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To Families & Invalids

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Tho followmg inüispeusnblu family remedies may bc found at the yillagc drug stores and soou at cvery country store ia the state Remcmbor and novcr get thein uuless they have the fac-similo sicjnaturc of y u2-?viC&fy on tho wrappcra, as all otlicrs by the same ñames aro baso imposiiions and counlcrfciis. If the merchant noarest you ha tbom not, urgo him to procure tbcm - tho next time ho visits New York, or (o writo for ihem. No family should be a weck without these remedies. BALMOFCOLUMBIA.FORTIIEHAIR, which will stop it if falüng out, or restore it on bahl placen ; and on childrcn majic it grow rapidly, or en thoso who have lost tho hair i'roni any causo. ALL VERMIN that iiifest the henda of children in schools, are preventcd or lulled by it at onco.Knd the name of - on it, or never try it. llancmlcr this always. - RHEUMAT1SM, and g BgHafeKi positivcly cured, and all shivAlcd musclcs aiid limbs aró restored, in tho pld or young, by tho Indun Vegetabx,e Elixir ajjd Nerve and Eone Liniment - but never without thonamo of Cümstock s&Co. on it. - - . are wholly preented, or governed if ihe attack has como on, if you use the onhj Ime IIays' LiííiíiEJíT.from and ovcry tlüng refieved by it that adniits of an oat. ward application. It acts likè a charm. Use it. HOR SES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin Wind-Galls, &c., are cured by Roofs' Si-ecific ; and Founderetl horses entircly cured by Rbo'fi Founder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemeru Dalley's JHl&gicaï Pain Extractor Salve.-- Tho most extraoidinary remedy ever invented for all ncw or o!dand sores, and ore JjgjyjS It has deliglited thousands. It will tako out all pain in ten minutes, and no failure. It will cure the ftSfcSf LINTS SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and usoful artiele never waa made. All should wear them regularly. lilHT'S TEMPERANCE BITTERS : on the principie of substituting the tonic in placo of the stimulant principie, ■which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S ftgSHIJjjJl PILLS, superior to an others for cleansing the system and the humors afl'ecu ing the blood, and for all irregularities of the boyels, and the general health.Jj 3w - [Sec Dr. Lin's sig. Vhctht &Lè&Ij nature, thus :] ■'" " "t - EJ. DR.SPOHNTS HEADACHE REMEDY wül urrcciuaiíy cure &!ck hcadache, cuiier iiom tlio WjtgllWM or biüous. Hundreds of families aro -"fi" using it wilh great joy. ♦ DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH for the certaia prevention of jj5fc8)583iL8Sl or any general sickness ; kecping the etoniaca in most perfect order, the bowels regular, andadetcrniiiiation to the surface. fEffiffiTjfíyi MmiftÍfSBRf pains in the bones, hoarsoness, and 8SIS3LuB are quickly cured by it. Know this by trying. CORNS. - The PíénSfi P!;-.slcr Ieí a enirc curehair-ony shade you wièh, bat will not color tho skin. SÁRSÁPABILLA. COMSTOCK'S GOMPOUND EXTRACT. Tlicre ia no othor preparation of Sarsaparilla that can excoed or cquul this. If you are sure to get GbiisfocK's, you will find it superior to all othcra. It does not require pufllng. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positivo cure for the piles, and all external ailings - all internal irritations brought to ihe surfacc by friction wiih this Balín ; - 30 in coughs, Gwellcd orsorc throat, tightness of the chest, tliia Balm applied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.-- Fresb wounds or old sores are rapidly curcd by it. will prevent or euro all in j taken in tinic, and ia a dclightful remedy RemcrA. 6cr the name, and get Comsiock'a. oradicate all S-'" cüJrcn or adulta with a certainty quito astonishing. Itsella with a rapidity almost incredible, by Camstock # Cu., New York. . - TOOTÏÏ DROPS. KLINE'S-curc eílcctually. Entored according to netnf Conercra, in (Jic yo ar 1 ft-12, hv Comstock $■ a Üic Clcfk's office of thc Southorn üiatrict of New York. By applying to our agenta in cach town and "íillagc, papera may be liad frec, 6bowing tho moat n. peclable ñames in the country for these facta, 60 thav no onc can fail to believe them. 8rite surc you cali íor ourarticlcs, nud not be put cll'with nny stories tlmí others aic na good. HAVE THESE OR NONJS, shonld be yonr raottoancZ tíicsc ntver can be truc and gcnubic without our ñames lo Uiem. AU these articïcs to be had wliolcsalc and rctail only of us. {jffi$Cí&$C VVboIc3aIc Dggta, ■ f r 221, Courtland Lticct. Qe;ú Brsadwii) Woi, ü. &. J", W Maynard, A genis, Anu Atbér,


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