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1. DSAH'S GELEBRATtD 0HKM1CAL PLASTER, ■ rhial rema! y yèt discovcrai fur RlicMVflFsm, Fcvrr Hor es, Vltite tiwvll''',; ■■■ w t; íííWft wijlud Throal ia iScarIcl Fcrcr, Quinscy, tyC. iyc, 'nnHf' CHKM1CAL Pí-A.STKR .san impnrtJl ftt)t icnicily fcr iIiobo vlu aiu alilictcil wilii yliroiiic ;ini! inÜainmalóry cornpfaints, by iis eas;i, foun'teráctitlg íh'flañi'mrtírori, nnd giving spcc'dy rL-liut' l'V its bcÜTO; strcngiheniii, niiudyno, (lioplioiclic and cnüiityiiriitanlpropciucs - .in cii; ctu;:l rcuietly íór 'Ch"roñc'atid Imflartimntorv i:lic!iii.a:ism, A-uc in ilu: l!rra: I. Sóéldé] Jiuri:--. JniiS, iSfJolul.i. Uiccrs,. O ld öon.'s o! .ilmost evory degcription, ('ankorod and Swdlr-d Throat arïsiiig from Scarlet Fevcíj Folons, White riwclliiiut, (;liiHi!ui)is, &q l'ciHoiiü suilbriii:!; liojoljiver Comylaiútp, I'ujinonary_ dificaacs, fi}itiorí ÓÍ iho Lüns, witli pain in flic sidc', l.u -k (,r liml.H. wiil iind relief' by tlic usc ot Uiis i'l.istcr. la all cusco it niay Ijü willi perfcyt sa Fe tv. :. ;:. uv.s? vjuimical flasteh h uit up ii Imxes al tiliy eeiilts and miu dollar i:icli. with (uil directiona acfonipaiiyin cai-li 1 Manu.raciurc'íáhd sold who!ésak by II. IIAll!!!W CÖ., A'.itnluda. Oliio. fölo iiroprictors, lo iVhom ;:ll orders slioidd bo addrejsed. Suld idso !■ lu'ir AfrontK throiigiqul ihc country. 1! A lüioid discount tha'dd to doalorsand pliyaiciahs. Fov icsiimonials r.nd con i lien les (rom porapna ')!' the lurlirst rcspictibiliiy, vvhó have use) ilio (Miemical Tlastcr, sce anoiher column ol this pai peo ile ly tlío io]iowi" Agenta in micbimtrf: lf. Vv. ilood. íües, .1. (.'. Larrimore. '; C. .S!'i;uialiun, Kdv.-anls!urLlt. Win. O. Austtn, -!' ncon; ÍMah l!ci!t:i:n. .Ir., ('otüiíaniine. Deüili f.. Kiuil'orlw Sr.lioidciaú. 11. lí. 1 [iiston. & V. iIarcli,jr V M K.ilamazoo. i W. (uhr.Mi. P. M. f?alcsíiurgli: 'V. L. iJ..!koom. P. !1. Cattlo Crcck Jámca M. Parson3, 1'. M. Márehofl. l'.ui! [laytnotjd. Qruggit .l.ickson. W'ii:. JircUsonj P. M. Leóiíi. IJ.'i'u and Sniith, Grasa Lako. John J. Wjjvjn.s, Syly_an J Aliücid & Son, Pe'scr'. Thomas P. Mav. .Ir. l'lyaioiiili, Pcrin & ííall, Noi thvillc, Mead &Mc.Ciirthy. Fanninylon, Peter Van EVery; 4'ianklin, Juhik-i Dian. Pontia, í'jüayKi'.. Rut 'n'.'-jtcr, Janv s Sicplici!.--. Utica, i). ('. Gaüup, lh. Clcincna, .lohn Oucn & ( Oí Dr. TIms. ".T. PwL-eny. DoaiLornvillc, E S'ainsnn. Ypbilanii. J. i!. l.lNi). ' J ". :-■ S J. VV. MaYNARD, Aun AJ)r. C1IRIST1AN KBF.PJJACIl, ) Í9-IyPloiiglts! Ploiaglis! CJLYT BE HEAT'. J} ríHílF, .siii's.;ii!i. ra Irivc ccnslanl'y on luind n 3 lari'r nisortrneni ot "PLOVGBS, of n superior ;uii i r -, v]iich ihey olivr lor snip i's CHI1A1' ui éart lic piirtiliirêed at nüj olhejr il ,cc in ihi.= ( ''iniiy. 'Clipac wisbifig 10 i'iirdKihe .'■ t. u fui1 -n-.