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WHOLESALE & RETAIL. STAPLE AJYD FAjYCY DRY aOODS. THE Subscribers keep conatantly on hand a large and choice stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCERIES, fa. S?:. which have been selected wi;h care, and are of the newest styles and best qualiies. As they are determinej not to be undersold, they solicit the patronage of those wishing to purchase. Amoiigother thingsfoo numerous to menrion, they have a targe and excellent assortmeut of SHEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SUMMER STUFFS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTHS, SATINETS, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LINENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. &c. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beantiful r.ssortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the richest patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualilies. and prices. Hose and Half Hosi, Cotton and WorFted. Bonnets, Leghorn, Tiisoan and Straw. The nbove assortment of GOODS will besold ns cJicap, or cheaper than can be purchased in Detroit. dj" WooI, Potash, Flour, ju md all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in ayment. ABBOTT & BEECHER. 144, Jeflerson Avenue, July. 12. 1813. (12-tf.) Detroit.CUR1OSITY! A Tuilor id'io kíII noi c lite his Promise. THE Subsenber would inform the Ciiizens oí Ann Arbor and vicinity. that he has com. menced the Tailoring Business, n the Lower Town, Shop over Harris. Pari' ridges & Co's. store. F rom pnai experience he eela csnfident thathe can givesatisfaction. Tri Him. J. SrRAUE. N. B. Cuíting done to order. Ann Arbor. June 1843. 9- 2m. BOOE BINDERY. AT THE PAPER MILL (l.OSVER TOWN) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTH would respectfully infonn the inhnbiianisof Ann Arbor and vicirikyiliat ie conünues the business of BOOK IM)ï(i at theold stand, in the Pnper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on sliMtnotice. All kinds of RULINGr done to order. - Country produce taken in payment. April M, 1S43. 52-tf. Skccp Shcars. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arlor. l'ppcrTow, May 5; I84&E. DE AITS GE-LEB RA T ED CHEMICAL PLASTEft. THE following is one trom among the numeroLs from persons of the higbest respectability, whïch the proprictors have recejved. From Wm: MfeMAHö.v. Esi. Attorney Showing the cffieacy of -;E. Dean's Chemical Flaster, ina oaseof pariial orsub-díslocation of the shoulJer. in wh'fch lhie Hgamc-nts'smdmus. clee were very mwch rtïpiured or Ins-erated ; al80 in a caso of ïnflammaDry Wiei.mitism. T "L whomr ü may concern : ífiAO i r"uy oeHifyv that in the spring of 1842 , Iwaa from my carria-e, which caused my left shoulder to be partially dialocated, and my emire lelt arralo be much bruiaed an, ■wollen. My attending; Physician made nwnv applicatior.s-to rodare the spelling and draw ou't the bruise; but all was used to but little eiTect- 'E. DeanVChemical Piaster" bcing recommend:d to me by a frienl. I induced to try it; anJ f can assure the public that I! had not mad'ö th more than 30 honra before I founrí material relief, andina few daya the pain wa entirely gone from my arm: I have also during the present winter tried tliis Piaster in a veiy obstinate case of Inflammatory llheumatism, and found it gave me emire relief when applled for about 24 hours. C1,3] WM, McMAHON. Wooster, Wnyhe Co., U., Dec. 20, J842. ID'For the diseases in which this Piaster isapplicable, see advertisement in another column of thi8-paper. E. Dean's Chemical Plnster is for sale in Aun Arbor, (Lower Tnwn.) by J. H. LUND, aud VV. & Jl W. JVIAYNARO, l Upper CHRISTIAÑ 'EBERttACH, Town 49-1 y RAIJL KOAD 18 43. TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE nndersifrned would respectlully inform the friends of Temperance. and the pubhe generally, that theraboe named House, formerlyknown- as-the Temperance Hotel; and sititated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington strecti nearthe Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very grent addi'ional improvements, is now ready for the reception of all those who may favor him rtth a cali. The accommodaiions, in every respect, aro not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and every attention will be given tö such as bestow thcir patronage upon th-is laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages always in readmess to convev passengers to and from Boats and 'Cars.. