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■- mi iim DkJ-1 IHi i i n a & ■ ai i IIJMIMII bu i i . ■ !". CELEBRATED ',? CHEMICAL PL A STER sli; The most rffcclual remcdy yvl ' discovered J'ot jsli l{hevmiilism,f'cvcr Sores, JVliiie s'ictll ings, ïvjiammntioh in Ihe ïlyes, iSicelled Throal in Scar!'! r Frrer, (itïnscy, THE CHEMICAL PIASTER is nn import ant remedy fcr those who are afflicted witl y; c.hronic and iuilaminntoi y Öórnpluihlèj ly is ens i ng pain. countera.cting infl.ininiation, and yiyini a_ meoqy relief by iis active, sircngtheuing, amv !yi:c diaplioretie and cniitfférirriDuif proporties - ui eflectual icmedy forChronic and hiiflamthiitOy Rheuniatism, Agu.e in r he Bronst, Scnlds, Öurnsj Bruiges, Scrojüïa. Ulcera, 01(1 $oies pi almosi cvery descriptioii. Cnnkèr'écVniid Swell'(i ' Throut iiiiüinir iVurii Scarlci Fever, Felona. White I Swcilirigs, Chilblains, Le. Tiütsuíis ti fi':in; I rom Liver ConipLnintf, Puhnonary iliseascs, iii,"" i!'iti::K.iii!i of the Lungs". with pain ín tbè sidp, 11 j tvtek or limbs. vi!l liiu! relief by tlie use ol ihtE ie j Piaster. In all cases il may be used wiih pri iect E. DEANS CHEMICAL ri. ASTER ia . put up in Imxos at iiüy cent? nnd onc dullür I cacti, vvitli iiill ('ireciions nccoiiip.'inyintr ojicli l)(i.. 3t ! M.-iiiii!hci;uc(l aml soKI vh..!?a!o !y H. li.M;.RIS &, CO.. Ashtalmln. Oliio. solo propiietors, to vhom all ok'ois shuuld l)c ntlfjressed. SoM alao by iliir Agente iKröugttóül ífíe country. [pJA ![bur;il discount made to iieule:saiu! pliysici:ms. Vvr trs'irrioninls and ceriiiïcatcs from persons ,1 of lic liiirlicst rcspcct:!)iü!y, v!:o lm'yó üSed tlie . Clieniical Plasler. see aiiotlicr column oi ihis pat- per. F)r.?nlo In' tiic ioüowing Agents ia Michigan: H. W. Rood, NitciJ. C Larri inore. i ir C. Sinnahan, EdwaivisburLli. AVrii. O. Au?!iii. White í'ií:ean. il Isrif-c B;iilnin. .')-., Coüninniine. d Danl. L, Kiu.horly. Sclioi lcia't. r. M. 13. Hust'nn, & F. !arc!;. r V iT K.ilnmnzoo. á Jnméè W; LWthren, P. 1!. GnlósbVr'gh. L. Bolkcom, I'. M. Raüie Crèek; 8 Jnn:cs M. Puisonc. P. T'.l. Mnrehnll. Pau! Rnymonci. Urugcist', Jnckson. ) Witii Jtfckson, !'. M. Jjponi. Mnleaüd 8miili. Gr::.s Lake. John C. VVinons, Svlvnn, .T Mitto'rd Sor, Doxtcr. TliomrtS I'. MM lïr. Plymouth, ) Perjn S; ÍJ.,11. Nj-thyijle NIead& MeOartby. Fnrroingtonf Pèier Van Evèry. Fr;:nklin, JiirüiiB l)oan. Poiiii.-'f, Mnck & Spragne, flochestor, .lainif; Sicphens. Utico, E. C. G.-.ü.ip. Mt. Cïeinens, John Oweñ & Co. S Detrc)lfr Dr. 'i'lios. M. Swceny. Dearboinvillc, i E. Sanvon, Ypsüanti. , J. II. LUND. 1 W. Si & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann A:bor. CI1RIST1AN EBÈRBACH, S f-iy rjpüE sobseribera Wöóld rnfot i tüe hiibivc thai JL ihey are now manufaciuring WOOLKN CLOTH wiih a deree of' eqnal to tht-ir most sanguine cxpecraiions. Wilh the tnáchíh ery tliev huw have. théy are aJ)!e to mafiüíítcHire Trom 75 to ]U0 poimds of wool por day. Tiie clnth thcy have made lor the las: tii:c iiiorithsi? of thebest quility. anti that made in hilurö wül bü similar. They have ontiruly overeóme the difnc;ihies of starUpg an establishment óf ilii kind in a nc-.v country. Their terms aro ;?. cents per yard for ful led cloth finished or half the clotli ihe