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jLg48" WHOICSaLe & RETAIL. ál. JH'JFÁRJEJY, BOOKSELlERANiSTATIöNER SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFERSON AVB3UK, DETROIT .Kee)8 constintly for sale a omplete nssortmen of MisccllaDeous, School and Classu-al Books; Letter and Cap Paper, pl.iin and ruled, Quilis. Ink, Sealing Wnx, CuiJery, Wrapping Paper. Printmg Paper, jï all stzes; and Book, News and Cunister luk, ol varrous kinds. BLANK BOOZS, Full and halt bound, ot every varreiy o lluling MEMORÁNDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchante; Teachers, and others, buying in quantities, a large discount made. SAB3ATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEP0S1T0R 51-tf. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT haring been made in the paymen o( a certain sum of money, secured, to b paid by inJenture of mortgige, bearing date the tiinih' d ly út" May, in the year of our Lord. one thousind eighr hundred and thirty nine, executec by Miller Barker, of Clinton, Lenawee Coumv Michigan, to George Westlall, of Plymouth, ii t!ie County of Wayne, Michigan, and recordec in the Register' b Om'ce, of the County of Wash tca.iW, iiiiaid State, oa the J lth d;iy of May, A D. 1831), at luj o'clock, A. M. in líber, JSo. S page 113, upön which there is claimed to be due at tho date of this notice, t'ie sum of one hun área :md iwolve dollars and sixty one cents. N'otice i. therefore hereby given, thatby virtue oí a pówér of sale in said mortgage contained and pursuantto the stamtc insuch case made anr provided, will be sold at public auc:ion r venduo, at tiie C.mrt House, in the villaje of Ann Arbor, in the County of Waahtenaw. and State of Michigan, on TuesJay, the twenty-IÏUh i-r' " July next, at oneo'clock, in tho iifternoun of ilia day, the preinises in süid mortgage described, as follows. to wit: All that certain piece or parce of land, sitúate, ly Ing and being in the county o VVashtenaw, in the State aforesaid. and known and dcscrihoJ as being tlie sou'.hwcst quarter o section No. tliirty-four, in townsliip Ño. four, south of range jVo. four east, contaitiiiig one hundred and sixty acres of land, be tho same inore cr less; excepling and reservln? all that certain part of said tract of land, above describcd, wiiich was Iieritofore deeded by Grove Barker and Persis Birker to laata Currier." Said Mortgage having been given to secure the payment of the purchase money of said p remises. GEORGE WESTFALL, Mort. II. A. Noyrs, Att'y. Dated, April lOth. 1843. 5l-3m TO CLOTHISRS WOOL CARDERS. Tilt) subseriber would respectfully soücit tbe attention of Clothiers nd Wool Carders, to an examination of his present Stock of anieles in their line, assuriug thein of thcir superior quaiïty, (whieh will be appajrent upon exammation) and and of the unusually low raics at wh;ch he is enabled to feil them. Among a variety of anieles belonging to the trade may be euumerateci: Cnrds of every description; Shuttles, Steel ReeJs 4-4 5-4 wide; Cloiliiers Jacks; Sattinelt VVarp; Kmery; Ten'.er Mooks; Worsted Harnesá: Card Cloaners and piates; Screws; Cop-perKetiles; Si.caring Machines, Parson'd, also. two or three Carding Machines. The subscnlier feels himself wanfni'ed in assuring the trade that lus supply of Clothiers Tools, tonrpiher with s mie 12 or 15 ton of asaorted DYE VVOODS and ÜYE STLTFS, formone of the largeat and most complete stocks of the kind ever ofFered to the public of Michigan. - Owing therefore to the ndueenients he can offer to fliósé engagéd in the CLOTH DRESSING ond WOOL CAHDING business, of an extensivo stock and low prices, he solicits their exainination of the same before purchasing or making arrangements elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Dru2gist, 139 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit. Apní-17f1643. 51-tf. WOOLE3 riHE subsenbors would inform the public that _L are now manuíacturing WOOLEN CLOT1Í wnh a degree. of success equal to their mo3t sanguine expectations. With the machi n ery tbev now have. they are able to mrinufact'ire from 75 to IDO pounds of per day. The cloih they have made for the last three montiia is of ihebcöt quality. and that made in luture will be similar. They have eniirely overeóme the dilTiculües of starting an establishment of this kind in a now country. Their terms are 37i cents per yard for fulled cloth finished or half the cloth the wool will mak'e. If nny alteration öf the terms should be determined on, public notice will be ven. AH wool leceived before such notice ib given wi 11 be worked on the above terms. Ii ny wish to liavc their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided they assort it thernselves, and furnish it in quantiiies of 100 pounds of one qiinlity of wool. It is much better to sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should best ronL. Provisions of all kinds will be receivr.d in payment for manufactnring to the nmount required lor the consumption of the establishment. Wool sentby railroad to Scio, will be properly nttendedto; the numbi'r of pounds should bemarkcdon thesack with ink; also the weight of ihe sack. - Tiie wool will be worked in turn as it comrs in, as nearly as can bd done with reference to the different qualiiie?. dr" Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratificaiion in consideration of our starting this branch of business, nnd many have encouraged us by their patronnjre during the last year. