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WHOL.ESAÏ.E Jiy3lrAaJL 5 TAPIE AND F 4 .V C Y DRY GOOBS. THE Subcribeis keep conatnntly on hññd larc nnd dioico stock of DRV 6&OD& BOOTS AND SHO.ES, PO GROCER JES, i'C. O-e. whicli liave heen sclected wi; care, nnd are of the newest styles and best quali tic8. As they are detenniiied not to be undei sold, they solicit the patronage oi' those wiahin to purcfiase. Amonsother thingstoo numerous to nicntion they have a large and excellent nssortment ot' SHEETINGS, DRÏLUNGS, SUMMERSTUFFS, CALICÓES, FULLED CLOTHS, SATINKTS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSJMERES, GAMBROONS, LÍÍSTENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCI1IEFS, &c. &c Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiful cssortment. Shawls, Broche. SÜk, and Thibet, of the rieliest patterns. Parasols: of all kinds, quahnes, and pnces. Hose nnd Half Hosc, Cotton and Wors=ted Bonncts, Leghorn, Tusean nnd Straw. The above assortment of GOODS will be sold ns cieup, or eheqper than can be purchased ii Detroit. ter WooL Potash, riour, ro and all kinds oi PRODL E will be received ii payment. ABBOTT & BEECH ER. 144, Jefferson Avenue, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit Young Ladies' Seminary. .MISS E. PAGE, Principal. Miss West, Teacher irfMnsïc. Mrs. Hüohs, " Drawing and Painiing Mrs. SaukiSRS, " French. do do " Mathematica. Miss L. War, " ThePrimary Dcpart'n THE ensuing term of Miss P's. Seminary commeuces on Tuesday, 29th nst. TERMS OF TÜ1TION. In the English branches, from 2 50 to 4 50 perqu'irter of twclve weeks; Lessons on the Pi ano, with the use of the instrument, $10; Draw ing and Painting, 84 50; Latin. 3 00; French $3 00; Fancy Work, 3 0t; Board. 1 50; Wash ing and Ironini?. 37i cents per dozen. No pupil will bc received ïbr l ess than one quarter. and no dcduction will be made for ab sanee except in cases of ill healih. Among the Books used in School are - Paley's Natural Theology and Evidences of Christjanity - Abercrombie on the Intellectual anc Moral Powers - Kamc's Elenientsof Criticism - Whately'a Logic - Jmnison's Rhetiiric - Mrs. Ltncoln's Botainy - Parker's Natural Pliilosophj - Conistock's Cheniistry and Physiology - Burritt's Geography of the Iieavens - Phelp's Legal Classics - Rollin's Aricient Uistory with Butler's Ancien t Atins - Playfairs Euclid - Da■vie8 Algebra and Arithmetic, with Colburn's - Mitcheli's Gcogrophy - Goodrich's íiistory U. States. All the friends of Education are requested to visit the school on Thursdays. when the lessons of the past week are reviewed, and compositions rcad. The Superintendent of Public Instruction. the Professors of the University. and the Clergy of Ann Arborhave fonsented to act asa visiting committee to Uie School. As the most decis've tcstimony in favor of any institution. is to be obta-ned from those who are best ncquainted with the suhjecis upon which it operates, Miss P. refers ior inforniation to the parents and guardians of her pupils - a catalojíiic of whose names will be furnished to those interested in the enquiry. 1 8-tf. GRASS LAKE AC ADEM Y, A N D TEACHER'S SEJÏINARY. THE Trustees of this institution would ïnform the public that its Fourth quarier will comnience on Monday. thc21st of August next. - Considerrng the general depression of business, and embarrassed state of financial concerns, the number ofstudents have (ar exeeeded theirexpectations. This fact, togetlier with the general s:itÍ3faction given, warrant thein in the belief that prosperity and usefulnoss will crown this enterprise. Knowinc the value of a permanent teacher, they have madearrangements wkh Mr. BARR1S. the present Principal, by which stability will be given to the schooh TUITION. For the comraon English branches, L3 00 The Natural and Mathemaiical Sciences, $4 00 Latin, Gieek and Civil Engineering, 85 00 Tuiiion to be paid at the middle of each quarter. Board may be had in respectahle families for $1 00 per week. Rooms may also be had for tbose who wish to board themselves. The Trustees of this Academy are about erecting a large and commodious building, designed toembrace Chapel, Recitrtion, and Library Rooms: and also to accommodaie frotn 40 to 60 siudents with private rooms. FOSTER TUCKER, Secretary of the Board. Grnss Lake, August 2, 1843. 