wool will make. If any altemtion of the tonns shou!:l be defërminod on, public notice will be given. All wool received befbre such notice is given will be worked on the above tenns. Ifsny wish to have their wool workect without niixing it with will he done. proyided thoy assort it theinselves, and turnisli ii il quarïtitiès of 10;) pounds of one oaajity of wool. It ia niiich betier to sew up wool in s-icUs thijnto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be stronjr. Provisionsof all kinds will be receivod in p.nyment for monafaofnring to the nmóuht rtiqtnred lor the consuinpiiqn of the estnWiabment. Wool sentby railrönd i Scih. will be properly auended to; the number oí pounds s!iould be niarkedon tliusack wiiliink; a!so tbo wciL'ht of iiie snek.- I The wool will be worknd in nirn s it cornos in. =)s nearly as can bc done with reierence to iludiiifient qirilities. QIF Many Farmers hoye expressed to vs their gratiGcátion in consitJeratioji of our sfirtiiLT rhibfanch of Business, and many encou meed us ly ilieir patronee riurinc tlió lost yoar. V.'ö now invite nil to hmuj the jr wool. to the nmotfrii ol ,y.Oi O pnnnris, and receivc the benofij of the v. w reinsonnblc téhn's on which weoTor (o trianúfáctureit. Tfaa stnirlmh'nient'iö 2f -milest eet ol , Ann Arbor, on the S. W. FüSTER. & CO. Scio. April 30. Ï8I3. ]_tf WOOBWCETErS HOTS ! SORTUEIIX, EASTUJEN AM) SdUTHEIÍ.V 5TA0BHOI . immjmmmm 't Tlio iniilersiL'nr.d resjjbcrfítlly aiinbiihceslpl the public: that lio is now thê pinprietor of illis ueli litiovvu cstablisliincnf. ''e ImtiíG havinff been tJojoi:plily overhanled, md i fit:od in a rninncr calcirlnled to prnmote the ! comfort ofcitizons and the travelling1 public. I Tho house ocCirpiès an olioih'c positioti. o the corner of Wáfulbndge hrítl Ranflolplíi slrfPÍr-, ;-i ti li;i.-ii)o.- r:i! t of 1 !if ei' v. ' Those who may honor him vvitli thpir fonnnce, nmv hc ïs.snrt-il Mmt hboprnseo'i' ut i tenn'on in Iris pñtoer vvill ! e pared, to ma ice ! lic-ir sojounj ia Detroit agreea'ble ö rri , ?. tory. ö [40-ly] S. D. WOODU-ORTII. N O FVC T I ÓW. ONR lMÏT(T7r.S'r()TtE. rPIHE sut.scrilH'r i-iill .-..i.:ini(s to s.'ll DRY i G00DS, and DRY GROCKIUKS. ni No. .). liuron B.'ock. Lhwèr Toïón. Ilis s ock o snch Wis carefulFy selccied and well purchascd. u'bich i-nahlcs him to geil lów for tetfdij p-iy. As he belicyee the uioney saiuu qifidity rfuvv.y ppiiwn. ia oft!;e same valué, he will sol i S tí all lor tbesiime prlefe, and ñó nr.ioiint of Orti v rail swnnr hini from ihat ourse. Persuris - san makejust as g,)Oj bnrgainsby sending an ajent; as toe une menVsélves. -a ín conuexion wjth the store is a Ghist nnd X FYountNo iIn.L, whoro be wi!J cpnsuinlly poy Casia foF Wbeat i! tho liijihcst market price. Fucmer.a and Whiat buyers can hnvo their -Jristing and Flouring done to oidor and on ihc "i nost rcasonnblo ternis. Those who wish tu -"■ urchi8e goods, or get Wheat fleured, would do v.-ll to cali nnd enquire his prices, and into his nanner of doing btisinps. DWIGMT KELLOGG. T nn Arbor, Lowcr Town, Fcb. 28, 1843. 45-t. S. PETTIBOPVE, SünVEYOR, MAKER, AND JOAND AGRNT. A Oiiice in Court House Square. Ann Albor. JT. June 19, 1843. 8-tf. soc


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