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Colored People Of Canada

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air U. T. Torry, of the Albany Patriot.has I lately visited the refugees ofCnnadn. Of their 'politica! rights heeays: 'In all respccls thcy enjoy the saaie rights with other foreigners, of diff-rent color. A tcsidence of reven yersie rcquirrd bcforennv foreigner can be naturalized. After that on j takinf the oath af nllearinnce, they are entiiled : to vote, and to hold office, on the same terms i with other. men, viz. the possession of a freehold worth $400, or renting a lenement at L10 currency, or $33. In courts of justicp in the social Jife, they eujoy equal rights with other men ' The lower class of whitcs have the $nme vul . g ar prejndices which previil ngainst lliem in tliis country. It is not so, however, with the hipher class. I re'erence to education Mr. T. says: The n'èw scliool law of he Province one of the fruit of the Patriot rcbeüion.) just now go'mg into operation, will piovide means for the sclioohnor of the ivhole body of colorcd yoiitli. Mnch, however, rernnins to bo done for theaiidultf. Two public schools for the people of color wil! be established by the In. spectors, in Torónto. Others wil! be provided for the people, ali over the Province. So that no fnriher expendilnre of nbolition money is reqnired for that object. The grentest difficuliy in the wny of popular eduention in the Province is to find competent teachers. Mr. H. Wilson wou ld not employ colorea tenchers, at all, tlioujh Ihere are eome compe'ent to tonch. It causea dífl8atísfactrn nnionrr tho poople of colorjwith liim. But ihere aregtrong prejudices ngainst teachers from tho States; so strong, thut they connot be usefullv f niployed in the common schools. Teachers must be rnised npon the jrronnd, or Konght throujrh the ngeiicy of the British nnd Foreign School Society from Europe. Tliis cours { will be resorted to exten.=ivelv, to supply the wants of the new fchool sysieni.'


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