18-4w. ülillinery & Bress ITBakin. Mrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, "OESPECTFÜLLY announces to the inJ-V habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinity, (hat 8hc has opened a shop, inidway, between the upper and lower villages,where the business of MILIAJYERY $ JDRESS MAKIJVG will bc earried on, in al! its branches, with punctuality,despatch, and in the best and most fashionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HA VING purchased the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wak upon such as will give him a cali. íi& stock consiste of a general assortment of goods, and will be sold chcap. and for reaihj pay only. WANTED, In exchangelor GOODS, moet kiuds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price v,-ill be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. JAJ1ES . BIRNEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SAGANAW CIT7, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; he will make investments for others lands, pay over for non-residents their taxes. and give information generally to persons interested in ibis part of the country, or desirousof becoming immigrants to it. CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEïTEtlSON AVENUE, DETROIT. 49-tf.■ ATTENTION, CIiOTHISRS! JÜST received at the General Depot, for the sn!o öï Cloihiers Stock, Mnchtnél-ft Dye Su.ffs, Ac. &cí, No. 139. JcIFjisdii Avenue, Detroit, the following lorge, well asdorted. and carèfuHy selected stoele, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " ? ötick 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons '; " in Stick, 5(J bbls Nic. Wood. Clnpped, 50 4i Lima Wood, M 30 " Red Wood, ' 120 " Ground Camwood, 10 " Quereitron Bark, 500 Ibs. Nutgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 30! Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Ibs. Suniac Sicily, 3 Casks Modder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Aluin. 2 Barrels lied Tartar. 2 Barrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, 5 Oil Viiriol, 3 (i Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 50 ': Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes Párson's Shearing Machines, Curtís' " " Screws and Press Platos, Cranks. Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worstod Harness, Tenter Hooks, Eniery, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Pickera, Card Cleaneis, &c. &c. The above, with a variety ot' other articlcs beslonging to the trnde, have been purchnsed this summer by the subscribers from Manufacturera and First Hnndsin tho New York, I'hiladelphia, and Boston Markets, and every thing having receivêd 1) is personal insneciion. he enn with the utmost conlidence c.'ffjr theni to purcliasers as the best "l nii'St romjilifc .(),- in the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by the Jqw rates a'. which he will sell) to prevent the necossity ot our Clothiers and ManufV-urerB leaving the State to mako their purchases. li. would merel}' say to the trade, CALL, examine tUfl qoods and ascenain priors beforc you say you can buy clicaper inij uhere e'se. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue, [J7-tf.] Detroit. Attention Invalids! TTTHO has tried the Persian Pilis and .Tew ?T David'sor Hkbrew Pi.astkr. and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines :iave been before :he public some four years, and physicians at the East have used them extensively n their practice. and were they here, tliey could ell you of the excellent qualities of these medicines. Reader! Have you ever used them? II vnu have not. ask thosewho have if they are not vliat we recommend them to be. They are the Chcíipaít as well as the best. A box of piaster contains sulBcient to spread 8 or 10 piasters - price 50 cents. The large Boxes oí Pir.r.s conain 73 puls for 63 cents: the small boxes 35 pills or 31 cents. No persons should condemn them intil they have tried them. and then we are sure hey will not. These medicines are for sale by ne or moreagents in all villages and ei ties in the Jnited States. Cali on the agent, and he will ive any intormation wanted. it. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, lIilird: M. C. Bakin, Novi: D. H. Rowland, orihville; J. Scattergood, Plymouth; P. Vanvery. Franklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, % Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager. Jackson. 