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amount of 25,0('0 pounds. and receive the benefit of the very reasonable terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of AanArbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30.1843. 1-tf OKAVË STOftES MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, kc. THE sub3criber has a large assortment of Murble. of the best quality, suitable for Grave Stoses. Mo.numents, &c. which he will 8ell etieap (or cash, or exchange for produce, at his oíd stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do well to cali, ns they will he 6old much cheaper than havo ever been afíbrded in this State, and of a Quality that cannot lail to please. VVM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 20- ly JAITlliS G. BIRNEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. SAGAKAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Soganaw) County Í3; he will make investments for others lands, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and give nformation generally to persons interested n this part of the country, or desirousof becom mg immigrants to it. Threshing .Machines . TMIJE undersigned would inform the public JL thát they conmute to manufacture Horre Powers and Threshikg Machines, two nnd q hall mil es froin tho village oí' Aun Arbor. on the rail-road. Tlie Horse Power is a late tuveniiqn by S. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any other ever olícred to tlie public, as will appear by the statements ot those wlio have used thcm during the last year. Jt is light in weight nnd smallin compass, being oarned together with the Thresher, in a conimon waggon box, and drawn with onse by two borsüs. It is as littlc liable to break, or yet out of repair, as any otlicr JJorse Power, ind will work as easy nnd thrasb as niuch wiih four horses attaclied to it as any other power with "fióé horses, as will uppcar from the reeomnieudntions below. New patteins have been made for the cast Iron, anU udditional weight and strengtli;:pplied wherever it had appeared to bc necessary from oDe year's use oí the ïnachinc. The sabscribers deern it proper to state, that a nuinbcrof horse powers were so!d last year in the village of Ann Arbor whicb were believed by the purchasers to be those invented by S. W. Foster. and that must or all ol tliem were eiilier made materially dilfcrcnt. or altered betbre sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subseribers. Sueh altcrations being decidedly detri menta' to the utility of the machine. Thcy have good tensón to belicve that cvery one of thse returned by the purchasers as unsatisfac tory were of t':iÍ3 closs. Thcy are notaware that any Power that went from tiieir s'uop, and was put in use, os they made it. has boen condumned or laid nsidens a bid machine. All who wish tbuyore inviied to examine thëin and to enquire of those who have used thern. There will bconefor axamination u N. H. Wing's, Dcxter villa ge; nnd one at Martin Wili.son's stoiekousc in Detroit - both these gemlemen bei tig aents for the sale of tliem. The pricc will be $120 fora tour horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $130 f., r a horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attenlion of the reader is invited to tne folio wing recominendntions. S. W. FOSTKR & CO. Seio. April 20. 1342. RECÓMMEN&A TIONS. This is to certify (hat we have used one of S W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers foi a bom five moniha, and threshcd wiih it about 8300 bushels, and believe it is constructed on Letter jrinciplcs any othcr Horse Power. One of the undersigned has owned and usedeight different kinds of Horse Powers. and we believe that four horses will thrash as much with this Power as fice will with any other power wiih whieh wc ate acquamtod. II. CASE. S. G. IVES. Scio. January. 12. 