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Free Labor Vs. Slave Labor

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A fine ooking and intelligent coloreJ mun, about forty ycars of age - a waitcr at Gadsby's, was asked by us it' ho was n slave. He replied witli glistening oyes- 'No, but I once wat. Wc thon told iúm, if it wns not agninst ihe rules ofthe house, we shoiild liko to kuow something of iiis history. Ilis story ii: a few wonls wns tliis: 'I wns born here a fatntty al-ivo. Utuif I snw aclnnce to be frer, my tudy w:is to (Jo as li'.tle work as I cou!d without being fi)ggC'fl . But why aoV we askcd. 'Iíecanse, wlien .1 muí W'irks for nolim?. hodiin't work very hcxrtily. I knew if I hbored all day Iog I was no better ofT til m if I diiln't work any. I hd n nducerneti', nnd no hopo. Buc by and by mistress siid if ! cotila earn thrse liinlrel aiul eiglity dullars, lo b;iy my frepdom witli, s!ie wouKl give me my papers I astonishpd evcrybody whó kncw me. Every day I did tiie work of tlirre sl:ives. People said, 'VVliat'sgot hito lazy Jim?' A!i, Sir, they diiln't know I was digg ng, nnd plonofiiing, and swoating for liberty. Tlu black man likes froedom a-? well as the white man. Wel!, it was'nl long befare I called upon mistte.-ss witli the monsy and received my pnper.. T felt like a kng, Sir, as I imrchcd bril of l'.er parlor, a free nmn. I nn abrut the strrets, an 1 shook hands with ill my olored friends.nni sliourcd 'I'm Free! Im Frce!' T Iooked at tnys'lf in ihegl.iss a dozen tim?s ':;it day to seo how a freeman nppeá'eíí,' nnd vil i yon beüeve m?, Sir, I hirdly knew myelf. I fearsd t was growing pro:id: my ■yes shone so, aul I stoid so sirriiahr. Thit "ook in my biok, an! that snenkin look in ni my face we-e ail ?ons. Weil, Sir, since then I have got a wife and five chd.lren. I have some money at mierest, nnd 1 paid nine luindred dollars down for the house my fainily live in.' Tlii.s wns the snbnneo of liis story, which wos told eloqiii'mly, an I witli pathos, lli're


Signal of Liberty
Old News