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Morder & Suicide! PASSING y. mr strt'eis a lew dayssince, I wa nloiost honor struck in noticing n coniinun proíracted inurder. GJiutpst. Stoi'e in town'Newtrk; lr!,o!nile and Retáll" C.',ca, casi Store" "JBufiiilu Chcap Sioir" led me to mi 1 ivlioro I eaw thu "Kings English" lie mangled d, bloeding, dyingr. At another place I saw a gren ,„ display of íiflted Rays" and fiaming hand bilis c where on cxamiimion I lound iliat ihey chiimet ,. 'o Invebonyht tlicir goods a'. "Auction" and 1 Jt knew 'hat poods so!d u anction were of inferió; ,r. fju:lity. mdÉucIi ns would not bear ihc testo f. pnvue sale serminy. Oh,thotig!it ihey JO n, iheir own throats in liuying ihcir geoda a t uiic9. tion'. T passed on tu F. Denison's oíd stom „ whoro I íwim.I II. Bbckkr l'aiily setllcd wiih i arge n 8 T O C K O F G O O D S, .„ f'k'i:tcd at privad' salrs. nmbraeing ne.-.ily evory j. i iliin callcd in tlieemntrv, ai Iow pricos. lo: cash. produce; or jrobd credit. And herí! ] found ,. (At tho puru Enplish was spoken, as I nin ossure'i it is at lus Siovc in tliQ Luwer Town. ' t VTATOR. Ann Arbor. Juno 12. 18)". 7 ,f L'or Sale : BY the Suhscribur. a god lucation for WOOí CARDhVG and CLOTH DRESSING, in the TówñsKipof Ájala, Simco Co., Iíjme r. District. U. C. - ALSO - 100 Acres of choice Lnn.I in Granby Town, [i Missisco County. Montieal District, L. C u " - A.'.SI- ; 200 Aeres, bein part of the Kstate khówn by n the name of the Duuglnss Esta'o. in Shèffbrd ] Townsliip. Missisco Couniy, Montreal Disa trict, L. C. - ALSO- 1 A House and Lot in Mjphiffan Vjllage, five s miles tfp the Hnron River hom Ann Arbor' All or either the said poRsessions inay bc Imd - anp for Cnsh, or for Land in this State. Foi iunher paniculars it'.q'urq of the subscriber ut . Ana Arbo.-. Lower Town. P. COMF.R. June 8, 18:3. 7_if. : GRAVB3 STOiÏËS MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, &c. TrIE subscriber has a Iarge pssoriniejit oí Marblc. of the best quality. euifnble for Rírávb Stones. Mo.numevts. &c. wbicli he will pll chenp for cnsh. or excliangp for produce, nt 'lis ola, stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue. DcÍTOit. '.ví;.ng tr. i;uy wül do tve'I to cnll. ns ttitijrwiil b"o sold mucn cheaper llia'n havo ever !ieen nffortted in this State, and of a Quahty ihat cannot lail to picase. W?.J. E. PETF.RS. Dotroi!. Oct. 07: 1a4'2. S.O- v CUK10ITY! A Tailnr to'10 tettl noi rii.Utc h.s Prcviisc. TUE Subscriber would in forra theCiiizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity. ihat he has com. menced tjje ïailoring Business, in the Lower Town. Shop over Han is. Purr ridgVsg & Co's. store. Frofn pa'éï expeuence he 'eels csnildent that he cr.n give saiisfai-iion. Tnj Uim._ j. SPRAGUE. ■ N. P. Cuiting done to ojder. Ann Arbor. June Í8.43. 9 - ?m. Cïiccse. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLA ND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. May r. '43. 2 JAJttES E}. BlfiiiKY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T ƒ, A W. SAGANAW CITV, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent n the Land District in which tliis (Saganaw) Couniy is; he will make iuvestments for others lands. pay over for non-residents their taxes. and Ljive informntion gcnerally to pcrson9 interested , ín this part of the country, or desirousof bccominsr irnniigrnntfi to it. C ïiTJKïTËSH. STEiyATÍ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAVV AND SOLICITO IN CHANCERY. JEFKURSO.N .WIJ.NÜK, DET710IT. 49-tf. DBL BAXISTERSCKLLJiRATEDFKVKR AGÜE P1LLS.- Purüy ttibli, A safe, speedy. and s:irr? temedy lor c lever and ai;ie. duin ayiie. chül fover, and the bilióiis'diseneespecüliñr io ntw co:ntrirs. These pulsare desinei! 'or the iiITectwris of theliver and olher intemal organs which attend the discases of the new and iniasniatic L poi lionsof our countrV. c pröpriétór liaving tried them in a k ■irost varieiy of cases confidently bclirves ihat ihey nre pnperior to any cmedy thai has ever n licen o.Tüied to the public for the above ' oases. Ii;spuro!y Vcgetakle and pe: fectly liarmless. an:J can lie taken by anypersun, maleor femalo with pcr'cct safety. The pil!? nre prephr'ed in two separate lioxns, ninrUed No. 1 and No. 2. and' acecompanied willi fuil directions. r A great nu:nber of oertificntrS mipht be proenred in favor of this medicine, lust the proprieter has íhoutrhi ft notto ii:sert dbenx, in as inuch as he depends upon ihe merite oif the sone for its reputaiion. Thé above pill is Kept conatxntfy on hand by the proprieter and can be lioá'at wh'olesale c and rotrj] p.t.the store of Becklt-y &, Co. l dfirs from the country pronipily atfended to. Ann Arbor. Ho wer town) Mav'2(' !S '.'?.. 9 ( L. BÉ.CKLET GROUND PLASTER. PRICE REDUCKD TO NINE DOLLARS TKR TOV. t, THE subscriber.s hnve duw on fmñ'd md t, wül continue to hoep n jrood supply of l' GROUA'D PLJJSTEIt, in Barrels, at their Store in Detroit. (123, Teflerpon Avenire.) aid in Bulk, ai their Plas'er MUL on the River Road. hall' way beiwPfia Ypsiianti and Ann Arhor. The nbofe' is from the Séneca Falls and ' Grand Uicer Piaster Beds. both noteil for their luperiority. ELDRED & CO. January 12, 1843 46-Gm. PAïïffTIBÏS. T. L A M li E R T. D BEGS leave to inforni the iiihnbitanls of Ann Aibor, and the surroinríing nr ;y. ihat haviiis locaicd hinisi II in die pa r Village, with tho view of carying en ihe !)cive business in all its branches, (some i wh-, HOUSE. eiGjy.ond OR.T.4MLXVTJ L PÓIJYTIJYC, ÏILD1NG and GLAZIAG. GRAINLVG, mitation of all Woode. !1 AI! IJLKIZJNG, I'IIANSPARFNCIES.' BA-N-NKRS, &c. espcctfully eohcits a share of public T go, as liiá prices sha!l be low fo conform to X I. e times and his work done in the best wi ler. 8tf T. L. vould say to Farmers that he is an cnlarly desirous to attend to their calis, as rodnee is the best kind of pav. Ann Arbor, Lwer Town, Morch fi. 1843. trj 45- ly. BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &c ?l for Rale at this office. foi Ann Arbor, August 1, 1843.


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