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Selections: Slavery In Providence, R. I.

Selections: Slavery In Providence, R. I. image
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Iminediately after the struggle bctwcen the natives anc sotne of the New Engiand sottlers. known ns "King Philip's War," it becmne neecssnry to dispose of certai Indian captives then in Providence. The metliod ndopied was coniMion in that day, but to us remurkoblc, as also the names of tliose who figured prominently thercin. Only think of Roger Wilmams sharmg in the proeeedsofa sl'ive sale. The following is frorn the "Annals of Providence." ':A town meeting was heid bcfore Thomas Field's house, under a tree, by the water side.on the 14th of AuguU, 1676. A commitioe was appointed to determino in whnt ïnnnner tho Indiuns should bc disposed of. They reponed aa folliiws: "Inhabitants w.inting, can have Indiana at the prit-c they seli at the Island of Rliode Island or clsowheie. All under five to serve till (hiny; above iïve and tmiler ten, till twenty-cight: above ten to (ïftecn, lili twenty-seven; above iïicon to tweiity, till twenty-six; from twenty to tbirtv, shall serve eight years; uil above thirty. seven years. ';Wc wliosc names are undcrwiitten. being chosen by the town to see to the disposal of the Indiansnow in town. wc aree that Roger Williams. N. Waterman, T. Fenner. II. Ashton. J. Morey. D. Abbot. J. Olney, V. Whitman, J. Whipple, sen., E. Pray. J. Pray, J. Angelí, J. Angel, T. Arnold, A. Man. T. Field, Bennett, T. Clemence, W. Lancaster, W. llopkins, W. Ilawkins, W. Haris. Z. Field, S. Winsor. and Capt. Fenner, sholl each have a whole share in the product. I. Woodward and R. Pray, three-fourilis of a share eoeli. J. Smith, E. Smiih, S. Whipple.N. Whipple and T. Walling, each half a slnrc"Signed, "Roger Wfllmme, Thomns Harris, sen , Tliomas [ XJ Angoïl, Thomas Field. John Whipjile. Jr." To gralify ctniosity as to the price of Indians on those terms, the f ilowing cxtracts are made irom an account of sales about :his time: "To Anthony Luw, live Indians. great and small. LÖ. ';To James Rogéis, tivo, for twenty buahels of Indinn corn. "To Philip Sinith. two. ín silv.r, $4 10. "To Daniel Allen, one. n silvcr. $2 00. "To C. Carr, one, twelve bushels of Indian corn.SiTo Elisha Smiili, one in wool. 100 lls. 'To 'i ; one, for threc fatsheep"? It may be nsked with Eome 6urpnse,. "VVhnt? aJl this transpire in the land of Roger Williams, and under his direction?" So saya the record, - bul "honor to whom honor." This was far in atívance of their Puntan neighbors of Bortón and Plymouth. The Indiana who wcre taken prisoners by them were exiled froin tlic country and sold slaves for life. The short time for which these wcre sold, considering (lie general practico of New England, was creditable to t lie men ahove lamed. And beside that, a law was pa36ed tlip sanie year. (Jeclnring the 6lavery of Indiana as only dcsigned to refuiul to their mnsíers the cxense incurred by them in pfosecu;ing the war. :or to perfo m covenant as if they had been countrymen and not tnken in war." Thia was enlightencd legislation for ihose linies.


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