1S42. This is to inform the public that I have purchnsed. and have now in use. one of the iorso Powers rccently invented by S W. koster, made by S. V. Foster, & Co., and )elieve it be constructed upon better principies, ar.d requires less slrcngth of horses han any other power with whieh l ain ac quainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clernons. Sept. S. 1841. This is to inform tbc public thnt T have purhased one of the Horse Powers. recently inented by S. W. Foster. mul usíd it for a numr of ïr.onths, and believe it is the best power n use. work ing with less strength of horses lian any other power with whieh I ain acuaintod, and being smnll in coniiiass. b sily moved froin one place to another. Í selieve 4 horsos will thresh as much with !iis power as 5 will with anv other power.; - he plan and the working of this power havo een universally approvod of by forrners for rhom I have thrashed. E. S. SMJTH. Scio. April 11, 1S42. SMÜT M ACHINES The subscribers make very good SAIUT MACHINES whieh they will scll for 60. Tilia machino was invented by one of the ubscribers. who has had manyyenr's expeience in the niilling We invite hose who wish to buy n good machine for a fair price to buy of ns. It ia worth as nw;h s most of th1} machines that cost from 150 o $300. S. W. FOSTF.R &. CO. Scio. April 18, 1843. DR. BANISTEII'S CF.LEBRATED Fl:VER AGÜE PILLS-- Purdy VejctabU, A safe, speedy. and sure remcdy lor 'over and ague, dum ague. chili fever. and the jilious disi-ti&es peculiar lo nesv countriee. These pulsare designed for the nffections of the liver and oiher internal organs whieh attend the diseases of the new and miasmatic jortionsof our countivThe proprietor having uied them in a cre-üt variety of cases coiíliden'.ly bel i aves that hcy are superior to any remedy that has ever jeen ofTetcd to the public for the above diseases. It is purely Vegetable o nd pe.foctly hariness. and can be taken by anyperson, nialeor "cmale wiih perfect safety. The pills nre prepared in two sepárale boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecom:anied wi'.h full directions. A grent nuniber of rertifientes might be procured in favor of this medicine, but the ïroprieter has thought fit notto insert them. n as much as he depends upon the merita oi the snme for its reputa(iin. The above pil! is kept c.onstnnily on hand y the proprieter and can be had at wholesale nnd rotail at the store of Beckley Sc Co. Orders frorn the country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor. flower town) May 29 1812. 9 L. BECKLEY GROUNI) PLASTER. PRtCE REDUCKD TO NINE DOLLAKS PER TON. THK subscribers have now on hand and will continue to keep n good supply of GROUJYD PLASTER, n Barrels, nt their Store in Detroit, 023, íefíerson Avenue,) and in Bulk, at their Piaser Mili, on the River Rond, half way beween Ypsilanti nnd Ann Arbor. The above " is from the Séneca Ffdls and Grand Iiioer Piaster Beds. both noted for their uperiority. ELDRED & CO. January 12, 1843 4(5-Gm. PAI!HT!Na, T. LAM BERT, BEGS leave to. inform the inhabitants of Ann Arbor, and the surrounrfing couny, that having located himself in the Luwr Village, wiih the view of carrying on the bove business in all its branches, (some f which nre HOUSE. SÏGN. and ORNAMENTAL PAINTIJYG, GILDING and GLAZING, GRA1NING, mitation of all VVoods, MARBLEIZLXG. 'RANSPARENCIES, BANNERS, &c! espectfully solicits n 6hare of public patronge, as his prices shnll be low to conform to he times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would eay to Farmers thathe is paricularly deeirous to attend to their calis, as roduce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 6, 1843. 45.- ly. BLANK DEEDS, MORT GAG ES. &c. for sale at this office.Peters Pilis. 'Tis (un thcysay to get well with them, ALL mankind throughout their wide and immense cuculution ihut ever tiy them continue to buy ilicm. Poters' Pilis ure" pureïy vegotable; tliey work no miníeles, nor do they proless to cure all diáeases, because they are the scieiuific coinpüiuid ofa regular pliyéiciah, who has made hit profession the s:udy of lus lile! Dr. Peters is a gradúala ot Vale College, aleo o! the Massai -liiiselts Medical College, and has someuhaidistinguished liimselt is a man of science and genius among the faniüy of the laie Gjv. Peters; Peters' Vegetable l'i'ils are simple in theii preparatiun, mild in their aciion, thorough in ïheir operution. and unuvalled in iheir results. - The town and country are alike filiad with their praiee. The palace and ilic poor house alike echo with their virtuea. In all elimaies lliey will f reiain their wort dér ful poweis and exen them unaltercd by age or siiuution. and ihis the voiceofa gratelul community proclaimcd. - Peteis' Pilis prevent - keep cff diseases il timtly used, Liid have no rival in curing billious (ever. lever and ague.dyspcpsia. livcr sick headachc, jaundice. nsihma.diopsy. riieuinatism, cnlargement of the spleen, piles,. colic, femalt; obstruciion. heai t buró, furred longue, nausea, disienuon