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Intercsting to Dealers in SoulsofMen. A New Orleans correspondent of the Richmond Enquirer, tlius informs the breeders of human stock in the Oíd Dominion, of the fineprospects opening up for them in the South How much of the best blood of old ehivalric Virginia will be set up in the market for hu - man flesh, at New Orleans, this fallí Can Mr. RiTcniK teil? The letter is daled July 4th, the anniversnry of the day, when American Sages declared that "all men were ereated free and equal" - and after speaking of the fine prospects of the cotton erop, proceeds as follows : "Tho article of negrocs will certamlyvanee in price, as the demand will be Un usually greal- the demand not haviog by th traders, the past season, been supplied bj them. The prices of the past season, say ir June, were: men at $000, girls $500, mechanes at $ 1,200, but, I gave you as my opinión havinnr been in the trade nnd in this markel for many years, that our market will opei the eusuing season, men at $800, girls $50C to $600. So you can say to any of youi rienda, that may have such property to dis pose ofthat in making their sales at home they can take into consideration all of the prospecta I here relate loyou.'' Emigranisfor Oregon - Tiie company of emigrante for Oregon, lately assembled nt Independence Missouri, are now on their vay to that country. At last accounts they were near the waters of the Big Biue, 250 miles above Independence. They were all well, and getting along emoolhly, having expenenced nodifficuJty, except in crossing the Kansas river, where they sunk their boat, and came near drowndingseveral children. The Oregon Company, by a census, was found to contain - 260 males over the age of 16 years, 1S0 females over the uge of 16 years, 208 males under the age of 16 years, 312 females under the ngo of 16 years, 090 being the whole nnmber of persons. They had 121 wagons, 698 oxen, 296 horses, and 973 loose cattle; 19f7 being ihe total amount of stock.- Pillsburg Daily Gazette. A "Cute Trick" of Ranaicay JVegroes The New York Standard, states that recently about twenty slaves inthe State of Maryland took it in to their heads to make a push for Canada. They met together in a common land, in Baltimore county. They proceeded as far as the bridge at Havre de Grace, where they sent two of their number forward to make the experiment of crossing. The gate keeper refused to lot them pass. The couple then returned to their companions; when after some consultatioiijthey built a cqffin of rough boards, put it on a bier and placed one of their number in it. Then in a solemn funeral procession they marched up to the bridge, and asked the privilege of crossing to bury their friend on the other side. The ruse took. The procession crossed over, and kept on the highway, till they got out of sight; they then took to the woods agam, and resurrected their dead companion.The Glory of War.- Col. Morgan, tbe Texian Commissioner, in a letter to the editors of the New Orleans Tropic, saysr that of 1 1,000 Mexicans troops sent to Campeachy te . subdue the Yucatanese, ir as been clearly ascertained that only 4,000 retumed. There were 2í00 in the expedition against Merida- 80C of that división are all that can be found togobadc! Black vomit and other sickness thinned theirranka daily; aud deserlion, together with what were killed in the different engagements, raust account for the balance. Slade of Vermont-Whig Graliliide Wm. Slade was the only party whig (and he was a most bitter, conscicntious partizan in New Englatid vho had abolitionism enough to be used in getting Whig votes for Henry Clay. He had served his party with an ability surpassed by few, and an integrity excelled none. He had also served the slave, when party did not forbid, with equal favor. Bat even Slade is cutoff! Whigism cannot endure imán so honest.' How 'favorable' to Liberty such a party must be!- Alb. Patriot. Captain Stockiori's of Ordnance. An experiment was made last week with this I enormous piece of ordnance, that carries a L42 Ib. ball, at its station near the light-house, below Sandy Hook. A point blank shot 'truck a line on a target 3 miles distant, and fienelrated through and through the target, ivhich was constructed of iron bars and wood :ombined, rendering it more strong and solid :han the largest seventy-four. The gun is nade of wrought iron,and is of immense size. Experiments will be inade again this week. - TV. Y. Herald. Vollaire, - Tn the course of a letter on Volaire by Ex-President Adams, this jassage, )Ccurs:"The truth is that Voltaire was a lively sarcastica], disingenuons, prejudiced, fanaiical, disbeliever in Christianity, ready to assume the mask of religion,or lo cast it away, just as it suited his interest or his humor; intent above all things upon mnking himself a name and flattering himself that his easiest way to do il was by deinohshing the Christian religión. 1 never thought his philosophical Dictionary worth reading,and I read his bible only to despise it." The river dlroctly nbove the Falls, now presents a very singular appearance. The bed is entirely bare, and scarcely a drop of water passes over the precipice. it is all directed into the mili races, where it is of more practical utility than it could be were it stifTered to tread in the footsteps of poor Sam Patch. - Rodiester Dem. Jl Queer Divisto7i.-An assig-nee's notice in the Washington, N. C. Whig, announces for eale atnotig other articles "an interest in a negro man, naincd Peter, it bjing one third ofone-eighth of said negro ." Dr. Sewall writes from England Lord Brougham has expressed to him his intention to visit this country.Oiina Mission.- The iïag designed for the t China Mission was manufactured out of Ameri r can silk by G. W. G.U, of Mt. Pleasant Obio. It is 150 ft. in lengt!,; stripes, crimson and ■ white, 15 inches wide, the square 8J feet , long, S feet kches wide of a beautifuí blue. , The father of an interesting familv ncar , Detroit, nof Ion since, stoppe.J the only news. paper which he allowed himself or family, and . solely on Ihe ground that he could not'afford ( the expense. Tliis man chews 14 dollars and i Go certB worth of tobáceo every ycar. To Remove Stoi.-Ladie,-, at this season ■ it will be well for you to know tbat the fumes of brimstone vvill remove fruit stains and iron mouldfrom linen and cotton.' Moisten the part stained with cold water, then hold it over the smoke of burning brimstone and (he stain will disappear. Negro Hat red.- At the sabbath school celebration on the fourth of July, at Detroit, Michigan, a formal vote of the Committee of Arrangements, excluded the colored Sabbath Schools from the celebration. So miserably vet do Christians nnderstand the great law of their own religión.- Pcoples JldvoccUe (' O'Connells's late speech against elavery causes the slave-mongers to quit hun, assuddenly as the deviJs left the man and run down aprecipice inta the sea, in the pnmilive days.


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