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Ploughs! PIoiighsT (jy CJUTT BE BEJT.' THE have constont'y on iand a larec nssorttmni of of n superior quality; whicli ïhey offer tor snfe is CHE AP ns önn be piirqlineed nt nny oii,er ilice in ilns C.iumy. Thosc wishing to purehase A'ill píente cnll and exnm.rnr for lh au-elvcs PARTJU1XJKS,KENT&CO. Ann Ai hor. April 20, J 84i. 52-tf HlANDJFÖÏT TUI': urjdersigned is autfiorised to sell severa} traets of lnrid n the coúnties of St. Clair SoBinaw, Spnilnc, Wnshtena-W nnd Lennwi e ai huir c.i.!i vnlvie. and takein pnyineni Siaie Scrip iwl n.rrnmsa ;,. or thè:r equivalent in cfc'h; h lio wil! propon itm.-iif terms on timp. 'J iie c-üsh ■ih:(! Mi;;y be (iscennined. it' desired, by nppnüsischosun Iy the purcliase nnd subf-criber. The Wiishienrnv I;m'B cn'ftsisi ,.' 118 acres ir hri rown of W'fbsier. il jiluU impioved. of enily nd choice selactiön. nnd 21 i ;icit-s 3 miles below i'psil.iiui. (in the River JJi ron. hnving i( h l oto:n iiid upper l;:nris. pood lin brr. lunniny xrarv. cprn anc] wficsn soil. e.xenlent sites lor luilci't.'. surioii-uled by sett'em nts. goorl ionris nnd uills. Abüut 30 acres have been undcr culiivalon. CHAS Tí. STEWARTr '7 'f JefloAjion Avenue. Detroit. Mits. C. BUFFFINGTON, O ES PBCT FULLV nnöóu'ncès to the in liabitmits ot Ann Arhox and vicinity, that !e íi;is oponed a sisop, midwny, bflvfen the 'per mul louor vil!;ijro..ulere llie business of MIUJWEEY & DliLlSS MJ1KLXG w r-arried on, in ]l its branches, uit!) umciiinüry,(Ircpntch, jimI in ihcbestuiid moet i'.i-linn in stylo. Ánri'Arb'o'f, Api il 8, T043. 50 ly OOTASÍJ Keities. Cüuúlrons, Sugnr Kettlrs, i. l'o ash loi!ers. Five PmiI Ketiles. flnd sniall ltll(!w Würe. Mili Gcaiini'. Wfl'ifi Bnxes, liiiy! C'ii.-ting.. :e. eontnatly un h :.d. i r inde rit slior"! nolice at ilic AMiN' ARÜOR ;tkam rorxiMiY. PARTR1DGES. KENT & CO. T-rch 2a. 11-4Í. 49-2 MÁ'jibÜS STLFENti 4' SAMUEL ZUG. a. E inken the rooms in tlie lower end ot the Wi:e Dlocl?. disectiy np[H'Site the ililigan ExchanifO, whar.c th.gj! wj keej aa txnsive nss'fftnienl yj' CBEDWET WLÍRÍ3, I every kind. qtnlity. and (Icp.i ipuon. of ihfir v.n iiiaiuihictiiimu. and W-nriunied to l.e as fashniilblo, good, aiui ehe.ip as enn h liad West of ew Yoiis. I'iiicI ■■ si .s ■■:..'. ic(]iics!cd tu cali and v.i.iiine. bnr pxtfi aísiiici.cni lel'ore huying. Any ar:iclu ol l''uniiiuie made lo order, and Vnrrqvïid lo p!e-w. irPIJULS ThRING done in all s vaiious :;:nc!ies. and al shoricst iiniicc. CUA1RS. LOCKIXG GLASSKS, AND ."LLOW WAitE: hJso. ]tnkgany Bourds rïü I i:e:is - as chcat np rh ó I tV i"e F. In xdinn're. CHERllY. V.!XUl AND IA&LE LL3!Li:{, .