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TOilIincry & Drcss íflnkiiig. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, ll T3ESPECTFULLY announces to the in" -tv habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity,that ] she has opened a shop, midway, betvvecn the upper and lower villoges,vhcre the business of 'i MILLIJYERY $ DRESS MAKING ' wil) bo earried on, in al! ifs branches, witlj j pnnctnality, despatch, and in the best and most fashionablc slyle. ,", AnnArbor, Aprils, 1343. 50 ly t - ' - ■ " - "FK.3ESÏ3 LABOR" M-AR.CU S STEVENS $ SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE laken the rooms in the lowcr end ol the Whiie Block. directly opposite the Mili chignn Exchange. where they will keep un exr tensivo nssortinent of ol every knul, qnality. and description, of thcir tfwtí nianufacturmü. ;ud warranted to be as fashionnble. good, and chcnp as cnn be had West ol New York. Purchasersaie requested lo cali and examine our extensive assortment before buying. Any arïicl.e of Furniture made to order, and J Wnrrdntéd to piense. ' UPHOLSTERING done in all ts various branches, and at the shortcsl notice. CHA1RS. LOOKING GLASSES, AND WILLOW WARE; nlso, Mahogany Boards ' and Vcnezrs - as cheep as the eheapest. V fn x"change. CIIERRY, WALNUT, AND i MAPLE LUMBER, ftc. frc. fa. STEVEiNS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5i-:!m TO CLOTHIERS,' 1 MJjVUFJICTURERS J1ND MER CHJ1JVTS. THE subsoribers are now receiving, at thcir stores, 188 Jfffiirson Avenuo, and corner of RandolpU and Woodbridge stiéets, Detroit, a large and peneral stock ot Bye Woods Sc Byo Stufts. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic. Limewood, Nicari rasua, Hypernic Wood, in the stick, 1 "0 bbls. ground Cannvood, ■ 150 do Fustic , T20 do Logwood. 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, s .6 hhds Coppcras. 4 do P.luo Vj;ü'i,oH 4 pipes Onibro and. Crop Madders, prime. 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutfialls. (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdeied Cúrcuma, 2(0 do Verdigris. 10 Carboys üil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Foitis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salt?, 4 do Nitric Acid, ( 2 cases Lac Dye, 00 tbs. Banquo Tin. 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Quereciron Bark. Togetbcr wïth a complete assorlment of all the minor anides in the irade, to wit: P.-ess Papers. Teazles, Brusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, DyeKcttles, Pickers, Burling Jrons, Nippers, Prussiateof '"oíosh. Sal Amoniac, Sal Soda, Sugnr of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaner?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shears, &c. Tbis entire stock has boen purchased within ihe last two weeks, and selected personally by one of the concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven ycars, and they have no hesitation in sayinc tliat tlie qualiiy of these oods is unexceptionable. They will p'oèifivly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportaron only. Tlie subscribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "FARSON'S SIIEARLG MACHINES," and the celebra led "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS." decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1343. 51 tf WHOIiESAlLE & UETAIJL. S T APLE AJYD FÁJY C Y DRY 6OOBS. npHE Subscribers keep constan tly on hand a _L lnrge and choice stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SU 'O ES, DRY GROCERIES, Sfs. $;. which have boen selected wi;h care, and are of the newest styles and best qualities. As they are determined not to be undersold, they solicit the patronage of these wishing to purchase. Amongother tbinerstoo numerous to mention. they have a large and excellent nssortinfint of SHEETINGS, DRILIJNGS, SDMMKRSTUFFS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTHS, SATINKTS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LFNENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCH1EFS, &tc. Ut. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiful nssortment. SinurJ.s. Broche, Silk, and Tliibet, of the richrst putterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualities, and prices. Host and Half Host,, Cotton and Worctcd. Bonnets, Leghorn, Tuscan and StVaw. The above assortment of GOODS will be sold ns cheap, or cheaper titan can be purchased in Detroit. tn? Wool, Potasa, Flour, jtj and all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in payment. ABBOTT &, BEECHER, 144, JciTerson Avenue. July. 12, 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. TO WOOL GROWSRS WOOL CARDING $ CLOTII DRESSING. THE Subscriber respRCifully announce to the citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they are prepared to card Wool and dress Cloth for custorners, n tho best style. and at the shortf-st notice. Ilaving good machincry, experieneed workmen, and long praciice in the bnsiness, they i have the utmost conridence that tby sliall give i ampie satisfaction to those who favor them with i their patronage. i 'Wooleai Factory. The subsoribers have on hand FULL CLOTHS 1 -ind FLANNELS, manufactured by themsolves. - ALSO- A large amount of' Satinetts of a superior iputlï.i, '■ which they purpose to exchange for wool. TER MS. , One yard of Cloih will be given for two f nd three fonrth pounds of wool in ihe fleece; v lio cloth to be of the same quality the wool will , lake. - also - One yard of flannel for one and a half pounds . f wool. Thankful for past favors, the subscriers wf.uld respectfully 6olicit a share of public atronage. 3. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, August 21, 1343. 17-ti.


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