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"The Fighting Clergyman."

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-Wepublished the manifestó of Mr. Brownlow some weeks since. This bully is quite a credit to the South, and to his denomination - a standing specimen of slaveholding religión and manners. The latest papers say that a letter to the Richmond Star.states that at Knoxville, Tennefsee, Rev. W. G. Brownlow,' shot A. Johnson, candidate for Congress, and R. W. Powell, candidnte'for Senator. Johnson died on the spot, and a ball lodged in Powell's breast. 05a" The Wesleyan seceders from the M E. Churcb, now number about 200 minister?, embraced in six Annual Conferences. 05" The Repealers of Natchcz, Mississippi, hnve dissolved thcir association on account of Mr. O'Connoll's speech. It was no great loss to Ireland . JViagara FaUs Cnñositi. - Among'the curiosities at the Fa lis is a c'.ock which keeps excellent time, and goes by water. It was in vented, and is kepl in operaticn by a young man, who keeps a curiosity shop near the bridge. Tho Convention of the Friends of Universal Peace held its sil'.tings at Free Mason's Hall, London, C. Hinóley.Esq. M. P. iu the chair. Tlicre were about 300 delegotes pres ent, including 17 frora Americn, and 6 from France. According to the minutes of the Roynl Astronomical Society 's proceedings, it appears that on March the 5th, the great cornet wljich recently disappeared, was 8,000,000 Gcrmon miles from the earth having a tail 12,000,000 Germán miles long, and -1,050,000 broad.


Old News
Signal of Liberty