. York, sir, if ihere h wotild stay: 'ut. sir. Peters will have the vvhole world for hi sway .viiilfi iimsinor m cnijncil wint course tr pursue l'har Kiime of Petere hroke (brth mío view. The Km? of' tenors lookèd a while. Asiliouiili lus soul w;is tur rd tú bile, At tlmt imsp-n in y pcuurge of iüs. By all men krunvn asl'eiets' Pilis. TfiPsa Pil ld ol Peters' stop ihe slaugliter. A tri Innvea tlwblood ns pure ;is water. Nw Peters mnkrs. ï'vënenrd hirn s;iy, Five luindred thousand piüs n d;y; So ihnt the chance is verysmnll Of propio dymir 'Ih'ic nt nl!: For soon tlic check?, sn mi:r!ied fordoom. Beüin li!;e tmy rose to btooni. Lonk hitèl all n;h tnj oorííitiuc to bui them Púr'jmTé n3 fullows, by Meisré. Bcnch & Abel 't. Gnnvilli?. F. J. B. ('rane. Mnynnnl. & C6 }. Wartl, S. P. & J. C. Jewctt. J. IJ. Luml il. Becker, Dickjnson & Coi'swel!. iitu! S. K 'ones. Anti Albor: Geo. Warner& Go-, and .1 Miüetd & Sn. Duxter. Wm. A. L. Slwiw. Li lioj J. C. V:n;u.p. Sylvnn. Hnlp, & Smit!. iiassLnke; W. .lackson. Leani; D. T. Mèfrjmn. Jacksun; 1I. A. Shoeniniier. Micl.i:n Jeiitro; pr.úbrsofi fe Co.. X. P. Kicf & GI i'ü. NTajichester; I). S. Ilaywond. Svlme; Snov. t Kevs. Clinton: .1. Sentiergond & Co.. Plyniuih: Stonc. B.ibcock & Co., nnr Juüns. !Iovis&C't.. Ypsilanti: Pierre TYüer. Deuoit: .1. {z J. Bidwcll. nnd Dr. Undeiwood. Ad rió ril :Iart & Mosher. Spritigyille; Hunnen & Cook. Irooklyn; Smitli & Co., Jonesville; L. M 'Joyce. Chicneo - and alinost cvery where elsr. ÓcUiD. 1S42 27-l Cash and Earter Stcrc. C. J. GAIU-AND. HAYINGpurthased tlie entire Stock in 'nd. of Godtrcy and AHon. will bc hnppy i. valt upon such as will give hint a coll. 'llii itock consi8ts of ff general nssortnient oí gonds. nel will be sold chedp. nndfor rcaiiij piuj only. WANTKD, In exchange Inr GOUDS, most kinds of couri:ry produce, and 7L0UR BARllLL i A.VEÖ & HEADING. or which a fair price will be paid. Arm Arbor, April 19, 1S4Ü. 52-tf. 'JflOJyJEY TO ME JfIJi 19 E. THE suliscrilier would hereby give notice to tli; farmers of Wnshtcnaw, and tlic neigh'üring counties, that he lins an iow in opetntion n Ann Aibor, lower Town. vhere he intends at all linies to huy FLAX 3KED, (and other Seeda üsèd iri'niffKÍng O'l.) ind pay the Itighest price, and the best ol póy. - ")tfK Doli-au per busbel will bc paid for gttffd lean seed, or, one gallon of Oil givon for llicnme quantity. Karmeks are requested to fry Flnx on theii 'uiiimer l'allows, and tliereby avail tlietnselvcs o.' wo crops i ristend of one. Mekchants are requesred tn send in their seed ind exclinnge for Oil in preference fo sendini; t(. i Vew York or Boston for it, and 'hus keep what money we have in our own State. [43-tf.] JOEL R. MIDDEN. Ann Arbor: Lover Town.. March 1. 