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Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beóu ruado iji tito payinenl of a ccrtaii) sutn of monoy. rèeurcd, lo bo paid by indentiirc of mortgage, date the mntli day of May, in ihc ycar ol oür Lord. unc ihoutond ui"ht hun. lied and ilijrty mnc, execmed bv Miller Uarkor, uf Clinton, LéhttWeÚ County, Michigan, to Geor-e WeflttM.I, f riy"")uth: in the County of W.iyne, Michigan, and renonic.I in the Register' b Office, qf the County ot Washtenaw, in said Siatc. on ihe lUh day of May, A. D. 1839, at luj o'tdock, A. M. in líber, fío. 8, page 118, uponwhich t.'ioro ia claimcd to be due, at the date of thia notiec, t'ie su::i ol on luin dred and twelvo dollars and sixty on o cents. Notico is thcreforc hcreby givcii, tiiatby vuuie o a power of sale in said mortgago containcd, nnd pursuant to tho statute insuch cas.j ni.ulo and provided. will be sold at public auetion ir vcndue. at the Cxiirt IIouho. in the villiisie of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, on Tucsd y, the twenty-tilth doy of July next, at oneo'clock, in tlio afteinoon oi'that day, the premisea in aaid mortgagc descrioea, as follows, to wit: Al! tliat certain jyee or parcol of land, sitúate, lying and bein' in Üifl cuiuuy of Waslitenaw, in the State atoresaid, and kuown and doscribeii as beïng the stfuthwesi qitnrTer óf eection No. thirty-four, in township No. four. 8ouih of range No. foat enst, containing onc hundred and sixty acres of land, be the snmc more or less; excepting and rescrvinsnll ihnt certain part of said tract of land, above described, whicli was herctofore decded by Grove Harker and Perais Barkcr to laaia Currier." Said Morlgngo having been given to secure the pny ment ot the parchase money of said premises. GEORGE WESTFALL. Mort. H. A. Noyes, Att'y. Dated, April lOth. 1843. 51-3m TO CI.OTHIERS AXD . WOOL CARDERS. FTMIE subseribcr would rcspectfully solicit tho J_ attention of Clothiers and Wool Carders, to nn oxamination of his present Stock ofarticles in their line, assuriug thern of thcirsuperiorquality, (which wil! be apparent upon examination) and and of the unusually low rates at wluch he is en abled to ïcII tlicin. Among a variety of articlcs belonging to the trade may bc enumorated: Cards of cvery description; Shuttles, Steel Reeds 4-4 5-4 wide; Clothiers Jacks; Sattinett Warp; Emery; Tentcr ílooks; Worsted Harneas; Card Cleaners and piares; Screws; Cppor Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parson'u, also, two or three Car ding Machines. The subsenber teels himself warranied in nsBuring the trade that his supply of Clothiers Tools, toorether with s mo 12 or 15 to of assorted OYE VVOODS and DYE STUFFS, form one of thelargest and most complete stocks of the kind ever offered to the public of Michigan.- Owincr therefore to the nducements he can ofier to thole ëngaged in the CLOTfl DRESSING and WOOL CARDfNG business, of an extensive stock and low prices, he solicits their cxainination of the same before purchasing or making arrangeinent8 elsowliere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 13D Jeirerson Avenue, Detroit. I April 17, 1S43. 5I-tf. WOOZ.EN M JL N TJ F A O T O E ? . THE subscnbcra would inform the public that they are now manuíacturing WOOLEN CLOTH with a degree of successequal to their most sanguine expeciations. Witli the machinery they riow have, they are able to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last thrce months is of thebest quality. and that made in future will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficultiea of starting an establishment of this kind in a new country. Their terms are 374 cents per yard for ful led c'.oih finished. or half the cloth the wool will make. lfany alteralion of the terms should be deiermined on, public notice will be given. All woul reccived before 8uch notice ia given will be workedon the abovc terms. If tny wish to liavc their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided they assort it themselvcs, and turnish it in quantities of 100 pounds of one quality of wool. It is much better to sew up wool in sacks tlianto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be strong. Provisions of all kinds will bc received in payment for manufaeturing to tlio amount required lor the consumption of the establishment. Wool 8entby railroad to Scio, will be properly attended to; the number of pounds should be markedon the Back with ink; also the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn asit comes in. as nearly as can bo done with reforence to the diflerent qualitie?. EP Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratificaron in consideraron of our starting this branch of business, and many have encouraged us by their patronage during the last ycar. