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Important Slave Case

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The case of Jones vs. Van Zandt, decided by the U. S. Circuit Court for Ohio, at the July term., wasone of great importance ri iis hearings on the anti-slavery cause. It was an action brought by the plnintiff, a citizen of Kentucky, again8t the defendant, a cilizen of Ohio, for the value of aslave wliom he had aided in escaping to Canada, and for damages for ha'boring and aseisting others who were recapturcd. The plaintiffclaimed under the act of Congress of 1793, by which a person liarboring or eoncealing fugitives, after a notice that they are such from the owner or agent, s made liable to pay $500 am' all damages. The cnse was argued at great lengih, over a wide range of topics, by very able counsel, and occupied the Court from Saturday morning till Thursday noon. The counsel for the plaintifl were Messrs. Fox, Southgale, and Roben Morris: for the defence, Messrs. Chase. Ball. and Thos. Morris, Verdict was rendered for the plaintiff for $1200.We intend to pubhsh Jiidge McLean's charge to the jury, nnd his decisión on a motion to overrule the testimony. His honor decided substantially, among other ihings, that nny person harboring or concealing persons whom he knows to be fugitive slaves, with nn intention to nid them in eluding ihe vigilunce of their mnsier, makes himself liable to ihe master for the value of the slaves, if they escape, and for the dimages. It makes no dtfference how the person aiding them came by the knowledge that they were iugitive slaves; ifheknowthat iact, and oids them afterwards in escaping, it makes him liable. No written or verbal notice from the ownerorhis agent is necessary to involve liability. But performing the ordinary offices of humanity,ns clothing or feeding a slave, do not come within the range of the statute, unlcss accompanied by overt acts calculated to aid his escape. O The last arrival from Europe brings intellence that business maners were not encouraing. The riote in Wales have been suppressed. Mr. Kverett. our minister at London, has been created a Doctor of the Civil Law by the University of Oxlord. Several large Repeal meetings ïave been held in Ireland. There was no prospect ofan immediate outbreak. The weekly Repeal rent had swelled to L3,106. 7s. 6jd. A Liverpool paper says, the July number ol Ylartin Chuzzlewit may excite anger, though it can hardly fail to provoke laughter in America. The author hasquizzed the editors, tho abolitionsts, the boarding houses - the colonels, majors, and captains of the militia - the manners, characeristics, and feelings of certain coteries - in his ntterest vein. It is a la Trollope.


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