1813.CELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The wosl ijfïclmil rcinu!; yvt discovérid Jorïihruniotisnh l'ci'tr ÍHons, Jflnlc Staèll-, iilgs, liijlamnidlion in the lïyes, Üwethd Tluuat in curht Fitcr, (uiiuri, iV'C ()-c. THE CUEMICL Pi, ASTER s nn irriporu nnt reuiedy l( r ihoso wfip nrè afflicttd wiili clirüinc bmJ inllnn n ntory oom) ItiTnts', by is cnsmg pain. couñtefatrti'ng iníliidirriirtiorij 'únú uivuig spiddS iclii-i ly its iciive. sticnyihening. unu(iyno. riinptioïctic ;iiul (.nniitciiiiiiani pfopèifies - nu i ■(li-iMiiiil feróïcdy l'r Clironic mkI Jiiiiliur,ii;itury Uliuiiii.inpni, Aguo in ilic I5re;ist. Scülds. Burne. Bruises, Scrolnla. Ulcers, 01(1 Soies ol (iliuosi evcry description. Cnnkered mul SwelffÖ '1 liiuni ;n iiíi i i Croip ScarliM Fcvei'. Feloxis, V liiti: SwclUngP Oliill.lains, &c. Peisons 9i Öering froiiiLjver Com.!;ii!its. PjjVnionnry disèoscs, JnflnnirhnlKin ol tlie Lungs. wiih pïiiri in üié sidr, h.-ick oí' lititbs'. wi!l tiiul ïoüef I-v i!ic üíc of i'fiis Pliislcr. In a!l cnses it nray be üsed wiiii pèriiccl E. DF.AN S CHEMICAL rLASTl.n it, gut up in nt i:i;y fents nnil onu doller oicli. willi iull (ürections nccon.pnnyinir cjh-Ii bftji. Mm:!;.cI:iu-(1 i'd Sultl wln-J-..-ilc .y IL HAliR1S & CO.. Aslill)ul:i. (Jl;io. snli' pio(nit luis. to luim ill orik'is slinuld be ■i'liheísí.d. Svld alio ly tlirir Avenís thïóiignoui the counrry'. OA liberal discount made to i! ca lui smul pliysicimVs. Kor tcstirroriKiIs nnd cefííficñfcs from p'évsótif '' tliè hiilicst rcppcciliiüiy. vrh'ó hnvö uso-l the Clieinicol Piaster, see collimn oi tliis paper. Forsnlc hy the following Agcnis in Michigan: ti. yto Rood. Eüíís., .'. C. Ltprriiïiore. C. SVonahnn, IjüdwnrAsljiKbh'. A"m. O. Ausün, Wiilte Tieon. Js.iac Bciilinni. Jr.. Connt.nntinc. Diirrf. L. Kn. lictiy. Schóofcl-nJ II. B. Hujt-n. & r. Mn;c!i. ir i? M fCslamazoo. .laiücs W. C'oiliren. B. M. GnleShitrglii T. L. Ro!l;coi; 1'. til. Rnitlé Croek " Jamos M. Paisiip. ]'. M. Mii'slw.lL P.inl Raynoi;d. 1); iijjirist. .l.-cuson. Wm, Jucks.m, 1'. UW. Lomii. Hale mu! Smith, Lako. John C. Winnns, Sylvnn, .1 Milleia cV Sop, Devev. Thomas P. INlav. .Jr. Pjymouih, Perin & f!;:!!. Norriivïli, iMendicc McC;,r;liy. Ka: r.inion, Peter Van Evory. ];iiklii!, J.ulijis Dean. Pi.'i.tiac, Mack & Sp.rag.ue, Rochrsicr, Janus Pirplien?. l'tica. E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clcmcns. G. & .). G. H.ll. ? h John Olvéh & Co. Detl01tDr. Thos. M. Fw.'eny. Doaibornville. E. Ypsilanti, .T. H. Ll'ND. ) W. B-. & W:. MAYNARD. } Ann A bor CHRIS'llAN EI3;;itliAC!l. ') '9-'vN O F I C_T_Í O"Ñ ON V) P { I C K STORE. TFIE siüociiLl-i suli nm.ii.i; to èc!l DR"1 GOODs. ai.d üiiY onecí; iui:s? .n A'., ■". f I tirón Ülock. Loncr Trien. Mis s h k ■ .nch wís cnieiuüy stlecied nnd well puicl asee vlikli PiinWea hitri to sci! Uiyif fox n-ci!y pmj. As he believps i lie imun-y oí iln qun,i; jfevery person. is of tlie sntne valué, he ill so o all lor tliesani1 puri1. ánll no nnicunt of Or.