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amounl of 25,000 pounds, and receive the benefit of the very roasonable terms on which we ofler to manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30. 1843. 1-tf WOODWORTH'S HOTEL NORTHERN, EASTEEN AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. The undersigned respcctfully announces to the public, that he ís now the proprietor of ihis well known establishment. The house having been thoroughly overhauled, and refitted in a marmer calculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligible poeition, on the corner of Woodbridge and Randolph streete, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their countenance, may be aseured that no expense or attention in bis power, will be pared, to make their sojourn in Detroit agreeable and eatisfac- tory. ly] S. D. WOODWOPTII. NO FICTION. ONE PRICE STORE. THE 8ub8cribcr still continúes to scll DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCER1ES, atNo. 5, Huron Block, Iaucct Toum. f lis stock of cach was carefully selected and well purchascd. which enables Inm to sell low for ready pay. As he believcs the money of the same qiiality of every person, is of the same valué, he will sell to all for the same price, and no amount of Oratory can swervc him from that course. Persons can make just as good bargains by sending an agent, as tocóme thcniselvcs. In connexion with the store íb a Grist and Flouhing Mii.r-, wlicre he will nonstantly pay Cash for Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers and Whcat buyers can have their Gristing and Flouring done to order and on the most reasonable terms. Those who wish to purchasc goods, or get Whcat floured, movAá do well to cali and enquirc his prices, and into lus manncr of doing bus:.ncss. UWIGIIT KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, LowcrTown, Feb. 28, 1343. 45-t. CHEESE. FOR Sale by C. 3. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Tovvn, Moy 5, 2Threshing Machín es. '9 11 K nndeisigned wouli! inlonn rlie public JL ihat they continue to manufacture 1)ok:i: L'owkus ai.d Machimas, twu nnJ a hall mil 03 Jriun the vühigc oi' Aun Áxitot, 011 tho rail-road. Thc 1-lorso l'owcr is a lato lavciiiion by tí. W. Foster, imd is decidudly sufiorior to uñy ulher ever oflcred to tlie public, as will appear by thu ol kboso wüo have usoiL ilicni durinj; the lust ycar. h is light in woújhi and teialltó eompuss, bcing earncd together v, iili ihc Thrcslicr, in a coniuiou wabgoa box, and drawn wiüi cisc by . two húrscs. ít is as linio liablc to lircak, or yct out oi rejiair. as any otlicr Horeo Power, mil will work as cnsy and thrash as niucli with four horscs altached lo it as any otlier power'witK Jiva horses, as will ajipcar fröin the reoorrtmtíBíctñtioña bclow. New paticins havo bebtt made f'or the cast Iron. nnü weight and strength applied wherever it liad appcarod to be necessary Irom one ycnr's uso ol' the machine. The subscríbela decm it prOper to statc, t.hnt a numberof liorse powers sold last ycar in the viltnge.'ot" Ann Arbor which werc believed by thc purcliascrs Lo be tliosc invented by S. VV. Fostcr. and ihatniost or all ol ihem werc eitlier niade inatciially diilerciit. or altered beforc so!d, so as to be materinlly diffcrcni froni those ruade and sold Ly il.c subsoribers. Such aUeráübna bcing dccicledly detruncnta' to die utilityof the machine. Tluy have good roason to believe that every ono ol tliose returned liy ihc purcliasers as unsatifac lory svere of'this class. Thcy are nct aware that aiy Puwcr