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TARIFF OR NO TARXFF. GOODS ARE OHE4P AT GARLANDS. TUST received at t lic Farmers and Mechanica tl Store, direct from New York, a general assortment of dioico anj select GOODS, consistí ng of all most every ariicie wanted, such aa Shectinga. Sliirtnigs, JJroad Cloths. Cassiriiere, Calicoe?. Drillins Gambroons, Lir.ens, Unibrellas, Ribbons, Oravats, iVlous. de .Lnins. Silks, Shawls, Bonneis. Hais, Sugar, Tea and Cofiee, Crockery. Boots and Shoes. Looking GÍas3cs, &c. Stc. All of which will be sold choap as the cheapest. GoodspurcliaserB will keep in mind the Farmers and Mechanica Store C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goodspurchased of him not giving sntisfaction in price and quality can bc returned. Ann Arbor, (Upper TWn) .lune 12, '43. 7if For Sale. ONE yoke of VVORKING OXEN. Enquire at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tf 559OOO FLOUR BARRELS for sale Chenp for Cash. by C. J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1R43 B" LANK DEEDS, MOR'J'UAGES, EXLCUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. jubi irinted and for sale at the fTSIGNAL OFFICE, o: SS. ES2YS CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most effeclualrcmedy ycl discovercd for Mhcvmalixin, t'cvcr Sores, White StuMiiigz, IiiJJanimntiun in the Eyes, Steelled Throal in Hcarht Ftrcr, Quinsey, -C. tJ'C. THf: CHEMICAL PLASTER s nn important remedy for ihosc wnb ;irc nfilicteri with ehronic aiul iiiflnniinutory compkünts, by is casirig pain. couutcracling inflaiiiinatio:i, and. giving spcctly relief by its active, .strongihcniiijr. pnodync. (linpliürctic and emmtcrimemt propcitics - an üiiectual reniüdy (orChrunic imd liiiflannuntory lllic.uinatiíim, Aguo in t lic JBrt'tist, Bcalda, Burnéj Bruisfs, Scrofula, ulcere, Oíd Sores of nlmost evcry descriptitni. Cankcrcd nnd Swell(ld Tliront aiismgfiom cailet I'evr.r, Folon?, VVliiio Swelling8. Clnlblains, &J? Persons aufiering fromlLiver Complaniu', JPuitnonary oiseoscsj Ir- flaminatiün of the Luiíg. vi!i poin 0 the aide, tnck or ümbs. wül Knd relief by the i:se of this Flnstcr. In all cases it nsay be usetl xv'nh pcriect safety. E' DEAN S ÜUEMICAL TL ASTER L put up iri loes at filty cents nnd ono cfolírfr cuch. vvitli full di;ecüons ticornpanying eni-li i ox. Mnnufacturccl nnd sola wholsspíe by II. 1 1 Ali.- RIS & CO.. Ashtahula. Oliio, sole ])ro'priètora, to WÜOjÓi all orders should be' nddresöed. Suld also by their Ajrcnts iluoughout the country. OIITA liberal discount niad to dealers and physicians. í'or testimoniáis and ceriificatesi fiom persons of tho hipliest respectibiliiy, who have used the Cliemical Piaster, see anoihcr column of' this paper. For sale by the foliowing Agenta n Michigan: II. W. Rood. JS'ücs, J. C. Larrimore. " C. SkannhaD. Edwardsburh. Wm. O. Ausún, White Pii:eon. Isnac Beniian'ij .Ir., Conat'onjine. Dnnl. L, Kimberiy. ScHöóicTöft. TI. B. Huston, &. F. Mnrch, jr PM Kalamnzoo. .lames W. Coihren. P. JM. Galesburgh. T. L. Uolkcom. P.M.Baitle Crek. James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Rayrnond. Druggist; Jacksorj. Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Halennd Smith, Grnps Lake. John C. Winnnsi, Svlvan, J Milterd & Son, Destei. TliomasP. JWav. Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Northville, i Ajead & M'-Canhy. Farmington, Peter Van Evory," Franklin, Julius Dean. Pontiac, Murk fc Sprague. flochester, James Stcphejis. Utica. E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clemens, G. &.J. G. Hil!. ) „ JohnOwen&Co. S Detroir Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Sainson. Ypsilanti, J. II. LUND. ) W. S. .& J. W. MATNARD. } Ann A.bor. CHRIST1AN EBERBACH, )Piouglis! Plonglts! Kf CAYr BE BEAT! THE subscribo s have constantty on hand a Iargc assortmcnt of PLOUGHS. of a superior quality. which ihey oilbr tor snle as CHE AP ns cnn bc purchneed at nny oiher place in this Couniy. Tlioso wisliing to purcliase wili please cnll itnd pxninino for !iemsc!vrs PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. Ann Aibor. April 130, 1S43. 