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RAIL ROAD ; TEMPERANCE HOUSE. 3 npHE undersmned would respectfully iníonn X the friends of Temperance. and the public g generally. ihat theaboe namcd House, fonnerly knowñ 'as' tlie Temperance Hotel, and simated e on the córner of Michigan avenue imd WasUingtoj strect. íiear the Central Railroad Depot, havr ing undorgone tliorough repairs and very great addi'ional improvements, is nosv ready fov the reception of all those who niay favor him wfib ;i r cal!. The accoinrnodations, in every respect, are ,. not inferior to any Teinperancc House in the 1 country, and every attention will bc given to t such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudar s ble enterprise. N. 13. Carriages nlways in rcacUness to con vey passengers to and f rom Boats and Care. tvivi: champ. Detroit. May 9. 1843. 4-1 y ■ DR. HALSTED'S ; B&XSK PILLS. '28 PlLLS FOK 23 CïNTS. THE Brisk Pi'.ls answer the purpose more ef(cclually for any disease for which any othei j pill is recominended, and supersede tliein a'to I prctiicr in medical excellence and vlrnic. It' yuu dembt this. just try will cost you only iwo . shillings - and then you, with me, wül be sntis f fied. If ihey are not wh;it 1 recomnicnd ihern to be. denounce them and nut ihèni down. fur 1 . cannot conscientiously recoïninend thcin for a . cure all lor every thing. But this I do say, wilhsloutfear ofcontradiction. that no pills are theii I 1 equal in removing diseases oriyiiiatmg in t hc. I stomach or bowe!s. For Iiver and bilious diseases. suchasdum ngtie, fover and ague. intcrmittnnt iiri remitiant levers, the Brisk Pilis possess peculiar propertios Tor tlieir speedy réniovöl. Froni ten years experience as a praciising pliysician, I am convinced (bat none can eqtial them. - Read what other pills are good for. and wliat the} will cure, and if the Brisk aio not superior n them all. then discard tlieir use. Dn not beUevr all that ia said abon: au infallible pill - that ncver fails to cure any Sisease - but try the Brisk jPilJs - the cheapest piüs i:i use - 23 pills lor 25 cents - and then you will have a chance to j'idge o their merit or demerit. As a blond clcanser. and a puriñer to the diseased system, they perhaps supersede every pill ín use. They are qaïek ant ensy in the opëratioi). giving Ufe and tone to ali the torpid orsans: (iirowing ofi'impure matters or hmnors; leaving the system healthy nnd clean. This is all that any one medicine can do.notwi hstandingthe great show of wprds and fïctitioüs eer tilicates. We are determined to let ihesp pills stanr upon their own reputation. win or loose. Ali we ask is, for a fair and impanial tr:a'. They can be taken by old and young, at nnv time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine Tor c.'iiklren. for worms, &c. In a word, they po3sess all the qualitics ofan aperient pill for Family use. They have cured many diseases whicl) no other medecine could remove. In conclusión I say. do notgive p or despair of a cure until you have tried the Brisk Pills, for they do possess peculiar properties and virlues. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewctt. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor: D. H. Rowland, Northville; J. S. Scattergood, Plymoutb! J. Dean, Pomiac: J. B. Dickson, Mt. Clemcns; Maitland fe Co.. Romeo; Sprague & Co., Roehester; Church & Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. O wen & Co., Deroit. 10-6m YPSILAWTI ACADEIVÍY; TEAaHEES?VsMINAE7 H. H. GRIFFEN, Pruncipai.. [A competent assistant will snpply the place of Misa HAiMMOXD, wbo has Ieft town to teach.] ryHE thiiteenth term of this institntion will i connnence on Monday, Aug. 28. anl continue 1 1 weeks. While tiiis school is equally open to all of botk sexes, who wish to acquire a good education, particular attention will be given to those who are preparing to teach. The exclusive and uninterrupted attention of the principal will be given to impart a practical knowledge of the English branches. He oeeupies about half an hour daily in lecturing. with the aid of the apparatus. minerals. or otherwise. Apparatüs. - The lnstitution is furnished with Chemical, Philosophical. and Astronómica! apparatus, Surveying Instruments, Geometrical solids. &c, '.o the amount of .S300; also, a good Cabinet of Minerals worth O50. Tuition' in the common English branches, including Compos'uion _and Declamation from 52.50 to 3.50. In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy, Hisïory, Rhetóric, J3oany, Algebra. Geómetry, Surveying, &.c. froin $4,50 to 5.00. Mozzotintoand Chinese or Theorem painting, P;3.03 euch {or 12 lessons, taught by Mis. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be madr, except for protincted sickness, and no one will be eceived for less than five and a half weeks. - Books may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board. Including room and washing. from $1.00 to $1,50 per week; for further particulars inquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Weaa. Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. Nonh, J. Faiichild. M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G; and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. have kindly consented to form a visiting comrnittce, to be present at the Week reviews oa Thursday, and at the public examination of the school. Ypsilanti, Aug. 12 IS 13. 5- lv. BOOS BÏIffDERir. AT THE PAPF.R MILL (r.OVVKR TOWN) ANN AI1BOR. EBOOTH would respectfully infbrm tlie inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vieinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BIITDIxüG, at the old tand, in the Paper Mili. Old Books will be neaíly rebound on short notice. Al! kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April l'J, 1313. 52-tf. THE subscriber would hereby give notice to the farmers of Washtenaw, and the ncighboririg counties, that he has an Oil WËAll ■ now in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town. ' where he intenda at all times to buy FLAX SEED, (and other Seeds used in niaking OU, ) and pay the highest price, and the best ol pay. - Ose Doli.ák per bushei will be paid for good cloan seed, or, one gallon of Oil givcn for the same quantity. , Farmkrs are requested to try F)ax on their , Sumnier fallows, and thereby avail ihemselvceof 'c two crops instead of one. Mehchants are requested to send in their seed ( and exchange for Oil in preference to sending to New York or Boston for it, and ihus keep what r money we have in our own State. _ [45- tf.J JOEL R. IHDDEN. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Marcli l.I843. , __ , r OF all kinds neatly executed at the Öigna. „ Office, at the shortest notice, and on the most rea6onable terms. Pamp hets Circulars - w"' be printed to order, a t uny tune, with the utmost accuracy. O" Orders by mail prornptly fiÜed. J


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