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General Intelligence: The Ports Open In China

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Cantón.- This city lies near the sntuhern extremity of China, in iibont north latitude 22, und is one of the ports iiow open by the treaty. As the ship is entering l'lie great 13ay, at the head of which Cunton 'va siíuated, and ( bout 70 miles berore she enters that city, slie passes Mucao, ihe Portugnese island wheie most of our inifsionaries have resided. Abóüt 35 miles from Macno, on the opposite side of the by, near ihe coast, is Hong Kong, which vvas a "barren islancl with 15,000 or 20.000 inAbitants, but. is perpefually ceded to the British. It has an excellent harbor, and is very convenient for ships trading with Cantón. - Hong Kony and Macao should therefore 'e remeinbered ín connection with Cantón, both being ismnds near which each ship passes ns she visits tliat city . Proceeding north-easierly on Ihe Chinese coast soine 500 miles tho ship anprotíches,Ámoy, capital of the island of the same name, connected wiih the great province of Fokirn hoving one of the finest harbors in the worhl, wilh about 150,000 inhabitarits, and enterprising1 merchants lnrnrely engaged in the black ttea Utade. At Kolong soo, a smal] island opposit Amoy the liritish have now their station Prorcodinir perhapa 150 miles further to the distance of 435 miles north eastfard from Canton she visita, Foo, the cnpital of tho province of Fokien, on tlie riverMin, with 400,000 po pulution, nnd the groat mart of the black ie trade. Proceeding" northward some tliret hnnrfred miles further is King-poo, in llic province of CheLeangwith a popiilation of some 250,000 larely en gnged in foreign trade with Japan, öpposite King-poo is the large island of Chusnn. Proceeíing some 100 iniles et ill further North isShang-Hea, a city in the province of itang-nan, on Wee-sung river, the city next o Cantón in commercial iinportance. lt lares largely in the trade of the great impeal canal, which runs northw&rd near a tiiouand miles to Pekin; and also in the trade of ie river Yangtse-Kiang, the largest river in China if nox in ihe worïd, on which lies the jreat city of JNankin. Thus the Brilish have their open ports exending for nearly a tliousand niües along the oudt of China, It is probable olher nations vill have equnl acces to them, and who can ell what &liall be the ultímate influence upon ie eííbrls for ihe conversión of the millions f that empire.The Position of Texas.- The Edibf of the iew Orlenns Tropic holds this discouraging I anguage with regard to the Republic of the jone Star, in a late nurnbei ol'his paper: 'For Texas, we frankly confess, our eymathy i? fast waninj. We begin to believe lie country 'isnot what it is cracked up to )►;' - th3t the feeling of gratitude for fuvors avishly bestowed by the United States, is renarkubly slender- ihat ils government is uterly contemptible - that the mnjority of its )eople are not fit to be free - in fine, we boieve that Texas will resume its proper posiion when it ceases to bting ridicule upon the name of 'Republic' by claiming it, and again ncomes an integral portion of the States of Vlexico.'Improvement in. the Telescope. The Messrs. Paine, of Leicester Mass., in a letter to the Spy, announce tliat ihey havecoinpleted such mprovemeni in the reflecting telescope, that (he wliole of au object can be given at once on the screen; and that opaque and colored objects are distiuctly and beautifully given. - Says Mr. Paine: l cannot retrain from mentiomng a metamorpliose which 1 was happy cnough to witness tlirough the agency of our instrument. - 1 had placed the larva of a May Fiy under the actio of 3,000,000 powers, which gavs a rppresentation on the screen 12 feet long. - While watching the movements of Ka breathinT apparatus, I perceived the head to beleaving the body, or ratlier drawing anotlier body with il frorn within the one I was examining. In a few seconds four legs were j Mirovvn out, (as one would throw out the i frame of an imiberella) and floated on the { face of the water. Tlie insect novv measurcd 20 feet, and a inore singular uundescript carinot bo imagined than was presented in this half aenal, half aqtiaüc piece of existence. - Extending f rom a few feet back of the head o the extremity of the body, as far as U had [ron out, appears on either f-ide what seemed an illy-furJed sail, which by an effort of the insect was iinmediately fluug to the )reeze-and le! a stupendous pair of wings was jddcd to the scène. The old envelopecd away, and befare me fluttered a thing ot air". í'he eniire time frcm ils larva slate swimming n my receiver, till it floatcd away on wings, did not exceed three minutes. I never, ui the wiidest flirht of imr.gination,conjurpd up a sight so amuzing as this. Tliere are otlier peculianties about our instrument which I am Rot at liberty to inention t pre.