52-tf. e. nBAÜra' C EL EB R AT EDCHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following ;s one froin nmong the numeroi-s testimoninls froin persons of the highest respeelability, which the proprictors have : receivcil. Fiom W.m. IUcMwio.v, FS}. Attornty ni nw. Showmg the efiiency of "E. Denn's Chemical . luster, in a c.-iueof partiol orsub-dislocation oí ;he shouldcr. n WfitSh ilie -ligaments nnrf musdes were veiy nuie.h ruprured nr lnsct'nited ; also in a case of IvJlummnDnj Rhet mü'.am. To al', iclioni il, raay concern : This mny cerlify. thnt ín the spring of 1S42, I wns thrown fiom my enrrintre. which enused my left Bhoujder to be pnrtinlly (ïislocated, and my entiro left arm to be much br;iisl and swoilmi. My attènding I'hysfcinn madö many npplications to reduce tjio swelüng and draw om the hruise; I -n t n!l Vnö nscd to but liule effect! !iE. Dean's Chemical Finsier" bcing (- ed lo me by a frienl . I u;is induced to try it; and I can nssure the public that I hád not mnde tlio npplication moretntrn 10 honrs bofore I lonnd material relief, and in a few days ihe pain was entiroly gorie from my arm. f I havo also during the present winter tried this Piaster in a veiy obstinate case of Inflaminntory b Rheumatism, andfound it gave me entire relief when applied for about 21 hours C'] WM. McMAHON. Wooster. Wnyne Co., O., Dec. 20, 181?. [HFFor the disensos in whicli this Piaster is w plicnble. see advertisement in another cóiurah of S this paper. al E. Denn's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Aun O Arbor, (Lower Tnwn.) by ct J. H. LUND. and s, W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ) Upper CHRISTIAN EjJERIJACII, Tow„ Si 4f)-ly tML TAPLE AND FJÍJYC Y BEY OOODS. THE Subscribers keep conitnntly en Iinnd o Inrffo and cboico stock of DRY GOOD& BOOTS AND SHOES, DRV GROCERlES, SfC. $- wliicli l:ave been eelected wi.h care, and nre of the newest styles and best qinüps. As thcy nre detennined not to be utidersold, they solicit llie patronage of tliose wishing o purchase. Amongother thingsioo numerous to mention. hcy have a large and excellent assortment of SHICETINGS, DRILLTNGS, SU M VJKR STÜ.PFS, CAMCOES, PULLED CLOTHS, SATINfüTS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSÍMERES, GAMBROONH, UNENS, i CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, ; 1IANDKERCHIEFS, &tc. &c. ' Ttonvr.t Rilbovs, a very bcautifnl r.ssortirent. ] Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the ricliest p;ittern8. Parasols; of nll kinds, qunJnifis. nnd piioes. ( Jiosc nnd Half Hosc, Cotton 'and Worptcd Bonncts, Leghorn, Tuscan and Strnw. 'J'ho (ibove ns3ortment of GOODS will be sold is chcap, or cieaper than can be purchased in Detroit. Wool, Potash, Flour, ju and all kinds of PRODUCE will be recoived in " )ayinent. ABBOTT &. BEECMER, ] 144, Jefieraon Avenun, a July, 12. 1813. (l2Mr.) Detroit.LANDS FOK SALeT TH K undersigned ie -nut bon' sed to sell 6evrr tnicta of lund in the coumics of St Cl Süiiiiiaw, Snniluc, Was-htcnuw niVd Lenowcn ' ilieir cash vahie. oud takein payment State Srr1 and Warranie at par. or iheir equivalent n en h? oj lie v.'ill proporciónate termson timp. Thee 1 yalue mny be asceriained. if' desircd, by npnr(S2. ers choecii by the pinchase r nnd subecriber The Wnshtennw lunde cohsist of 118 ocres i tin town ol Webster, ïgp.lJj iinproved, of ewty ntid choice sefeciiori. nnd 214 acres 3 miles beio Ypsilfinti. on the River Hurón; hnving ich botlom and upper liinds, pootl timlier, runnint; Waler, corq and wheat soil, exceiletji.taiteafor bSld in ir. surroundcd by settlcrm nts, good louds nnd wills. Abüut 30 eres have been under cultiva tion. CHA'SH. STEWART. 4 f Jcü'erson Avenue. Detroit. IUililinei'y & Bress'lfBakïïiff' Mas. Q. BUFFFINGTON,. RKSPICC'l'FtY nnnouncos to tho ik luibilants o( Ann Arbor and vipioity tjbát t-lie Sris ppéncd a sbop? niíd'woy, bc f ween tho upper and lowor viüüges.wherc the business oí JUrLLIJYEIiY DRESS M.1KHYG wil] bo raniod on, in nll i(s branches, forti punc-tiinlity.dof-patch, nnd in the beet and most i'as-ljionnble slyle. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1843. 