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Peters Pills

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lis lun theyaay to get well with them, . ALL mankind throughout thcir wide and immense circulation, thnt ever try them continue to buy them. Petera' Pilla are purely vegetable; they work no miracles, nor do they profesa to cure all diseases, bccause they are the scientific compound of a regular physician, vvho has made his profession the study of his lfe! Dr Peters is a gradúate of Yale College, also pf thé Massachuaetts Medical College, and has somewhatdistinguished himself as a man of scienco ind genius among the familyöf the late Gjv. Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple in their preparation. mild in their action, thorough in their operation, and unrivalied in their resuhs.- 1 he town and country are alike filled with their praise. The palace and the poor house aliko echo with their virtues. In all climotes they will retaiu their wonderful powers and ex en them unaltered by nge or situntion, and thie the voice of a grateful community procliiimcd. Peters' Pilis prevent- keep off diseases il' tíniely used, and have no rival in curing billious fever, fever and ague.djspepsia, liver complaints,croup, sick headache, jaundice, asthma,dropsy. rlieumatisni, cnlnrgement of the spleen, piles, colic, female obstrucüon. heart burn. furied ton'guc, nausea, diatenüon ofthe stomach andbowels. insiuient diarrhesa. flatulencé, habitual costíveness, lossof appetite, bloehed.or sallow complexión,, and in all cases oftorpor of the bowcls, whers a cathartic or aperienr is indicated. producing ncither nausea, griping or debility; 'and )ve re1 peat all who buy them continue to try tlicm. The most triurnphnnt succe6s h.-is ever attended their use and enough is already known of them to immortali.e and hand theni down to pos terity with the improvenicnis ofthe age in med. ical sciencc. Dr. Peters was bied to the healingart,and in order to supply demands, he h;is originated and called w his nid tho only steam clnven machinen' in the world for pill woikinjr. 'Tis perfect, and lts process imparts to the pill essomial virtuo. becanse by being perícctly wrought, all the pilla' hidden virtue is reveaied when called into action. and here also it is PetcrB excclsall the world and takes all the premiums mcdals and diplomas. So clear the tract for tho Engine- Peters' Pilis are coming- a million of witnessescan now be hcard for them - resistlesa -do you hear th;it! while a host can testify llmt ihey believo they owe their salvation f rom discase í.nd death to Peters' Pill. and jf calomel andknivesare getting partially into disuse we are only mistaken. CEivrmcATKs.- This pnper could be filled with tliemby rcsidents of Michigan, by your frienda ond neighbors - ask our ngenfs. It is nów well known thnt the pcople will have Pilis and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind' Pnce 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless forcé of these tnnhs- their universal reception, adc'ed to the testimony of milllons, "keep it before the people'' must and will be herd throughout this vale of tears. Their happy influenre on joung ladiea while suílering under the usual chnuges of lile as directed by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyaney of heart, feeling and nction, an elastic step, velvet cheek, lillyand carnntion complexion by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in delicate sit'uations always admit their pówer' and innocence, and (ake them two or three at a limo withou'. in the slightest degree incuiring the hazard of an abortion; which faets are ofgie utmost ' mportance. Pimples; a youns lady sent her oveto Dr. Peters, and says she "fcels more grateful to him for the restoration of her beauty than f lic had saved herlife. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills.for they cause the blood to course aslimpid and gnntle through the veins as o mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the patiënt is Jiot compelled to make a meal.TROUBLEINPLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonislied Oíd Piulo cnmeto New Ycrk, ( Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine nt work, ) To resign liis coinmission, his Jiour glass and scythe; F hnve come to deliver them nll tip to you Sir. my calling is over - my business isihrough; I have been for three yéars in n terrible stew, And I ïeally don't know wliat on earth J'am to do; - Not of your n-ighty sire do I come to complnin, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are aubdued by this Peters, whot help can 'wo find? I would yicld him N. York. sir, if tliere he would stny; But, sir. Peters will hnve the whule world for his swoy. Wliüe musingin nouncil what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke fprth intp view. The King of terrors looked a while. As though his soul was tur ed to bile, At that unsparing scourse of ills. By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slnughter. And leaves ihc blood as pure as water. Now Peteis makes. I'-veheard him say, Frvc huiulrerl thOus.'ind pills a hiy; So that the chanco is very email Of pr.ople dying tliere nt nll; For soon the cheeks. so rnnrkéd for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look hirct uil icho Inj tlittm continue, to bvy thr.m. For sale as follows, by Me;sre. Beaeh & Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. IJ. Lund, IF. Becker. Dickenson & Cogswell. nnd S. K. Jones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner &Co-. and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Win. A. L. Shaw. Lina; J. C. Winans. Sylvan, Hale, &. Siiiith, jrassLake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merrinan. Jackson; M. A. Shoenmlicr. Miclilg'an Centre; Brotbcrson &, Co., L. B. Kief & Gillert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow feKcys, Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymiuth: Sione. Babcock &Co., and Juiins. Moviis&Co., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. k J. Bulwell. and Dr. Underwo'od, Adrion; Iart & Mosher, Springville; Harmen & Cook. Jrooklyn; Smith fe Co., Jonesville; L. M Joyce, Chicngo - and nlmost every where elsc. Oct. 19, 1812 27-ly


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