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WooL- This word echues round the ty; -Almostevery Paper,-ea8t north.middle j nd west has something to say about wool.- L dealer exhibited to us a very soft and silky ampie of the finest lot of wool which has ver reached this city, as he said, from onsm. Tlie parcel waa of all sorts of grados, nd he paid 25 cents a pound for it. Twenty , liousand pounds are expected from Chicago vhere, a few years ago,there was neither wool lor any thing e!se. A Michigan farmer recenly sold his first year's clip in this market for hree thousand dollars cash. The expense for raHí-portation fiom Chicago is over three [uarters of a cent a pound. Our friends of he East must enlarge their home markets as npidly as posible, or the wool of the boundless est vvill break over restraint and force itself ff lo foreign markets. "No pent up Uiica' an confino the powers of the west. Not only he whole boundless continent, but the world nust be hers for a markef. Land at ten shilings an acre prepnred by nature with all the cauties of an English nobleman's park, come if it in cümates where no provisión needs to ie made for winter, and peopled by free,intelïgent, protestant yeomanry - an such a counry be shut up to the home market? - Journal ij Commerce. Mormonism. - The editor of the Burlington Iowa) Advertiser says that on the Slth uit. ie paid a flying visit to the city of Nauvoo. - :Ie says - It is situated at one of the most; beautiful joinïs on the river, and is improving with a rapidity truly astonishing, many of the houses ire built in fine style,evincir.g wealth & taste The city is daily receiving accessions to its population from the Eastern Slates and from Europe - and it is estitnated that it already numbers from 16,000 to 17,000 inhabitants. The Temple, which is destined to be the most magnificent structure in the West, is progressing rapidly and wil! probably be comjleted in the course of the present and succeeding summer. lts style of architecture is entirely original - unlike anything in the world or in the history of the world - but is at the same time chaste and elegant. It is said to be the conception of the Prophet, Gen. Smith. It s being built by the voluntary labor of the members of the church, who de vote a certain numbcr of days ot the yeor to the work. If the labor and materials were eslimated at cash prices it is supposed that the building would cost somelhing Hke a núlion of dollars .Irish Repeal. - lts objecls. The following declaration of rights, issued by the Irish Catholies, assembled ]atelly at Caltra; embraces the purpose and objects of the repeal movements now agilating so dceply not only in Ire land, b ut the U. States and France - First - Self Government - the making1 of our laivs suited to the wants and wishes of our people; the interprelation and administration of our own Jaws; thejüling of all the offices in the State tcith Irishnen. Seeondly - The freedom of Religión, and the extinction of an unjust and heavy impost, of all complusory payments by one body of Chrisihns to the teachers of the doctrines of another persuasión. 'Thirdly - The improvemenl of the condition of all occupiers of land by a well considered plan of Jlvity of tenure, which while it would secure to the landlord a moderate and adequate rent forhis land, would at the same time, insure to the tenant all ihe benefit of his own labor and expenditures in permanent imjrovements. 'Fourthly - The total abolWon of the opjressive grand jury cess, and the present inquitous system of poor laws, and the substitution of well regulaled and charitable institutions.'A religious lunatic named Hovvard escaped recently from Ihe Poor House of Erie County, Pa. stole some watches and an oil-jug, broke into a church throogh the window, l:t up, and preached a sermón; stole a part of the furniture and left; hooked a jog, and filled it with oil at an oil mili; borrowed a blind horse, and struck a bee line westward,offering his "spoils" for sale. Finding his horse blind, abandoned him in utter contempt. He was overtaken about fifteen miles off, and taken back to the Poor House. - Tribune. "The Jlshland Farmer." - Does the Advertiscr mean to be understood as saying that Mr. Clay works in the field with his slaves? Wilh those fellows that he told Mr. Mendenhall werc sleeker, bptter fed.bettercloihed and had better mnnners than the Indiana abolitionists? We g uess that "my man Charles," who never wnrks on the farm, is the on!y ono of his shves that Mr. Clay oversees. - Free Press. An Englirhmnn has invcnted an adi'itional rein for horses which is connected with a spring strap. Cy a single action of the hand, this rein is drawu so close over the nostrüls as to stop breathino-, and in this way the most restless horse is "brought to his senses." The repenl ngitation has been completely annihilafed in the Southern States, and in the North, the political hacks who spouted so energetically in its support, have been frightened into silence, and are looking out for other fish to fry. Ireland, however will before very have large accessions made to her right?, in spite of all this. Yet not exactly in the way the repealert? contémplate. - JV. Y.Herald. At the present term oftheNow York Suprenie Court in Utica, 8& Attorneys at Law Iiave been lk;encd.Woman1 a Heari. - A New Haven poet, who 8 recently published a volume of versea vhich we have not yet seen, thus happiiïy exjresscs his idea of woman : "Though God to muke her took from man a bone, Yet when he formed her hearl, he patierncd ïom his owit!" We have seldom if eAer, seen a happier ïompliinent, or one more happily expressed. Qvi Murder.- The New Mirror gives a receipt for killing a woman quietly. Takea young lady, and teil her that she has a very pretty foot. She will then wear email, thin shoes - go out in the wet - catch a cold - tha cold will become a fever- and she will die in a month. The India ns. - It is stated that the nnmber of Indian warriors now in Florida, including all the malea from 14 years upwards, does not; exceed sixty-eight. Immigralion. - There is a great falling oif in the number of immigrants arriving in Canada this year, compared with last. This yéar, to 8thinst. 13,515. Láát year to same date, 35,035. Saltpeire is said to be as fatal to hogs as Arsenic to man, and thal nieat-brine impregnated with it, will put an end to tho swinisb multitude unceremoniously. The English Government have in contemplation, to construct a railvvay from Calcutta to Delhi, a dietanceof eight hundred and eighty miles. Cholera Morbus. - An intelligent and beneolent friend wishes us to say, for the benefit of the public during dog days, that a solulion of solt and vinegar ia a sure remedy for the Cholera Morbus. Dr. Ellsworth of Hartford, Conn. ha:; just upplied a boy with a new upper lip, boirowing from his face without robbing it. In thirteen counties in the State of Michi - gan there are no less than Ihree hundred and eighty-Bix flourshing, grist andsaw Mills.


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