10 - 6m.1843. WHOIaSSALE & RETAIX. ifi ?J"'JFYf JSJE.V, BÖÖK3ELLERAN3STAT1ÜMEB, SMART S BLOCK, 37 JKFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Éeeps constnmly for sale a complete nssortment of Misccllaneous. School and Claisieal Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing Wax, Ciülery, W rapping Paper. Printing Paper, of all sizes: and Book, Ñews and Canister Ink, ot va. rinns kinds. BLATS BOOZS, Fulland half bound, of every vanety ot Ruling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &ci To Merchanis. Teachers, and others, buying in fuantitie8. a large discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR ói-tf. E. DEANS C ELE B RAT BB CHEMICAL PLASTEO. THE follosvins: is one frorn among the numerous testimoniáis from persons of the highest respectability, which the proprietors have received. FROM D. K. UNDERWOOD. Aphixw, Mich., June 15, 1840. Messrs. FT, H.utrtis & Co: - E. Dean's Chemical Piaster, of which I have sold a considerable quantity during twoor three years past. has in all cases that have come to my knowledge, given satisfaction to the purchnser. I can a!so add my own lestimony to ils eííicacy as a remedv for Rheumatism, and I have no doubt it will be found equally beneficial in other chronic inflammatory afiections. 23-4vv [CTFor the disenses in which this Piaster is applicable, see advertisement in another column of this pnper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town.) by J. H. LUND. and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ) TJppcr CÜR1ST1AN EBERUACH, .$ Town 49-1 y Axes. FOR sale. Wholesale or Retail, hy J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 1843. 17-6w. Sal Uratns. WHOLESALEandReta1.kbyBECKER Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf. Anti-Slavery Books. A QUANTITY of Anti-Slavery Books are for sale at this office, very cheap. Cali soon, before they are gone. WOODI WOODÜ WANTED immediately, any quantitv of DRY WOOD in payment for the Signal of Liberty. Come soon. ■ ■ __---- Chccse. FOR Sale by C. .T. GARLA ND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May T, 'J3. 'TO WOOL GROWSRS lf""'jj HIP ' L - IFOO. C AH DING f CLOTH DRESSING. THE Subsoribers respectfully innouncc to ilic ciuzens of Ann Arbor und vicinity, tliat th.y nrc prepared to card Wool and diess Cioth for custoiners, in the best style'. and at tho shortest notice. Having good mnchincry, experienced workmen, and long praciice in the business, they have the utmost cbnndeii.c'é ih'at tlu-y shall give ampie satiafact.on to ihoscs who favor theni with theit patronage. Woolcn Factory. ThesubRcribershaveon hand FULL CLOTITS and FLANNELS; manufaciuredby ihemsolves. -ALSO- A Iarge amount of Satinetts of a s-periorqualily. whieh they pulpóse to exchange lor wool. TER MS. One yard of Cloth will be given for two and threelourth pounds of wool in the fleece; tho cloth to be of the sanie qualhy the wool will inake. - ALSO One yard of ílannel for one and a half pounds of wool. Thankful for past favors. the subscribers would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. 1843s 17-tf. E. EEAB'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most cffcctual rcmcdij yct dincovercd for lihevmatism, b'evcr Sores, Jïhii Swellings, Injlammalion in the Hyes, Steelled Throat in ScarIrt Fever, (iuinsey, THE CHEMICAL PLASTJER is an important remedy for those who are alilicted with chronic and inriamniatory complaints, by iis easïng pain. counteracting intlaimnatiori, and giving speedy relief by its active, strengthening, anodyne. diaphoretic and counterirritant propeities - an eiiectual remedy for Chronic and lnidanimatory Rheuniatism, Ague in the Breast, Scalds, Burns. Bruises, Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores ol alinost every description, Cankcred and Swened Throat arisingfrom Scarlet Fever, Felons. Wtite Swellinge, Cliilblains, &c. Persons su nering from Liver ComplainiP, Pulmonary discases, ínflammation of the Lungs, with pain in the side, back or limbs. will lind relief by the use of this Plasicr. In all cases it may be used with perfect SiE7I)EAN'S CHEMICAL PLAST11R i& put up in l)oxes at fiity cents and one dollar each, with full directions accompanying cach lox. Manufacturcd and sold whoIeale by H. Jl ARRIS & C'O.. Aplitabiiln, Ohio. sole proprietos, to whom all orders should be iddressed. Sold also by their Agents throoghout the country. TA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and ceriificates frorp persons of the highest respectibility, who have used the Chemical Piaster, see another column of this paper; For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: H. W. Rood, Mies, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Skanahan, F.dsvardsburtb. Wm. O. Austin, White Picon. Isaac Benham. Jr., Conatantine. Danl. L. Kiniberly, Schoolcraft. H. B. Huston, & F. Mnrch, jr PM Kalamazoo. James W. Cothrcn. P. M. Galesburgh. - Tr- for-Btrfkctrrrr.- f;-nTrBaxttc 'iccK. - '■- James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jackson. Wm. