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Letter From Judge Jay

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Mr. Baiujy: - I this day received tbe following admirable letter. It is of too great valué to be kept from the public eye, and, ience,l run the risk of being blomed by Judge Toy for sending it to you. Yours,Bedford, Sept. G, 1843. Af y Dear Sir : - I have not yet seen the iroceedings of the Buffalo Convontion, but I ïeard la&t nighr, that Mr. Birney had been nomir.nted. I congratúlale you upon this result. Birney is a man for whom Christians and Patriots can consistently vote. He shall lave my cordial support. In my opinión, the selection is creditable to the Liberty party, and if it continuos to give us candidates of this ciaracter, it will be a blessing to our country. No party has a claim on the sufrages of ils members, unless it offers candidates qualified for the places for which Ihey are nominated. On this point T have followed, and mean to follow, the example of my father. [n 1812, the party to which he was attached, jlaced on the Assembly (icket for Weslchester, an individual whom he and some others deemed unworlhy. They withhold their voles 'rom hitn, and thereby defeated his election. On being reproached for this breach of party discipline, he pnblished a vindication of their conduct. concluding as follows: "We approve the customary mode of nominating candidates, and have uniformly concurred in it; thal concurrence certainly involves our tacit consent to be bound by the n omina t ion which should beso made. But it is equally certain, that such conduct did, does, nnd ever will, rest on the condition, tiust and confidence, that such nominationa only be made, as we could or can 6iipport, without transgressing the obligations we are under, to preserve our characters and our minds free from humiliation and reproach. We are, and will be, faithful to the peace party; but we will alsobe faithful to our sense and conviclion of what is decent andbecoming for us to do. "Jldherence to party has its limite, and they are prescribed and marked by that Supreme wisdom which has united and associated true)olicy with rectitude, and honor, and self resect." These principies I bclieve to be sound, and bey will regúlate my adherence to the Librty party. To that party I shall be true, so ar, and so far only, as it may be true to Uself . Vlay God direct lts measures, for the protecion of our own rights, and the ultímate libratjon of the slave. -I remain, my dear sir, yours, truly, WILLIAM JAY. Geruit Smith, Esj.


Signal of Liberty
Old News