50 ly MARCUÜ STEVENS 4. SAMUEL ZVG. HAVE loket) thr rooms in tl.e lower end of the V)ie Ulock. directly opposite the Mrchigan Exchange. wherc they will keep en ex. tensive assortmciit ol' of evciy hind. quality. nnd des;ription, of thcir own ninnuincturi;?g, and tfeuvtmied 10 hens fnshïonnblo, good, and eheap as cim bc had West of New" York. Puicliascrsme requested to all and exnmine Out extei.sive assortment before buyinp ,Any ar:iclc of Fumiiute ir.ade to order, and TVtirranted to plensQ. UPHÜLSTERING done in n!l t8 various branches, nnd at the shoriest notice CHA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND W1LLOVV WARE; nho. Mawgany Boards nrid l ineirs - :if clieep as the chenpest. In exchnnee. CHERRY, WALNUT AND MAPLL LUMBER, Ac 4-c fr ' ' u STL VEINS & ZVG. Detroit. Apri! 17, 1843. 51.3,,, MAJYUFJCTURERS J1JVD MERCHJJYT8. rpHE stibst-ribers are now "receivinp, at thcir JL stores. 188 Jtfforsim Averit: nnd corner of Randolph and Woodbridge stieets. Detroit, a largo and general etook ol Bye Woofis éc Byo Stufis. 35 tons Logwood. Fustic, 1-iniewood. Nicar rnu;i, Hypernic VVood, in the stick, 'loO ground Cnmwood, 150 do Fusiic 12Ü do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aliun, 6 hlids Copperns. 4 do nïue Viti-iol, 4 pipes Ombrc nnd Crop Madders, prim, f)()0 Ibs. Extract Logvood, 600 do Bengal, Madrns nnd Caraccae Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris.10 CVboys Uil Vitriol, 6 do A qua Fortis, 4 do Spirits Sea Salte, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lnc Dye, "00 Ibs. IJanquo Tin. 2'0 do Cicaiii Tartar, 500 do Qnureciron Bnrk. Togetlier with a complete assorlmcnt of alJ the minor anieles in the trade. io wit: P.ess Papers, Teazles, rirusbes," Jacks, Tent Hooks. DycKettlcs, Pickers, Burling Irons. Nippers, Piussinteof Totasli. Snl Arn.)iiac. Sal Sodn, Suar o! Lenr!, Steel HVseds, Qord Clenner?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett VVnips. Shears. &c. This entirr stock has been purclinscd within the nst twü weeks, and selectetl personaliy by one f the concern, who has been in the business for he lost eleveji years, and ihey have no hcf-itation n Bhyin'e ihat the quality of these goods is unxceptionnble. They wijl positivly be so!d at the owest New YoiL jobbin prices. with the adilion of trnnsporintion only. The subpcribers have the solc Agency in this late for thi? s,)lc of 'TAUSON'S SHEARING MACHINES." id the ceJebro ted "LEICESTLR MACHINE CARDÜ," d.-cidrflly the best in useTHE subscriber would hereby give notice to tlic Ainncrs of WaehTenaw, and the neichboring counties. that he híis an nrtw in operaüon in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. whfere he iniencis at nll times to buy FLAX SEED, (nnd otlier Seeds used in making OU,) and pny the liighcst piice, and the best o) pay.- One Doi.r,Aii per bushel will bc paid for good clsan eeed, or, one gallon of Oil given for the same quantity. 1''.u;mkiu are rcquested to try Flnx on their Nummer fallows, and tliereby avail themselves of two crop8 instead of one. Merchawts me reques:ed to send in their seed and exchiine for Oil in preference to sending to New York or Boston for it, nnd ihus keep what money we have in our own Siaic. [45- tf.] JOEL Ii. HIDDEN. Ann Arbor; Lower Town, Mnrch I. 1843. To Fhysxcians and Country Mcrchants. F] "piERRE TELLER, Whole53 -t sale and Retnil Druggist (öiga -fsr., of the Golden Mortar.) 130 Jef(íjl M feiaon Avenue, Detroit, has on Mj hand nnd offers to purchnsers, nt iUto'sJl very low rates: OTl1! $ 4 Casks Epsom Salís: 2 cask 'j .: iiour Sulpliur; 2 Bbl?. Powdcredt ;] l jl Jalap; 1 Hbl. powdcred llheuborö; ÍlHLJP 2 Cicam Tartar;. Castor Oit by the gallon or dozen (nssortedi sizes;) Camphor, Calomel, Quinine, Corrosivo Sublímate; Frenen and English Chemicais; 'Per(umcry of all kinds; Linseed Oil; White Lend, hy and in Oii; English Venitian Red; Englisb Lampblqck,; Sp. Turpentine. Michigan Glass cf n!l sizes together wilh every ithor ariiclo conncted with the Drug, Paint, Oil. and Üye Stufl' Business. April 17, 1843. &I-tfKOF nii kinds nently executed at :he Signa. Office, at the shortest notico, and on the most rcnsonablo terms. Boolts Pamph eta Circular XandbillS kc. wfll be pnntedto order, any limo, wnh tho utmost accuracy. tF Orderc by mail promptly filled.


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