-i ( Mlflllw fi.l In ii': -i:l( . PARYICIDÖE'S, K CO. Ann Ai!).r. April 20j I i". rJ-tf. Chancery Sale Alsohlc. for Cásh and lo Ihchighcsl Bidder Í. the ca use pcntMirg" in lic Court ol BliSirefery. lor the tíeeond Cinuil ui tlu; Ëfetalöal .Mid.i ga3 v. " 1 i _■ 1 1 ni JU)1C6 AbboJI is cnii'il;uii.i]il. Mul Vhi rail Wgicii, David Enton, Üeórgo Wclcli, llrniy Wclcli, 1 l.iniet Wclcli. íí i .d AflgUSttJ . i Vi. -,ítv. tl_íuíi'i:iii-, iliü :sa i 1 1 (coifc, Jlriny, ! Lui ii, nnd ngü8ta boirig Miuuis, unuer iht age ofiwoiity-ono yoars, - teöij I iy n iiifiL-;;il in ihü tlbov nise. niaiiu !■;.■ liis Li ■ 11 I'';u iiwi-rih, iht-n Clin'nccïïoi .■' i!ic Süuo ol' Mchgnri, lóaif■;:" d .!: !!.:■ !' , t; JM'fiH !i il;:' tij .!ll!y, A. 1). C i } 1 1 - ci!i 1i;mi:!:cJ aal ii'il (me, il w.i.s oniiücd ■ atid ivo n.Tiitx! i!c!'rin!;ia!s sliould■ rciiuiii mórlgagctl i'rëiniècS i;i uïè '■m - -, lül :iitit!iiin-(t, Iiy llie p.'iyniunt of tlic -nii i. Jour huii'Jrtid anti iiiiiciy-cilii and twenty-four cenis. und.tlii; intorcsl t'o nccruo th'èn en. rróiii ctie fbifi t'ecnili d;iy r July. cïgtitt;on Imiüliod ;md lorty ajséj (lio date ol n cen;;in repbrt in said dccrcc muniioncd, und al.-o ilie cpsis of cqinplainant to bp taxi.'d. m or buforc ilie fonriecnth d:iy ui Novcmbor, in tli" ycar civilicen lnuidred und lony-one, or tlutt in dofhiilt UricoI, tiic.said Diortgpged premiaes yvith the apwiriev.■lances, pr só mujli ilieieofas would lic nillicirm 'o pa}' tlic said !i;!)l r.nd llio inferost which li.ul .iccru'jd, tr nm-.hi ihciicalkr neeme wilh s.nid costs, and which miglit &e sold sepnratcjy wiiliout iüjnrv to the partios qr citlier ol' tliorti, sliould hri soi'lnt piiijlic auction, at ihc (,'ütiit limi .-. in the villaje of Aüii Aiiior. ip ihc Gou.ntv oí Washic.iiaw, iy and undcr tbc direction o( ohc ol' tho Mitgttfrs ol tho Mtid ('ourt. tfia'sófil Masier firsl i'i vin _r six weeks preyk09 noticc nl'iho lime and (j'iaco oí 'salo in somc oewspiyie)' piiblisljcd in -aid ('oui-.iy. a.s iiy ihe said decree, rcfcrcncc bciti'r thciruntó had, mny iiiore l';il!y appoar. And whorens, (he said premises aroyet uure iIcoukm!, and the p.bpyo statcd snm wilh interest, rin ' co'sts, is yet dtie ;nd iinp;id. lNow, i!h iefr.iv. iioiici; is hfruliy üivcn, tljnt in pursuarico d the din i-non:; ui tliu aaid deeiee, and hy virtuc of ia aiaiioriiy, 1 wül, on the aix(centh dny ol' May nexf. al the hbilï of Tw'elve o'clock, at noon, ai tlw Couit liouso of tlie C-''.i.'Hiy oJ WabhtciMW. in the villaje qf A tui i! lo trio FiigÜcsÉ Iiidr!(;r; at puhlic Auclion, the landa and premises in said duerce nion-■ined, or so ïmicli thorof as m;iy ho suilicicni ', v i-.iy tiu aftjrcaáid -mu. iiiiorcst and eosts, und ; jan Bo BOi'd sepafhtcfy Without injnry to nny ol hd prirlies in this cause, vliich said laruls and i i. ti , .i -i: K n and deycribed ;ia folluws, viz: , All tliat eertnin tract or parecí oí Luid sitúate in ■ tin: ('iiiinty of Washicnn-.v. ntid State of Michjjtifl, kiiDWit oj the Haat half of lite South Kast , (uniier p,LS.Cptipu n'iinhcr ihiity-two, in Towniuip iiuinber four, South óf Itango ñúnibór sevon I';ral. containing eÍLrhty aere;:. Tlie sale wül bc absolute - without rodemplion ind for cash. 'G. T. GRIDLKY, Mtistur in Chunccry. C. Ii. f-ir kwakt. Sol. ior Coinplt, Datccl ti:is2.:nh day oï MiircÊ, '$43. Th'e aiyóvc snlö is h'djó'rttijed to tlio 8lh dny of 'mie uoxt, at the time and niifto abovu nicnlioni G. T. GIllDLKY. Mustcr. Anii ArbocJ May IC. !.