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Thoughts By The Way: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Mkssrs. Editors: - Wiih yo r permission, I wil! obtrude a few 'Incidenls and Thoughls j by the way' tipon your readers. Notliing worthy of noticc occurred from Detroit Jo Buffalo, unless it is thnt an extortionate rafe of fare on the Like is kept up. - $7 is charged unless two Boats bdonging to different lines nre abnut to start at near the same time. Bm when that ís the case, they tuke your owii offer for pnce. At BuSLJii, thingsaro JiSbrer, Compotliion on ml tides has a v?ry de.nleting efiect upon the Railrcad Cumpan)'. runners are crying for passengers, and will see you safe to Roches'er for two or four shilling?, as they happen (o feel, while you nre du'y and repeatedly nolified, that you cnn go by ":he FalJs" and Oswcgo, very quick, and very clieap, and 6ee much more than by any other ronL The tare in the two classes of cars, is respcctivoly 8574 and $10 to Albany, and through in 25 bours; and more, they will treat you like gentlemen. (Formerly they treated pnssengers like gentlemen, but they were 'he genilemen.) Richester is wnrtli stopping to see, and worth nolicing. Like the Phoenix, it has starled up in an honr, plumed itself and present an air of neatnese, eneryy, and stability well worth a compliment. Perseverance is a Rochester Ir ait. To equal ony, and be excelled by none, is their ruling purpose. Tt'mperance has made greal, and permanent progresa there; especially nmong reformed drunkards - each convict fiiled with the paternal spirit, stands to his post, determined; invincible. Upon a Sabbath rnorninj, I saw o cumpriny coi'ectmg opposite the U. S. Hotel, (a Temperance fioiise, and one well worth patronage, near a f emperance grocery. They soon commenced singinp Temperance songs, constantly increating tlieir number, when a l'riest of BacclniSjflushed with the usual lurid Inie.gave them baltle al a short disfance. He took the old gfround - "men's rights' 'signingaway rht?;' 2c. he. Presrinly, a VVdfIiingtonian walked over to him, ond poliiely asketl him topo over to tlieir stand nnd tpeak; afier a Fliort parley, he consented, but was hindered from speaking for somelime,by thope whom a few stem vigJint Washingtonians had dissunded from the Grog shop, and tliey wen? their experience,íinl putting thcir ñames to the piedle. Eacli one's simple story, had weight enough, to sink n elernal süpiicp, all the apolngies ever made for the Rum traffic. These men so sunk in woe, the vigilant had collected to the number of 30 or 40, some of whose wives had follo'ved them to urge them from the grog shops, but their weepingfor woe, wa turred to weeping for joy. Truly ihe scène wos a mclting one. - But to our Hero, he had feit the shafts, ar.d tried to excuse liis haste and petulance, but foon hc found himself jn the current sct(inr towards the shoreless sea of Teetot3lism, he put his name down, nnd swore eternal enmity to his old ma sier. Some scruples were expressed in ceitain circles respecting the appropnateness of this work on the Sabbath. Perhaps they would find their answer from the words of that great Phyfiician, whohealed the sick, and raised the dead on the Sabbath, and feit tliat he did no greater wrong than he who lifted hls falle &heep from the pit on the Sabbath. Nay,more. He said it wns lawful to do good on the Sabbath day, ond I doubt not but any of the objector3 of that Washingtunian Sabbath day lubor, would havo calleu Ioudly for help had íkeir horse fallen hito the canal on that day. The Washingtonians are invinciblo, Ihey deern it wrong to buy of, or n nny wny to sanction the rumseller as such. They wil! sooner be at extra expense to get their wares and merclmndize, than buy of a Itu.T.seller. This is as should be; and ttiis principie needs promulgnting in your State. Iiow many o! the men, (or wornen) in your Temperunce Society make it a principie of actini to bny of Temperance men? Facts no doubt would show that Temperance men ponred nnnually mtich money rito íhe treoBiiry of your Grogshop keepers ami Respectable Rumsellers. - And will the true test find such to support Tempernnce, or tlie sordid desires of Rumsellers - of whom you have many. Should any one open a Brothel in your vil- lage, and in connexion with it uiuke and sell dresses, stocks, 8c. &:c., would your virtuous citizens be guiltiess if thpy bought of them, or would the plea that llipy sold cheaper than othera be a g-ood and satisfactory reason for piitronizing1 the Mistress of Lewdnessi- The truth is, thnt men of principie most sus tain husinefs men who act in public lile upon good principies, or snch men cannot do business while tlie Runiseller, the breeder, and the Brothel keeper will get the wliole profit of business; for if men of principie do not givtt preference to men of principie, the unprincipieel will make thcir profits on puch articles as others will not from conscience sell, j and can thnrefore undersell on those kept m i coiumon by both. VVhen Tei'peratice men wil support Temperance Stores, and Tavcrns, and Hotels, and mechaiiics, nnd 1 iborer?, in any nnd every business, then will Temperunce triumpli.


Signal of Liberty
Old News