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith. Grass Lake. Jolin C. Winans, Sylvan, J Millerd & Son, De.-;ter. Thomas P. Mav. Jr. Plymouth, Perin &Hall, Northville, Mead& McCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin, Julius Dean, Pontiac, Mack &. Sprague. Itochestcr, James Stephens, Útica, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemcns, G. & J. G. Hffl. I Detrot JohnOwen&Co. , UeiloïtDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornvillc, E. Samsnn. Ypsilanti. J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Aibor. CHR1ST1AN EBERBACH, ) AO-ïywooleïnj Tl IK subscribers would inf'orm the public tiiat they are now manulacturing VVOOLEN CLOTH with a degree of success equal to their most sanguine expeciations. YVitli rlic inachinery thcy now have, they are able to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last thrce nionthsis of the best qunlity. and that made in luture will be similar. They have eniirely overeóme the difficulties of starting an establishment of this kind in a new country. Their terms are 374 cents per yard forfulled cloth finished. or half the cloth the wool will inake. lfany alteration of the terms should be deternuned on, public notice will be given. All wool received before sucli notice ia given will be worked on the above terms. If tny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will bo done, provided they assort it theniselves, and lurnish it in quantities of 100 pounds of one q-unlity of wool. It is much beller to sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth should be strong. Provisions of all kinds will be received in payment for manufaoturing to the amount required tor the consurnption of'the establishment. Wool sent by railroad to Scio, will be properly attendedto; the number of' pounds should bc markedon thesack with int; also the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn asit comrs in. as neaily as can be done with reference to the different qualitiee. O Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratification in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and many have encournged us by their patronage during the last yenr. We now invite all to bring their wool, to the amount of 25,O('O pounds,. and receive the benefit of the very roasonable terms on which we o fier t o manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tf WOODWORTH'S H0TE7 NORTHERff, EASTEEN AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. The undersigncd respectfully announces to the public, that he is now the proprietor of this vvell known estnblishment. The house having been thoroughly overhauled, and refitted in a manner calculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupics an cligible position, on the corner of Woodbridge nnd Randolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their countenance, may be assured that no ej pense or attention in his power, will be pared, to make their tíojourn in Detroit agreeable and entiefac1 totf: . [4C-iy] S. D. W0ODW0RTÍI.Itlurder & Suicide! PASSING your streeis a few daysèmóe, I was nlmost horror struck 111 nöücing a coniinual protractcd niurdor. CJiotipcst Store in town■ 'Néw York .WKolosah nnrt. Reta:! Clicup cash Siorc" "JBuflalo C'tieáp Store" led me to cali where I snw tho ';Kings English" lie niangled, bleeding. dying. At nnother pjnqa 1 sny a grcat display oí "Red Rngs" ond flaming band bilis, where on examination I found that tlicy claimèd to haveboughttheir goods at "Auction" and J kncw that goods sold at nuetion wcre of interior quality, and such as would not bear the test oí privaie sale scrutiny. Oh.thought they cui their own thrunis in buying their goods at auclion. l passed on to F. Dentson's oíd stand whore I fóund H. Béckeb fairly settled with n 'nrge STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private sales, erpbfacing ner.ily cvery thing called for in thecjuntry, at low pnces, lor ensh. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as I ani nssured it is at lus Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arhor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. TO CiiOT-HIERS , MAjS'UFjICTURERS J1JYD MERCHJiNTS. rp H E subscribers nre now receiving, at their JL stores, 188 Jtffurson Avenue, nnd cornor of Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a largo and ceneral stock ot Dye Woods êc Dye Stuffs. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, LTmewood, Nicarraua, Ilypernic VVood, in the stick, i 30 bbls. trround Cainwood, 150 do Fustic 12Ü do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, G hhds C'ipperas. 