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Peters Pills

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'Tis fua theysny to get well with them, ALL mankind throughout ihcir wide and im menso c.rculat.on, that ever try theTcon ' tinue to buy the.,.. Peters' Pilis arpZu Cv" etable; they work no miiacles, nor do thcy Zt less to cinc all d.seases, because thcy aro thn" scienufic compound of a regular physician, w,o has made lus protession the siudy oí his life Dr Petera is a gradúate of Vale College, also 'of tl ñ MassQchusetts Medical College, and kaa some whatdistinguished himselfas a man of scienrand genius among the family of the late GJV Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple iu ther proparation, mild ín their aciion. thorough in their operauon. and unrivalled in their resulta -1 The town and country are alike filled wiih their praise. The palace and the poor house alike echo with their virtues. In all climates they will retain their wonderful powers and e.xert them unaltercd by age or süuution, nnd'ihi tlie voiee of a groteíul community proclaimed - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep cíT diseases i umelv used, r,nd have no rival n curiiíg billious fever fever nndnguc.dyspepsia, liver coniplainte.croup' sick hcadache, jaundiee, astlinia.dropsy, rheunia, cnlargeincntof the s])leen', piles.' colie femalo obsiruction. heart burn. furred tongue nausea, distention ofthe stomach andbowcls. incini ent diflrrhcBO, flatulence, habitual costivencL lossof appetite, blochcd. or tallow complexión and in all cases of torpor of the bovvel.s, yher a caihanie or aperient is indicaied, producinw neither nausea, griping or debility; nnd ive repeatall who buy dien. continue lo try thein. The most triumphant success hns ever aúcnded their use and enóugh is olready known of them to iiiiiuoitalize and hand them down to pos teruy with the improvements ofthe age in nied. ical scienco. Dr. Peters was bred to the healíngart.and in order to supply demanda, he lms örigmoted and cnlled to his aid the only steani driven niaciiincry in the world for pill wo.kinir 'Tis perfect, and its process imparta to the pñi essenual virtue. because by being pericctly wronght, all the pills' liidden virtue is revealcd when called hito action. and here also it is Petera excelsalJ the world and takesall the premiums medals and diplomas. So clear the tract for thé Engine - Peters' Pillsare coming - a million of witnesscscan now be heard for them - resistlrss -do you hear that! while a host can tcstify ihat they believo they owe their salvation (rom disease and deaih to Peteis' Pil!, and if calomel and knivesare geiting partially inio disuse we are only mistaken! Ckr'iivicatks.-TIiís paper could he-filJed with them by residemsof Michigan, by your friends and neighbors- ask our agents. Jt is now well known thnt ihe people will have Peters' PiJ's, and to hinder would betostop the rusbing wind. Priec 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless forcé oí thrse truths - their universal reception, nádéá to the testimony ol'inilllons. ';keep it beiore tho peoplii'' must and will bc heard ihroughout fhis vale of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladis while eufièring under the usual changes of life as directed by the laws of nature, tliey impart a buoyaney of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step, velvet check, lilly and carnntion complexion by their DÓtion on ihe chylc, &c. and ladies in delicatcsituations aiways admii their power and innocence, and take them two or three at a tme without in the slightest degree incutring the hazard of an abortion; which facts are ofthe utmoet mportance. Pimples; a vounr lnriv pm i,a.ove to Dr. Peters, and saysshc feels more gratefultohitn forthere8toralion of her beauty than if lic liad savetl herlife. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pilis, forthcy cruise the blood toconrsc as limpid and gentío through the veins ns a moiintain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the patiënt is not compolfed to makc a me.ul. TROUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite ostonished Oíd Pluto cameto New York i. Hearing Peters had got liis Pili Engine at work,) To resign his conimission, liis hour glues and ncydie, T have come tü dcliver them all vtp to you- sik my calling is over- my business is through; I have been for threey.ean in a terrible siew And J really don't know what on earth l'am to Not of your njiglny sire do I come to comploin, Bui a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS bv name; 'he diseases my aids, n this war of mankind Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he would stay; ut, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his swny. While musingin council what coursc to pursue. rhat Engine of Peiera broke forth into view. The Kingof terrors looked a while. Aa though his soul waa tun ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge'of ills, By all mon knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the elaughtér. And loaves the blood as pisre as water. ' Now Peters niakes. I've henrd him say, Five hundred ihousnnd pills a dny; SoThnt the chance is vèrysmoll Of psople dyini; ihero al all; For soon tho chceks, so ïmirked for doom, Jicgin Iike any rose to bloorn. Look kerel all icho tri them continue to buy them. For sale as follows, by JVJossVs. Beacli & Abel, n" J Maynard. & Co. S' n d' SnP', & J C' Jcvvett' Lund" li. Becker, Dickenson & Cogswell. and S K [""es' Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Vlillerd & Son, Dexter, VV.n. A. L. Shtrw, Lina; J. C. Wmans, Sylvan, Halo, & Smiih, nissLake; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Merri na'n, Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan .entre: Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Giliqrt. Manchester; ü. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow cKeys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plytnuth; Ktonc. Babcock & Co., andJulins. MoviscSiCo., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. c J. Bidwell. and Dr. Underwood, Adrioni art iNc Mosher. Springville; Marmen & Cook -rooklyii; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. ioyce, Chicago- and ahnost every vvhere else. Oct. 19, Ï8I2 27-1 y


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