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CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most effectvol remcdy yel discovercdfor Mhcumdtism, Fevcr Sores, White bzvell'tñg'ti Injlammntion in the Eyes, Stvclled Throai in Scarlet Fever, Quinsey, fe. '$c THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is on importnnt remedy for ihose who are afilicted with chronic and inílammalory complaints, by iis easng pain. couutcracling inflamination, and giving gpeedy relief by its nctivo, strengthening, anodync. diaphoretic and counterii íulant propertics- an eficetiutl ixmcdy for Chronic and Imllammatory Rheumatism, Aguo ín tlic Breast, Scalds, Biirns. Bruiscs, Scrofula, Ulccrs, Oíd Sores of ilmost every description. Cankered and Swelled Throat arisinafrom Scarlet Fover, Felons. White Sweliings, Chilbluins, &c. Persons èuft'eiifig "rom Li ver Coniplaintf, Pulnionary diseases, Jnllamiiiaiion of the Lungs, with pain in the side, back or limbs, will find relief by the uso oí' fhis l'Iastcr. Ia all cases it may be used with perfect safety. E. DEAN S CHEMICAL PLASTER h put up in bo.ves at íiliy cents and one dollar ea"ch, with ftill directions accompnnyin: cach box. Manufactured and sold -wholesale by H. HARRlS & CO., Ashtabula, Ohio, solé propiictois. to whom all orders should be nddressed. Sold also by their Agenta throughout the country. tD'A liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and certifícales from persons of the hijjhest respcciibility, who have used the Chcmical Piaster, see another column of this paper. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: lí. W. Rood, ISiles, J C. Larri more, " C Síanáhatij Edwardsburh. Win. O. Aus'.in, White Piiieon. Isaac P.enliam. Jr.. Conaiantine. Danl. L. Kimberly, Schor.lcraft. H. B. iluston, & F. Mareh, jr P M ÏCalnmazoo. Jnnies W. Coihren. P. M. Galesbuigh. T. L. Bolkcom, P. M. P.attic CreeV, iaipöa M. Pai'sons. P. JÜ. Marshall. Paul Rüvmotid. Druggist, .lackson. Wni. .Incksoü, P. M. Leniii. Hale and Smuli. Grais Lake. John C Winans, Svlvan, .1 Müleid & Son, Dexter. Thomns P. Mav. Jr. Plymouth, JPerio & Hall, Northville, . Mead & McCarthy. Farinington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Juli us Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Sprague. Rochestcr, James Stephens. Utica. E. C. Gallup, Mi. Clemens. G. & J. G. Hill. } n , ., t i r en r JJetroit. John O wen & Co. $ Dr. Tlios. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville.. E. Samson. Ypsilanti, .1. H. LUND. ) W. S. & 3 W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH. ) 49-ly W0OLEW THE subsenbers would inforin the public tiiat thny nre riow manulaciuring V'OOLEIS' CLOTH with a degree of suceess equal to tlieir most sanguine expectations. With the machín ory they now have, they are able to manufacture from 75 to 100 poundsof wool per day. The clotli they have made for the last three monthsis of the best quality.and that made in tuture will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the difficulties of stárting an establishment of this kind in a new couniry. Thoir terms are 37i cents per yard for fullcd cloth finished, or half the cloth the wool will mnkc. It'any alteration of ihe tonns sliould be determined on, publio no tice will be given. All wool received before such notice is givcn will be worked on the above terms. If i,ny wish to have their wool woiked wiihout mixing it with other wool, it will be done, provided.they assort it thomselves, and lurnich it in quantitics of 100 pounds of one qinlity of wool. It is mucli beticr to sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth ehould be slrong. Provisions of al! kinds will be received in pnyment for rDanufactuing to the anionnt requircd lor the consumption of the establishment. Wdol sent by railroad to Scio.will be properly attended to; the number of pounds shonid ic. markedon thesack with ink; also the weiylit of ihe aack.- The wool will be worked in tuin as it cornos in. .';s nearly as cari bu done with re'eience to the dilü-rent qu diiiés. tO Many Farmers have expressed to ns their gratification in coníidertition of our startnig this branch of business, and many have encouraced us ly tlieir patronage dtiring the last year. We now invile ail to bring their wool, to the nmnimi of 2ó,O('O pounds. and receive the benefit of the vrry roasonable terms on which we offer to manufacture i t. The establishment is 2j milest v -st ol AnnArhor, on the ITuron. S. W. FÜSTER. & CO. Scio, April 30, 1313. 1-tf WOODWORTH'S HOTSL NORTHKUN, E ASTEEN AM) SOUTHERN STAGE HOÜSK. Thenntlersig-ncd respectfully nnnonnces lo the public, that he is now tlie proprietor of this well known establishment. The liouse liavinrr been tlioroughly overhauled, and refitied in a mannér calculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house ocenpies an eligible posilion, on the corner of Woodbridge and' Itandolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those w!io may honor him with tlieircountenance, may be assured that no expense or attention in his power, wil] be pared, to inake their sojourn in Detroit agreeable and satisfactory. [4C"-Iy] S. D. VVOODVVORTH. Ñ ö fictiöjT ONE PRICE STORE. THE snbscriber still continúes to sell DRY GOODS, and DRY GROCERIES. atNo. ", liuron Block, Lower Toten, His stock of ;ach was carefully selected and well purchascd, .vhich pnóbles hun to scll low for rcotly p:nj. As he believes the money of the samo qnality )f eveiy person, is of the same valué, he will solí o all tor the same price, and no ainount of Oraory can swervc him from that coursc. Persons :un make just as good bargains by sending an ajent, as tocóme themselves. ín connexion with the store is a Gutst and 'louring Mii-l, wherc he wül constantly pay Cash for Wheat t the highest market price. Farmers and Wheat buyers can have their . ïristing and Flouring done to order and on the nost reasonable terms. Those who wish to ■ urdíase goods, or get Wheat floured, would do zeil to cali and enquiro his prlccs, and into his lanner of doing business. DWIGHT KELLOGG, knn Arbor, Lower Town, Feb. 28, 1843. 45-t. S. PETTIBOWE, SURVKVOR, MAP' MAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Office in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. -■ June 19, 1643. 8-tf. e


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