-'ory can swcrvc h;ni t'iorn ihqi cuursft. Fersun ;nn make'jufn 39 V] bnrsnins-l)}1 scmüng ;ui ;: r;nt. ;is tironip tlipniyclvr. ín (iinrevo.i wnli i:o STore fe a Gkist m J'louríng .Mi'. i.. f e ! cnnsianily ■:.y Cusís foi Wlaeaí H tho liiyiiesc ninrUet pi ice. F.irmers r,:id W'hcai Ijuyeis pan hnyp iliet Iristing and Flouring doiie lo nider nnd on il ■íiist reasonnlíle terirs. Tl:ose who wi&li L íiirchnse uoóds. or ctt VVItent floured, wonld ! vpII to cali nnd enquire his p tices, ond nto hi íKinner of döiiig business. nwioriT rcpj.i.oGO. nn Arbnr, I,nir Tnwn. Fe!'. Lf$, !-!'. '"_■ To Irhysicisns ancl Gcu2.-5.r3 "i J7 8olennd Retail Druggisi (ii;. á-Xy=5 üí 'he tïöHöii Mor!nr.)"J;3üJe 1 fe sui _vnuo. Detroiij has 01 b'iiKl --íriiJ oíií'is 10 puchr.sus. ;. nrs.Í very lo-.v rsiíes: irr5y.f í Ca.Ua ípsom Snli$: 2 casi; ! rj O'Hir Sulpluir; 2 B!?. '..w.Iuo i jíji Jitlnii; 1 lili!. pi'Wueied iíl.ei.l ,:,: : 2 !!!'á Cjoani 'j'an.u ; O: ■ ( ' - LJC" ly tile -'■ 1 on or (i .■i (.-- !i ■ïizf's:) C;tin)!-.o: C'.' Q;uhinc. Corroíi.yi Syíí'ímñJc; Fieficli and F'nüiisli Cln m císi reí uincry if alUl-ind.s; Linsr;-.! ' );! W ;iic ].i-:' ley nnd in Oii; En.gltsh Vcniü,an Red; Englis] [iii'plil.ick: Si). rrii![H-ii!i:c. Mici&ñn GI.-iís ctiiü sizes níáetJher w h pvoi; rher aniclc coniíO'ic-l wnli tho Iiuir. r.iin. )l. nnd liye SmiV JJiifinefe. An.ii ir' H i" r. '-■■'".voiiTiir.nN, kasïkk.n a.M' m)l;:;.;:'. i tes iwv-jy. The imdersiiíiicd rcf-pectfuüy ntinonnres ti lie public, thut he is iiow tlio ptnpriettir pi liid vvéïl !;nown estnidit-limm?. Tho Ikmim invwjr boen thoro: {íhlv overhuu'ed, ;ul ic'i!;i il in a DKiiincr calcvlaied to promoté tli coiu'brt ofcilizons :i;n.! the trnvp!!:!i_r !irblrc. Tin; liousp occnpies nn pílgibíe i ñíiübn fi he corner of WojOilbridge ohtl Randulpl. troot?, n n bu.-ine.-s pnrt of i lip city. Tliose who muy honor him vvilh ilinr connonnnce, nmy he ifisqred ihat riOPÍpf'nsenr ;iton'ion in H p"ver, uill be '■jmied. ín xnnUc heir sojourn in Detroit agreeableund iatisiciorv. [av-u] s. d. wcoBwoirni. RAlïRÖ A Ö TEMPERANCE HOUSE. rï"lJC undujsiüüed wonld respect i idly ii.Iji; I ihe fnends oí Teiiipurancr. oud tlib ■ 1 1 ! i 1 1 ■ ircrierally. [hi' iFieobiive rtrinled Hóüee. foriutr ly Ic'nown :is tlie Tprti'pernnfce Hotelj'ñh'il Öituriiéi on i!in corner of' Midiignn nvbriuennd Whélíírtg ton siroct, no.'ir he Corür.d flnilrcmd Depot, hnv neíitndérfione iliorouh ifpniis and wety ererrt nddiiiin;:l inprovcuionis. is now reüdy io'-il.eic CCI'HQO ol nl ihosc 'lm inny i-.wnr liim u ti. cill. The r.ccommodniions, in every ips;icct. ;ir not n'fiiior 10 ony Tcmpcrnrice Houso m i In coiiiitry. nnd evfijy nueniinn wilJ be pi ven t' fluel). ns begiow ilicir palronngc upon iliis lauda (!e entcrprifii!. ■ N. U. Carri.igfs nlwnys in ren linpss to convey passenger 10 and iruin Ön"Hs mul C;up. WAL CiJA.MP. Detroit. Mnv 0. 1H13. 4-1 y Shcop Shears. FOR. Sale by C. J. GARLANi'. Ann Arl-or. TTpncr TWh, Mot 5. ifJö. 2


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Old News