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JHurdei & S.üicidëi" ' PASSJiVG your sm ets fl t w nhnodt horror struck ïn notu-im; .. vntiuu.-il protracicd murder. Choapesl n town-r'New Vrk IVhoUscJe and Jicui.l Í (t cujih Storo" "JJutEilu Cfieap Store11 led me to " wherc I saw iho '-Rings Knslish" iie man; vó, hlecding, djHng. At mioiher plaat) 1 saw a gruat. display ol liRe,i Ra-js" nul fLuniiig hatuí where on éXaftíinánón I foiihd ihcy cía} meid to have bought their goods ;;t 'Aiicf.on" imd I knew tliai goodssold at aucriou were of iuV'rior quality, andsuch ;is wouid nol bear ihc tc-u of private i.le scrutiny. Of, thot!:!t ilay ux their own ihroats in LuJ'ing Tlfefr goóJs pi oïigl tion. I p.issed on to F. Denis n's iJTa str.iid whcre I foiujd JÍ. Becker i'ahly seuled witli a iarye STOCK OF G O O D S. aclected nt privatos.ilis, èiilbÏTicïng r,. .:'-. cvoiy Jhing called fjr in thecountrv, al knv [iviro. i'.-r cash. produce, or Rood credit. And Iktu i found that :he puru Èrrglish wis spoken, as 1 w assurqd it ís at his Store in tlie Luw er Town. V[ATOR. Ann Arbor. June 12, f S 13. 7 :'. Salo BY the Subscfiber. a go.d loention furWOOL CARDING and CLOTH DRESSING, in thg Township of Ájala, Simco Co., Hjn'è District. U. Gf3 .- ALSO- 100 Acres of chelee LnnÁ in Grafiby Town. Missieco County. Montreal District I. C - ALSO- 200 Acres, being part of the Estáte known by (he name of the Douglasa Exta'e. in Sheiibrd Township. Miasi8CQ Cöüniy, Moiitreal V - tnct, L. C. ALSO- A Hovsc and Lol? in Michigan Village. five" miles up the Huron River Irom Ann Arbor All or eithef the said possc-isions may be had cheap for Cnsh. or for X,ond in ihia State. Fot furiher partieulars inqnirö of the subscriber at Anti Albor, Lower Town. ?. COMER. June S, 1843. 7_tf. GRAVE STOtfKS MONÜMBNTS, ÏÖMB TABLES, &c. T3E siibscriber has a íarge nssuüncm of Marlde, of the best qnaüty, suitable for Gratx Stoxes. Monu-ievts. tc. which he vvill sell chs-ip for ensh. ör exchange for produce, j.t his old stand, _o. Oö, AVoodw.ird Aveaue. Detroit. Persons wisbing to buy will do welj to calí, ns they wiil be sold mQch cheaper thon have ever been affbrrled in this State, and ofa Quality that cannot lail to please. _ . WM. L. PETERS. Detroii, Oct. 27. f --12. 29- 1y C fü K5 O S ITTlfr A Tailor jd'io icillnui tiolitc his Promise. THE Siibscriber would inform theCitizens of j Ann Arbor and vicinity. that ïie has coni. ( menced the, Tailoringr Basiaess, in the Lower Town, Shop over Harris. Pítrt : ridges &. Co's. store. Frorn pnst expen'ence he ' feels esnfident that he can give satisfaction. Try Mm. J. SPRAGUE. N. B. Cutting done to order. ' Ann Arbor. June 1843. 9 - 2m. ' l Cheese. IrOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. I Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Mr. y 5. '43. 2 JAÏES Q. BSRIEY, L ATTORXEY AND LOR AT LA J-r. i SAG.NAW C1TV, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) r County is; he will make investments for others lands, pay over for nsn-residents their taxes. and cive inforrmtion gcnerally to persons interested in this part of the country, or desirousof becoming immigrants to it. CHARLES II. STEWAKT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLÍCITOS IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSON AVEKOK, DETROIT. 49-tf.DR. RANISTER'SCELEHRATKD FEVER AGÜE P1LLS.