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Young ïiadies' Seminary. MISS E. PAGE, Principal. Miss West, Teacher in Music. Mrs. PIügh8, " Drawing and Pairiüngr Mra. Sab.ndebs, " French. Mr. F. Ma-rsh, ;t Laiin. do do " Mathematics: Mifs L. Warö. 'r ThePriniaryDépart'nt THE ensuing term of Miss P's. Seminary commence3on Tuesday, 29th nst. TERMS OF Tl'ITION. In the English branches, from $2 50 to 4 50 perqunrter of twelve weeks; Leesons on the Piano, with the use of the instrument, $10; Drawing nnd Paintin;r. $4 50; Lntin. $3 00: French, $3 00; Fa ncy Work, 3 Öv, Board. 1 50; Wash-" ing and Ironinsr, 37 cents per dozen. No pupil will be received for less than onef quarter, and no dcciuction will be mada for ab sanee except in enses of ill healih. Am tig the Books u?cd in Schoof are - PaIey's Natural Thcology and Evidences of Chris-' tiatiity - Abercrombie on the Iritellectual end Morat Powers - Karr.e's Elemente of Criticism- Whately's Logic- Jamison's Rhetoric - Mrs. Lincoln's Boiany - Parker's Natural Philosophy - Comstock's Chemistry and Physiology - Bnrritt's Gcography of the Heavens - Phelp's Legal Classics- -Rollin's Ancient History withButler's Ancient Atlas - Playiairs Eucüd - Davie's Algebra aid Arithmetic, with Colburn'sr-r" Mitchell's Geography - Gooárich's Ilistory Ú. States. All fhe friéhds of Education are requestcd to visit the school on Thürsdays, when the lessönpi of the past week are reviewed, and composiüoflar read. The Superintendent of Public Instructïori, tliíef Professors of the Universtty. and the Clérgy1 af Ann Arbor have consented to act as a vÍ3Íting committee to the School. As the most decisve tcstimony in favor' of any' institution, isto be obt.vned from thosè whö aro best acquainted with the sulcis upon whícíi it operates, Miss P. refers for information to tho parents and guardians of her pupils - a catalogna of whose names will be furnisbed to those interested in the enqniry. 8-tf. GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHER'S SE311iARY ryiHE Trusiccsof this insti:iüion wonld inform X the public that its Fourth quarter will commence on Monday, the 21 st oí August next.- - Considering the general depression of business, and embarrassed state of financial concerns, the number of students have far exceded theirexpectations. This fact. together with the general satisfaction given, warrant them in the belief that prosperity and uselulnoss wil! crown this en:erprise. Knowing the value of a permanent tencher, they have made arrangementa with Mr. BARRÍS, the present Principal, by which stabiHty will be given to the school. T U I T I O N . For the common English branches, $3 00 The Natural and Mathematica! Sciences, 40(1 Latin. Gieek and Civil Engineering, $5 (J0" Tuition to be pard at t&e middle of ëach ouarter. Board may be had in respectable families for $1 00 per week. Rooms may a!so bé had for thosc who vrfoh to board themselves. The Trustees of this Academy are about erecting a large and commodious building, designed to embrace Chape!, Recia and Library Rooms; and also to accommodnte from 40 to CO etudents with private rooms. FOSTER TUCKÉR. Secretary of the Board. Grass Lake. August 2. 1843.TO WOOL 6ROWER& JVOOL CARDIXG $■ CLOTH DRESSING.THE Subscribers respecifuly announce to tfm crizcns of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they are prepared to card Wo'oi and dress Cloth for customers, in the best style. and at the shortest notioe. Hoving good machfnery, e.xperienóed workmen, and long pracüce in the business., they have the utmost conriilence thit thiy sbaH givo a:nple satiLfacton to tbose who favor them vrtth their patronage. üloolcn Factoryv The subscribers have on hand FULL CLÖT'fïS and FLANNELS, manufactured by themselves. - ALSO- A iarge amount of Sattnetts of a s p;riör tfualiiy, which they pairpbsc to exchange lor wool. TER M S. One yard of Cloih will be given for two ind threefonnh poünds of wool in the fleece: he cloth to bo of the same quaüty the wool wiü nnko. - alsó' - ' One yard of flannel fur one and a half pounds of wool. Thankful for past favois. the subscrijers would respectfnlly solicit a share of public )alfoiiagê. BECKLEY &. CO. Ann Aibor, August 21. 1643. 17-tf. Shecp Shears. FOR Sale by C. . GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Tttivn, May 5, 1843.


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