of the stomach and bowels. incipient diarrheea, llatulence, habitual constiveness, loss óf appetito, blochcd. or sallow complexión, and in all cases of torpor óf the bowels, wheie a cnihartic or aperient is indicated. producing neilher nausea, griping nor debiliiy; and tve repeat all who buy them continue lo try them. The most iriumphcm success .hns ever atlended their use and enough is already kriown of them to immurtolize and hand ihem dnwn to pos terity with the improvemenis oftlie age in medical science. Dr. Peters was bied to the healingart.and in order to supply deininds, he ha? originatcd and cilled to his aid the only sienm drivei machinery in the world for pill woikinji "Pis pi rfee', and its process imparts to the pil cssenüal virtun. btcause by Leing pcrleciU wronglu, all the piils' hidden virtue s revcaled, when eallcd into action. and hete also it is Peters excelsall the world and takcsall the premiums, medüls and diplomas. So clcar the tract for the Engine - Peters' Pilis aro coming - a million of witnessescan now be herd for ihem - resistless - do you liear that! while a host can testify th it they believo ihoy owe their salvation from discase and dcath to Peters' Pilt. and if calomel nndknivesarc getting partially into disuse we are only mistaken. Ckktificates. - This paper could bc filled with them by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors - ask ouragcnis. It is now well known that the peoplq will have Peteis' Pilis, and to hinder would be tostop the rushing wind. l'ricc 35 or 50 coma per lox. The resisiless Íbice of these truths - their universal recepiion. added to the testimony of miliions, "keep it beiore the people'' must and will be heard ihroughotit ihis vale of teara. Their happy infiuence on joung ladies while suffering uirJer the usual changes of lift as direcied by the laws of nature, they impar, t-a buoyancy of hcart, feeling and action, an elnstïc step, velvet cheek, lillyand carnation complexion by their aciion on the chylc, &c. and ladies in delicate situations aiwnvs admit their power and innocence, and take ihom tvvo or threo at a timo without in the slightest (iegree incuiring the hazard of an abortion; whichfacts are of the utmost importance. Pimples: a youns lady sent her loveto Dr. Peters, and saysshefeels more gratefjalto him for iherestoraiion of her beauty than if he had saved her life. 'Tia fun to get well with Petnrs Pilis. for they cause the blood tocourse aslimpid and gent Ie throuuh the veins as a mouninin rivulct; 3 or 4 is a common dose, hence the pa'ient is nol coinpelled to mak e a meal. TROUDLE IN PLUTOS CAMP. Quite astonished Oíd Pinto cnineto New Y-rk. '.Hearing rtírera Uad goi Ijis l'ill Rngrïio ui irork,) To resign his commission, his hour glass and scytlie; I have come to deliver ihem all up to you - Sir. my ealling is over - my business isthrough; 1 lirtva been lor iliree yeais in a terriblestew. And i reaily don'i know what on carth I'am to do: - Not of your n-ighiy sire do I come to complnin. Bul a tárnal New Yorker, ono PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. fn this war of 'mankind, Are subdued by this l'cters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he would si:iy; Dut, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his svvay. While niusing in cogneil what course to pursue. That Engine of Poters broke iorth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while. As though his soul was turr cd to bilc. At thnt unspaiing scourge of lis. By all men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilla ol Peters' stop the slaughier. And leaves the blood as pure ris water. Now Peters mak es, heard hiril say, Fve hundred thousand pills a diy; So that the chance is very small Of people cjying there at rdl: For soon the c Keek 3, so marked for doom, Begin like any roee to blooin. Look kirc! allmhotnj oontinuc to bvy them. For sale as follows, by Meisrs. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville, F. .1. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. &. J. C. Jewett.' J. II. Lund, H. Becker, Dicknson & Cogswell, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner &. Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, üexter, Wm. A. L, Shaw, Lima; J. C. Winans. Sylvan, Hale, &. Smith. Giass Lake; W. Jackson. Lconi: D. T. Merrimnn. Jackson; M. A. Shoemahcr. Micltignn Centro; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gilhert. Manchester; D. S. IJaywood, Rsline; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scatieigood & Co., Plymoutli: Slone. Babcock & Co., and.Tulins, Moviis &■ Co.. Yp8ilanti: Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Undcrwood, Adrion; Kart Sc Mosher. Springville; Harmcn Sr Cook.. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every whereelse. Oct. 19. 