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DR. HALSTED'S BB.IS3 PILLS-. 28 1'lM.S KOK 2') CK.NTS. THE Brisk Pilla answer the purposc more effcctually for any diseñe tor wlnchany other ,11 is recommendcd, nnd supersede thein altoUther in medical excellence nud virtue. 11 you doubt ihis, just try will cast you only iwo sliillings- and then you, with me, wi.I be . satisfied- Iftheyare not what I recommend jbem to be, düiounce ihem and put them down, for I cannot conscientio.isly recommend them for n cure all fa every thing. But this I do say, without i'ear ofcontradiction, that no puls are their equal in removing disenses origm&ting in llie stoniachorbowels. For liver and bilious diseases, such as dum ngue, fever and aguc. intermittant and remittant fevers, the Brisk Pilis posess peculiar properties for their speedy remov;il. From ten years experience ns a practising physician, I am convinced tbat none can equal them. - Read what other pi lis are good for. and what they will cure, and tf t!ie Brisk are not superior to them all. then discard their use. Do not believe all that is said abont an infallible pill - that never fails to cure any disease- but try the Brisk Pilis ihe cheapest pols 'm use - 23 pills for 25 cents and then youHviil have a chance to jidge of their tnerit ordemerit. As a blod cleanser. and apurifier to the diseasedsystcm. they perhaps suporsede every pill in use. They are quick and eoBy in the operation, giving life and tone to all the torpid organs; throwiug off impure matters or liuinors; leavtng the system healthy and clean. This is all that any one medicine can do.notwi hstanding the great show of words and fict'itious eer titïcatc8. We are determined tolet hese oills stand upon their own reputation, win or loose. All we ask is, for a fair and impartial tra'. They can be taken by old and young, at any time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for children. for worms. &c. In a word, they possess all the qualities of an aperient pill for family use. They have cured niany diseases which no other medeeine could remove. In conclusión I say. do not Kve np or despair of a cure until you'have tried the Brisk l3il!s, for they do pos6ess peculiar properties and virtues. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewctt. C. Eberbach. Ann Albor: D. H. RowlanJ, Northvilie; J. S. Scattergood, Plymonth: J. Dean, Pontiac J. B. Dickson, Rit. Clemena; Mniiland & Co. Romeo; Sprngue & Co.. Rochester; Church &. Bnrchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owemfc Co., De troit. 10-Gnl A ND ÏJaAw' JAjíí ASd tooüAvjiN ha L H. II. GRIFFEN. Pri.ncipat,. MISSC, E. HAMMOND. Assista.nt. THE twelfth term of this institmion will commence on BÏónday, Mny 20, and continue II weeks. While this echool is equally open to all of both sèxes, who wish to ácqiiiré a gooc education, particular attention wijl be given to those who are preparing lo The exclusive and unimerrupted attention of the principaJ will be given to mpart a pnictical knowledge oí the Enclish branches. He occupies about half nn hour daily in lecturing. with the aid ofiheapparatus. minerals. or otherwise. Appvratl's. - The lnstitution ia furnished wiih Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronomical apparatus, Surveying Insiruments, Geometrical 'solids, &c. to the amount of $300; a'so, a good Cabinetof Minerals worth 50. Tüitios in the eommon English branches, including Composition and Declamation fjom $2.50 to $3.50. In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy. History, Rhetoric, Bosnny, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to $5.00 Mezzotin'to and Chinese or Theorcm painting, $3.03 each lor 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. " The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduciion for absence will be made, except for protiac:cd sickness, and no one will be ieceïved for less than five and a half weeks.- Books may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board. Including room and waaning, from $1,00 to $1,50 per week; for further particulars :nquire óf the principal. Rev. I. M. Wcho. Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. North, J. Faiichild, M. D.. J. C. Allen, JVI. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. havekindly consented to form a visiting committe, to be present at the Week reviews on Thursday, and at the public examination of the school. Ypsilanti, April 29, 1S43. 