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Rkv. Ahki. Brow.v, of Aibany, New York, will Iect ure nt the Court House in Ann Arbor this(Mondaij)tvenin g nt 7J o'clock,on the subject of Slavcry. The Lndies nnd Gentlemen of Ann Arbor and vicinity are rcspectfully invited 10 attend. Appropriate singing for the occasion may bc expected. July 31. 1843. ET Our usual vnriety of matter is curtailed ili!6 week hy the lcngth of the documente quoted in Rev. G. Beckle) 's trial. Bui they could not oe condensed, omitted, or postponed, and they will be found to contain much interesting information. We hope on occasion ofthis kind will not again occur. D Rev. Mr. West is publishing a series of etters in the Monroe Advocate, addressed to us, ntnnded to correct erroncous opinions respecting lis course. and theaction of the General Assemly. They shall nppear next week. EF "J. H. M." must excuse us for not pubiishing his conimunication. It refers chiefly to personal niatters, and its Iangunge and spirit we cannot altogether approve. KIP Persons wh are not snbscribers, to whom the Signal is sent by order of their friends. need not refuse to take them from the Post Office, throufh fear of being called on for pay by us. - We hold none responsible to us but those who lave subscribcd to us, or through our agents. IT Rev. A. McCaine, of the M. Protestant Church, who wrote a book in defencc of Donestic Slovery. which wasrecommendedby Hon. J. C. Calhoun last summcr, hns commcnced a series of letters to Rev. Luther Lee, now publishng in the True Wesleyan, in whicli he conteuds the nstitulion is sanctioned by tho Bible. O' Irish Rcpcal Associations have been organizcd in Jackson nnd Cíí1U.o.u.u Gountiw. -


Signal of Liberty
Old News