-;enf. I wi'l siate, hoveve,that in the arraniremen; and cotnbination of lenses awhspec.lue, we have, in many instances, votked dircctly opposite to the fundamental laws that have been supposed to gover n optie?. HENRY M. PAINE.'Rotary KiiilUng Loom.- Mr. Erasmus Frencli, of Spring field, Conn., hns, after much labor and studv, invented a rnacliine which knits pto-kings and Hoiery of all kinds of perfect shape wn hout searn or blemish, with a rap fljty and cheapnefs hitlierto unparalleled. Each machine (says Mr. George Danacott of Boston,) will knit one sock per hour, while one girl can easily tend ten machines, and fivc hunJred machines may be driven by one horse power. Itev. Jóbn Pierpont declares it the jrrëatëst mecliarical invemion of the age. - Unlike the clumsy and cumbrous stocking machines of formar davs, it weighs but three poiinds, and nfty be p'aced on thecenter-table of nfiy lady's drawing room. ('Tis a pity our fasbionable damscls would not buy one each iind dopnrt of their 'practicing' therenn, to the relief of the sufferinpf pianos.) Il will , knitcotton. woolen, silU, or any fabric from the finest to the coarsest. A disinterested friend writos us from Boston, 'I have been looking at this machine willj ustomshment for two or three days. I had hcard of it before, hut it takes seeing to make believing in these days. Cnrlyle speaks of the Gospel of Richard Arkwrighl; here is another Gospel of equal signifwiice: '1 he question is, Shall it be 'preached to the poor!' or shall the Deyil engross t and dole it out mixed with poison, as he has done wiih Arkwright's.' We wish the macbine could indeed be givrn to the poor: but doubtless the necessity of the inventoi will compcl )i'm to sell the patent to some sharp operator, who will secure to himself as mucli and leave to the public as little of the benefit as possible.-JV. Y. W. Tribune.The Laíimer Lato.- T lie firm stand which Massachusetts look, lins already done incalculable good. It hns brought "the "Northern Alües" to their bearings, tliey can no lonjrer cheat both sides. It has given a lesbon to the Whigs, loo,thatif they wis!) to mainlain puwer, they must have moral couroge. It is of prent valué to the slavebolders, teachinpr them thc impoitant fact, that their 'institíiüon' rests pon very frail foundation, so far as regards ie actsof the'non-elaveholding States. - Cin. Ckronicle. _._ Jlstonishing Audacity! Awriterinthe Naional Intelligencer intim"tes that the absolute power of it3 nobility, and the slavery of the grer.t mass of its kborors, w is the true reason of the fall of Poland! By the wny, did it never occur to any of our readers that Poland was n slavéholdinpr nntion? That the partilion of Pol and yave civil rights, liberty and proiection to the masses of its inhabi'.antF, and bröugbt lts haufthty and oppressive nobles to Bubmission to equal laws? This is the fact. Poland feil becauso her people were slaves!- PatriotA Kiss and the consequ enees. - Sheriff Ware of Gloucoster Co. Nfiw Jersy, gave Mr. Wm. Bateman a eevere horse-whipping, at Blackwoodtown. on Snnilny, the 21st, at the door of the Presbyteriíin Church. The provocation, we understnntl, was kissinjr, or attPiíipting to kiss the Sheriff's wite. Mr. Bateman wos flopged lili bis clothes hnng in tatters,ond his wliole porson was covered with blooc!. Tho number of raember. in the New School Presbyterian denomintttion lias donbíed within tíiree yeare.Factory Gids in JVew England. - In the ntroduction to an interesting work lately published at the office of the New World, entitled "The Lights and Shadows of a Factory, Life, by a Factory Girl," occura the following passage: "In 1840 and 1841, tbere were at school in - - - five beside myself who had been factory rirls. üne ofthem had studied French and Itallian, and was then studying Greek and Latin. She is novv in the mili working for funda to complete her educalion. She is prosecuting her studies now wilh her husband who is, or is about to be, a clergyman. Two others cornmenced the stiidy of Latin. One of tbem left school and became the wife of a physician in the ueighborhood. The other is now in the factory with the object of attend ing school again." Another is studyinr Latin, Greek, and Frencli, unpeu tres peu. The other was the daughter ot one of the first men in tlie village. Her scholarship was above mediocrity. She is now successfully engaged in teaclnng."A JYovel Enterprize.