5- lv.1843. WHOLESA&S & RSTAIL. BOOKSEUEB AH 3 Sï ATIÖHER, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFERSOU AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps coBStantly for sale a complete nssortment of Misccllaneius, School and Classical Booka; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cu;lery, YVrapping Paper, Printing Paper, af a!l stzes; and Book, News and Canisier Ink, ot various kinds. BLANZ BOQZa Full an:l hali bound. of every variety o Ruling, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchante. Teachers, nnd oihers, buying in quantities. a large discount made. SABBATH SCHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 5l-tf. Attention Invalids! WHO haa tried the Persian Pilis nnd Jew David'sor Hf.brew Plastjjr, and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been before :he public some four ycars, and physicians at the East have used them extensively in their practico, and were they here. they could teil you of the excellent quaüües of these medicines. Reader! Have you ever used them? Jf you have not. ask those who have if they are not what we ïecorninend ihetn to be. They are the Chtapist as welt as the best. A box of piaster contains sufficient to spread 8 or 10 piasters- price 50 cents. The large Boxes o'. Pnxs contain 73 puls for 63 cents: the email boxes 35 pills for 31 cents. No persons should condemn them until they have tried them. and then we are sure they will not. These medicines are for sale by one or more agents ia all villages and citiea in the United States. Cali on the agent, and he will give any information wantpd. For sale by J. H. Lünd. S. P. & J. C. Jewett. C. Eberbaob, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, Milford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. II. Rowland, Northville; J. Scattergood, Plymouih; P. V'annvery, Franklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, & Son, Dextcr; Dr. Sager, Jackson. J0 - 6m. MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, fcc. fTlHE subscriber has a large assortment o' JL Marble, of the best quality, suitable for Grave Stosks, Monumevts. &c. whicb he will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for produce, at hls old stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do wdl to cali, as they will he sold much cheaper than have ever been affbrded in this State, and ofa Quahty that cannot lail to please. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842.. 29- 1 y "TIpettibone, 6URVEYOR, MAKER, AND LAD AGENT. OrRce in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. , June 19, 18-13. 8-tf. 'lYIortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the payinent of s certain suin of iiioney, securcd. to be paid by indenture of mortgage, hearing date ihe iinth day of May, in the year of our Lord. one t housand eight hundred and tliiriy nine, executed a jy Miller Barker, of Clinton. Lenawee County. o Michigan, toGeorge Weaifall, of Plymouth, in U hfi County of Wayne, Michigan, and recorded s n the Register' s Oifice. of the County of i enaw, in said State, on the J Ith day of May, A. J D. 1S39. at J o'cloclt, A. M. m líber, No. 6, pa'e UB, upon'which thcre is claimed to bc due, c at Ihe daie of tliis notice, the sum of one hun i clred and twelve dollars and sixty one cents. I Notice is therefore hereby given, thatby virtue i uf a power of sale in said mortgage contained. L und pursuant to the statutc insuch case made und irovided. will bo sold at public auction or ! Jne. at the Cmrt House, in the village of Ann Arbor, in the County of VVashtenaw. and State of Michigan, on Tuesday. the twenty-tifth day of Tuly next. al onoo'clock, in tho afternoon of that day, the preinises in said mortgage described, as folïows, to wit: All that ceriain picce or parcel of land. sitúate, lying and bemg in the county of Washtenaw, in the State aforesaid, and known and described as being the southwest quarter of section No. thirty-four, in towship No. four, south of range No. four east, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land. be the same more or less: excepting and reserving all that certain part of said tract of land. abovc described, which was herctofore deeded by Grove Barker and Persis Barker to laala Currier." Said Mortgage hnvmg been given to secure the payment of the purchase moneyofsaid premises. GEORGE WESTFALL, Mort. H. A. Noyes, Au' y. Dated, April lOih. 1S43. -c'-'" TO CLOTHIERS AXD WOOL CARDERS. THE subseriber would respectfully solicit the attention of Clothiers and Wool Carders, to an exnmination of his present Stock of anieles in tiieir line, assariug them of thcir superior qualuy, (which will be npparent upon examination) and and of the unusually low ratea at which he is enaliled to ïell them. Amon a variety of anieles belonging to the trade may bc enumerated: Cards of every descripiion; Shuttles, Steel RceJs 4-4 ó-i wide; Clothiers Jncks; Sattinett Wnrp; Emery; Temer Hooks; Worsted Harness; Card Cleiners mul p!ates; Screws; Copper Kettles; Shearing Machines, Parson'a, also, two or ihree Carding XVIachines. The subscnl'cr fels hiniself w.-irnuiTed in assuring the trade that lus supply of Clothiers Toolí toeiher wiih sme 12or 15 ton of assorted DYE WOODS and DYE STUFFS, form one of tho Inroest and most complete stocks of the kind everoffered io the public of Michican.