-'l']. Tficaljpv'o s'gio isftirtHcr poêtpdnéi tintil ihc wciily-f-i Tn:d d'.iy oljunc instJint, at the samo )Iacc and time of d:iy. (.'. T. GfUDLET, Masicr. ('. IÍ. r-!ii.vA!;r, Sü!. for Cumplí JwiicMii. .si:; TIk; üImiví; k;iIi ij í'tutlicr jrOöiponcil till ihc Icvonili of July next ni thé s.iiho place and time iduy. Datud Juuk :.'■.'. 1843. (i. T. 6TIIDLEY, Mjotci m Chancery, C 11 Ju.m viii; J I, (:i Coiiiplt - 'LANDS FOR SALE" npiIR üruibrsigiícri s íiüihoíiécd to sell scvdfaj JL tracis oi' land n ilio couiniey oiSt. Claji, Sasrinaw, Siuiilac, WaMitenaw :md J.cnawoo at their cash vahie. pfld takc in pnynsnu State Scrip and Wai:ants uir, r tlicir equivalent in cash; or lic will )rti)ürtionaio trnis on time. The cnéli valiii: may lo ascertuined. if desired, ly apprais0(8 ringen liy ilu; purcUaser and Kiiljscrilicr. The V,;aï!iiciiaw lands corisist of 1 {$ acres n thè town ui Wei.:-: ir. r-fjlitl) ïfnpTOvétl, of e.-irly and c!i' ice huluciion. r.nd 214 acros '.) iniles lielow Yjrilanü, ori the River Iluron. liaving licli bottom and upper lands, frood linibcr. running waicr. corn and whent soil, exceilcnt sites lor luuldinp, surroimdcil ly settlomcnis, good ïoads and milis. Abuut ÍJ0 ncros Ijavo Leen undcr cultiyatiou. CflA'S U. RTEWAHT, Í7 tf Jefleibün Avenue, Dciroit. Millincry fe Drcss illaking-. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPÜICTFULLY annouiiccs to thn inhabitanls of Aon Arbor and viciuity, tliat shc luis oiicncd a shop, midway, between the upper nnd lowcr villajes, wlicrc the business of .WLLIJYEJIY (J. BRE8S MAKING vvill bc onrried on, in all ils branches, witli punctuality, despatch, and in tbc best nnd most (jigjljonable stylo. Ann Arbor, April.",, lül;!. 50 1y MARdUS STEVENS % SAMUEL ZUG, HAVK taken the rooms in tlio lowcr end ot tlio White Hloek, dircplly opposito ilie Mi(';i"in ! .. ha, -.M'. w i!ny will keep ah CXtoneiv Qssoruoeöl o}' C&ISÊJrJET .nÊRE, ol evcry Unid, (jualiiv, and dcsciipiion, of ilieir own liianufacttiriiu,', and warranied to loas fashinnaMo, f;jod, nnd chcap as qnn bu liad W'cyi of New Volk'. Purcliaser.s int: rcijucsiud to ciill and examine uur o.xterñivc assnituu ui l'cfi;jc bujng. Any ariiule ot ]''unuluie n.;i-.!u u onlei. and ]]'ii'i(iiU,(t to pienso. lïrilOLSÏ'K'UNC, dono in alt vuriona biani'lics. and ui the ejprttígjt tioiiee. Cl (AIRS. LOOK .G QJASSES, AND WTLDÖW WARK; fee?, Kftöiógfou) Uvurds and Vcnetrs - ascheep as tin; cluajiust. WAKTEB, ín pxchanco. CHFJUiY, iVALXUT. AND MAPLE LUMBEli, tyc. & . STKVENs & rAV,. Detroit April 17. 1-843; r.-:;mMANUFACTURERA l.YD AIKRCHJ1NTS. Til K subscrilicrfl arenow receivingi at thoir storus, l.S .(( ftiM'son AvniiC!, nul curnur of flniviolpli anJ Voo!L)uluc succts, Detroit, a lorgc umi gqji.orfll ötock ui Dye Wocds &, Bye Stuffs. 'o tons Logwood, '"iitiic. Liiiicwoon, Nicarftiuna, flypernic VPood, in (ho siiuk, iSÖ Wils. L'iouml (.'