-We find ihe following in the Lancaster Inteügetícer, from which itVill be seen that Mr. Wise, of baüoon celebrity, proposes to outsirip all hid competitors in tliat line, by an effort to cross the Atlantic. Mr. Wise must oe careful wherehedescends: To all Publishers of nctvspapers on the Globe. As it is my intention lo niake a trip across the Atlantic Ocean in a Balloon, in the nummer of 1844, and as the descent or landing of'Balloons, in my expenence, has lamost invariably creitcd unnecessary alarm to the inhabitants, I therefore give this general nottce to the sea-faring commanity, of all cliwies, that should they, during any time hencefurth, be in the vicinity of a Balloon, either on the Ocean or in the Atmospbere they will not be any fearful appreliensions, but endeavor to give aid to the adventurers. It must not be inferred froni this, that the success is considered improbable, but msrely to he prepared forall emergencies. Ilavinir, froui a long experience in aerostatics, been' convinced that a regular current of air is blowing at all time?, from W. to E. witha volocity ot'from 20 to 40 miles per hour according to its lieight from the eartb; and having discovered a composition which will renclér silk or musün, iinpervious to hydrogen gas, so that a bulbon may be kept afloat for many weeks, I feel confident, with those advantage.-', thnt n trip across ilie Atlantic will not be attended with as much real danger as by the common mode of transition. . „ . .The Balloon is to be one hundreü reetin flianieter, which vill ghm a net ascending power of twenty-five thousand pounds- bein? amplv Biifficient to make everylhing safe nnri confortable. A seaworthy boat is to be used for the car, which is to be depended on, in case the Balloon should happen lo fail in accomplishing the voyoge. The boat vould also be calculated upon in case the regular current ot wind Bhould be diverted from the course by the influence of ihe Ocean, or through othcr causes. The crew to consist ofthree persons, viz: an iEronaut, a Navigator, and a Scientiíic Landsman.Tliercfore the people of Enrope, África Asia, and all other parts on the Ocean or j wbere, who have never seen a balloon, will benr in mind, that it is a large Globe made of cloth, ensconced in a net-work, with a sloop lianrriiiT undemeath it, containing the "latest news from the United States," wit li the crew of the world's obedient servant. JNO. WISE. Lancaster, (Pa.) June 8th, 1843.A large niimber of churches in this state, of difTerenrdenominations, have taken the ground publicly of non-fellowship with slaveholders and many others really are in ihe same postion. A very la rge body of ministers wouid refuse their pulpits to slaveholders, and churches their communion tables, who have laken no formal action on the subject, and this number is rapidly increasin?. The Bible uneqnivocally requires H.- Liberty Standard, Mame. Jlltention the Whole.-Trim Wkiskersl- A circular has been issued from the head, quarters of the army, by commnnd of Mj. Gen. Scott specially the attenlion ef all the offices of the army to the general rcnilations relative to whiskers, moustaches, ami cut of the hair, respecting wliich the Secretary of War, to whoni the subject has been submitted, deemá it inexpedient todirectany I modification.A Good ffní.-The cclcbrated Dr. Abernoíhy once said: "I tell you honestly. what I tliink is the wliole cause ofthe complicated maladies of the human frame; it is their gormandizing, andstuffing, ani! stimulaimg the dio-estiveorgansto excess.- thereby crentmg irntation . The state of their minds ís anolher grand cause- the fidgeting and discontentMig themselves about that which cannot be helped. Passions of all kinds- malionant passions and worldly cares pressing on ihe mmd, disturb the central action, aml do a gteat deal of harm."Profane swearing is a supcrfiuity of wickedness, andcauonly be considered as a peppercorn rent in ncknowleriijemeiH of the Devil s superiority. - Robtrt Hall. Prince de Mnntforf, son of Jerome Bonaparte, is nboiit to many rsabella, the youug Queen of Spnin. Six hours in sleep, in law's grave study six; Four spend in prayer; the rest on nature fix. Six hours to !aw; to soothinjr slumber seven; Ten to the world allol, and all to heaven. - Sir Wie. Jones.At Cincinnati. they have commenced the manufacture of n very neat and useful article of Hoor uid hcarth cloth, from hog's bristles, or hair- They are first sofiened by iujmersion for a given time ia lord il, and then spun and wove into cloth. wiih the different arrangement of naiural colora that fancy dictates. The wlieat erop of this country is second in importance only to cotton. lts yield in 18!2is estimated at 10,000,000 of bushcls, valued at 60 ets. a bushei, amoimting probably to two-thirds of the value of the whole cotvon erop of the Union, at the present prices. - Frce Press.How it looks to ihe Slaveholders. - The St. Louis, Missouri, Reporter, in an nrlicle on the prospects and posilion of the Democratie party, ater cnumeraiing some ol the dang-ers to which the party is exposed at the present time, says: - 'And last, though not least, we have tyo classes of abolitionistF, one religious and the otlier political- and the latler deC'dedly Ihc worst of ihe two. These classes constilute so many plagues in the political and religwus r'rcles,"We ask our Liberty party aboütionists to noto tliis declaratiori irom an eneiny of our cause. - Hmanripator. f Ir 1840, 19 of the 26 States gave majoriiies for Harnson and Tyler; now, 18 of the Statep hnve


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