- Owinrr therefore to the inducenients he can ofier to thoie en-n-ed in the CLOTH DRESSING and WOOL CARDIN'G business, of an extenve stock and low prices, he solicits their exanination of the sime before purchasing or making rranSementSeISeWheP[-ERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843.WOOLEN K A W TT F A O T O L. 7 . TfiE subscriben would mfonn the public that ibey are now manuíacturing WOOLEN ( LOTH witfa a degree of success equal to their , ïost sanguine expëctations. Wïth the ( ry they now have, they are able to manufacture rom 75 lo 100 pounds of wool per day. The , íoth they have made for the last three months is , f the best qunlity. and that mnde in tuture will . e similar. They have entirely overeóme the ifficulties of starting an establishment ot this , itnd in a new country. Their terms are 37 ents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half the loth the wool will make. lfany alteration of ie terms should be determined on, public noce will be riven. All wool received before uch notice isgiven will be workedon the above ernis. If ny wish to have their wool worked withut mixing it with oïher wool, it will be done, royided they as3ort it themselves, and iurnish it n quantities of 100 pounds of one q-uality of vool. It is much boiler to sew up wool in sacks iianto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be trongProvisions of all kinds will be received in payment for manufacturing to tho amount required or the consumpiion of the establishment. Wool entby railroad to Scio, will be properly attendedto; the number of pounds should beniarkedon he sack withink; also the weight of the sack.- Tne wool will be worked in turn asit comrs in. ns nenrly as cari be done with reference to the. different qualiiie?. O Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratification in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encournged us by their patronage during the last year. We now invite all to Uring their wool, to the amount of 25,0(0 pounds, and receive the benefit of the vcry reasonable terms on which we offer to manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of AnnArbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, &CO. Scio, April 30. 1843. _l-tf_WOODWORTH'S HOTEL NORTHERX, EASTEE AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOCSE. The undersiirned respectfully announces to the public, that he is now the proprietor of this'well known establishment. Tlie house Jjavin? been thoro-jghly overhauled, and refitíedln a manner calculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eltgible position, on the corner of Woodbridge and Randolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with thpir countenance, may be assured that no expense or attention in his power, will be pared, to make their sojourn in Detroit agreeable and satisface [46-1 y] S. D. WOODWORTH. N O F I CTI O N . ONE PRÍCE STORE. THE subscriber still continúes to sell DRY GOODS, and DR.Y GROCERIES, at.No. 5, Hurón Block. Loiccr Toten. His stock of each was carefully se'.ecied and well purchasod, wliich enables him to sell low for rcady-pay. As he believès the money of the same qnaliiy of every person, is of the same valué, he will solí to all for tbc same price, and no amount of Oratory can swervc him from that course. Persons can makc just as good bargains by sending an agent, ns tocóme themselves. In connexion with the store is a Gkist and Fj.oiüung Mii-L, where he wil] r-onstantly poy Cash for Wlieat at the higbest raarket price. . Farmers and YVheat buyers can have their Gristing and Flourin" done to order nnd on the most reasonable terms. Those who wish to purchase goods, or g# VVheat floured, would do well (o cali andenquire his prices, and into his manner of doing business. ÜWIGHT KELLOGG. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Feb. 28, 1843. 45-t. BLANK DEEDá. MORTGAGES, EXECÜTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. jtist printed and for sale at the ÏÏT SÍGNÁL OF1 WE. jtrThreshing Machines. npHE uridersigned would inform the public JL that they continue 10 manufacture Horse Powkrs and Threshing Machines, two nnd a half mil esfrom the villageof Ann Arbor. on the rail-rond. The Horse Power is a late l invention by S. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any oiher ever ofiered to the public, as will nppear by the statements of those wlio have used them during the last year. It is light in wéighj and sniallin compasa, being carried together with the Thresher, in a common waggon box, and drawn with ease by two liorses. It is as litile liable to break, or get out ot repair, as nny other Horse Power, and will work as easy and thrash as much with fotir horses attached to it aa nny other power with fivs horses, as will appear fvom the recommèudations below. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron, nnü additional weight and strengthapplied whereverit had appeared to be necessary from one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by the purchasers to be those invented by S. W. Foster. and that most or all of them were either made materially different, or altered betbre sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subscribers. Such alterations being decidedly detnmenta' to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfac tor were of this class. They are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use, as they made it, {has boen condtmned or laid nsideas a bad machine. Allwhowish t-ibuyare invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used ' them. There will be onctor cxamination at N. H. VVing's, Deiter viUage; and one at Martin Willson's storekovse in Detroit - boih these gentlemen being agents for the sale of them. The price will be $120 for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden barcylinder; and $130 fura horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to the following recommendations. S. W. FOSTLR&CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. UECOMSIENDATIONS. This is to certify that we have used one of S W. Foster's newly invenled Horse Powers fo-i about five months, and threshed wilh it about 8000 bushels, and believe it is constructed on better principies than nny other Horse Power. One of the undersignod has ownedand usedeight different kinds of Horse Powers, and we believe that fóVT horses will Uirnshas much with this Power as fivc will with any other power with which we are acqualnted. H. CASE, S. G. [VES. Scio. January. 12. 1S42.T.'is is to inform the public that I have purchnserj, and have now in use. one of the Horse Powers recently invenffed by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, & Co., and believe it be constructed upon better principies, and requires less strenpik of horses than any oiher power with which 1 am acqUaUUed- A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens. Sept. 8, 1841. Thisis to inform the pnblic thatl have purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster. and us-ïd it fora numer of months. and believe it is the best power in use. working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I am acquainted, and being small in compaas. is asily moved from one place to another. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any otln;r power. - The plan and the working of this power have been universally approvod of by fcrmers for wbom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April! K 1R42. mmuT machines. The siibscnbers make very good SMUT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had many year's experience ij? the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price to buy of us. It is worth as mui as mostoftlis machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 1 8,. 1843. DR. BANISTER'SCELEBRATEDFEVER AGÜE P1LLS. -Purcly Vegetable, A safe, speedy. and sure remedy lor lever and ague; duin ague. cliill fever, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new cotintries. These pills are designed for the affections of j the liver and other internal organs which nttend the diseases of the new and miasniatic portionsof our country. The proprietor having tried them in a groat variety of cases confidently believes that they are superior to any remedy that has ever been offeied to the public for the above diseases. Itispnrely Vegetable and perfectly harmless, and can be taken by anyperson, maleor female with perfect safety. The pulsare prepared in two separate "boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompaniedwkh full directions. A great number of certifícales might be procuredin favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thought fit notto insert them, in as niuch as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprieter and can be had at wholesale and rotai! at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Arm Arbor, (lower town) May 29 1842. 9 L. BECKLEYGROUND PLASTER. PRICE REDÜCED TO NIKE DOLLARS PER TOIÍ. THE subscribers have now on hand and will continue to keep a good supplyof GROUJYD PLASTER, in Barrels, at tbeir Store in Detroit, (123, Jefferson Avenue,) and in Buik, at their Piaster MUI, on the River Road. half way between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. The nbove" is from the Séneca Falls and Grand River Piaster Beds. both noted for their superiority. ELDRED & CO. Januaryl2, 1843 46-6m. PAINTING. T. LAMBER T, BEGS leave to inforni the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor, and the eurrounding country, ihut having located himself in the Loioer Villugr., with the view of carrying on the above business ín all its branches, (some of whioh are HOUSE, SIGN, and ORNAMENTAL PAINTIJVG, GILDING and GLAZING, GRA1NING, irnitation of all Wooda, MARBLE1ZJNG, TRANSPARENCIES, BANNERS, i&c. respectfully solicits n share of public patronage, as his prices shall be low to conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would say to Farmers thatheisparticularly desirous to attend to their calle, os produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 6. 