142 27-1 y Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA It LAND, HAVINGpurchased the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon 8uch as will give him a cali. His stock consists of a general assortinent of goods, and will be sold chcap. and for rcatly pay only. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL Si AVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. JtlOJVEY TO BE JtUlDE. THE eubscriber would hereby give notice to the farmers of Washtenaw, and the neighboring counties, that he has an Oil Mili now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. i where he intends at all times to buy FLAX i SEED, (and other Seeds used in making OU,) and pay the highest pricc, and the best ol pay. - i One Dollar per bushcl will bc paid for good clean seed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the i same quantity. I Farmers are requested to try Flax on their Summer fallows, and thereby avail themselves of two crops instead of one. Merchants are requested to send in their seed and exchange for Oil in preference to sending to - New York or Boston for it, and ihus keep what money we have in our own State. [45 - tf.] JOEL R. HIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 1, 1843.CELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The most effectvol rcmedy yet, ditscovercd foi lihevmatism, tjever Sores, White Stcellings, Injlammalion in the Eyes, tSuclled Thout in iScarlet Fcrer, Quinsey, tj-c. fc. THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an import ant reincdy for thosc who aio arllictcd wit chronic and inflammatory complaipis, by is cas ng pain. countciacting inflaininatio:i, and giviri speecly relief' by its active, strengthening, ano dyne. diaphöreiic and counter irritant properties - an eflectual remefly (or Clironic and Jmfiamntato rv Rhcumatism, Ague in the Breast, Scolds Burns, Bruisesj Scrofula, Ulcera, Oíd Sores o nlniost every dcfcripuon. Cankered and Swellec Thioat orisingfrotn Scarlet Fcver. Felona, Wliit Swcllinge, C'hilblains, &c. Persons sufl'eriri IVoniLivcr CornplajnU1, Pulmonary discases, Jn flnmmalion of' the Lungs, witli pain in the sido bliek or limbs, will find relief ly t lic usc of ihi Plusier. In all cases it may be used wilh perfee safety. E. DEAN S CHEMICAL PL ASTER i put up in boxes nt filty cents and onu dolla ench. with full directions accompanying cach box Manufacture) nnd solq ivhn!s.ale by n, HARIUS Sc c'O.. Ashliibula. Oliio. sole proprietois to whom all orders should bc addressejd. Sulc also by thoir Aj;eni6 ihrpughout the country. KT'A liberul discount mad to dealers and phy sicinns. For testimoniáis and cenificatcs from person of the hiphest respectibility, who have used th Chemical Piaster, see another column of this pa per. For sale by the following Agcnts in Michigan H. W. Rood. "ilcF} J. C. Larrimore. " ('. S!.auahan. Edwnrdsburj;h. Win. O. Austin, White Pieeon. Isnac Benhnm, Jr., Conatnntine. Danl. L. Kiiiiberly. Schor.lciaft. H. B. Huston, & F. Mnrch. jr PM Knlamazoo Jnmes VV. Cotbren, P. M. Gnlesburgh. T. L. Boikcom. P. M. Battie Créele James M. Parsons, P. M. JVIarshnll. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jnckson. Win. Jnckson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Sfhiih, Grass Lnke. John C. Winnns, Sylvan. J Willerd & Sun, Oester. Thomas P. Mny. Jr. Plymoutli, Perin & Hall. Northville, , Mead & M:Canhy. Farmington, Peter Vnn Evcry. Franklin, Juüus Dean. Pontiac, Mack Sc Sprngue, Roches ter, James Stephens, Utica, E. C.Gnllup. Mt. Clemens, G. &J.G. Hill, iDetroi( John Owen & Co. $ UetroitDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville. E. Samson. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND, W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann A.bor CHRIST1AN EBERBACH. ) 19-iy N O FICTIO N . ONE PRICE STORE. THE subscriber 6lill continúes to sell DR"! GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES, niNo 5. Riirón Block. Loicer Toten. llis s'.ock o each was carelully selecied and well purchascd which enables him to sell low for rcady pmj. As he believes the money of the same qnnlt of every person, is of the same valué, he will soi to nll for the same price, and no umount of Oratory can swervc him from that coursc. Person onn ni-.l-.o juot qo ffoocl bni-gaiiifi by eondinjr nu a gent, ns tocóme tbcmselves. In conriexion witl the store is a Grist imc Flouring Mii.t.. where lie will constanily pay Cash for Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers nnd Wheat buyers can have Uien Gristing and Flouring done to order and on the most reasonalile t;im&. Those who wish to purchase aoods. or get Wheat floured, wotild do well to cali and enquire his piices, and into his marnier of doing business. DWIGHT KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Feb. 28. 