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TO WOOL GROWERS WOOL CARDING CI.OTH DRESSING. THE Subscribers rcspectfully announce to the citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that ibs.y are preparod to card Wool and dress Cloth lor custotncrs, in the best style, and at the shortest noticc. Hnving good machinery, expericneed workmen, and long practice in the business, they have the utmost confidence that they shall give ampie sutisfuction to thosc who favor them with thcir patronage. Woolcii Factory. The subficribers have on hnnd FULL CLOTIIS and FLANNELS, manufactured by ihcinselves. -ALSO- A largo amount of Satmetts of a speriorqiialilij which thcy purpose to exchangc tor wool. T L 11 M S. One yard of Cloth will bc given for twe and thtec-lourtli poutuls of wool in the fleece; the cloth to be of the sanie quality the wool will makc. - ALSO - One yard of flannel for onc and a half pounds of wool. Thnnkful for past favora, tho subscribers would rc6pectfully solicit a sharc of public patronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, August 21. 1343. 17-tf'. CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effcchial remedy yct discovered foi llheuiiuttism, t'ever Sores, White Stcellings, lnjlinnmation in the Eycs, Steelled Throat in Scarlel Fever, (uinscy, THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important remedy for thosc who are afflicled with elironic and inflamiiiatory complainls, by its easing pain, counturacting inflainmation, and giving speedy relief by its active, strengthening, anodyne. diapbor'etic and counterirritant properties - au eriectual remedy for Chronic and lmflanmsaiory Rheumaüsiii, Ague in ihe Breast, Sealds, Hurns, Brnises, Scrofiila, Ulccrs, Old Sores of almost every description, Cankered and Swelled Throat arísingfrom Scarlet Fevcr, Felons, White Swélïings, Chilblains, &c. Persons snflerïng IrornLiver Complaintf, Pulnionary discases, Inflammation oí the Luiigs, with pain in the sidc, bock or limbs, will lind relief by the use of this Plnstcr. In all cases it may bc used with perfect safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER is put up in boxes at fifty cents and one dolkir each, with iull directions accompauying cach box. Mnnufaelured and sold wholesale by IJ. IIAIlRIS fc CO., Ashtabuja. Ohio. sole proprietors, to whom all orders should be ïddressed. Sold also by their Agents throughout the country. OA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and eertificates from persons )f the highest respectibility, who have uscd the Chemical Piaster, see anothcr column of this paper. Forsalc by the following Agents in Michigan: II . W. Rood, JNiles, J. C. Larrimore. C. Skanahan, Edwardsburh. Wm. O. Austin, AVhitc Piceon. Isaac Benhani, Jr., Conatantinc. Daal. L. Kimberly, Schoolcraft. H. B. Huston, &, F. March,jr PM Knlamazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. (Jíalesburgh. T. L. Bolkcom, P.' M. Batlle Creek. James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. l'aill I Í 'ii'ltiiltlfl I )l'l! T n ' 1 'ml ■■■ .i. Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Male and Smith, Grass Lakc. John C. Winans, Sylvan, J Millerd &- Son, De.xter. Thomas P. May, Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Northvüle, Mead !t. MnCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Julius Dean, Pomiac, Mack &. Sprague, Rochestér, James Stephens, Utica, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemcns, G. &J.G. Hill, ?De.roit John Owen & Co. UelroitDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dcarbornville, E. Samson, Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Afbor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, y 49-1 y WOOLEN M. A W TJ P A O T O R 7 THE subscribers would inform the public that they are now manufacturing WOOLEN 3LOTH with a degree of euccessequal to their nost sanguine expectations. With the machín. sry they now have, they are able to manufacture "rom 75 lo 1U0 pounds of wool per day. The ;loth they have made for the last three monthsis f the best quality. and that made in future will e similar. They have entirely overeóme the liffïculties of starting an establishment of this ünd in a new country. Their terms are 374 :ents per yard for ful led cloth finished, or half the ;loth the wool will make. lfany alteration of he terms should be determined on, public noice will be given. All wool received before uch notice is given will be worked on the above erms. If tny wish to have their wool worked withut mixing it with other wool, it will bc done. rovided they assort it themselves, and iurnish it n quantitics of 100 pounds of one quality of vool. It is much better to sew up wool in sacks hanto tic it up in blankels; the cloth should be trong. Provisionsof all kinds wiH bc received ín paynent for manufacturing to the amount required or the consumptioaof the establishment. Wool ent by railroad to Scio, will be properly attenddto; the number of pounds should bcmarkedon liesack with ink; also the weight of the sack. - ['he wool will be worked in turn as it comes in. s nearly as can be done with referencc to the ifTerent qualities. EP Many Farmers have expressed to us their ratificaiion in consideration of our starting this ranch of business, and many have encouraged us y thcir patronage during the last year. We now wite all to bring their wool, to the amount of ",O('O pounds. and receive the benefit of the very msonable terms on which we ofler to manufacireit. The establishment is 2 milest west of nn Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf kVOODWORTH'S HOTEL )RTHF.RN, EASTEEN AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. ( The ondersigned respectfully announces to , e public, that he is now the proprietor of j iis well known establishment. The house p iving been thoroughly overhauïed, and r ted in a marnier calculated to promote the imfort of citizens and the public. l The house ocenpies an eligible positiou, on r e corner of Woodbridfre and Randolph reets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with thoir V nance, may be assured that no expense or at[tion in his power, will be pared, to make sir Bojourn in Detroit agrccable and eatiefac ñ J B-ly] S. D. W0ODW0RTH.


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