1843. 45.- ly. LANK DEEDS. MORTGAGFS, &c. for sale at this ofTice.Peters Pilis. 'Tis íun iheysay to gel well wilh them, A LL mankind througbout thcir wiile oud ( t. circulution, ihat ever try them , inue to buy thoin. Peters' Pills are purely veg■lable; ihey work no miraclcs, nor do they proeea to cure all diseases, bccause they ure the icientific compound of a regular physician, vho ms made bis profession the study oí bis lile. Dr. Peters is a gradúate of Ynle College, aleo oí the Ylassarhusetts Medical College, and has I .vhatdistinguished himsellas a man of sciei.c nd genius among the lainily of the late Oov. 'eters. Peters' Vegetable Pilleare simple in their )reiaration, mild in their aciion, thorougb m heir operation. and unrivalled in their resulte.- The townand 'country are alike filled with their sraise. The palace and ihe poor house alike cho with their virtues. In all climates they will retain their wonderful powers and exen them unaltercd by age or situation. and this the voiceofa gratelul community proclaimed.- Peters' Pilis prevent- keep cíF discases f timely used, and have no rival in curing billious fever, fevcr and ague.dyspepsia, liver complaints.croup, stek headache, jaundice, asihma.dropsy, rheuniatism, cnlargenient of the spioen, piles, coliu, femaleobstruction. heart burn. furred tongue. nausea, disiention of the stomnch andbowels. incipient diarrhaca, flatulence, habitual costivetu-fss, loss of appettte, bloched, ur allow complexión, and in all cases of torpor of the boweh, where a cathartic or aperient is indicated. producing ncither nausea, griping or debiliiy; and Ke repeat all who buy ihen continue to try tlicm. The most triuniphnnt success hns ever attendcd their use and cnough is alrcady known of them to mmortalize and hand them down to pos terity with the improvenients ofthe age in n:edical science. Dr. Peters was brod td the healingart, and in order to supply deminds, be 'has orfginated and called 10 bis aid the only steam driveii macbinery in the world for pill woikinp. 'Tis perfect, and its process imparts to the pill essential virtue, because by being perfectly wrought, all the pills' bidden virtue is revealed, when called into action, and here also it is Peters excelsall the world and takcaall the premiums, medals and diplomns. So clear the tract ior tbe Engine - Peters' Pills are coming - a million of witnessescan now be heard for them - resistless do you hear that! while a host can testify that they believb they owe their salvo tl on froin disease and death to Peters' Pill, and if calomel andknivesare getting partially into disuse we are only mistaken. Cehtikicates. - This paper could be filled with them by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors - nsk ouragents. It is now well known that the pcople will have Peters' Pills, and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless force of these fuths - their universal recoption. added to t!te tcstimoiiy of millions, ;kecp it before the poople' must and will be heard throughotit this vale of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladies while suffering under the usual chauges of life as directed by the laws of nature, they impnrt aancy ot heart, loeling anü action, an elastic step, velvet cheek, lillyand carnation complexion by their action on ihe chyle, &c. and laai es in delicate situations always adniit tlieir power und intiocence, and take them two or threc at a time without in the slightest degree incutring the liaznrd of an abortion; which facts are of the IHünöat impomnce. Pimples; a youner lady sent her loveto Dr. Peters, nnd says she feels more gratefultohim for therestoration of lier beauty than ifhehnd saved her lile. 'Tis fun to gel well with Peters PilU.for they cause the blood tocourse aslimpid and gentle through the veins as a mountnin rivulet; 3 or 4 is a commoii dose, henee the patiënt is not compelled to mahe a meal. TROüRLEINPLUTO'S CAMP. Quite ;isionishcd Old Pluto cameto New York, ' Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine at work,) To resign his commission, his hoür glass and scythe; I have conie to deliver them nll up to you - Sir. niy calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three yeara in a terrible stew, nd I really don't know what on earth J'am to do:- Not of your n-ighty sire do I come to complain, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this wnr of mankind, Are subdued by this Petera, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York. air, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his sway. While musing in council ïfljot course to pursue. That Engine of Peters hroke forth into view. The King of terrora looked a while, As though his soul was tun ed to bile, At ihnt unsparing scourge of il Is, By all men known as Peters' Pilla. