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Peters Pills

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'Tis fifa theysny to gel well wuh them, ALL mankind througbout their widc nnd i rnoiise ciiculation, that ever liy iIkmh co iiuue fo luy ihem. Peters' P,ills are purely vc ctable; they ívórk no niirnclcs, nor do they pi fess to care all disoases, because ihey re i sciemilij compound oí a regular plivsician. v has made lus profession the srudy ol his lile. 1 Peters is a gradúate ot'Yale College, nlso oft Mussarhusetts Medical College, and lias soit! ■whatdistinguished liimselt ;is a man at' scien nnd genius among the fninily of ihe Inte Öj Peters. Peters' Vegetable I'iilsare simple in ih( prriaration, mild in their r.ction. thorpugh their operation. nnd unnvalled in ilieir resuhs. The town nnd country are :i!ike tiltcd vih tin praise. The palace and the RQor house al;i echo with their viruies. ]n all cITinatcs rtiey retnin their wonde-lul poweis aiid ext thein unaliercd by nge or situunon. mui ili thö voiceofa grateiul comn.i-n.ty proclnin ed.Peters' Pilis prevcni - keep fF diseases il time used, r.nd have no rival in cunL bili;ons leve fever nnd agne,dyspepsia. liver cornj!uintL,crou 8ck headache. jaundiee, ns;hm...dropsy. rieum; tism, cnlargement of the .-■ '. ' i ' 3. colic-, h male obstruoiion. heart bi - l tungue, noi sea, disïenüóJ) of the '■■ ent dinrrheea. fiStulence, . usüvenes lossof appeine, bloched. or s-r.üow ronip'exiot nnd in all enses of torpor of tin; bnwuN, ■ whei n cithartie or ajiciit-n: is indierited. producin neilher nausea, griping or debility; nod hen peat all who buy them continue to try tliein. The most triumphnnt suecess hns over nüet ded their use and enougli is alrendy knowii theñ) to innnortaliz.e and hand 'hem down to ]n tcrity with ihe hnprovenienis oí t!o age 1:1 mé ical science. Dr. Peters wns lired t the hea ing art. and in ord.-r 10 supply dem mcís. he h; orisrin ited and CHÜed to his :iil the önly sieni dr:vei maehinery in tl;e worltl fur pil! woikint 'Tis perfect, and its proee&s impnrts to the pi esseniial virtue. because by bei:i periect! wrouhr. all the pül.s' liiddeij vinue is rfveaiet when eallelinto actioh. and riere nlso t is Petei excelsall the world nnd taUesriIl the preinium; medals and diplomna. So clear the tract for tli Engine - Peters' Pilis are coming - a million c wimessescan now be heard for them - resisth-s - do yon hear that! while a host cm ; thnt ttiey believe they owe their salvation hoi dtsease and death to Peters' Pili, mul if calonu and knivesare getting partially into disuse v are only mistaken. Ckhtific ates. - This pnper cotilrí he fiüed wil them by residents of Alichigan. by your friend and neighbors - ask ouragents. It is now wel kliown that the proplc will hoye Ferers' Pi]'s and 10 hinder woiild betostop the rushing wind Priee 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless foroe of these truih? - their uni versal reception, added to the testimony of mül ions. "keep it bei'ore f lie pcóp!ó? mustand wiü be henrd throughotit this vale of tcars. Their hnppy infiuoncc on young lidies uhil.j euffèring 11 nier ihe tisiml clmiges of lile ;is directed by the Inws of mturc. they mpnrt a huoyancy ol'henrt, fnelin-j an;l nction. an elnstie step. velvet cheek, lilly and carnntion complexión hy their actijii on the chyle, &c. and fadies n del icate situaiions aiways admit their power and innocence. and take thatn two nr tliree at a time without in the süghtest degree ncuiring ilie )jazarrl of an abortion; which fncts are of the utmost importance. Pimples: a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and saysshe feels more gratefu! to hiin for the restomtion of her beauty ihan ifhelnd savcd her life. 'Tis fijn to gèt weli with Peters Piils. for they cause the blood ucoure nslimpid and gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the pan'ent is not compelled to make a mea!. TROUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished Old Pluto cnmeto New Ycrk. f Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine at work.) To resign his commission, his hour glass and scythe; I have come to dé?iver them all up to yon - Sir. my calling is over - tny business is through; I have been for tliree years in a terrible stew. And I really don't know what on earth l'ain to do: - Not of your nighty sire do I come to complain. But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by tliis Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he wpuld stay; But, sir. Peters will have the wliole world for his sway. Wliile musingin cotmcil what course to pnrsue. Thaj Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrovs looked a while. As ihougli his soiii was cd to bile, At ihnt unsparing scourge of i lis. By all men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters stop the slaugliter. And leaves the blood rs pure aa water. Now Peters malies, I've henrd liim say, Frve hundred thousnnd pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dylnq there at all: For soon the cheeks. so marked for doom, Begin like nny rose to bloom. Look ksrel all ich') Inj thcmcoutviuc to buy (kim. ' For sale ns fullows, by Mcrsrp. Beach & Abel. G. Grenvillo. F. J. IJ. Crane. & Co.! I G. Warri. S. P. & J. C. Jeweit. J. fl. Limd. I H. Becker. Die!; jnson & Cogs-.vell. and S. 1 Jones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw. I.inia; J. C. W:nnns. Sylvon. Ualr, & Sinirli. Graas Lake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. MerrU man. Jackson; M. A. Fhoemalier. Michigan Centro; Brotherson &. ... L. 15. Kief & Gi! bert. Manchester; D. S li) e; Snow & Kevs. Clinton: J. -: I & Co-, Plymouth: Stone. Bihcock & Co.. nncJuiins, Movius&Co.. Ynsilanti: Pierre Teller. líeii(it: J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Ünderwood, Áü Jl.irt fc .Mosher. Springville: Marinen & Cpok". Brooklyn; Smith & C.. Joncíville; L. .M. Boyce, ChicTiin - and aLr.ost every where el.e. Ócr. 19. M42 27-Iy


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