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WIgOL,ESAUE& RETAII s tapléand fa j' c y DRY COODS. TUE Subscribers keep constantly on hond largo and dioico stock of DRY GÖODS JiOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCF.h Ih;s, '&p. whicli have been selected wil care, and are of the newest stylcs and best quali tics. As tbey are determined ribt to be under sold, they solicit the patronage of these wishin to purchnse. Amongother tilines too numcrous to mention they have o targeanü excellent nssorttnent of PHÉÈTiNGS, DRILLINGS, SÜMMERSTUPFS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTHS, SATÍN ETS, ÏJROAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LÍNENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &ic. &c. liimnct Ribbons, a very beautifnl sssortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thihel, of the richest patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qunlities. and priecs. Hose nuil Ilolf Hos-., Ootton itnd Vor.=ted Bonncis, Leghorn. Tusan and Si ruw. The above nssortment of (JOODS will be solt na cichji, or qheapgr than. can be purehased i DeTroit. 03" Wool. Potash, Flour, xu and all kinds of 'PR.ODü .'E will be received ii paymcuu ABBOTT & B"EECHER, 144, JeflbVsoh AVénuéj July, I-J. 1843. (1-2-tl.) Detroit Young Ladics Sexninary. MISS E. PAGE, Pkincipal. Miss Wkst, Teacher ín Music. Mis. HuGiiá, " Drawing.and Painiing Airs. SVUMDERS, t; Ficnch. do do iE Mathematics. Miss L. Waru. " Tiie Priinary Depart'n TUK cnstiin lerm of Miss P's. tíeniinur cuitniiciiceson Tuesday, '2'Jú inst. TERiMS OF TUlTlOiV. In thn English branches, frqm $2 "0 to 4 5f perrjmrter of twelve weeks; Lessons on the Piano, witb the se of tho mstruñieiir, $TlQ; Drawiftg and Pointing, $4 50; L ti tt, $ÓüO; French, .-: U0: Fancy Work, 3 Ou; Board, 1 50; Washing and Ironinjr. 37í cents por dozen. No pupil will be received lor less than one rjuarter. and no deduciion will be made for aliwnce eacept in cases oí ill heahfa. Aniorjg the Books used in School are - PaIcy's Natura! and Evideñeés of Christinnity - Alercronibie on tlic Jnteücctual and Moral Powers - Kaïne's Llcmcntsot' C'n'iioism - Wlntely's Logic - Janiison's Khetoric - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Parker's Natural Philosophy - Comstock's Chemistry nnd Physiology - Bnrruts Geography of the Ileavens - Pbotp's Legal Classics - llollin's Aricient Hislory wiiii Butler's Ancicnt Atlas - Playiairs Kuclid - Davio's Algebra and Arithmciic, witli Coiluirn's Mitchell'a Geography - GoodricJi's llistory U. States. All the friends of Education are reqnestod to visit the school on Thursdays, when the lessons of the past week are revicwed, and conipositions read. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Professors of the University, and the Oergyof A n n Arbor have consenled to act asa visiting :ommittoe to the School. As t'ie most decis've tcstimony in favor ot nny nstittilion. is to be obta;ncd froni tho.-e who are, est acquain'.ed with the sijecis upon which it iperates, Miss P. rcfers for informatipn to the larents and guardián of her pupils - a catalogue f ñames will be fumished to thqse in ter-tled in theenquirj'. J8-tf. GRASS LAK E AC ADEM Y, A N D ri:Eiii:u's seühivauy. 'TH HE Trusleesof this institution would nforin JL the public tliat its Fonrth quarler will coninence onjAIonday, theálstof August next. - Jonsidering the general depression ol' business, ind embarrassed state of financial concerns, ilie luniber óf students have far exceeded their expecntions. Thia ("act. together wilh the general satgfaction given, warrant thetn in the belcl ihat irosperity and usefulnoss will crown this enterrise. Knowing the value of a permanent teach:r, they have madearrangeinents with Mr. BARIIS. the present Principal, by which stabilily vill be given to the school. TUITION. For the common English branches, L3 00 The Natural and Matheniatical Sciences, $4 00 Latín. Gieek and Civil Engineering, ís"1 "0 Tuition to be paid at the iniddle of each quar:er. Board mny }e had in respectaMe families for f:1 00 per week. Rooms may also be had for ihose who wish to board themselvcs. The Trustees of this Academy are about srecling a large and commodions buildins;. dojigned to embrace Chapel, Reeitf tion, and Library Rooms; and also to accommodalc from 40 [o 60 sludents with private rooms. FOSTER TUCKER, Seeretary of the Board. Grnss Lnkc, August 2, 1,843. 18-4w. ITIüliiicry & Drcss iYIakitig-, Mrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY announc;s to the inhabitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that she Jias opened a shop, midway, between the jpper and lower viIJagcs,wliere the business of MILLIJYERY d DRESS MJ1KIJYG vill bc carricd on, in all its branches, with Minctiiality, despatch, and in the best and most aebionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA R LAND, HAVINGpurchased the entire Stock in trade ol" Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to vatl'Upori siich as will give hini a cali. Il;s tock consista of a general iissortment of goods, nd will bc sold clicap. and (or rcadij pnij ojily. WANTED, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of counry produce, and 300,000 'LOrit BARREL STAVES &, IIEADING, or which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April VJ, )843. 52-tf. .1 A.HKS O. BIRNEY, ATT O Jt NE Y AND COUNSELLOR A T LA W. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) Jounty is; he will make investments for others ands, pay over for non-residents their taxes. and vc inforrnation gcnerally to persons interested n tiiia part of the country, or desirousof bccomng inimigranu to it. [■IMKIiliS IB. STEWART, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AIND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JFFERSON .VENÍTE, DETROIT. 49-t


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