1843. 45-t. To Fhysicians and Country IVIerchants. BpiERRE TELLER, WholeÊA7 sale and Retail Druggist (sign of the Golden Mortnr,) J30 Jcffeison Avenue, Detroit, has on hand and o fiera to purchasers, at 'very low rates: 4 Casks Epsom Salts; 2 casUe flour; 2 Bbl?. Powdercd Jalap; 1 ül;l. powdered Rheubari.; 2 Bbls. Cream Tallar; Castor üil by the gnllon or dozen (nssortcd sizes;) Camphor, Cnlomel, Qiiiiiine, Corrosive Sublímate; Fiench and Englisli Chemicais: Perfumcry of all kinds; Linseed Oil; White Lead. dry and ín Oii; Knglish Venitian Red; English Lampbiack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf all sizes toecther wilh every nther artielo conncted with the Drug, Pninl. Oil. and Dye Stuft' Biifiriess. Aprjl 17. 1r!43. f,!-tf. WOODWORTHS HOTEL NORTHERN, EASTJCEN AND SOUTHERN STAOE HOUSE. The nndersitrned respoctfnlly announces to the public, that he is now the proprietor of tilia well known establishment. The house lía víng been tboroughly overhauled, and refitíed i ii a monner culculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligible position, on the corner of Wootlbridpe and Randolph streets, in a bu&inesa part of the city. Those who may honor him with their countenance, may be assured that no e pense or attent ion in his power, will be pared, to make their sojourn iu Detroit agreeableand satisface tiory. ly] S. D. WCODWORTH. RAIL. ROAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undereigned would respectlully inform the friends of Tempcrance. and the public generally, that the abo e named House, formerly known as the Temperance Hotel, and situatcd on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, near the Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great addi'ional improvements, is now ready for the reception of' all thuse who may favor him with a cali. The accommodations, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and every attention will be given to Buch as bestow their patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages always in readiness to convey passengers to and from Boats nnd Cara. WM, CHAMP. Detroit, May 9. 1843. 4-1 y Sheep Shcars. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Albor. Upper Town, Mny 5, 1843.Chancery Sale. j Msolvte, for Cash and to the highest Bidder IN the cause pending in the Court ol Chancery, for the .Sccond Circuit of the State uf Miclii gnn, whereih James Abbott iacoroplainant, and Abigail Wticli, David Eaton, George Welch, IliMiry Wilcli, Jlnrriet Welch, and Augusta Wdcli, aio defendun s, the said Gooi ge, Henry, Hairiet, a,nd Augusta boing Minors, under the a:e of years, - VVherens, by a decretal order in the above cause, made by his Honor Elun Farneworth, ilien Chnncellor the State of Michigan, hearing date the fourteenth diiy of July, A. D. eightcen hundred and lorty one, il was ordered and decrecd, that ihe above nanicd defendants should redeem certain morlgagcd prernises in tne Complainant's bill contained. by ihe payment of the sum of Jour huridicd and uiiiety-eighl dollars and twenty-four cents, and the interest to accrue ihereon, fioni the fourteenth day of July, eightcen hundred and forty ui. e. the date of a certain report in said decree nientioncd, and also the cosis of cumplainani to lie taxed. on or befo re the founeenth dny of November, in the year eighteen hundred and lorty-one, or that in delault theieol, the snid mongagcd premises wjth the appurtenances, or so mu;h thereof as would be sufficient to pay the said debl and the interest which had aecrued, or mi&ht ihcrealter accrue with said costs, and wliich might be sold separati'Iy without injnry to the porties or either cf them, sliould be sold at public auction, at the Couit House, in the village of Ann Aibor. in the Couniy of Washtenaw, hy and under the direction of one S-. ihe Mast'ers of the said Court, the said Masier fust griving aïx weeks previous notice of ihe time and place oí' sale in some héwspapér published in said CouMy, as by the said decree, reference being thereunto had. may more ftlly nppear, And wherens, the said premisos ote yet unre deetned, and the above stated sum witli interest, and costs. is yet due nnd unpaid, iow, thercfore, notice is Ik reby given. that in puisuance of tlie direclions of the said decree. and by virtue ofits tiuihoiity, 1 wil!, on the sixteenth day of Mny next. at ihe hour of Tvvelve o'clock, at noon. ai the Court House of the Couniy of Washtenaw. in the y il lace of Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Aucüon, thu lands and premises in satd decree nicntioned, or &o mucli thereof as mny be sufTicient t) piy tlie aforesaid sum, interest and costs. and can be S'jld sepaiately without injnry to any of the pirtics in this aiuse, which s'iid landü and pre-n ses are known and describedag follows. vi-z: that certain tmet or parcel of land situate in the County of Waslneiiaw. and Stale of Michian, known a3 the Eist half of the South liast quarter of Seciion nuniUer thirty-two, in Township tuiml)er four, South of Range number seven Krst. contnniii2 elgHïy aerrs. Tlie sale will bc absolute - without redemptio!i and for cush. G. T. GHIÜLEY, PrTaster in Chancery. C. H. Stf.wakt. Sol. forComplt. Doted tliiaSeth day of Mnrcli, 84X The above sale is adjonrned to the 8lh day of June next, at the lime nnd place above mentioned G. T. GRIDLEY. Master. Ann Arbor. May 16. 