-r. 4.;. Sr in 1: v e.n & zijg, De--r.ii. April 17. 18i:J. 5i'-3ni 1 4 jY U FJI C T U R E US A jYV MKRCIJJ.XTS. r'.lF. siibáJiil is are imw íoíclvirtTi at thrir .tures, löfi .?■ ff-isnii Avi-ii:-, mui c 1 tier of . .iiidolph anl H(.x!!rdge ftieets. Dliiuji, a ao nnd :r' nñrnl stuck l Bye Wöóds &Eye StufTs. ) loi.i L ■)wo.i(l. l''u.-t.c. l.iM.tsvo'.(i. ; icnrtaiin. lJxpuinie oud. in liie hiick, i-sO bola triuuiid Caniwöod, i 5 ' do Fiíatíc í'-ii) do L,igwfíod-i 1 ) ) do lii clu'oods, 0 do Aluin, C filids Coppeinp. 4 do P.ue Vil. iol. 4 pi;es Oinbn: and Crop .Madders, piime, 50!) Ihs Kxirn'ci LoL'svood. (I r.) d líeiifíil. M:itl;asan(! C'arnccas Índigo, :'... ) d.. [JJutí Á'u'-alls. (Alleppor) jr.O ihi Pdwderej] Cureuni, 2t() do Vtírfliiriá. 10 Cñrlioya Oí) Viniol, G do Af.m Fortls. ■1 do Sniriis Sen Salt?, 4 tío IS'inie Acid, 2 casus Lnc Ove. "Oí Ihs. Bnnquo Tin. ?.'O lo í'i-eain Tartar. 5í)0 lo Q lerecicori Raft. Tgetiior wiih n completo nssortment ofaÜ the linui 11 rt hiles n tho trade. 10 wii: L' ésa P.'ipérs. Tenzles, Miushes, Ineke. Tent liooks, DveKeiiUs, I'iekeis. Dtuling Irorit, Nippers. Pi nssiate if T'olas!t. Sal Anwini:ic. Sal Soda, Smrar ol" J.ead. Steel Reeds. Can! Cleanct.--,MACHINE CARDS, Satinen W&rps. Shenrs, iVe. Tliis entírc stock has becn purchased witnin tlio ist i w i wct-ky. tind seheied perëorihUy líy one i ibe ci.ncuin. m lio luis lecn in tlie Imsiness lor ir last eleven years, and iliey liave no licMtntion i yiyiuir ihai i lie qüniiry ot thesu coods ís un- ccptinn:il)!e. Tliey will pbjhHfly he sold at the 'west Npvs York jiilibiiiíí piices. witli ilie adiiión oftransyoftnuón only. The sul'ícriliers fiáive thc solc Agency in this Un'.o fr the snlo if PAKSON'S SlIRARiXO MACHINES." ndihe ( ■lchmcrl "LEICEZTER MACHINE OÁSDSf di'ciHeiíiy ilic besi in usv. TUEO. II. EATON, & CO. _A'pri1 II. 1843. __ 51 if. Estáte o f Ira ZEurrin. T, 1 1) Undiísigned. Cixnnrssioricis Ior rercivinnnti allowjñg clóinisagnintri the noresnid ;'.ic. Wil) meel at oüice of K. JVIiuiffy, at ) o'clótík, A. M.. nn ]Vc(I):cs'(iy, lhc2Ist tía y of I une nex i . to receive uá exaniiiic cloima against i, lid C'stíUO. E. MUNDY, .T. WKL1.S. T. FOSTRR. Aun Albor. Jhdb 7. l.43. 7-Sw For Salo. OXEvnkeof V(;RKINU OXPN. Knquiro at thcIJat Síóreof II. PAGG. Lower Town. Ann Albor. IMav 20. 18 T?. 5-tf O F al kinds ncnily e.xecmcd at '.lie tíignal O ico. nt ilic Bhortcsi notice, and on the nost roijiifnnhio terms. HandbÜÏS -" '" ' Vm#l I order, at any lime, wnli die utmost accuracy. ET Orders by mail prorfiptly filled.


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