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure ns water. Now Peters makes, I've hcard him say, Fíve hundred thousand pills a dny; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there at nll; For soon the cheeks. so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look tere! all icho try them continue to buy ihm. For sale as iollows, by Me;srs. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. H. Lund, H. Becker, Dicknson & Cogawell, and S. K. Jones, Anñ Arbor: Geo. Warner &. Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. VVinans, Sylvan, Hale, & Smith, Grass Lake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merriman. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Brotberson Sb Co., L. Ji. Kief Sc Gilbert, Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow &Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Stone. Babcock &Co., anc Julins. Movius&Co.-, Ypsilanti: Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood. Adrion; Hart & Mosher, Springville; Harmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every where else. Oct. 19, 1842 27-lyTo Fhyslcians and Country Merchants. BPIERRE TELLER, WholeÊ'Jl sale and Retail Druggist (sign of the Golden Mortar.l 130 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, lias on hand and 'ofFers to purchasers, at very low rates: 4 Casks Epsom Salts; 2 casks flour Sulphur; 2 Bbls. Powdered Jalnp; 1 13bl. powdered Rheubarb; 2 Bbls. Creani Tartar; Castor Oil by the gnllon or dozen (assorted sizes;) Camphor. Calomel, Quinine, Corrosivo Sublímate; French and English Chenncais; Perl'umcry of all kinds; Linseed Oil; White Lead. dry and in Oii; English Venitian Red; English Lampblack; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf all sizes together with every other article conncted with the Drug, Paint, Oil, and Dye Stuff Buuiness. April 17, 1843. Ll-tf. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVINGpurehnsed the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon euch as will give him a cali. His stock consiBls oí a general nssortment of goods, and will be sold clieap. nnd for rcatlij pay only. WAÑTKD, In exchange for GOODS, moat kinds of country produce, and 5500,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair pricc will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. jCELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, ; Vhemosttffcctualremedy yetdiscoveredfor n Rheunuttism, f ever Sores, Hhne inis, Iiijiammntion in the byes, Steelled Throat in Scarlet Ferer, Quinsey, , L-c. tjre. , THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important remetly for thoso who are afflicted with hronic and nflnmmatory complaints, by its easns pain, counteracting inflammation, and giving jpeedy relief by its active, strcngihcning, nnodyne. dinphorciic and cnuntcrirntant proporties- A efiectual remedy for Chronic and Imflammntüry Rheumatisrn, Ague in the Breast Scalds, Lm,., Bruist-8, Scrolula Ulcere, Oíd Sores of ulmost every description Cnnkered and Swjlled Thront arisingfrom Scarlet Fever, Felona, White SWeHingsj Chilblains, &c. Persons sufluring from Liver ComplaiiitP. Pulmonary disenses, Jnflnmmation of the Lungs, with pain .n the side, back or, wUI find relief by the usc of thia Piaster. In all cases it may be used with perfect aiEy'DE4NS CHEMICAL PLASTER put up in boxes at filty cents and one dollar eacli, with f uil directions accoinpanyinseach box. Mnnufacttired and sold wholesale by H. HAKRIS & CO.. Ashtubuln, Ohio. sole propnetois, to whom all orders should be nddressed. Sold also by their Aponte throughout the country. [ETA liberal discount mudo to dealers and pnysicians. . For testimoniáis and ccruficntes from persons of the hiohest respectibility, who hnve used the Chemical Piaster, see another column of this paper. . . .. . . For sale by the following Agente in Michigan: H. W. Rood. ■iles J. C. Larrimore. li C. Skannhun, Eilwardsburfeh. Win. O. Austin, White Pieon. IsnncBcnhnm. Jr., Conatnmine. Danl. L. Kin.bcrly, Schonlcraft. II. B. Huston, & F. Mnrchjr PM Kalamnzoo. James W. Coihren. P. M. Gnlesburgh. T. -L. Bolkcom, P. M. Battle CreekJomes M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jackson. Wm. Ja'ckson, ?. M. Leoni. Ilaleand Siniih, Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvnn. J Millerd &. Son, De-tter. Tliomas P. May, Jr. Plymouth, l'erin & Hal!. Nrihville, Mefid&MciCarthy, Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin, Julius Dean, Pontinc, Mack & Sprague, Rochester, James Stephens. Uticn, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemens,G. &J.G. Hill, iDctroit . JohnOwen&Co. J f Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornvillc, E. Samsnn. Ypsilanti. J J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Aun Albor. CHRISTIAN EBEUBACH, ) Í9-Iy Ploughs! Plonglis! CAVÏ' BE BEAT! 0 THE subscribirs have constantly on hand u largc assortmeni of PLOUGHS, of n superior quality, which they ofler tor snle as CHEAP as can'be purchnsed at nny otlier place n tliis County. Thoso wishing to pinchase will please cali nnd examino for themselves. PARTR1DGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor, April 20, 1843. 