that wem froin thcir siiop, and was put in iioc, as i'.iey itiacie il. has beca condemned or laid nsiiloas a bnd machine. Allwhowish t-ibuyare iuvitcdto examine tliem and to ériquk óf ihose who havo used them. There wil! beohotór cxnmination at N. fí.'s, Dcxfcr rítlrigi ; and one at Martín Wu.i'sóft'ésïoréJïovsê in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agents for the eale of them. Thc price will be $120 Fora fonr horse power, with a threshing machino, with a stave or wooden barcylinder; and$l 30 fórï' horse power wit!i a threshing machine with an iron bar cylimler. . Thc attenüon of thereader is invited to tlic füllowii; recotnniendaiiins. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 00. !-'!■?. RECOMIENDA TIONS. This is to certify that we have used one of S "V. Foster's ncwly invented Horse Powcrs foj al)ont five months. and threshed with it abont 3000 bnshels, and believe it is cnstrtictud on hctlcr prinriifts nny other llorse Power. One of (lie undersigned has owncdand usedeight diíTercnt kinrls of florse Powers, and we believe tKat ftfur horscs will thrash as much with this Power as ƒ re will with any oiher power with which we are acquainted. IT. CAPE. S. G. IVÉS. Scio, January. 12. 19A2. This ís to inform ihcpublicthat I have purchased, and liavo now in use. one ot" thc Horse Powers recently invented by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, &. Co., and believe it be canstructed upon better principies, and requires less st.rcngtfi of horses than any other power with which 1 am aciiiainted. A. WEEKS.IMount Clemens. Scpt. 8, 184]. This s to inforni the pnblic that T have purchasedoncof the Horsc Powcrs, recently invented by S. W. Fostor, and lised it for a numer of months, and bclieve it is the best power in use. working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I ani acquainted, and being small in compass. is asily moved from one place to anothcr. I believe 4 horses will thresh as rmich with this power as 5 will with any other power. - The plan and the working of this power have been universally approvod of by fcrnicra for whom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITIÍ. Scio. April 11. 1H42. SMIJT MACHINES. Tlie subscrihers niake very good SMUT MACHINES which they will scll for $00. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers, who has had manyyear's experience in tlic milling business. Wc invite those who wish to buy a good machine For a fair pricc tobuy of i3. It is worth as rriM -h as most of the machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTEIl & CO. Scio, April 18, 1843. DR. ITANISTERS CELEBRATED FEVER AGUE riLLS. - Purely Vegetable. A safe, specdy. and sure remedy lor lever andague. dam aguo, chili fever, and the bilious diseases peculiar to ncw countries. These puls are designed ror the affecüons of tbeüver and other interna! organs which attend the diseases of the new and niiasmatic portionsof our country. The proprictor Imvincr uicd them in n groet varicty of cases confidently helievcs that they are superior to any remedy that has ever been ofTeted to the public for the abovc diacases. It is purely Vegetable and perfcctJy harmIes8, and can bc taken by anypertion, nialeor female with perfect safety. The pills are prepared n two separate boxes, inarked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanicdwkh full directions. A great nuinber of cortificatcs might bc procured in favor of this medicine, buít the propricter has ihought fit notto insert them, in as much as hedepends úpón the incrits of the same for its reputation. The abovc pill is kept constnntly on hand by the propricter and can be had at wholesale and rotail at the store of Be'cjücy &- Co. Orders from the country promplly attcrided to. Ann Arbor, fluwer town) Way2Ö 1842. 