- Purely Tegeíablc, A safe, speedy. and sure reniedy ior fever and agüe, dura agüe, chili fever, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new countries. These pulsare designed for the afFectione of tlicliver and other internal organs which ntterid the diseases of the new and niiasmatic portionsof our country. The proprietMfchav;nL; iried them in a groot variety of croes confiderulybeiieves that they are superior to nny rc-medy that has ever been offeied to the public for the above diseaees. It is pnrely Vegetable and peifectly harmless, and can be taken hy anypcrson." maleor female with perfect safety. The pilla nre prepared in two sepárate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acccoinpaniedwiih f uil dírections. A great number of certificates might be procuredin favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thought fit notto nsert them. in as irtucli as he depends upon the meriis of tte same for its Teputaiion. #. The above ptll is kept constnmly on hand by the prr.prieter and can be had at wholesale ondyevail at the store of Becldey & Co. Ori ders foiü the country promptly attenrlerj to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) May 29 18J2. 9 L. BÈCKLEY GROUND PLASTEE. PRTCE UKDUCKD TO JHKE DOLLARS PER TON. THE subscribers have now on hand and wil! continue to keep a good supply of GROU.VD P LASTER, in Barrels, at their Store in Detroit, 023, Jefferson Avenue.) :nd in Bulk, at their Piaster NU l. on the River Road, half way between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. The above' is from the Stneca Falls and Grand River Piaster Beds. both notedfor their Buperiority. ELDRED & CO. Januaryl2, 1S43 46-fini. T. LAMBE RT, BEGS leave to inform the inhabitnnls of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that having locatcd himself in the Loicer Villaga, witii the view of carrying on the abovc business in 11 its branches, (some of which nro HOUSE, SIGN and ORjYJMEjYTjíL PAIJVTIJYG, GILDING and GLAZING, GRAINIXG, imituiion of all Woods, MARBLEIZING' TRANSPARENCIES, BANNERS, &c! respectfully solicitó a share of public patronage, as his prices shall be low to conform to the times and his work done in ihe best manner. T. L. would fiay to Farmers that he is particularly desirous to altend to their calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LewerTown, March 6, 1843. 45- ly. BLANK DEEDS. MOR TG A GES, &c for sale at this office. Ann Arbor, Augu&t 1. 1913., 1EA 2$ UFA OS O E 35 ! fï.lll& subscríbelo wouíd injórui i lio pnbliu liiu JL iIilv are now manulacninng WOOL'E.N CLOTH wnh a degred of succes? erjuni to'theti most s.iiigrui iiQ expectations. ;With ihr machín ihcy now Ikvü, they aic obje to uiaiuiínctiiu noifi ?"[.) I()(J pounds of wool por d.iy. Tin :'i they iiavo ;i:adi! lor i!jo lost ti:rte itionths'í.ut quali'.y. nml tli: t tuuiru wi, similar. Tljcy have unuruly overeóme thc ículties oí' stnrnii' nn establishment of lili kind i u o. ucu' cojmry. Their cernís aro U7 rei::s ;-:■ ya: j ;,■ .i L-J c!o:;i linnhed oí h;i! ';!;'■ cTotli flie voól wif] piTtkei i mry nlicnitiori i ;i:o VifHH sliDtild bo tf&termmed ön. piíbliií no t;rc wiil be Siven. All woul leceivcd btifon such ñotice s giyen w:ll be workotJ oii tac aboye terms. w r nsw' Ití-ny wtsli to liave thoir wool worked withraumgit wiih w,.ol. it will be done proViJéd they nssort t teínWivcs, nnd (urnish i"t ir quanciies of 10;) poimds of one qüuluy o! wool. 1: s mucli beucr toaew up wool in aa-'ks Uiaiuo tic it p n biuiikeis; thc clóth shuüld bv stron-. ' ;'í'J ProvisionsofnU kimls:W!l bj recavad in paytiient íor iiiannf;ic[iiiaií ta tho amoui;: roquiied !or the conaiyjmiion of the establishment Wool by raüroati tu Sao. wül be'propeely nttende'ti tp: tlie nyinber oj p.v.inds should 6e markedon thest-.-k wi-!)iiik; ais the weight of ifle Sack.- Liiu wool will be workod ja iñrn us t camrg n. ad nearly r.s can be done wuli refeience to tlie diOerent qualilies. IC? M ny Farmers lv)ve expressee! to us thcir a;at"Scation n conaiJeiatioa of our startinír tliis wanch oí' business, and many hnve encouraud' us !y their patronage durirtg tlio lnst year. Wo now Layite n!l lu bring their woo!t to he pmount of '■0 ppunds, and receive the benefit of the very ronsontblo ter-Tis on which we offer to m:in:ifncj tureit. The esiablishment is 2b milest west of nn Arúor, on the iiuruii. S. VV. FOSTER. & CO. Scio. April HO. 1 .