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4_lySTATE OF MICHIGAN, Waahienaw County, 8SIN the Circuit Court lor the county of Wishtenaw. In' the matter of the petition oí Lucinda Sischo for a divorce frorn her husband, NelsonSischo. On rcading and filing the pctitiorr of Lucinda Sischo, praying for a divorce froni her husband Nelson Sischo, ibr the cause 01 mtcr desertion and neglect to p.-ovide a fuitabïè marnminanee for her; and itappearing u the coun tlü.t the said Nelson Sischo cannot be found'so as to be per-soneüy served with notice: On motion of Kings ley & Morgan, Atto.nevs for petitioner. It is ordered by the court. that, the said Nelstín SÍEcho do appear and answer unto the said petition.on or before the next term of thiscouri": and that acopy of ibis order,be published in ttíe Signai of Liberiy, (a public Newspaper published in Ann AVbor,) for six weeks successivily, the last publication to le at least forty days before the first day of the next term of this court. Dated June 17th, 1843. A true copy: E. P GARDINER'. Clerfc. ÏO- 6-a Ulurder & Suicide! PASSING your sr ets a ftvr dayssince, I was ahnnst horror struck in noticing n cominual protrncted mtirder. Cheaptst' Store in toWn- 'New York Wholesale and Retail Cheap cash Store" "BuiTalo Cheap Store" led me to cali where I saw the "Kings Engüsh" He mangleu, bleeding. dying. At another place I saw a greaf display of t;Red Rags" and flaming hand bilis, where on exnminatïon Ifound that they claimed to have bought their goods at "Auction" and I knew that goods sold at auction were of inferior quality. and such as would not bear the test of srivate sale scrutiny. Oh.thought they cut :heir own throars in bi'ing their goods at nuc-ion. I passed on to F. Denison's nid stapd where I found H. Bucker fairly sctiled flrilí a arge STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private sales, embracing nearly every thing called for in the country, at low prices, for cash, produce, or good credit. And berel found' that the pure English was spoken, as I am assured t ia at his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf.TARIFF OH NO TARIFF. GOODS ARE CHE4P AT GÁRLANDS. JUST receivedat tlie Farmers and MechanicaStore, direct from New York, a general aseortment of choice ani select GOODS. con-sistingof all most every article wanted, euch'ns Shcetings Shirtings, Broad Cloíhs, Cossimcre, Calicóes, Driilings, Gambroons,Lirens, .Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains. Silks, Shawls, Bonneis, IJats, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery; Boots and Shoes. Looking Glasses, &c. &c. All of vhich wiíl be sold cheap as ihe cheáp- est. Goods purcliasers will keep in mind the Farm-' ers and Mechanics Store. C. J. GAÉLAND. N. B. Any goodspurchased of hini not givng sntisfaction in price and quality caö bé rcturned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town).lune 12, '43. 7tf _ Tor Sale , „r_r BY the Sul)seribc-r, a gmd location for WOOL CARDÍNG and CLOTH DRESSING, n the Township of Sínico Co., Hrne Dist ïict, U. C. - ALSO- 100 Acres of cnoice Lnnd in Granby Tow'b yiissisco County, Mdntréal District, L. C. - ALSO- 200 Acres, betng part óf théEs"tate knowri by he name of the Douglass Esta'e, in Shefl'ord Township, Missiseo Coamy, Montrdnl Disrict, L; C. - ALSO- A Hotisc and Lot in Michignn Villnge; five miles up thé Huroh River Ironi Ann Arbor All or eithcr the said possessions may be had cheap for Cash,, or for Land in thisStote. FocS1 'urther particulars inquire of the subscriber at Ann Arbör. Lower Town. ?. COMER. June 8, 1843. 7-tf. CHEESE. FOR Sale by . C. J. GARLA ND. Ann Arbor, Uppof Towft, 5lny 5, '43. ïi


Signal of Liberty
Old News