4 do P.lue Vitriol. 4 pipes Ombro and Crop Madders, prime, 500 ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Heniral, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Bluc'Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdmris. 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol. G do Aquí Fortis. 4 do .Spirits Sen Salts, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye. 300 Ibs. Bangup Tin. '."O do CrcamTaitar. 500 do Q lercciron Bark. Togetber with a completo assorlmcnt of all the minor anieles in the trade. to wit: less Papers. Teazles, Hrushcs, Jacks, Tent llooks, Dye Kettles, Vickcis. Bnrling Irons. Nippers, l'russiatc of T)otash. Sal Ainoniac, Sal Soda, Sutrar of Load. Steel Reeds. Card Cleancrs, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears, &c. This entire stock has been puichased wit'nin tho last two weeks, and selected personally by onc of the concern, who has boen ijl the b.usihéssTor the last eleven years, and ihey have no hcMtation in sayins that the quality of these goods is unexceptionable. They will po?itivly be sold at the lowest New York jol)bing prices, wilh the addition of transportation only. Tlie subscribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "FARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and tbc célebretéd 'LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedlv the best in use. THEO. H: EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51 tfOKA VE STONES MONÜMfiNTS, TOJUB TjVRLftS. kc. fTIHE snbscribcr hns a large assortmcm of JL Marlde, of the best quality, suitnble for Grave Stonks. AIonumksts, &c. which lie will sell cheap for cnsh. or exchange for produce, at his oíd stand. No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do well to cali, ns they will be sold much cheaper tlian havo ever been aflbrded in this State, and ofa Quality that cannot iail to please. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- 1 y S. PETTIBONE, SURVBrOR, MAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Oiliee in Court House Square, Ann Aib.jr. June 19, 1843. tl. DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AGÜE P1LLS.- Purtly legetablt, A safe, specdy. and sure remedy tor lever and ngue, dum aue. chili fever, and the bilious diseases peculiar to nc-w countries. These pills are designer! ror the ifiections of theüvcr and other internal organs which attend the diseases of the new and miasnialic portionsof our country. The proprietor having tned them in a great variety of cwés'cbnfídéntfy Béïtëvéé t fiat they are superior to any remedy that has ever been ofleied to the public for the above diseases. It is purely Vegetable and perfectly harmless, and can be taken by nny person, male or female with perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acccoiupaniedwilh full directions. A yreat mnnber of certifientes might be pr()elrc(l in favor of this medicine, but the pröprfeféf Has thoughtfit notto insert them, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on hnnd by the proprieter nnd can be had at wholesale and rctail at the store of Beckley fe Co. Orders from the country promplly nttcnded to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) Mny2(J 1842. 9 L. ECKLEYGROUND PLASTER. PRICE REDÜCKD TO NINE DOLLARS PER TOÍÍ. rriIJK subscribers have now on hand and __ will continue lo keep o good snpply of GROUJYD PLASTER, in Barrels, at their Store in Detroit, 023, Jefferson Avenue,) nnd in Bulk, at thcir Piaster MM, on the River Road, half way between Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor. The al)ovc is from the Séneca Falls and Grand Eiccr Piaster Bcds, botli noledfor thcir auperiority. ELDREU &, CO. Jinuaryl2, 1843 4(-Gm. PAIWTING. T. L A M Ji E R 7'. BEGS leave to infonn the inhabitants of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that having located himself in the Loiccr Viliagc, with the view of carrying on the abovo business in nll its branches, (sonic of which are HOUSE, SIGN. and ORNAMENTAL PAIJYTIJYG, GILDING and GLAZING, GRAIN1NG, iniitation of all Woods, MARBLEIZ1NG, TRANSPARENCIES, BANINERS, &c. respcctfully solicits a share of public patronage, as his prices shall be low lo conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would say to Farmers that lic is particularly desirous to attend to thcir calis, as produce is ihe best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March C, 1843. 45.