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ATTENTION, OIiOTHIERS! JUST received at the General Depot, for the snle of Ckr.hiers Stock, Mnchmery. Dyo Silo's &.c. &C-, No. 1GL. JcfF.rsoH Avenue, Detroit, the (oflbwing larse, well assorted, and carefuüy selecied stock, viz: 1G0 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons ' '; ia Stick, 150 bbls; Cuba Fustic, Gut, 5 Tons " 4i inSrfck, 50 LLl3. Wood. Ghipped, 50 " Lima "Vood, 30 " Red Wood. : 120 ; Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5M lbs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 bs. Lrtc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 li.s. Siunac Sicily, ' Ca:ks Madder, 3 CcsUs Blue Vitriol,5 Cssks Al'u ml 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barvels Cream 'l'artar, 3 Curboys Aqun Foiiis, 5 " Oil Viiriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 50a lbs. Virdigiis. 53 '; Biock Tin, Teasels. Twinc, Copper Ketties, all'sizës,' Parson's Shcaring Machines, Curtís' " Screws and Press Piares,'Cranks. Press Paper. Sieel Reedi, Worsted JHarness. Temer Hooks, Einen', all No's., Olive Oil, Clothieiö' Jacks, Sattineit Warp, Clothiers' Brushee; Shuules, Fickers. Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with n variaiy of other anieles bc" longing to the trade, have been purcliosed this sunimer by ibe subscribers from Manufacturer3 and First fferidsih :He New York, ihilade]j!. o, ;ikü Busioa Markeis, ami every ihirg ha ving to ceived his personal inspeciioü. he t-ni wiih the utmost confidence tff.-r thein to jiurchasers as (ka best and mes'. cowjjLte, stock ki the country; and is it ís hia tixed deierminution (by the low ratea a, which he will geil) W revent the necessi'y of our Ciothiers and Mnnulamurera leaving tiio to make their pürchasei. ho wou!d nierely say to the trade, CALL, examine the goods and ascenain prices beiore you say you can buy cheaper uny tchce else. He wal8o prepared to contract for CARD1NG' MACHINES made in thia S;atc or E-sr. PIERRE TELLER, Sigu of the Golden, 139, Jaflerson Axenue.[17-tf.] Detroif.WÜOL CAIWIXG CLOTH DRESSING. T I HK Subseribers respectfully announce to ih-j J. citizens of Ann Arbor and viciuity, tha they are prepared to card Wool and dress"Cloth lor customers, in the best style. and at the shurts'St notice. H.iving good máchíaery, expërienced workinen, and Ion piac ice in the busir:c-ss, they have the utmost conti. Jenre th it th-.y siAl g vo a nple sa:iïfact.on to tbose whu iavor thein with ibeir patronage, Wooïcêï Factopy'.-. Th subscribers linveon hand FULL CLOTilS and FLAN2ÍEJLSÍ nianuTacmredby ihemselvcau - ALSO- A hrge ftmount of Stitnietts of a p'.ríor quali'.ij; which they purpose lo e.xchange lor wooi. TER MS. One yard of Cloih wil be g'ven for two irul tluee fourth pouhds of wool in the fleece; the cloth to beof the saine quality the wool wili inaku. One yard of fiannel for one and a half pounds of wool. Thiiiikiul lor jast favors. the subserijcr wauld ïespactfully solicit a share of public )atnnane. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, August 21. li'.X 17-tf. Tünothy Seed, WANTEl on aceouius. or in e.cha?iRo for CiOODS, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1643. 17-Gw. ilscs. FOR sale, Wholesale or Rot.ui. bv J. BFCKLEY&CO. Ann Arbor. Aug. 15, 1&45Í 17-Gw. Sal Sratue. WHOLESALE and Retatl. by i HEfECKER. Ann Arbor. Aug. 2. 1343. 15-tf. Anti-Slavery Books. A QUANT1TY ot' Anti-Slavery BooKs aro jCL. for snlo at tliis olfieo, very chcap, Cail eoon, beforc they ar gmo.


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