9 L. J3KCKJ.EY GROUNI) PLASTER. PRICR RBDUCKD TO NlNE DOLTMRS PKR TOÍÍ. THE sul)scri!)crs have now on linnd and will continue to keep a good siipply of GROUJYD PUlüTER, in Barrels, al their Store ín Detroit, H23, Jeffcrson Avenue,) and in Bulk, at thcir Pítíáttr MUL, on the Itivcr Itoad, half way bctween Ypsilanti and Ann Arlor. The abovo ís from the Scneca pulls and Grand liiccr Plaater Beds. both noted for their supcriority. ELDRED & CO. January 12, 1H13 4G-Gm.FAINTING. T. L A M li E II T, BEGS leavc to jnform the inhnbitnnis of Ann Arbor, and the surrouna'ing country, that having located himself in ilie Loioer Villagr, witli tho view of' cnrrying on the nbove business in all its braiiclicts, (sonie - of whidi are HOUSR, SIGN, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GILDING and GLAZ1NG, GRAINLNG, imilation of all VVooda, MARJiLKIZlNG, TRANS I'A R K PfCJ ÈEB, IJ A N N K RH, vV: c. respcctfully solicita o shnre of public patronage, as lus prCC8 öhall be Iow to conform to the tirnc8aiid hie work done in the best mannur. T. L. would say lo Farmers tiiathc is particnlaily deeirous to attend to tlieir calis, as predttce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town, March 6, 1843. 4." - y. BI-ANK DLLP& MURTGAGLS, &t. tor sale at thifi oilkc.JT Vivid aSa &jL&& 'Tis f un rhfeysay to gct well with them; ALL mankind througbout thcir wièc and ciiculatiün, xjiai ever tiy tlicm cuiiuiiue tu l)uy iliom, Peters' Pilleare piüejy vegetable; they work no miracjes, nor do they jji oless lo euro all diö&ases, bopaus llu'y jiiu tlic scieaijüe toatpound of;at$guku; physician, % ho bas made bis profesión Ue suuly ui lue fp. Dr. l'oicia is ;i gradúate ut VT-alu Uq11Lj3, aUo ui the iMassui'linsctts Medical Colloge, and bas sotnevli;mhïiiii;;ui. heil hii)if(.'!ris a man ol' science ■nd genius aiiKing lbo laimly ol il,e lalc Ci jv. Peten?. Peters' -Vegetable l'ills are Biinple ni their preparntiun, niild in thdr action. thpjroufth in thcir operation, and nmivalled in their resulta. - Tho lowii and country are nlike lilled wiih thcir praisc. The palace und thc poor house altke echo with tlieir virtues. In all cliinatcs they svill rctain ihcir wondurlul powejs and exeit thcín unoltcred by age or siluation, nnd this the voiceofa gratefuj comniuniíy procluimed. - l'otcrs' Pilis )rcvciu - kei i off liiseascs it timcly used. íiiul havo no rival in curinjj billious ílvcr. fever atul;igiie,dyspcpsia, livor coinplaints.croup, sick heailaehc, jiumilicc, nstluna.dropsy. rbeuamtism, cnlnrgcmcni ol ihc ?pleeu, piles, coliu. fcmale olistiuciion. heart buin. IuikhI loneuc, nausea, dÍ8tcniion of tlic stoinach nndbowels. incipient dianli'rn. t'ritulenco, habitual costiveness, lossol aripeute, bloehed, or wllow complexión, and in all cases oí' torpor of tho bowc!, shcic acatharticor aperient is indicated, producing noiihcr nausea, griping or debiliiy; and ivu rcpoat all who buy then continuo to try tíicm. Tlio most ti iumpiiant success has over atlended tlieir use and enough is already Unown oí to innnortaüze nnd haml thein downto poe terity with thc iinprovcmcnts oí tlic age in medical -.scicncc. Dr. Peters was bred to the hcalng art, nnd in order lo supply dcnmnds, he has originated and callcd to his aid the only Btoarn driven niachincry in the world íbr pill workibg. "I'is perfect, and iis proct&a imparta to thr piil cssentiul virtuo. becausn by being períectly wrought, all the pilla' hidden virme is revealed, wheii ealled into acíion, and here also it is Poters e.vcelsall the world and takesall tho iiremiunif!. rnedals nnd diplomas. So olear the íraet for tlie Engmc - Peters' l'iila are coming - a million pf witnessescnn now be lieaid (or thcm - resistiese - do yon hear that! wliile a host can testiíy tliat they believe they owe their salvation Ironi disense nnd dcath to Peters' PiH, and il" calomcl andknivesnrc getting partially into disuse vc are only mistaken. CeRtífÍcatks: - Tbis papcrconld be fillcd with thcm by residents of Michigan, by your friends nml ncighbors - oék ouraircnls. It is now cl known that tlie people will bave Peters' Pilis, and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Price 25 or f!) cents per liox. Tho rcsistless forcé of these mtths - their universal reception, added to thc testimony of niillions. "keep it beíore tlie people'' must and will be heard throughout this vale of tears. Their happy iníluencc on joung ladics white suífering under tíis usual changos of life as directed by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyaney oi'hcart. feeling and nction, an elastíc step, velvet check, lilly and carnation complexion by tlieir action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in delicate situations always adniit their power and innocence, and take them two or threè at a time vithou'. in the sliglitest degrec incutriní; tlic hazirá of an abortiun; which faets aro of the utmost mportance. Pimples; a young lady sent her ove to Dr. Peters, and saysshe fecls more grateül to him for thcrestoration of her l.eauty than f hc had sa ved her life. 