- ly. LANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &c lor sale at this ollice. Ann Arbor, Auguat 1, J813.KAIIi KOA O TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respecttully iníornj the f'nci-iíls ot' Tempcrnnce, and the public ijcncrally, that theabove nnmed House, íoriner'y known as tlie Temperance Hotel, and' aituatcd ju the corner of Michigan avenue mul Wiishing:on strect. near he Central Railroad Depot, havtog uhdergtíoe thorough repairs nnd very great íddbional improvements, is now ready fqjf.ihere■eption of all thuse who may favor hiin wijb a mil. The accominodations, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temperance House in ihe lountry, and every attention will be given to siich as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enierprise. N. B. Carrioges always n rendinrss to convev uassenrcrs lo and iVoni Boats and Cars. U'M. CHAMP. Detroit. Mny 9, 1843. 4-Jy DR. HALSTED'S BB.ISK PILLS. 28 Pir.i.s ro r 23 Cents. THE BrisR Pilis answer tliu purpose more cffoctunlly for any disease for which any other pill is recommended, and supersede thoin altogether in medical excellence and virtue. Jf yon dóúbl this.just try will cost yon only two shillings- and then yon, with-rne, vil be satislied. If'thcy are not what I recoinmend heni lo be. denounce them and put them down, for 1 cannót conscientionsly recommend them for a cure all for every thing. But this I do say, without fear ofeontradiction. Üiát no pills are théir equid in removing disensos origí)jiítíitg in the stoniach or bowels. For liver and bilious disea8eB, sucl) asdum agüe, feyer and agüe, intermitiant añil reniittant fevers. the Brisk Pills posspss peculiar properiics for their spet'dy removal. lrrotn ten years experionce as a practising physician. I am convinced tbat none can equal them. - Redil wlmt other pills are good for. and what they will cure, nnd if t'.io Brisk are not superior tu ihein all. tlipn discard their use. Do not believe til that is sakl about an infalliblc )ill - thatnovCT fails to cure any diseaso - but iry thc Brisk Pills the cheapest pills in use - 2"S piüs for 25 cents - and then yon will h.ivc a. chanco to jndye of ihcir merit ordemerit. As a blond cleanscr, and apurilier to the diseosedsystcm, thcy perbaps supcrpcde every pill in use. They are qtiick and e;i8y in the operation, giving lile and tone to all the torpid orsrans; throwing ott' impuro maners ir humois: leaving thc syslein heahhy and clean. This is all that any one medicine can do.notwi hstandingthe great show ofwordsand lictitious eer tificates. We are deterniined to let ihese ills stnnd upon their own reputation. win or loosc. All we :sk is, for a fair and impartial tra'. They can be taken by old and yonng. at any time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for childrrn. for worms, A-c. In a word, they possess all the qualities of an aperient pill for lamily use. Thcy have cured many diseases whicb no othcr medecine could remove. In conclusión I sny. do notgive up or despair of a cure un ti I you'have tried ihe Hrisk Pilis, for they do possess peculiar proporties and viriui's. For Salo by S. P. & J. C. Jewclt. C:. E!orbach. Ann ArW; ! H. Rowland, Northville; J. S. Scattergood, Plvmonih: J. Dean. Pontiac: J. B. Dickson. Mt. Clemens: Maiiland v Co.. Romeo; Sprasrue & Co.. Rochester; Church & Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. O wen & Co., Detroit. 10-6inYFSIÏÜANTX AOABEWÍ II. H. Pniiwmn.T [A competent assistent will supply the place of Miss HAMMOND, who lias left town lo teactí.] THE thirtcentli icrm of this institution will coinnience on Mondáy, Aug. 28. and continue 1 1 weeks. While this school is equally open to all of both sesea, who wish to acquire a good I educntion, particular attention will be gíven to those who nre prepnring to tearh. The exclusive and unintcrrupted attention of the principal will be given to impart a practical knowledge oí t he Englisb branches. líe oecupies abo.ul half an hour daily in lectuting, with the aid oftheapparatus, minoráis, or othcrwisc. ApPiRATOe. - 'I'ho Instiuuion is furnished with Chemical, Pliilosophical, and Astronómica! appaiaiii?, Sr.rveying Instruments, Gcometiical solids, &.c.. to the arppunjt of.í300; also, a good Cahinetoi' Minerals worth $50. Tcition in thc pommon "En glish branches, including Composition and Dechimation hom $2,50 lo $3,50. In l'hüosophy. Chemistry, Asironomy. History, Rhetoric. j3oany, AlgeHra. Geome'try, Surreying. &c. from $4,50 to $5.00 Mczotintoand Chinese or Tbeorem painiing. .