52-if. Chancery Sale. Absolute, for Cash and to the highrst Bidder IN ihe cause pending in the Court ol ' Chancery. for the Second Circuit of the State uf Michi gan, wherein James Abbott is eomplamniu. and Abigail Welch, David Eaton, George Welch. IJenry Wclch, Hornet Wulch, and Augusta Welch. are defenduivs, the said George, Henry, Hnrriet, oud Augusta being Minors, under the ape of iwenty-oiie ycors. -'"Whereas, by a decretal order In the above cause, made by his Honor Ekm Fani6vvorth, then Chancellor of the State of Michigan, bearing date the fourteenthday of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and lorty one. it was ordered and decreed, that the above naincd defendants should redeem certain morigaged premières in the Com - phinant's bill contained, by the payment of the sum of iour hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-four cents, nnd the interest to accruo thereon, from the fourtcemh dny of July, eighteen hundred and forty one. the date of a certnin report in said decree mentioned, and also the costs of complainaiu to be taxed, on pr before the fourteenth day of November, in the year eighieen hundred and lorty-one, or that in default thereol, the said mortgaged premises with the appurtenances, or so mucli thereof os would be sufficient to pay the said debt and the interest which had accrued, or miaht thereufter accrue with said costs, and which might be sold separately without injury to the partiesor either cf theni, should be sold at public auction, at the Couit House, in the villnge of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtenaw, by and under the direction of one of the Maaiers oí the said Court, the said Master firstgiving six weeks previous notice of the time and place of sale in some newspaper published in said Coui-.ty, as hy theeaid decree. rcferencebeing thereunto had. moy more fislly appcar. "And wherens, ihe said premises nre yet unre deemed. and the above stated sum with interest, and costs, is yet due nnd unpaid, rsow, therefore, notiee is hereby given, that in pursuancc of the directions of the said decree. and by virtue of its authority, 1 will, on the eixteenth day of Mny next, at the hour of Tvcelve o'clock, at noon, n the Court House of the County of Washtenaw. in the villoge oí Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Auction, the Iancl8 nnd premises in said decree mentioned. or eo much thereof as may be eufficient to pay the aforesaid sum, interest and cosls. and can bc sold sepaiately without injury to nny of the pnrties in this cause, which said lauds nnd premises are known and described as follows, vrz: All that certain tract or parcel of land sitúate in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan known os the East half of the South Enst quarter of Section number thirty-two, in Township number four, South of Range number eevcn Knst, containing eiihty acres. Tbc Bale will be absolute- without redemption and for cash. q GRIDLEy Mnster in Choncery. C H. Stewakt, Sol. forComptt. Dated this 2hth day of March, '843. The above salo is adjourned to the 8th day of June next, at the time and place above mentionjune next, q GR1DLEY, Master. Ann Arbor, May 16, 1843. The above sale isfurther postponed until the twenty-Becond day of June instant, at the same place and time of day. G. T. GRIDLEY, Master. C. H. Stewart, Sol. forCompliJuneSth, 1843. The above sale is further postponed till the üleventh of July next at the same place and time „f,. dJ22'84í;GBIDLEY, Master in Chanccry. C H. Si kwak r, Sol, for Complt,LANDS FOK SALE; rHK undersigned is authorised to sell severul tructa of land in the countics of St. Clair, aginaw, Sanilac, Washtenaw and Lcnnwee at icir cush value. and takein payment State Scrip nd Warrants ai par, or tbeir equivalent in cash; j he wiil proportionatc tenns on time. The cash alue inay be uscertained. if desired, by apprai6rs chosen by the purchaser and subscriben The Washtenaw lands consist of 118 acres in Ue town of Webster, sligh.ll iniproved, of early nd choice selection, and 214 acres 3milesbe!ow fpsilanti, on the River Huron, having rich botom and upper lands. good timber, running wacr corn and wheat soil, excellent sites for buildntr, surrounded by settlemtnts, good loads nnd nills. About 30 acres have been under cultivaln" CHA'S H. STEWART, j7 tf Jeirerson Avenue. Detroit. ñíñinery & Drcss ülaking. Mks. C. BUFFFINCTÖN, t-)ESPECTFULLY announces to the inJtv habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity,that she hns opened a shop, midwny, between the upper and lower vi!loges,wliere the business of MILL1NERY fy DRESS MAKJNG will be canied on, in all its branches, witl punctuality, despatcb, nnd n the best and most fasliionable stylc. - Ann Arbor, April 8, 1843. 