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Peters Pilis. 'Ti8 fun they sny to get well with them, ALL rriankind throughout their widc nnd immense circulntion, thnt ever try them continue to buy thëm. Peters' Pilis are purcly vegetable; they work no mirncles, nor do they profesa to cure all discases, because they are tho scicntific compound oía regular physician, who has made his profession the study of' his lile. Dr. Peters is a gradúate ofYalb College, ulso of the Massachusctts Medical College, and has sornewhnt distinguished himself ns a man of scicnce and genius among the family of tho lato Gív. Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple in theii preparation, mild in their action, thorough in their operntion. and unrivallcd in their resulte.-The town and country are alike filled with thcii praise. The palace and the poor house alíkt echo with their virtues. In all climates they wil retain their wondcrful powers and exen them unaltered by age or situntion, and thit the voice of a gratcíul community proclaimed.- Peters' Pilis prevent - keep off disensos if' timely used, and have no rival in curing billious fccr fever and ague,dyspcpsia, liver complaints,cf6upj sick headnehe, jaundice, nsthma.dropsy. rheuruatism, cnlargenient of the spleen, piles, colic, femaleobstruotion, heart burn, furredtongue, nausea, distention of tho stomnch andbowels. incipicnt diarrhoen, fintulencc, habitual costiveness, loss oL appètite, bloehed. or sallow complexion, and in all cases oftorpor of the bowels, wherc a cathartic or aperient s indieated. producing neilher nausea, griping or debility; and tc repeat ill who buy them continue to try tliem. The most triumphant success lias ver aliended their use and enoúgh is already known ol them to immortali'.c and hand them down lo pos terity wilh the improvcinents oftiie age m mecí ical scicnce. Dr. Peters was bied to the hcniing art, and in oidor to supply demands, lic h;is originated and called to his aid the only stenni driven mnchincry in the world for pill workinpr. 'Tis perfect, and ils process impnrts to the pill cssential virtue, because by being pericctlj wrought, all the pille' hidden virtue is revealecl when called into act ion, and here also it is Poten excelsall the world and takcsall the premiums metíala and diplomas. So clear the tract ior th Engine - Peters' Pulsare coming - a million o witnessescan now hc heard for them - resistlesi - do you heur that! while a host can teslifj tliat ihey belicvo they owe their salvniion fron diseose and death to Peters' rilt, and if calóme and knivesaro getting partially into disuse wi are only mistaken. Ckktii-icatks. - Tliis pnpcrcould bc fillcd witl them by residents of Michigan, by your friend and héigbböra - tsk öürtigèrits', It is now wel known that the people will have Peters' Piüe and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind Pi ice 2." o'r 50 cents per box. Tho resisilcss Ibrce oí these fuths - their uni versal reception, adclcd to the tcstimony of mili ions, "keep it bcibre the pcfiple1' must and wil. bc heard tlirouglioiit this vale of tears. Their happy iniluencc on joung ladics whiU suifering under the usual changos of lile as directed by the Iawá of nature, they impart a buoyaney of hcart, feeling and action, an elaslie step, velvct check, lilly and eurnation complexion by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladics in del cate situations always admit their power and innocence, and takc them tvvo or three at a time without in the slighlest degrec incuiring the hazard of an abortion; which (acts areofihe utmost iinportancc. Pimples: a young lady sent Im.t lovc to Dr. Peters, and saya she feels more gratefiil to liini for the rcsioration ofher beauty tlian ifhchad si ved her lile. 'Tis fun to get wcll with Peters Pilis, for they cause the blood tocourse na limpid and gentío through tho veins as a mounlain rivulet; 3 or 1 is a commoh dose, henee tha patiënt is nol coinpelled to make a incal. TROUBLK IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite asionished Oíd Pluto enmeto New Ycrk, 'Hearing Peters had got his Pill Engine at work.) To resign his commission, his hour añil ucytlic; 1 liavc come to delivor ihem nll up to you - Sir, iny calling ia over - uiy lni nt-SM isthrough; I h;ive béen for three ycars iu a terrible str.w, And 1 icaily don't know wliat on earlh I'am lo do,- Not of your mighfy sire do I come lo complain, Bul .i tamal New Yorker, one PETJCRS by name; The disensos my aids, in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can wo fin. I? I would yield liiui N. York, sir, if there he would stay; But, sir, Peters will havo the whole world for his sway. While musing in council whnt coursc to pursue. That Engine of Petera broke forth into view. The Kmg of terrors looked a while, As though liis soul was lurned to bilc, At t liat unsparrng scourge of lis, Kyall men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughtcr, And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters inukes, l've heard him say, Fivc hundred thousand pills a diy; So that the chance s verv small Of people dying there al nll; For soou the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any roso to bloom. Look hnrel all icho try them continue to huy them. For sale as follows, by Meisrs. B'each & Abel, G. Grenvillc, F. .1. fí. Cranc, Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewctt, J. II. Lund, II. Beckcr, Dickenson &, Cogswcll, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner fe Co-. nnd J. Millerd & Son, Dcxtcr, Wm, A. L. Shi.w, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Halo, &. Smith, Grass Lake; W. Jackson, Lconi: D. T. Merriman, Jackson; M. A. Shoemahcr. Michigan Centre; Brotherson &. Co., L. B. Kief & Gilliort. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow ifc Keys, Clinton; J. Scaltergood & Co., Plymouth; Stonc. Babcock &.Co., and Julins, MoviiisStCo.. Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. Si, J. Bidwcll, and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; [fart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen & Cook, Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Joncsville; Ij. M. Boyce, (Jhicago - and ulmost every wlierc elsc. Oct. lí, Í842 27-ly TARirrÜR no TARirr. (1OODS ARE CHE4P AT GAKLANDS. JUST received at the Farmers and Mechanics Store, direct from New York, a general nssortment of choice and select GOODS, con3stingof all most every article wanted, such as Sheeting8. Shirtings, Bróad Cloths, Cassimcre, Calicóes, Drillings, Gambroons, Linens, Umbrellas, Ribbons, (,'ravats, Mous. do Lains, Silks, Shawls, Bonnels, ílats, Sugar, Tea nnd Coffce, Crockery, Boots and Shoea. Looking Glasscs, &c. &c. All of which will be sold cheup as thc chcap;st. Goods pnrchnscrs will keep in mind the Farinjrs and Mechanics Store C J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goods purchuscd of him not givng satisfaction in pricc und quality can be reurned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf For Sale. ONE yoke of WORK1NG OXEN. Enquirc at the llat Store of H. BAGG, Lowcr Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. --tf 3,000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap for Cash, by C. J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Albor, Upper Town, May 5, 1B43 B" LANK ÜEEDá, MÖllTGAGESrËXKCUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. just ñuicdund for sale ut tito O"1 tilGNAL OFFICE. XB


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