■s3.0J each lor 12 lessons, tauglu by Mis. Griften. Thc tuition is to lie paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be made, except for prntiacied ickncss, and no one will bé ; eríMvod forless tlrm five and alialf weeks. - Books inay be liad oí ihe principal at Detroit1 prices. Bowtn. Iiiflndinfr room and wiishino-. from .■$1.00 to $1,50 per week; for further particulars nqtiire of thc principal. Rev. I. M. VVonn. Rev. II. ?. Powcrs. Rev. O. F. Norih, J. Fairchild, M. D.. J. C. Alien, M. D.. G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. hnve kindly consented to forma visiting committee, to be present at the Week' reviews on Thursday, nnd at the public examinatton of the school. Ypsilnnti, Aug. 1 2 1 343. . 5-1 v.AT THE l'.U'KR M[I.L (l.OWKIl TOVVN) AN.VARBOR. EJiOOTH would respectfuily inlbrtn the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity thnt lie continúes the business of ISOOK RirVDïfttt, at theold stnnd, in ihc Paper Mili, üid Books will be nently rcbound on short notice. AH kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April" 19, 1843. ' 52-tf. Tí3PRBÍABOB." MARCUS STEVENS # SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end o) the White Olock, directly npposite the Michigan Exchange, where tliey will keep an cxtensive nssortnient of C.ËBMJMST 1VËRE, d( cvery kind, qufility.j and deseription, of their own ínanufiícliiring, uid warranied to be as fashonuble, good, and cheap as can 1)0 had West of New York. Purchnscrsme requested to cali nnd examine our extensive assoi linent belbre buying. Any ariicle of Furniture made to order, and Warranted to plonse. UPHOLSTERING done in all ts various branches, and at the shortest nolice. CIIA1RS, LOOKING GLASSES. AND WILLOW WARE; also, M 'ahog any i Boards and Venetra - ascheep ns the vhcapest. WANTED, In exchance. VHERRY, WALNUT, AND MAFLE LUMBER, $c. SfC. bc. STEVENS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 51-3m OF all kinds neatly executed at ihe Signa. Office, at the shortest nolice, and on the most reasonablc terms. Books Pamp hots Circulara -Vt; Wl" "'" ltrintcd lo oidor, i iny tune, wiih die utitiost accuracy. UT" Orders by mail uoiuptly lillcd.Peters Pilis. 'Tis íun tlieysny lo get wcll with them, ALL mankind througbout thcir wide and immonse circulution, that ever try them continue to buy thcm. Peters' Pilis are purely vcg. 3tnble; they work no niiracles, nor do they ptofess to cure all diseases, becauso they are the scicntific compound of a regular physician, who lias made bis profession the study of nis life. Dr. Peters is o gradúate of Yale College, also of the Massachusetts Medical College, and Iirt9 somewhat distinguished hinieell 'as a man of science and genius among the tam il y of the late Gjv. Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple in their preparation, mild ín their action, thorough in ilicir operation. and unnvalled in their resulta.- The town and country are nlike filled with thcir praise. The palace and the poor house alike echo with their vfrtues. In all climates they will roinin thcir wonderful powers and exert them unaliered by age or situntion, and this ilie voiceofa grnteful community procluimed. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep off diseases il' timely used. and have no rival in curing billious fever, fever and ague,dyspcpsia, livcr complaints.croup, sick headache, jaundice, asthma,dropsy, rheuniatism, cnlargement of the spleen, piles, coliu, femnli obatruciion, hcartburn, furred tongne. nansca. distention of tho'stomnch r.ndbowels. incipient diarrbeca, ilatulence, habitual costiveness, loss f appeiite, bloched, or sallow complexion, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cHibartic or aperient indicated, producing neitlier nnusea, griping or debiliiy; and tve rcpe;it all who buy them continue to try tliem. The most triuniphunt success has ever atlendcd their use and enough is already known of tl;em to immortnli.e and hand them down to poB terity with the improvcments of the age in med ical science. Dr. Peters was bred to the healingaruand in order to supply demande, he has originated and called to his aid the only steam diiveii machinery in the world for pill workinp. 