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Foreign News: Ireland

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At tho usual meeting of the Itepeal Association on Monday, the 21st uit. the rent for the week was announced to be L 1,130. Mr. O'Connel was not present and the meeting adjourned tillnextday, when he propounded Lis plan for the re-toration of the IrishParliament, as prepared by a committee. Plan jor the renewed act ion of Irtsh Par liament. - The Irish people recognize, and will contiHually preserve and uphold upon the throne of Ireland, her mnjesty Queen Victoria, (hom God protect!) Queen by undoubted rigl.'t, and by hereditary dpscent, of ïreland, and her heirs and successors, for ever. The people of Ireland recognize, acknowledge, maintain and will contimially preserve and uphold, all the prerogatives oF her majesty, and ofher heirs and successors, belonging to and adherent in the impeiial crown of Irehnd; and they will true allegiance bear, pure, ondivided, and indivisible, to her majesty, her Ieirs and successors, for ever. S. The people of Ireland acknowledge, and will maintain and preserve for ever, the priviJeges, hereditary and personal, of the peers of Ireland; togelher with the Legislativo and jucicml authority of the Irish House of Lords, and tho exercise of the prerogative in augmenting and limiting the peernge, as the same did of right exist before the year 1800. 3. The people of Ireland do firmly insist upon llie restoration of the Irish House of Commone, consisting ofthree hundred Representatives of the Irish people, and claim in the presence of their Creator the right of the people of Ireland to euch restoration. Theyhave Pubmitled to the Union ;.s binding as a luw; but thcy declaro eolomnly tiiat it i not founded on right, or consimtional princi. p;e, and that it is not obligatory upon conscicnce. They ngree with the Torr Attorney General Saurín, the onlv binding power of the Union is the strength of the Englkh doniination. They also agree with him that resistance to the Union is in the abstract a duty and the exhibition of that resistance a mere question ofprudence. They will therefore resist the Union by alJ legal, peaceful and constitutional means. 4. The plan for the restoration of the Irish Pnrliament is as follows: That the county inembers should be increased to 173, in the tnanner heroinafter specified. L. That there should be 127 members returned from ciiies and townp, in the manner hereinnfter mention ed. S. That the county of Carlow, being the only county in Ireland with less than 100,000 inhabitant?, should get an increase of one rneuiber, so as to have three Representatives; that every county ranging above 150,000 inhabitants should get an crease of three members.- That every county ranging above L50,000 inhabitants should get an increase of four members. Thiitlhe county of Tipperary Iiaving more than 400,000 inhabitants, but less than 500,000 should get sn increase of eight members. That the county of Cork having more than 700,000 inhabitants should get an increase of ten members. 5. With respect to the towns and cities it is proposed that the city of Dublin, having more than L00,000 inhabitants should have eight Representativos, four for the parts North of the Lifiey and four for the parts South of the Liffey. That the University of Dublin should continue on the basis of its present constituency, to send two members. It is proposed that the cily of Cork, baving more than 100,000 inhabitants, should have five members. That the city of Limerick and town of Bel 'ast, having respectively more thun 50,000 inhabitants, should send four members each. It is proposed that the town oí Galvvay, and the cities of Waterford and Kilkenny. having respectively more than L0,000 inhabiantF, should send each three members to ParHamen t. The other towns having about 70,000 inhabitants should each send two meinbcrs to Parhamcnt; and that forty nine other towns, next highestin the ratio of population, should send one member each. 6. It is proposed that the nght of voting should be what is called "household suffrage,"' reqniring 6x months residence in the counties; wilh tiie addition in the towns of married men resident for twelve months, whether house holders or nor.7. Tt is proposed that the modes of voting for members of Pariiament shonld certainly be by ballot. 8. The Monarch de facto of England at all times hereafter, whoever he may be, sliall be, Monarch de jure m Ireland . And so in case of a future Regency ide Regent de facto in Englaud to be Regent de jure in [reland. 9. 'lhe connection bef ween Greal Britain and Jreland, by means of the power, authority and prerogatives of the crown, f o be perpi tual and incapableof chauge, or any severance or separation. The foregoing plan to be carried info effect accordiug to recognized ïaw and strict constitutional principie. Signed by order.


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