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In Clinton, August 5, GroiiaK W. Ba.vcroft,. aged 30 years. Mr. Bancroft liad many excellent virtucs- : both as a ninn and as a Cliriatian. In his pro fession as a teacher of youth, hc poosesrod eminent qualification8. líe wns esteemed end be oved by hispupils. His aiin was not mereJy to train the intellect, but the morald of hirchargo; and in tliia he oucceeded welt. Fcr himself ha labored to keep a pure conscience and a spot!es3 life. He was a prnyerful. urtifarm c!irgtian.- Hcwas deeply interested in all the moral and charitable enterprises of the day, and especiallv so in the cause ot emancipation. For the poor slavea he sighed - he picad - he prayed. The oppressed were object of hts decp eommisera tioTr. Bnt disease fastened itse!f upon him and marked him fur tbc grave. Yet to him death had" lost its terror. The writer of ihis had frequent opportunities to converse with him, and can wit-ness to a remarkable calm'ness and tranquility of tnind in view of death. Tiirough the fummer iie hadseveral turns ofbleedingat :he lungs, and finally dita in one. The Lst day of his precious üfe he wa% bbserved to be cheerfuj and happy, ani tálked freely with his friendsand neighbora who catnè in on the subject of religión. Toward the close of the day he received a furewell letter from a dcar brother at the eost, and immediaiely on hearing the close of ir, while siuing in his chair, hc commenced raisirg blood. and in a few minutes breathed his last, without a pain or a strugcle. He i; gone. Socieiy has lost a ben-efactor--his wifenn affechonate husbrmd - hïs little daughter a faithful father - and the Church an exemplary, uniform Ciiristian. But our loss ia his gain. ''Blessed are the dcad who die in the Lord. Yea, saith the spirit: they rest from their labora, and their works do follow hem."


Signal of Liberty
Old News