184$. The above sale isfurther postponcd until the tweniy-seror.d dny of June instant, at the same place and time of d iyG. T. GRIDLEY. Mastcr. C. II. Stj.-.vakt. Sol. for Compli JuneSth. 1843 The above sale is futher poslponed till the eleventh of Jnly next nt the saine place and time of day. Dated Junr!22. 1843. G. T. GRIDLEY, Masier in Chancery. C. H. Stk ai,t. Sol, for Complt. YFSZZANTI ACADEMY, T2Lá.OHEHS';SEKIlíTAEr II. II. GRIFFEN. Principal. MISS C. E. HAMMOND. Assistant. THE twellth term ot this institution will coinmence 011 Monday, May 29, and continue 11 weeks. While tiiis school is equally open to all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a good educaiion, particular attcnüon will be given to those who are preparing 10 tcaik. The exclusive and unintcrr'uptéü attention of the principal will be given to impart n jir.-ciical knowledgc of the English branches. He oecu)ies about hall an hour daily in lectuiing. with the aid oftheapparaius. mineials, or otlierwisc. Afpaiiatus. - The lnsiituiion is furnished with Chemical. Fliilosophical, and Astronómica] a)paratufc-f Surveying Instrumeiits. Geometiical solids. &c. 10 the amount of.SfjSOO; also, a good Cabinctof Minerale wonh SCO. Tuitiox in the common English branches, incioding Com;iosition and Declamauon iom $2,50 to $3,50. In Philosophy. Chemibtry, Asttonomy. History, Rhetoric, jlotnny. Algebra. Geonietry, Surveying, A:c. frmi $4,50 to; $5. 00 Mt-zzotinio and Chinese or Theoreni painting. $3.0J each for ]2 lessons. taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition ie to be paid at the middle of the terin. No deduciion for absence will be made, except for proüacted sickness, and no one will be eceived forlese than five and a half weeks. - Dooks may bc had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board. Including room and washing. from $r,00 to $1.50 per week; forfurther particulars nquire of the piincipal. Hov. I. M. Weaa. Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev. O. F. North, 3. Faiichild. M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. havekindy consented to form a visiting committèe, to be ireseni at the Week reviews on Thursday. and at the public exaniinaiion of the school. Ypsilanti, April 29, 1843. 5- lv. BOOK BINDER1T. AT THV. l'APF.R MII.L (l.O WKIl TO VVN) ANN AllBOR. EBOÜTH would respectfully inform the inhabitant8of Ann Arbor and vicinity that ie continúes the business of BOOK BI N DI NG t the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be ncatly rebound on short notice. All kinda of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April li), 1Ö43. 52-tf. For Sale. BY the Suhtícribcr. a good location f(?r WOOL CARDING and CLOTH DRESSING, n the Township of Ajala, Simco Co., Home District, U. C. - ALSO - 100 Acres of choice Land in Granby Town, Iissisco County, Montreal District, L. C. - ALSO- 200 Acres, being part of the Estáte known by he name of the Douglasa Esta'e, in ShefTord "ownship, Missisco County, Montreal Disrict, L. C. - ALSO- A House and Lot in Michigan Village, five mies up the Huron River Irom Ann Arbor All or either the said possessions may bc had heap for Cash, or for Land in this State. For 'uriher particulars inquire of the subscriber at Ann Arbor, Lower Town. ?. COMER, June 8, 1843. 7-tf. CHEESE. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Tow, May 5, '43. 2 ( 3,000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap for ] Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1843Plouglis! Ploughs! ff GÍAT BE BEAT! L% THE subscribers liavc constantly on linnd a largo assortment of PLOUGHS, of a superior quality, which they o Her tor anle ns CUE AP as can be purehased at nny otlier place in this Couniy. Tliose wishing to purchaso will please cali and examine for themeelves. PARTR1DGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor. April 20, 1843. 