'Tis perfect, and iis process imparts to the pill essemial virtue. because by being perfectly wrought, all the pills' bidden virtue is revcaled, when c-illed into action. and here also it is Peters excelsall the world and takes all the premiums, medals and diplomas. So elcar the tract for the Engine - Peters' Pills are coming - a million of witnessescan now be hcard for them - resistiese -do yon hcar that! while a host can testify that they believo they owe their salvation from diseaso and death lo Peters' Pill, and if calomel and knivesare getting partially into disuse wa are only mistaken. Ckktificatks. - Tliis paper could be filled with thom by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors- -nsk ouragents. It is now well kïlDWn that the people will have Peters' Pille, and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Pricc 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistlcss force of these tniths - their universal reception, added to the testimony of millions. i;keop it bei'ore the pcople'' must and will be hcard thVoughout this vnle of tears. Their happy influence on oung ladies while sufiering uiv.ier the usual changos of life aB directed by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyancy of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step, vclvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexion by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in delicate situations niways admit their power and innocence, and take them two or three at a time without in the slightest degree incutring the hazíinl of an abortion; which iacts are of the utmost importnnce. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and saysshe feels more gratefu! to him for the restoration o her beauty than" i f' lic had saved her life. 'Tis fun to get wcll with Peters Pills, for they cnuse the blood to course aslimpid and gentle through the veins as a moiintain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a commoti dose, henee the patiënt is not compelled to make a meal. TROUBLE IiV PLUTOS CAMP. Quito nstonished Old PI tj to enmelo New Ycrk, ( Hearing Peters had iot bis Pill Englu" worK.) i'o resign lus commission, his huur glasa and scythe; I have come to deliver them all up to yon - . Sir. niy calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And I really don't know what on earth l'am to do: - Not of your n-ihty sire do I come to complain, Bul a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subducd by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his sway". While musingin council what coursc to pnrsue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of tenors looked a while, As though l'.ia soul was tun ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge of i lis, By all men known as Peters' Pills. These Pil Is ol Peters' stop the slaughter, And leaves the blood as pure as water. Now Peters makes. I've hcard hini aay, Five hundred thousand pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there at all; For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look herc! all icho try thcm continue to hvy ihcm. For sale as follows, by Meïsrp. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. &J. C. Jewett, J.H. Lund, H. Becker, Dickenson &. Cogswell, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. Winans. Sylvon, Hale, &. Smith, GrassLake; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Merri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Brotherson fc Co., L. B. Kief & Gilbert, Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow fc Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth: S'one. Bnbcock &Co., andJulins, MoviustfeCo., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. fe J. Bidvvell, and Dr. Undcrwood, Adrion; Hart fe Mo8her, Springville; Harmen & Cook, Hrooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every where else. Oct. 19, 1812 27-ly TARIFF OR NO TARIFF. GOODS AJiE CHE4P AT GkRLANDS. JUST receivedat the Farmers and Mecbanics Store, direct (rom New York, a general as8ortment of choice and select GOODS, consistingof all most every article wantcd, guch as Sheetings Shirtings, Broad Cloths, Cnsaimere, Calicóes, Drillings, Gambroons, Linens, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains, Silks, Shawls, Bonnets, Hals, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockcry, Boots and Shoes, Looking Gla83es, &c. &c. All -of which will be sold cheap as the cheapest. Good8purchascrs will keep in mind the Farmers and Mechanica Store C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goodspurchascd of him not giving satisfaction in pricc and quality can be returned. , Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Juno 12, 43. 7tt For Sale. . . ONE yoko of W0RK1NG OXEN. Enquire at the Hat Store of H. AGG, Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tf 3900Ó FLOUR BARRELS for sale Chenp for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1843 BLANK DEED3, MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. &■ prinlcdand for sale at the ID' tílGNÁL OFFICE. LS


Signal of Liberty
Old News