'Tis fun to get woll vith Peters Pilis, for tiicy enttse the blood Tocourse slirnpid and geul Ie through the veins as a mounain rivulet; !5 or 1 i's a comhidh dose, henee the atient is not compelled to make a mcal. TROUI3JLE JNPLUTO'S CA.MP. uite astonished Oíd Pinto evimeto New Ycrk. Hearing Peters liad got his Pill Knginc nt work.j ?O resign his counnission, his hour glass and scythe; have come to dcliver them all up to you - ?ir. niy calüng is over - my busrnéss is . have been for threeyears in a tenibleslew, .nd I reaïly don't khow wljat on carth 1'arn to do:- 'iot of your n'ighiy.sire do I come to complain. But a tamal New Yorker, one fETKRS by name; Mjc diseases my aids, in this war of mankind. i Vre subdued by tbia Peters, what help can we (indiI wou Id yield hiin N. York, sir, f ilierc liewould stay; Out, sir. Peters will have ilie vvliplc wotld fpr hL swny. While musing irt council what cotirsc to pursuc 'hó.t Entine of Peters brok e forth inlo view. Tlic Kmgof lerrois foglicd a v.hiie. As thougli lus soul was tur cd to bile, At iluit un.sparing scourgo ofills, By aíl hien knpwn asPelerá.' Pilis. 'l'liose Pilis, f Pctcríj' stop i!:c slaügíiter. And Icaves Ihcblood as pure water. .ov Pelero makos, rvuheard himeay, Fíve huii'Ircd tlioiisand jiilly a lay; So (liat llie chance is verygmall Of pcoplc dying tticie'ai all; For soon thc checks. ao marked fur doom, Bégb like any rose to bluom. Loóle iüic! ull icfat íry tkem continvr, tu biiy For sale as follows, by Mcssrs. J]caclv& Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. 13. Cranc, Maynard. &Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jcvvctt. J. H. Lundj II. Becker, Dickcnson & Cogswcll, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Gco. Warner-& Co-, and J. Millerd.& SonVDcxter, Wtn. A. L. Slniw, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Haló, & Smitli, Grasa Lakc; W. Jackson, Lcuni: D. T. Moniruan, Jacksoñ; M. A. Shocmalier. Michigan Centre; Brotlicrbon í& Co., L. Ji. Kjef c Gilhert. Manchester; D. S. Ilaywood, Saline; Snow & Kcys. Clinton; J. Scnttergood & Co., Piymouth: Sionc. Babcock . & Co.. and Julips. Moy. iisAt Co.. Yfisilantí: Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. tfc J. Bidwcll. and lr. Undorwood, Adiion; Hart Se Mo&hcr, Springville; Marinen & Cook. Urooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boycc, Chicago - and almost every where clso. Oct. Í9, 1348 í7-ly To Physicians and Country Merchants. BpiEItRE TKLLRR, WhoJeÉoL sale and Rctail Druggist (sign oí tlio Golden MorLar,) 136 Jofforson Avenue, Detroit, ha.s on hand and oifers to purcliaöcra, at very low rates: 4 Casks Epsom Salts; 2 casks flotir Süiphür; 2 Ubis. Powdercd jalar; 1 Bbl. powdcid Rlieubam; 2 Bbls. Crcain ''arlar; Castor Üii " by thu gallon or dozen (assorted sizes:) Cainphor, Caloniel, Qitinine, Corrosivo Sublímate; Frencli and Kriglish Chemicais; Perfiimcry of all kinds; Linsccd Oil; White Lead, dry and in .üii; English Vcnitian Itcd; English Lampblack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf all sizes togethcr with evcry other article oonncted with tlic Drug, Paint, üii. and Uyc Siud' Business. April 17, 18.43. r.l-tf. Cash and Bartcr Store. C . J . GARLANl), HAVlNGpuiv,hascd thc entire Stock m tnidc of Godlrey and Allen, wil I bc happy to wait upon sueh as will givc him a cali. IJ is stock consisls oí a general assoitmcnt ot goods, and will bc sold clictip, and or rtadii iiini only. WANTED, In exchangc lor GOÜDtí, inoát kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STA VES A ilLADING, íbr wliit h a fatr price wil] bc paid. Ann Arbor, April l'J, 1843. 52 tf. I


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