52-tf. LANDS FOR SALE. THE undersigncd is omhorised to sell several tracts of land in lie counties of St. Clair, Snginaw, Sanilac, Wnshtenaw and Lenawee at tlieir Cdsli value. and takein payincnt Stale Scrip and Warranisai pur, or tlieir equivalent in cash; 01 he will proportionatc terms on time. The cash valuc niay be asceriained. if desired, by appraisers chosen by the purchascr nnd subscriber. The Washtennw lands consist of 118 acres in the town of Webster, Fliglulj i m pro ved, of enrly and choice selection. and 214 acres Smilesbclow Ypsilnnti, on the River Huron. hoving rich bottom nnd upper lands, good timber, running waler, corn and wheni soil, cxceilcnt sites for buildinir. surrounded by settlemtnts, good toads nnd milis. About 30 acres have been undcr cultivation. CHA'S H. STEWART, 47 tf Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. [Tliülincry & Dress iTIakiitg. Mits. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY onnounces to the inliabitants of' Ann Arhor and vicinity, that she has opened a shop, midwoy, between the i'Pper and lower villnges,vhere flie busineBS of MILLIJYERY fy DRESS MJ1KIJYG will be rarried on, in oll its branches, with punctnality, despatch, and in the best and most lashionabie stylc. AnnArbor, Apiil 8, 1C43. I0 ly POTASH Kettlcs. Cnuldrons. Sugar Kelilcs, IVasli Boilers. Five Pail Koliles, and PifinH Hollow Ware, Mili Gearing, Wagon Biixop, Plougli C.'istings, &c. &c. constantly on hnnd, ur made at short notiee at the ANN ARBOll i STEAM FOUNORY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Mnrch 28, lfc'4). 49-2m 'TREE Z.ABOZL," MARCUS STEVENS # SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end ot the White Block. directly oppostto the Michigan Exchange, wherc thcy will keep nn extensivo assortnu-nt ol CtBIJVET WcSRMS, of every kind, quality, and description, of thcir own monufneturing, and warranted to hens fashionable, good, and cheap as can be had West of New York. Purchoaers-Oie requc-stcd to cali and examine our extensivo assoi tnit-ni before luying. Any ar:icle of Furniture made to order, and Wnrrttntid to pleaae. UPMOLSTERING done in all ita various brmvchea. and at the shortest notiee. CHA1RS. LOOKING GLASSES. AND W1LLOW WARE; nlso. Muhogany Boards and Venetrs - as checp as the cheapest. WANTED, In exchanse, CHERHY, WALNü'T. AND MAPLE LUMBER, $-r.. 4..-. fc. STEVENS & ZIJG. Detroit. April 17, 1843. 5i-3n JU Ji NUFJl C T UR KRS A ND MERCIIJ1JVTS. THE subserihors are h'ow lecciving, at thoir stores, 188 JcffiC8ön Avenu-i, and oorner of Randolph and Woodbndge stjcets, DeUoit, a large and general stock of Bye Woods & Bye Stufis. 35 tons Logwood, Kustic. limewood, Nicarrogua, Hy pernio Woud, in the stick, i 30 bbls. ground Camwood, 150 do Fuslic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, G hhds Copperas, 4 do Jilue Vitiiol, 4 pipes Ombre nnd Crop Madders, piime, f00 Ibs Extraed Logwood, 600 do Bengal, Mhdrnsand Caraceas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Alkppo. ) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2liO do Verdigris, 10 CaihoysÓil Vitriol. 6 do Aquí Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salí?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, öOD Ibs. Banquo Tin. 2.'0 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Qnereciron Bark. Together with a completo assortment of all the minor artieles in the trade, to wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, Brushes, Jncks, Tent Hooks, Dyo Kettles, Pickcrs, Burling Irons, Nippeis. Prussiaieof otash. Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sui;ar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleanerp, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shears, &c. This entire stock has been purchased within the ast two weeks, and selected personally by one oí the concern, who bas been in the business for he last eleven years, and they have no hc.Mtation n 8aying that the qualfty of these goods is unxceptionable. They will positivly be sold nt the oweet New York jobbing prices, with the adlition of transportation only. The subscribers have the sole Agency in this State for the sale of "FARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," nd the celebroted "LEfCESTER MACHINE CARDS," drcidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. _April 1 1 ,1 843 51tf Estáte of Ira Burrin. THE Undesigned, Commissioneis for receivingand allowing claims ngainst the aforesaid estáte, will meet at the office of E. Mundy, at 1 o'clock, A. M.. on Wedves lay, the2lstdayof une next, to rcccivc end examine claims ngainst aid estale. E. MUNDY, .1. WELLS, T. FOSTER. Ann Arbor, June 7, 1843. 7-2 w For Sale. ONEyoke of WORK1NG OXEN. Enquirö at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tf jndib iPiBUHirasïOsr OF all kinds neatly executed at :he Signa. Office, nt the shortest notice, andontho most reasonable terms. Books Pamphlets CircularsHandbillS &-c. wïïl be pnnted to order, a Hiiy tune, with the utmost accuracy. IT Orders by mail promptly filled.


Signal of Liberty
Old News