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Hillsdale County: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Messrs. Editors: - Believing it will be intercpting to you and the readers of the Signal, t cnow something of the "sayings ond doings'r of the friends of humanity,and their opponents n Adams and the County of Hillsdale, I beg eave to yoccupy a smali pktce in your paper, wiih sonie of (he 'doings' in this vicinity. Theresult of the spring elecfion was the defeat of the Liberty Ticket: except Town Clerk, whowas elected by eight majority. Thepro-slavery men cxerled themselves bo hard to "use up" the "fanatics" that they carriad voters to and "rom the place of election. We hare remainod perfeclly dormanr, with few exceptions, tiil recently, when we received an excitant which has aroused our dormnnt powers a little. Wra. D. Moore, an uncompromising liberty mar.r has been snperseded from the office of post- master,and his place fllled by one of the "natural allies the of Soulh" {Ihe ex post master).1 The plei (and the only one) for his removal was, that he was a 'niggtr man' and undoubtedly the postmaster elect is a 'Tyler whig.' Be that as it may, the deed is done to the great inconvenience of the inhabitants. It is due to the inhabitants to saj', that they are disgusted with it, even the Democrats, almost a man. 1 would herc toke the liberty to suggest to the liberty men of Adrián and vicinity, to cali a mass meeting oí' this Senatorial district, lo meet at Adrián as soon as may be,Sc to give the same as much publicity as po5sible to let ihe yeomanry of the district kiiuw that we are awake to the interest of the farmer and the poor down-trodden slaves of our nation, who have been blecding under the banner offreedom for fifty years, through the influence of northern voters. Let the banner of Liberty in Hillsdale be unfurled ngain to catch the political breeze . Will the coanly. commiUee cali a mass meeting to meet soon at Hillsdale or Jonesville to nomínate County officers - to cíBcientJy organizo for the fall election . Wjil the Liberty men rally to a man - let Wheatlano, Somerset, Macon, Litchfield, Adams, Woodbridge, Pittsford, and ev-pry Liberty man in the rest of the towns do their duty. lf a Bimey, a Beckley, a Stuart, a Treadwell, a Bement, a Stevens, a Gurner, or some man that can place the curling system of American Slavert in its most potent light, would lecture in the several towns in this country, it would teil wonders for the cause of Libertt. What has the anti-slave- ry man gained in voting wiih the othcr parlies? What has he gainod by his inconsistent course, sacrifizing his principies by voling with his party, for slaveholders,Sc the obettora of the bame? What faas fee gained in the ' 'Tippecanoe and Tyler too'1 administration? What will he gain by voting for "the northern man wiih sonthern principies" - 'Ihe niillifier of ihe South' or 'Jlarry of the Jf'est? What will he gain if he votes for Birney? He will gain the name of a consistent man. May the time 6peedily come when every anti-slavery man of every creed, shall come up united uponT this one point to the rescue of our eaibarrassed and slavery-ridden country.


Signal of Liberty
Old News