-1 1 Bi i Cíf NORTHERX, F.ASTXEN AND SOUTHEHN STAGE HOUSE. The tindersiErncd reipeetfully annonnces to tlie public, lliat he is now Üie prnprielor cf tliis well knov.n establishment. Tiie houie ïavin been thoro..Lrhly overiiaule'.!, and refitied in a marmer calcnlated to promote the comfort of citizens und the travelling public. The house ocenpies au eligible position, on the corner of Woodbridnre and' Raudolph streets, in a business part of' the city. Tlioso who may honor him with thpircounfenance, may be issured ihat noepense or attention in bis power, will be pared, to make tlieir sojourn Lu Detroit agreeable and eatisfaclorv. [46-ly] S. J). W00DW0RTH. Ñ o fTcYToW. ONE PRICE STORE. THE subscnberstill con;inuc.s to sell DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES, atio. 5. iluron Block, Loicar Taicn. His stock of each wis carefully seleeted nnd well purcliased, which enables him to sell low for rcathj pay. As he believes the itioney of the sanie qiiality of every person, is of the same valué, he will soíl to all for the sanie price, and no omount of Oratory can swervc bim l'toin thot course. Persons can make just as good bargains by sending an agent, ns tocóme themselves. In connexion with the store is a Grist and Floctung Alrr.i.. v.-here he wH cónstantly rny Cash for Wtieat Jt the liighest mnrket price. Farmers and Wheat buyers enn have their Gnsting and Flouring done to order and on the most reasonnlrle termo. 7'iioitr whw -vrisfi to iurchase gooda, or got Wheat fioured. would dö ' vèïl to cali nnd enquire his prices.. and into his . i nanner of doing business. DWJGMT KELLOGG. nn Arbor, LowerTown, Feb. 28. 1643. 4?-ü. t1848. WHOItSS&XB & RETÁIS, BOOKSELIÍRAN3STATI8NEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFKRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps con6t;int!y iorsile q complete nssurtmem of Miscellrineous. School ,-uid Classaral Baoks; ' LeKerand Cop Paper, phiin and ruled, Qutüs. Ink. Sealin Wax, Culerv, Wrapping Pupf.r. Priaiing Faper. o( all sizes; and -Dook. News and Caniaier Ink, oí various kiiuli--. BLAM2B00SS, Full and halt. bound. ofevnry vanetyo; Uulinc MC.MORANDU.M BOOKS. &c. To Merchaii's. Teachers, nnd others. buying in qiKintilies. n Iñigo (físcoiint made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BiBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-if.Attention Znvlaids! WHO has tried the Psrsus Pilis and Jew David's or Hkbrkw Plastkh. nnd is not ready to lestify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been befol-e lie public soine four ycars. nnd physicians at ihe Easi 1iave used them extensivcly in ilieir practice. and were they here. tliey coalil u-U you of ihe excellent qu.ilities of'thcse medicines. Reídkr! Have you ever used them? Jt' you lmve not. ask tliose who have if they are not wint we recommend ihein to be. They are the C.'ieapzsl as well as the best. A box of piaster contains sufficient lo spread 8 or 10 piasters price 50 cents. The large Boxcs of pn.i.s contain 73 puls for 63 cern.s: the smal! boxes 35 pilla for 31 cems. No persons should condemn tliem until they have iried them. and then we are sure ihcy wíl] not. These medicines are for sale by one or nwre.igpjitein all viJlagesand ciiies in tiïe United Siates. Cll on the agent, and he will give nny in!orma(ion wnnted. For snleby J. II. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jewe't. C. Elterbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd. Mil)r(l: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. II. Rowl.wj, iSorlhviüe: J. Scatter-rood. Plyinouth; P: Vnnavery. Franklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd. & Son. Dexter; Dr. Saeer, Jackson. JO-Gm. Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA lt LAND, HAVIN-G purchased the entire Stock in trade ot Godirey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon Biich as wül give him a cali. "His stock consists of a general assortinent of goada, and will be sold cienp. and for rcudu pau onlv WANTK1), J' In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. S. PETTIBOHË!, SORVEYOR, MAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Office in Court House Square. Ann Arbor. June 19, 1813. guif. poR saiñ ShearT rA A L C. J. GAFILAND. ' Ann Arbor. l'pperTown, Ma 5, 1613.KIL ROAD ■ TEMPEftANCE HOUSE. rrilJE uridbrsijfiied would respectiully nfon: JL , ibe inencti) of Tcmporanue. and tlio publu imerally, ihat theabove naniod House, fwrmer lyknown as the Teinperaricö Hotel, and situatei on the corner of Michig'in avenue and Wnstaiiip to;j stroetj near the Coiural iinilioad Depot, hu ju hik! .-. ;o;;;' thorough repairs and very gre"; ■tddiMuinl luiproveinoats. is nowready FbHhfrPeI ueplion ofrall thuse who may tavor liini with a ali. The aceonmiudations, in every respect, are ñot inferior to any Tu;nptiunec House in the waiitry. and cveiy rittenden will be given to .sueii rs bes:ovv ihcir patronage upon thla laudable enterpjiso. N. B. Ci:rin.;;is n'vvnys in rendiness to convey passungeis to and from Bouts and Ciara. WiM. CHAMP. Detroit, ftlav f. I 4_1y mi. HALSTED'S ai3 Yes"!?. O T T T '2b PitLS fok 25 Cknts. I npiIE Crisk Pilis answer the purposeiiorc efJL lociuully for any difease for whicli any otbcr pill is recorniiivrided, and supersede tliem ulfoffttther in medieal excellence and virtue. ]f Jou ■ rlöuht thia. just try Ihein.íi will cast you only two sliillings - and then rbu. wiili me, i!l be satistitíil. If they arenot svliat I recommend 5ü4m io be. denounce ihe:n and put them down. ibr 1 cannot conscicntionsly recommend iliern íor a cure all for every tbing. Uut this 1 do say, without fear orcontradicüon. that no pilla aie their equaf in removing diseases origiaatna in the ' sloniach or b'Öwéls. Por li ver ar.d bilious dis■ ejbes. such asuum ufrue, ever and ngnc. inter, iniuant anii remittani fcvers, the Bris); PiHa posj sess pecnüar propertirs ibr tiieir speedy remova'. ' Frotn ten yenrs experience as a practisiriír physician. 1 ani convinced that none can equal them. - Read what other i)illsareL;ood lor. and whatthey will cure.anil if tlie JJrisk aro not superior to them al!, tlien disernd iheir uso. Do not believe all thnt ia said abou: rin infallible pill - that ncver huís to cure,-iiy diseasc: - bnt try tin; Briík i Ma - ths cïïèapèst pilla in use - 2? piüs for 25 cents - nnd then you will have a chance to j nlge of their ment or dement. As a blood cleanseri and a purifior to the diseased sysicm, they perhapa superscrle every pill in use. They are iuick and easy in the operation. giving life nnd tone to nll the torpid organs; ihrowijig oñ'impure matters or Immors: eavlng the system heahhy nnd clean. This is a!l that any orie modicine enn do.notwi hstandingthe greatslmw of words and fictitious eer tiricates. We are deterniined lo let iheee pilla stand upon their own repiitation, win or loosc. All ve ask i?, for a fair and impirtial tra'. They cm be taken by old and young, at any time wiih peifect snfety. They are an excellent medicine lor childron. for worms. &c. In n word, they possess all the quolities ofan aperient pill for family use. They have cared ruany diseases which rio other mcdecine could remove. In conclusión I 8ay. do not give up or despair of a cure until you have tried the Brisk Pilis, for they do posseas peculiar propertics and virtnes. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewetf. C. Eber)ach, Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northville; I. S. Scattergood, Plvmotuh: J. Dean, Pontiac; I. JJ. Dickson, Mt. Clemens; Maitland & Co., f ilomeo; Snrafrue fe Co., Rochester; Church 5t . 3'irchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co., ' roii. 10-6m ], 3TPSII.ÍJÜNTI ACAD3E3MY, 1 A N I) II. II. GRIFFEN, Principal. r [A compeler assistant wiil supply ihe place of g Miss HAMMOND, who lias left town to teacli.] y T i TW E thirtcnfh term oí' tilia irratittitíon wiíl ) JL conimence on Monday, Aug. 28. and contin3 ue 11 weeks. While tiiis school is equolly open to all of bota sexes, who wish to acquire ;i good education, particular attenlion wlll be iven to , tliose who nro preparing to tcaih. The exclu. sive and uninierrupteií atlention of thc principal wiil be given to imparta pr.-xtical knowledgé of 1 thc Engüsh branches. ííe oecupies aboiu half ! ;m hour daily in lecturing. with the aid of the ap paratus. mi rierais, or otherwise. AppvnATts. - The Insiitution is furnished whh, Philosophtcal. and Astronomical apparatus, Surveying Inatraménts, Geoinetrical 'luis. ttc. to ihe amount ot;í!300; also, a good Cihine't of Minerals worth S"'O. Tuitio.v in tho coinmon Eng;lish branches, including Composition and Decinmation frojn $2,50 to $3,50. In Phi!o?ophy. Chemisiry, Ás-( tronomy. H3tory, Rhetoric, iiolany. Algebra. Gt'oinetry, Surveying. &c. ironi $4,50 to $5.00 M-7.Z'jtin:o and Chinese or Theorem pamting. $3 03 each íor 12 lessons. taught by Mis. Grffün. The tnition 9 to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence wiil be made, f-xcept for protiacted sickness, and no one wiil be leceived Cor leas than five and a half weeks. Books may Lo had of die at Detroit prices. Board. Incluciing room and wnshing. from $1.00 to $1.50 per week; for further particulars nquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Wena. Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. Norih, J. FahchiW, M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. have kindly consenied to fonn a visiting coinmittoc, to be present at the Weuk reviews on Tlmisday, and at the public exnminaiinn of the school. Ypsilanti, April 29. 1S43. 5- lv.TO CLOTHISRS AND WOOL CARDERS. THE subseriber would respectfully solicit the attemion of Clothiers and Wool Cnrders, to an exnmination of liia present Stock of anieles in their iine, assuriug thein of their superior quality, (which vil be apparent upon examinaron) and and of the unusually low ratea at which lie ia enabied to ïell thein. Among a varicty of nrticles belonging to the tradc may be enutnerated: Cnrds of every descripüon; Shntlles, Stee) Reeds 4-4 5-4 wide; Cloihiers Jacks; Satnnett Warp: Etnery; Tenter Hooks: Worsted Harness: Card Cle'aners and plates; Screwa; Coppcr Keules; Shearing Machines, Parson'a, a!so, two or three Carding Machines. The subscnlier fuels himsctf vvarrnnted in nssuring the trade that lus supply of Clothiers Tools. togciher with sm 12or 15 ton of nssorted DYE WOODS and DYE STUFFS, form one of the Inrgest artd most complete of the kind ever oftered to the public of Michigan, - Owing thcrelore to the inducernenls ho enn oiFer to those engaged in the CLOTÏI DRESSING and WOOL CARDÍNG business, of an extensivo stock and low prices, he solicita their exainination of the same before purcliasing or making arrangements elsowhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale Druggist, 139 JeiTerson Avenue, Detroit. April 17, 1843. 51 -tf. BOOK BIÏJDERY. AT THE PAPFR MILT. (t.OWKR TOWn) ANN ARBOH. EBOOTII would respecifully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINDING, attheold tand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kind of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1S-13. J52-tf.


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