50 1y TREE LABOR" MARCUS STEVENS r SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end I ot the White Block, directly opposite the Rhchigan Exchnngc, wHèiè they will keep an ex. tensivo assoriment of CJtBIJVJET WcñRJE, ol every kind, qunlity. and description, of thcir own manufacturiííg, nnd wnrranted to be ns fashionablc. good, and chcap as can be had West of New York. Purchasers ai e requested to cali and examine our extensivo assortment bcfore buying. Any ar:icle of Furniturc made to order, and Warranted to piense. UPHOLSTERING done in all rs vanous branches, and at the shortest notice. CHAÍRS, LOOKING GLASSLS. AND W1LLOW WARE; nlso, MaJiogany Boards and Ventars - as rheep as the cheapest. In exchnnae. CHERRY, WALNUT. APfD MAPLE LUMBER, & G Detroit, April 17, 1843. M-TO CfiOTBIIERS, MA1YUFJCTURERS J1ND MERCtUUYTS. THE subscribers are now rcceiving, nt thcir stores, 188 Jefferson Avenue, and corner of [landolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a arge and peneral stock ol ye Woods &, Bye Stuffs. 35 tons Logwood. Fustic. Limewood. Nicarrafjua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, í30bbls. tíiound Camwoud, 150 do Fustic 1-20 do Logwood. lüO do Red woods, 20 do Aluin, 6 liluls Copperns, ■ 4 do Blue Vihiol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Maddera, prime, 500 lbs Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengnl, Madrns nnd Caroccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgnlls, (Alicppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2l)0 do Verdigris, 10 Cnrboys Oil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Sultí, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lnc Dye. H00 lbs. Bnnquo Tin, 2.r0 do Creani Tartar. 500 do Qnereciron Bark. Togethcr with n completti assortment of all th minor nrticles in the trade. to wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, Brusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, Dye Kenles, Pickers, Burling Irona. Nippers. Prussiüte of "otasli. Sal Amoniac, Sal Sufin, Sugnr ot' Lead, Steel Recds. Card Cleancr?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinen Warps, Shears, &c. Tb8 entir: stock has becn purchased witbin tho last two weeks, and selicted personally by ono of the concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, nnd they have no he.Mtation in saying that the quality of these poods is unexceptionable. They will poritivly bc 6old at tho lowest New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportaron only. The subscribers have the solc Agency in thia State for the salo of "f ARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the celcbnited "LEICESTEH MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51tfML OJYJEY TO SJE ÏI11E. THE subscriber would hereby give notice to the farmers of Woshtenaw, and the neighboring coumios, tliat he lias an now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. where he intends at all times to buy FLAX SEED, (and other Seeds uscd in making Oil,) and pay the highest price, nnd die best ol pay. - One Dollar per bushel will be paid for good cluan seed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the same qunntity. Faumkrs are requested to try Flax on their Suinmer lallows, and tliereby avail themselvesof two crops instead of one. Merchants are requested tosend n their eeed and exchange for Oil in preference to sending to New Yorkor Boston for it, and ihus keep what money we have in our own State. [45-tf.] JOEL R. HIDDEN. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. March 1. 1843. Estáte of Ira Durrin. THE Undesigned, Comniissioners for receiyingand allowing claims against the aföresaid estáte, will meet at the office of E. Mundy. at 9 o'clock, A. M.. on WedvesJaij, the2ist dayof June next, to reccive t.nd examine claims against said célate. E. MUNDY. - J. WELLS', T. FOSTERV Ann Arbor, June 7, 1843. 7-2w For Sale. ONE yoke of W0RK1NG OXEN. Enquira at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tf 3,ÖÖÖ FLOUR BARRELS for sale Chenpfor Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1843 OF all kinds neatly e.xecuted at the Sl8"8" Office, at the shortesi notice, and on mg most reasonable terms. a:iy t;inc, wiih the utmost accuracy. IET Orders by mail prp;nptly


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