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Anti-SIavcry Books. AQUANT1TY of Anu-Slavery Books nre lor sale at this office, very cheap. Cail oon, before they are gone. Sal Eratus. WHOLESALE and ftetail. by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. lü-tf. WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL STAPLE AJYD F A JVC Y MY GOODS. rTlHE Subscribers keep constantly on hnnd a i large and choicc stock of DRY GOODSr BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCEKIES, fyz. Sf:. which have been selected wi;h, care, and are of the newest styles and best qualities. As they are detertnined not to bo undersold, thej' solicit the patronage of those wishing to pu rebase. Among other things roo numcrowa to meniion, they have a large and excellent assortment of SHEETINGS, f DRILLINGS, SU MM ER STUF FS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTHS, SATINETS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSÍMERES GAMBROONS, LÍNENS, CAMBRICS, R1USLJNS, HANDKERCÍ1IEFS, fcc. fcc. Bonnet Ribbor.s, a very beautiful sssortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Tkibet, of th iche8t patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualities, and pricea. Hose and Half Hoss, Cotton and Womed. Bonnets, Leghorn, Tuscan and Straw. The above as3ortment of GOODS wijl be sold is cheap, or ckeaper than can be purchased in Detroit. c Wool, Potash, riour, rn and all kinds of PRODUCE will be received ia payment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, J44, Jefferson Avenue, July, 12, 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. S. DEAN 'S CELEBRA T ED CHEMICAL PLASTES. THE following is one from among the nu- merotis testimoniáis from persons of tï highe8t respectability, which the proprietors have received. From Wm. McMahok. Est. Attorney at I aw. Showing the efficacy of 4iE. Dean's Chemical Piaster," in a case of partial orsub-dislocation of tlie shoulder, in which the ligaments and muscles were very much ruptured or lascerated ; also in a case of Inflammatory Rheumitism. To all ichom. ii may concern : This may ceitify, that in the spring of 1842, I was thrown from my carriage, which caused my left shoulder to be partially dislocated, and my entire left arm to be much bruised and swollen. My attending Physidnn made many applicanons to reduce the swelling and draw out the bruise; bnt all was used to but iittle eflëct.- "E. Dean's Chemical Piaster" being recommended to me by a frienl. I was mlueed tatry it; and I can assure the public that I had not made ttie application more than 10 hours before I four.d material relief, and in a íew daya the pain was entirely gone from my arm. I have also during the present winter tried tbis Piaster in a veiy obstinate case of Inflammatory Rheumatism. and found it gave me entire relief when applied for about 24 hours. [13] Wf. McMAHON. Wooster, Wayne Co.. O., Dec. 20, J842. [ETFor the disenses in which this Piaster isapplicable, see advertisement in ar.oiher column of 'bis paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Aim Arbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, Upper CHRISTIAN EBERUACH, ] Towu 49-lySTATE OF MICHIGAN, ? S3 Washtenaw County 5 IN ihe Circuit Court for the county of Wnshtenaw. In the matter of the petition of Lrtcinda Sischo for a divorce from her husbancf, Nelson Sischo. On reading and filing the petition of Lucinda Sischo, praymg for a divorce froni her husband Nelson Sischo, lor the cause 01 uttcr desertion and neglect to provide a euitable maintainance for her; and it appearing to the coart thnt the said Nelson Sischo cannot be found so as to be personclly served with notice: On motion of Krngs ley & Morgan, Attornevs for petitioner, It iaordered by the court. that, the said Nelson Sischo do appear and answer unto the said petitisn.on or hefore the next term of this court: nnd that a copy of this order be publishcd m the Signai of Liberty, (a public Newspapèr published in Ann Arbor,) for six weeks successively, the last publication to be at least forty days befeïre the first day of the next term of this court. Dated June 17th, 1843. ..." A trae copy: E. P. GA&DINEE, Clfiifc. 10- 6w Muvder & Suicidei PASSING your streets a few days since, I was ilmost horror atruck in noticing a conlinual protracted murder. Chcapest Store in town- 'New York Wholesale umi Retail Cheap cash Store" "Bufialo Cheap Store" led me to cali where T saw the ciKings English" ie mangled, bleeding, dying. At another place I saw a great display oí '-Red Rags" and hand bilis, where on examination I found that thcy elaimed to have bought their goods at "Auction-" and I knew rhat goods sold at auction were of inferior aitality. and such as would not bear the tesl of p'rivate sale scrutiny. Oh.tbought tfeey out their own throats in buying thir goods at auction; I passed on to F. Denison's oíd stand where I found Ü. Becker fairly settïed with a largC STOCK OF GOÖÖS, setected at private sales, embracíng ïiearly every thing called for in the country, at ïow prices, for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as I am assured it is at his Store 'in the Lower Town. Ann Arbor, June 12, J843. 7 tf.JABÍES Cí. BIRNEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 6AGANATV CITY, MICHIGAN. J G. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; he will makc nvestments for others lands, pay over for non-residents iheir taxes, nnd give inforraation generally to persons interested in ihis part of the country, or desironsof becoming immigrante to it.


Signal of Liberty
Old News