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To Families & Invalids

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Tíie followm mdinpenjiRl)!; family remedies mrty be fonnd at the villaje drn? stores, and soon at every country store in the state. Remember and never get them uuless they have the fac-simiïe signatare of yÚL'vi'?''}VL on le trappers, os cll othefï by the same names are báé inïpoaitior and counterfeita. If the merchant neorest yon ha tH"m not urge hitn to procure ihcm . thé next lime he visits New York, or to write for thetn". Yo family tliould be a week without these remtiitt. 12LbÜ5SUÍl] BALM OF COLUMB1 A,FOR THE HAIR, which will stop it if fiitlmg uut, or restore it on bald places ; and on chüdren makc it grow rapidlyf or onthose who have lost the hoir from any cause ALL VERMIS that infest the heads of childreit in schools, are preventcd or killed by it at once. Kind the name of -feáíCO on it, or nercr try it. Rememher this alvoays. m RHEUMATISM, and IfeSisÉ? posiiively cured, and all êhrivylled muscles and limbs are rcstorcii, in the old or young, by the Lxdiajt Vegetable Ei.ixik and Nf.rve and Liniment- but nevcr without the name of Comstock Sc. Co. on it.are wholly preented, or governed f the attnek has come on, f you use the only irue Havs' LiNi.vE.vT.from and f very ihing relieved by it that admis of an our. ward npplication. It acts like o charni. Use i:. HORSES that have Ring-Bone, ffpavin Wind-Galls, &.c, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and JFoViTldered horses entirely cured by Eofii Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen.Dalley's Magical Pain ExtractOI S2irVO."""The most extraoidinary remedy ever invented for all new or old and sores, nnd sore. 3f3S9 It as dcliglitcd thousands. It will take out all pata in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the H ÍíIsÍrJsLIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and usefui artiele never was made. AU should wear them regularly. IJLVS TEJIPEftA-NCE BïTTEftSr on the principie of substituting the tanic in place of the stimulanl principie, which has reformcd sa manv tlruukards. To be used with LIN'S JSfl fSJH PILLS, supenor ta aü otliers for cleansins the system and the humors afTecti ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowcls, and the general heahh.íj m w Ad)ISee Dr. Lin's ig. &CCtbt-%9 CLj V namre. ihus :1 . m"- ïl V A. Tl 'A PTTf! DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REIVTEDY I will effectually cure sick headache, either from tho ! tH)JkVi''JB or bilious. Ilundreds of families ara ! ""'1 using it with great jo.DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR GF HEALTH for the ccriain prevention of' ËaSlSaa or any general sickness ; keeping the stomach in nu,st perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determina i;m to pains in the bones, hoarseness, and I J fc%3 Fff are quickly cured by ït. Know tliis by trying. CORNS. - The French Piaster is a surc cure hair any shade you wish, but wül not color theSARSAPARILLA, comstock gom. POUND EXTRACT. Tliere is no othcr prcporation of Sarsaparilla that can cxcced or cqual this. If you are sure to gel Comstock's, you wül find it superior to all othera. It does noi require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and au exiernal ailings - all in:ernal irritations brouglu to the surfnee by fnciïón with ihis Balm ; - so in coughs, swelled orsorc iliroal, tightness of the chest, this Baim nppüed on a flannel will relieve and curtí ot once.--Fresh wounds or oid sores are rapidlv curcd by it. 53r. ifórtholrmrto's will prevent or cure all incipient conpiimntin, I tasen in time, and is a deii;htful remoily Itcmenu (er the name, and get Comstack's. KOLMSTQCiCS VERMIFÜGE oradicate a!l ttjj ?j Fi 551 in c'1'ltírca or atula with a certainty quite astonishing. It sells with a rapiditjr alniost mcredible, by Comslock if Co., New York.TOOTII DROPS. KLINE'S- cure cfïeclually. Entrrixtiieoordinsto.ictnrConares.. n thf yrnr 184?. hrCom.'tetk V Co., in Lliu Clork'soiüce ot'tlie Souihcrn DisUictol Jew Yors. By applying to our agent3 in cach town and llagc, papers may be bad free, showing the most rv 'oectable nanios in tho coantry for these facts, so ilia. -o one can fail to believe them. {L3, ''e surc yon cali for onr anieles, and not be pnt K.ÏÏ with any storics, that others are as HAVE THESE OU 3VONE, sbouW bc yonr motto-and these neccr can be trut ar.d genuine 'without our namrs to them. All these articles to be had wholesale and rctail only of us {pmbtü&fáée wholesa!ü DruLSi8ta' ÍSÍ. Conrt.'anrí 5ílreet, netTTtronèvetty


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