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ís it bettcr to have one idea or no idea nt all? Ts it better fo pnrsuo one distinct object, or a thousond fancifiil ones? Tlie oíd pnrtiea nccuse the liberty party of having one idea. Whnt have they? Visions- dreams. Now,a monster rises before them, a Bank, perhaps is ndmired for a moment and ihen annihilated. Anon son.e other bugbear - it may be a SubTreasury - appears,nnd is soon brushed away. And if, perchance, they gel a glimpse of somettíingr real, it goes the way of the others. - Nothing s permanent. Every thing is unsettlr! and flooting. Tho liberty party on the other hand, hare one bold, distinct, momentous, idea. It is fundamental, not only to the exUtence of ihe par. tv, but to the nation. In the free State?, thia s undisputed, undispti'ab.'e. To this idea all others are as vapor. As s the idea of existence to man so is this to the nation. Men of this idea have no occasion to bo ashamed ,vhen they are sneered at by shallow pated or prejudiccd politicians, who cannot comprehend iJs importnnce and whose only argument is a sneer. Conscious of ts magnitude they have only to go forward, and the establishment of the great principie of cqual liberty wil! ultimately crown their effort.- Liberty Standard.A Southern VVhig-, who s writing letters from New. England to the Charleston Mercury- a Calhoun paper- avows his determination- and soys such is I he general feeling of southern Whigs- to support Mr. Calhoun as his next choice after Henry Clay. This showt what Liberty men liuve proved by a hnusand other facts, that inetead of being Vhigs or Democrats, the pooulation south of Masón and Dixon's line shnuld have no other ame bnt slaveocrals, as slavery is the great nterest - the test question with them in polics. There cannot he two men in the nation more unlike at this time, on other great interstF, of which ve hear so much at the North, thati Calhoun and Clay; yet, Jet a man opposed to the peculiar institution be nominated by the Democrats - Hiere is no danger of that however- and the whole body of Southern locos would wheel in for the support of Clay, with a United States Bank, a high Protective TariQ; Assumption of State Debts, ond all other VVhig humbugs; for their visionary scheme of Free Trade, which they are as much oppospd to as auy body - and the other Ijobbies of their leaders, are all secondary considerations, - Esscx Transcript.Thurlow Weed, editor of the Albany Journal, now travelling in Europe, in a letter dat(d Liverpool, gives the following account of what he saw in one of tlie rooms of the CoK egiate Inetitution of that city: In Room No. 25, is what the propnetor has very appropriately called The Happy Family." It is a large carge, in which a Famify of upwards of 100 in number, made up of cats, rats, hawks, starlings, owle, doves, monceys, mice, tquirrels, porcupines, rabbits, Stc. e, dweil together in perfect omity, and manie st for each other much and mutual affection. W hen I went in, a large grimalkin was asleep nd four huge rat6 lay rcposing upon br back, while her kittens and two young rata were at ïeir gambols about the old folks! An owl vas feeding a startling with Ficeh meat.-r'he6e animáis are very playful and thebirds re musical. It is an assimilation of hoslile atureu which fulfils much scripture. Thii room attracts and delights all vioiwra. A


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