.iiiisvüoi!, ir.) jo Fiusuc -J) do Logwopd, [00 ! Redwddde, ÖD do Aluin, (i hli'ls ('i')))Ci;is. 4 dn Jiiuu Vit nol, 4 pipes Oinliro ötlti (Jrcip .Miidiicit;. [nihio, RöO;c: Io:woo(l, GQQ d.u Bpn&il, Madrgs nnd Caraccas huliyo, :',-ii) (!■) I!!;!'"Nii!i;r,lls, ( AIIIT.. ) 250 it- t'iiwdcrcil CurcuiiKT. 2(tQ 'lo Vcr.digfii . K) Cnrboys Öil Vil rit)!, (i di) Aí.ii) I'iií. -1 !o Spirii.s 8ca S;!i?, 4 ilo .Niiriu Acid, cl CiHs'es line DycJ M0 ) !!j... P::i:li) Tlll. 2 Q (o (,'r aui 'I' .r)(K) do Qaercciron unrl{. Togtítlítfr willl ;i ( 'l( !; ■ :: :■: iinciit (if all (hc miiiiir anieles in tlic Umie, a w ii: l'.('S l'iljicrö. 'J'l:;r.l(., lilll-i,, -. .l.ick;;. 'lllt Hooks, Dyc Kfvtlcs, PÍcIúmr. Hurliiiy Jrons. Ntppcrs, Prnssiaicof uoi;i.-li. S;i! Aqtqnjnc, S;il Sor!:i, Su-t.'ir oí Loan', Stool Ii ëds) Chr'd CIc.iik is,MACHINE CARDS, latinen VVWQ8, Shcars. Ac. Tliis en tiro stock has becn purchnscd wiihin il,o Fililí two e!;s, nmi eclrcicdüy ly onc O.' tiic Oiireril. wlli) lias In n n ho bii.Mli: (i,r tho IüM eleven veáis, nnd tliey hayo no Itcfcilaíiuii in énynía nial (fio (jüítlfty o'f tiU'se írñorís ís uncxcc!i.iKi!.lo. They will posifiviy lio solí! m tlio Imvcbt Now Vnik ji.'libiiuí priego." wiih iic ailuitiun oT trimspÖ] iiion onfy. The i-iibsurihci-s Iüivo l!ic sfefa Ai:nc.y in íhis Siaio fbr iln; sale t" 'J'AliSO.X'S SI ! KA R I (i M CHINES," and ihc cc lob'nte'd "LFJÖÈSTÉR MACHINE CAIUJX," dcciilodly tlic in neo. 'I'IIKO. If. EATON, & no. A pril, 3, 13-13. rIr Estáte of ïra Burrin. TUK Uudcsiirnctl, Connuif-sioiuis for Iec6ivingouil allowiny Pgjrin$ llic uforeaaid wJl meot ai iJjo oHicc of K. Mundy, ai 9 u'cloek, A. il.. mi Wedñes ■.?, iln-'JIst rlay of iiint! ín t. (o receivo and cxununi; clamis iigaínat aciid tsiatc. K. MÜNDT .. "WKLLs. T. FOtíl'Klt. Aun Albor, Jqne 7,.IHK5. 7-2v For Sale. ONE yoke of WORK1NG OXEN. Knquiíc ut ihcllat Síuicot" II. RAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arhor, M.iy 29. IH-K?. 5-tf Oí1' nll kinds ncatly cxcculcd at :lic Signa. (Milco, at ilie shortosl nolicc, and un tho nnsi rèhaohnblo tonus. Books Famphlets Circulars in tmie, wiih ihc utmost accurñcy. ILr Orders by mail promptly (illcd. JfiOJTJEür TO ni! 1IJ1MPE. THE subscribor n'ould licrcby giy'o notice lo llu: (muera of Washtonaw, and ilic nciyliióring cóun'tics, tlml hu han afi Oil Mili iow ii óperatiótf in Ann Arljor, Lówor Tnwn. vhero lio intonds at nll timos lo buy EJjAX 3EED) (and other Scctls tiscd n ninkin OH,)uu! pay tlic liighcst pricc, and the beul o! pay.- Om; 1 )o[.i. a ii per Inuslicl wil! bÜ Md lor ood duan sred, or, onc gallon of Oil givcu fur ilic s-hiii: quajnxityi Faumküs are rbquested to iry Flnic on fhcir Suiniticv falloWB. and therely av;iil ilicinsclvcsof two crops instcad of' onc. Mkiuh.vnts are remicstcd to soul in tliuir secd and excliango for Oil in prcfÖrenco ld scritiinè to New York or Hoaton lor it, and ilius keep what nionoy wc liavc in our own Siato. [45-_tf.] -JOFJ, R. I1IDDEN. An Arbor, Lowcr Town, Mnrcli 1. I84ft S9OOO IjfLOtm J5AHRELS for mc Clicap for i ;aali, by C .1. GAULAND % Aun Albor, Uppbl T'iwn, May 5, 1843


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